Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 10

by Lea Hart

Right after he figured out a way to lure her to Vegas for a few more days.

  All he needed to do was get his fill, and then he’d be right back to his old self…the one that had a new gal every month with nary an entanglement in sight to complicate his life.

  Hearing his phone buzz, he shifted and pushed his discarded jeans aside and picked it up. He read the text from his brother, Zach, and saw that it was time to get his ass back to Vegas and do his fair share with McCallan Security. Business was booming, and they had multiple events running over the upcoming weekend, and his presence was required.

  A godsend if ever there was one.

  It was just the shot of reality he needed to get his mind right and his priorities straight. Feeling Tessa move closer, he looked down and told himself that luring her anywhere wasn’t going to do either of them a bit of good.

  She had a plan and him trying to get in the way of it would only pollute the thing they had. And since it was so damn rare and special, the best bet would probably be just leaving it be.

  Because who the hell could hold onto magic like that?

  Not him.

  He wasn’t equipped with enough optimism to believe he’d ever be deserving.

  Better he appreciate it for the incredible week it was and accept his good fortune for having a couple of days with a woman enthralling enough to make him realize enchanting princesses were not total bullshit.


  Tessa walked into Versailles Cuban restaurant in Encino and inhaled the delicious scent of garlic and pork. She looked around the crowded dining room and spotted Daisy ensconced in a corner table and made her way over. “Hi there.”

  “Thanks for making your way across the Valley to meet me.”

  “Nothing like Friday afternoon traffic on Ventura Blvd. to get your blood pumping,” she replied as she slid into a seat.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered for us since this place is like a second home. I worked at the West LA location when I was going to UCLA and know the menu by heart.”

  “I’m glad you did since I’ve only been here a couple of times.” A waiter stopped by and took her drink order and then said something to Daisy in Spanish before departing. “Everything okay?”

  “Of course, he was just letting me know the food would be arriving shortly.”

  “Perfect because I’m starved.”

  “Are you ready to take off for New York?”

  “Yes. My best friend has organized a little going away thing tomorrow night, and I’ll be getting on the road on Sunday.”

  “Are you going to take your time and make a few stops to visit friends?”

  Feeling a little stabby pain in her chest, she looked up. “I’m not going to take the time to visit anyone.”

  “I guess that answers my next question about you and Seth.”

  She picked up her napkin and took great care in placing it on her lap. “We both decided that trying to make something happen long-distance would do neither of us any good.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “Doesn’t it, though? It’s not like either one of us is interested in investing in a relationship and, as far as I know, Seth hasn’t ever had one, so…”

  “You don’t want to gamble your heart on a man who’s still got a jones for high-risk ops and one-night stands?”

  Nodding, she looked down at her hands. “I’m not going to tear down my walls for just anyone, and Seth gave me so many mixed messages when we parted that I don’t think he can be trusted.”

  “Might be best to take a wait and see approach.”

  Tessa lifted her glass of water and took a sip. “Let’s not talk about that anymore. Do you have any updates on the project we worked on together?”

  “Things are proceeding as we expected, and the team is confident that the outcome will be satisfactory to everyone concerned.”

  “That’s very encouraging.”

  “Have you had any more harassing calls from Ian?”

  “A few. He’s more pissed than I ever imagined he would be, and I know it’s because he doesn’t know how to function without me orchestrating his life.”

  “One of the techs mentioned the frequency of his temper tantrums when he went through the audio feed from the house. When he’s not talking to his buddies about their nefarious activities, he’s cursing your name because he’s having to do things himself.”


  The first round of food was delivered, and Tessa’s mouth watered as the delicious aromas filled the table. “What are we eating?”

  Pointing to the first dish, Daisy grinned. “This is yuca rellena with a cilantro cream dipping sauce, and the fried bananas are called platanos maduro.”

  Picking up a fried banana, she popped it into her mouth and groaned at the delicious flavor. “I wasn’t expecting the salty crunch.”

  “This is one of my favorite snacks.”

  “It may become one of mine too.” Her phone buzzed, and she picked it up, groaning quietly when she saw who the text was from.

  “Bad news?”

  “No, it’s just Seth being annoying.”

  “He’s fairly adept from what I’ve seen, so if you decide to stay in touch with him, get used to it.”

  “When he left last week, we both said that we’d leave things as they were and not keep in touch.” Lifting her phone, she ran her finger over the glass, so his texts scrolled across the screen. “He didn’t last an hour and texts me a dozen times a day.”

  “I see that smile you’re fighting, so I know you don’t totally hate the idea of staying in touch.”

  “But I’m going to continue to try because carrying a torch for a man like that is equivalent to stabbing myself in the heart.”

  “Been there, done that, don’t recommend it, but…”


  “If Seth is staying in touch, then his speech about not pursuing anything is a crock. I bet he’s devising ways to not only scale your walls but find a way to own your soul once he gets in.”

  “That’s not making me feel better, Daisy.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t soften that one. I deal in hard truths every day, and it’s a hard habit to break.”

  Big plates of food were delivered, and Tessa decided that talking about Seth would only ruin her appetite, and there was no way she was going to let that happen. Not with a beautiful plate of garlic chicken staring her in the face. “Let’s talk about something else, so I don’t get heartburn.”

  Daisy nodded and then picked up her fork. “Tell me about your plans for New York.”

  And that’s exactly what Tessa did for the rest of lunch because thinking or talking about the way she missed Seth wasn’t going to do her a bit of good.


  Seth heard his front door open and wondered which one of his brothers had shown up. “In the kitchen,” he called out.

  “Kelly was baking again, so I brought you some of the spoils,” Cole said as he walked into the room. “She’s been binge-watching the British Baking Show and is obsessed with the idea of biscuits, which is a cookie, by the way.”

  He shoved himself off his chair and walked over to the counter. “Did I ever tell you how damn happy I am that you fell in love with a woman who loves to bake?”

  “A time or two,” Cole responded as he leaned against the counter. “You don’t look so hang-dog today, so that tells me you’ve decided to do something about your crush on the Disney princess.”

  “Just booked a flight to LA. I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon and plan on surprising her at her going away party.”

  “Is that a good idea since she only responds to half the texts you send? Maybe calling her and letting her know what you feel would be a good idea, instead of showing up unannounced.”

  “The things I have to share need to be said in person. I made a huge mistake by telling her I wasn’t interested in extending our relationship, so it’s not likely she’s going to listen to me right away.”

  “What t
he hell have you been saying in all the texts you send?”

  “At first just general stuff about what I was doing, then I moved on to flirting. Hopefully, she’ll be warmed up enough by the time I get there not to kick my ass.”

  “That is the worst strategy I’ve ever heard.”

  “I know, but it’s all I could come up with after the dick move I pulled. I was an idiot and should never have spooked and told her I wasn’t interested. I’m hoping she’ll let me join her on the drive across the country, so we can figure out something that works for both of us.”

  Cole crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling. “Are you dead-set on this strategy?”

  “Yes. I can’t let her drive alone, and since she hasn’t agreed to make Vegas her first stop, I need to be in her car when she heads out of Los Angeles.”

  Cole lifted the foil off the dish filled with Kelly’s cookies and took one. “I hope this doesn’t blow up in your face.” Popping the cookie into his mouth, he chewed slowly.

  Seth slid the plate out of his brother’s reach and frowned. “Go home and eat your own cookies; don’t be snacking on mine.”

  “Don’t worry, man, she’s making something else this afternoon, so more will be coming your way.”

  “Tell her to pop mine in the freezer. I’m going to be out of the office for at least a week and a half, are you going to be okay with that?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really.”

  “Figured as much.”

  “I have no idea what I’m doing or what kind of chances we have long-term, but not doing anything isn’t an option. I need to run this thing down and see if what I suspect is possible because I’ll regret it if I don’t.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m going to try and talk her into making Vegas our first stop and see if I can get her to stay for a few days, so she can get to know you guys and see what kind of life I have here.”

  “Are you hoping the New York thing doesn’t work out?”

  “Should I give you the real answer or the one that doesn’t make me look like an asshole?”

  “I’ll take the real one.”

  “I want every one of her dreams to come true, but if she could make them happen here, then I would be over the fucking moon.”

  “Is something like that possible?”

  “Don’t really know, but if I can get her to hang out for a while, it might give us enough time to see if it is.”

  “I sure as hell hope she’s willing to give you a shot because the way you’ve been acting this week tells me this woman could be the key to your happiness.”

  “I know, and that’s why I’m going to do everything I can to see if she is.”

  “Good luck because the road ahead is going to be hard as shit.”

  Seth let out a snort. “Damn good thing the hard-broken road is my specialty, then.”

  Cole slapped Seth on the shoulder and grinned. “True that, brother.”

  Seth pulled over the plate of cookies and took one out, knowing there wasn’t a thing he’d let get in the way of his and Tessa’s relationship. Including the stubborn woman’s conviction that they didn’t have a chance of making it work.


  Saturday night at the Bungalow was packed with the usual hip crowd, and Tessa knew the relaxed beach vibe was something she was going to miss. Swaying on her heels, she felt an arm go around her waist and glanced over at Garrett. “Thank you, friend.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I know. Breaking up the band is unforgivable, and that’s exactly what I’ve done by choosing to move.”

  “I don’t know how you expect me to survive in this town without you.”

  “You’ll do more than survive, and you should know that all our friends have given their solemn oaths to look after you.”

  “Won’t be the same.”

  “Maybe my absence will be a good thing and force you to give some of the men you date a real chance.”

  He sipped his drink and looked over the rim of his glass. “I’d rather just use them for sex and then come home to you and watch Netflix.”

  “I know,” she replied as she laid her head against his arm. “Can you believe so many people came out to say goodbye tonight?”

  “Of course, I can.” He waved his glass over the crowd that filled the outdoor deck and smiled. “You’re a good human and will be missed.”

  “Thank you, G.”

  “Are you going to try and dip without making another round of goodbyes?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Because you hate doing it and probably don’t want to cry all over everyone.”

  “Would it be awful if I did?” she asked as she stood up straight and pushed the strap of her dress back up.

  “No, and I give you my permission to scoot out of here, so you don’t end up in a heaving mess of tears.”

  “I appreciate it.” Seeing a beautiful man give Garrett a slow up and down, she elbowed him. “Who’s the hunky bear giving you sexy eyes?”

  “The AD on the video shoot I worked on last week. He flirted shamelessly with me as I did Camilla’s makeup and I mentioned we’d be here tonight.”

  “I’m going to grab an Uber, so go enjoy yourself.”

  He took her hands and cocked his head. “Are you sure?”


  “Okay,” he replied before bending down and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Coffee in the morning?”

  “Of course.” Stepping back, she gave her friend a wink. “Love you, Garett.”

  He blew a kiss. “Love you too; see you tomorrow.”

  She took one last look at the group of gathered friends and told herself not to get maudlin or second guess her decision. “Be strong,” she quietly reminded herself before turning toward the main building and making her way through the crowd near the ping pong table.

  Once she’d made it into the main bar, she pulled out her phone and requested a car and saw that one would be by in ten minutes. Hearing her name, she looked around the crowded space and didn’t see anyone she recognized and decided she must’ve been mistaken.

  Once she’d made it outside, the cool ocean air brushed across her face, and she looked up at the adjacent Miramar Hotel and told herself for the hundredth time that she was ready to leave LA.

  She pulled out her phone and saw that her Uber was a minute away and heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Glancing over her shoulder, she let out a groan and watched the man she least wanted to see stomping her way. “Great,” she muttered.

  Pulling her short leather bomber tighter, she let out a breath and prayed her ride arrived before he made it across the parking lot. The last conversation hadn’t gone well between them and, based on his ragey look, she didn’t expect the next one to be different. A black Jeep pulled up, and she slung open the door, confirming it was her driver. She slid in and was about to close the door when the sound of Ian’s low voice calling out her name cracked with the force of a violent storm.

  “A friend?” the driver asked.

  “Absolutely not,” she replied as she closed the door. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Gladly, since confrontations never improve my star rating.”

  Leaning back, she let out a breath and noticed how malevolent Ian’s posture appeared under the light of the street lamp. A shiver racked her body, and she knew the more space she could put between her and the crazy man the better off she would be. Hearing her phone buzz, she saw Seth’s picture fill the screen of her phone and hit the ignore button.

  She was in no frame of mind to speak with him and decided he would just have to wait until tomorrow to bless her with his forty-seventh speech about hanging out together. Her emotions were too close to the surface, and she didn’t have the proper armor in place to deny his impassioned argument of why they should give dating long-distance a try.

  Seeing her building come into view, she hoped that by tomorrow she could, and any sugges
tions Seth made would be easily ignored.

  “Delivered safe and sound.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be sure to give you a great rating.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Tessa gave her driver a smile and then stepped out of the Uber. Turning toward her apartment building, she let out a breath and decided a warm shower would be the perfect end to her evening.

  Hearing her name, she looked down the sidewalk and saw Ian stalking toward her. “What the hell?”

  “Why the fuck did you run away from me?” he shouted as he closed the distance separating them.

  As he got closer, she noticed he was riding the edge of his temper and possibly his sanity. “What is wrong with you, Ian? Are you stalking me now?”

  “Seems I have to since you won’t return any of the messages I left.” Grabbing her arm, he yanked her close.

  She tried to twist it out of his grasp and found she couldn’t “I no longer work for you and have no reason to stay in contact. I left a comprehensive set of instructions for the next poor soul who decides to work for you, so please do as I ask and stay the hell away.”

  “Where’s your guard dog?”

  Trying again to free herself, she pulled hard and stumbled back when he released his hold. A ball of panic formed in her stomach when she saw his dilated pupils. “What are you talking about?”

  “Where’s the caveman you call your boyfriend?”

  “That’s none of your business,” she replied as she edged around him and moved toward the entrance of her building.

  “Did he make you quit?”

  “No, what are you…” Before she could finish the sentence, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her several times. “Stop, before you do something you’ll regret.”

  “You can’t fucking quit, Tessa. I paid you a shit ton of money to run my life, and you should’ve been loyal.”

  Fear seized the air in her lungs, and she couldn’t quite make sense of his words. “Ian, I’m not coming back and don’t know why you’d want me to.” His hands slid up her arms to her throat, and she saw that he’d lost his control as his breath grew erratic and his face filled with rage. Not knowing how to stop him, panic clawed its way up her throat.


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