Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 11

by Lea Hart

  His grip tightened, and his fingers dug into her throat.

  Surely, someone would stop and help.

  Ventura Blvd. was packed with cars, and all it would take was one good Samaritan to step in.

  “You never should have left me.”

  He watched her face, squeezing until black spots danced behind her eyes. Don’t black out, she instructed herself. Struggling as best she could against his hold, she kneed him between the legs and heard him curse. His grip barely loosened, so she tried again, only to be blocked.

  The sound of a car horn filled the air around them, and he threw her to the ground.

  Gasping for air, she hit the sidewalk as pain lanced over her back, and every breath she tried to drag in felt like fire in her throat.

  But none of that mattered since he was moving toward her once again.

  A scream got caught in her throat as she heard the sound of footsteps pounding against the pavement. Looking over, she thought maybe her imagination had conjured up the illusion.

  After blinking several times, it was still there.


  Collapsing against the sidewalk, she gave into the blackness crowding her vision and decided to let him handle things for the next little while.


  Seth stepped out of his shower and quickly dried off, allowing himself a moment to process what had occurred in the last eight hours. Leaning against the counter, he dropped his head and tried not to consider what would’ve happened if he hadn’t decided to surprise Tessa.

  A picture of her lifeless body on the sidewalk flitted across his brain, and he immediately wiped it away. Taking in several long breaths, he willed his heartbeat to slow down and was relieved when it obeyed. He dropped his towel, grabbed a pair of boxers and slid them on, letting go of the what ifs.

  His girl was home and fast asleep in their bed, and he planned on doing everything he could to make the situation permanent. Which meant he should probably get in the habit of not leaving wet towels on the floor. Picking it up, he hung it on the peg and realized he probably had a trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond in his near future. His brown towels were not the greatest and Tessa would probably want something a lot more stylish.

  Walking into the bedroom, he was immediately slammed with an overpowering emotion.

  One he suspected could very well be the beginning of love.

  Tessa’s hair was fanned over the pillow, and her hand was tucked under her cheek, and he’d never seen anything more fucking beautiful in his life. She was his, and there wasn’t anything that was ever going to change that.

  Lifting the blanket, he slipped into bed and watched her eyes slide open. “Go back to sleep, honey.”

  “Where am I?”

  “Vegas. I brought you home and want you to go back to sleep.”

  “Is that an April Fool’s joke?”

  “No, honey. It may be April first, but this isn’t a practical joke.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Seven. We got in about two hours ago, and you need to rest.”


  Gathering her in his arms, he held her close. “I’m here, and nothing bad will ever happen to you again.”

  “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “Always, Tessa.” More emotions threatened to escape, and he swallowed them down, knowing he couldn’t let her see how shaken up he was. He was going to be her rock and the person she could count on no matter what happened in the world and that was fucking that.

  Burying his face in her hair, he let out a breath and thanked the good Lord that he’d been in the right place at the right time.


  Tessa looked in the bathroom mirror and raised her chin and grimaced. Her neck and throat were mottled with dark bruises, and she expected they were only going get worse as the day progressed. Shivering, she thought about what could’ve happened if Seth hadn’t shown up.

  Would she have ended up dead on the sidewalk?

  Turning away from the mirror, she caught sight of her arm and saw more bruises. Disgusted by the sight, she moved to the shower and flipped on the water and stepped inside the enclosure.

  When sheets of water descended from the ceiling, she grinned and decided that staying with Seth for a few days wouldn’t be torture.

  As steam filled the space, she wondered what had tipped Ian over the edge and why her departure had made him lose his mind. Hearing the bathroom door open, she leaned past the tile wall and saw Seth wipe his eyes as he entered. “Did I wake you?”

  “Not having you snugged up against my side woke me up.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he replied as he stepped into the shower.

  Feeling his eyes scrape over her body slowly, she flinched when rage filled his eyes as they landed on the bruises covering her neck. “Seth…”

  “When the time is right, I’m going to kill that fucking son of a bitch.”

  She opened her arms and embraced him tightly. “Justice will be served at some point, and you don’t need to be the one to dole it out.”

  “Yes, I do,” he growled.

  Feeling his big arms wrap around her shoulders, she snuggled closer and drank in his strength and scent. She lifted her head and pursed her lips. “Give me a kiss and show me that you meant half the things you said in all the texts you sent.”

  “Fuck, Tessa. I meant every single one and couldn’t breathe without you around.”

  “Does that mean I should forget the speech you gave me about not wanting anything serious?”

  “I never said that.”

  “You kinda did.”

  “It’s not what I meant.”

  She cupped the back of his head pulled him down until their mouths were touching. “Do you want to argue about it or kiss about it?”

  “Kiss,” he murmured before pressing their mouths together.

  A gust of pleasure blew across her skin as her entire universe shrunk to the sensation of his mouth against hers. Desperate to wash away the events of the last twenty-four hours, she raised herself up on her tiptoes and poured all her wild emotions into the kiss.

  Lost between sweetness and desire, she forgot about finesse and tangled her tongue with his and breathed him in.

  Seth tore his mouth away and sucked in a breath. “I’m on the edge, and I’m not sure if you’re up to what I have in mind.”

  “Depends on how dirty your mind is.” His low laughter bounced off the walls of the shower as her body clenched with desire and need. “I’m hoping…”

  “What are you hopin’ for, honey?” he asked through a clenched jaw.

  “That you want the same thing I do.” Feeling his hand let go of her waist, she looked up and heard a brick fall off the very high walls she had protecting her heart. Was it because his brutal smile filled with dark need matched her own or that her soul recognized it’s other half?

  “If it’s savage sex that’s life-changing and will make us one, then we’re absolutely on the same page.”

  “I like your page, so let’s go with that.”

  “Good,” he growled as he lifted her into his arms and stepped out of the shower. “Because I’m not letting you out of here until the thought of being away from me tears at you the same way it does me.”

  Dropping her head to his shoulder, she closed her eyes and knew it was already true.


  Seth braced himself above the woman who probably owned him in ways he hadn’t begun to understand and didn’t think he had the kind of control he needed. “I’m thanking every fucking god I’ve ever heard of for allowing me the blessing of having you safe at home.”


  Knowing she was going to give him a rash of arguments, he shook his head and felt his heart speed up. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, pressing his hips into her warm heat.

  Slowly and carefully, he worked his way home as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted his senses.

>   Overwhelming.


  And all-consuming.

  “Everything that is right and good in the world exists when we’re joined together,” he whispered.

  “Everything,” she repeated.

  Her legs went around his waist, and he watched her nod. It was the signal he’d been waiting for, the one that told him the desperate blind need he had was okay.

  Thrusting into her made every color in the rainbow flash across his eyes, and with each piston of his hips, he gave away a piece of his heart.

  He fucked her through a chorus of moans and half-muttered sentences and was undone by her openness. Rolling over, he pulled her on top and was enveloped in the curtain of her hair. “I want you to take what you need.”

  “You,” she whispered.

  He kept her chest pressed against his and made sure he could feel her heartbeat.

  Matching their breaths, he exhaled when she inhaled so they could be as close as possible. “This,” he said against her cheek. “Is all I ever need.”

  Hearing a little giggle and feeling a wiggle of her hips, he tightened his hold. “You need something, sweetie?”

  “You. Just. Like. This.”

  Her inner walls cushioned him in a tight, perfect fit as she lifted her hips and slid along his shaft. “Yeah…”

  Needing to touch her, he grasped her hip as she rode him. Her hot sheath clasped him as their bodies ground together. Colliding and meshing, their bodies melded together perfectly. “You’re my perfect goddess.”

  “So close,” she moaned.

  He glanced down and saw his cock slick with her arousal as her body swallowed him up again and again. Entranced by the sight, he tightened his grip on her hip. “That’s it, Tessa.”

  Heat flooded him, and his heart pumped madly as their eyes locked. “This is how intimately entwined I need us to be.” He drove into her, holding her tightly so their faces were close.

  Slow, measured, and careful.

  He took control and pulled her mouth to his and gave her a teeth-clashing kiss. She had his heart in one hand and his soul in the other, and he needed to own her and show her that, at least for this brief moment, he was in control.

  She groaned into the kiss, and he drove into her from below, pacing himself as best he could with white-hot need racing down his spine.

  She was everything he never dreamed of having.

  “Come now, Tessa.”

  Nodding, she dug her nails into his shoulders, clenched her thighs tighter, and pitched forward, crying out. He watched her fall apart and doubled down, thrusting with every bit of his strength.

  He came in an explosion and unloaded himself into the woman who would always own him.

  Falling against the bed, he held her against his chest and felt her fingers run through his hair. Small, sweet kisses fell over his cheeks, and he finally knew unequivocally that heaven did exist and his something incredible had finally come along.


  Tessa snuggled into the corner of Seth’s enormous leather couch and took a moment to study the room. “You have a grown-up house.”


  She leaned forward and accepted the glass of wine he offered. “This is the home of an adult and not a single male deep into his bachelorhood.”

  Collapsing next to her, he moved her feet to his lap. “Because I have furniture and shit?”

  “Yes, and it’s got four bedrooms, a big pool, and…” she waved her hand around, “pictures on the walls.”

  “I grew up without a mama, and my daddy was a drunk, so I never had much of a home.” He looked around the great room and nodded. “When my brothers and I decided to buy homes, I realized it was time to make something I could be proud of.”

  “Well, you’ve done it.” She ran her hand over the distressed leather of the couch and then took a sip of her wine. “I’d like to make a home as warm as this when I give up the gypsy life and finally settle down.”

  “Might happen before you know it,” he mumbled.

  “Did you say something?”

  “Nothing important.”

  “I need to call Garrett and let him know that I’ve run out of town and see if he can forward my boxes to New York.”

  Seth leaned over and gently ran his fingers over her neck. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little sore, but I should be able to get out of your hair and be on the road by Tuesday or Wednesday.”

  “What?” he shouted.

  Cringing, she moved her legs off his lap and cradled her wine glass. “Don’t yell.”

  “Oh, fuck…I’m sorry, honey.” He took the glass out of her hand and set it next to his on the coffee table and lifted her into his lap. “I’m an ass.”

  Feeling all jumbled up, she nodded and knew that waterworks were imminent. “I’m going to…”

  “Stay right where you are.”

  He lifted her chin gently and the kindness and concern she saw swimming in his beautiful warm chocolate eyes severed the last bit of control she had over her emotions. “I’m usually not a crier but…”

  “You let it out, and if I get any idea you’re holding out on my account, then you’re not getting any of those cupcakes Kelly dropped off.”

  Sniffing, she let out a little giggle-sob. “How did you get a woman to bring you cupcakes?”

  “By being the charming younger brother. Kelly is my oldest brother’s fiancée. They live across the street, and she loves to bake. My middle brother, Zach, lives next door, and his fiancée, Cecily, likes to do the main dishes, so she dropped off a big pan of macaroni and cheese. She even added those little hot dogs I like, so we’re going to have a good dinner tonight.”

  “You’re a lucky man.”

  “I know,” he replied, running his hand up and down her back. “Since you seem to be all about the cheese and appetizer thing, I’d say the McCallan boys managed the golden trifecta.”

  Laughing, she rested her head against his chest and felt all the bad feelings slip away. She knew they’d be back soon enough, but it was a relief to know she’d be a little stronger when they came around. “I want you to tell me exactly what happened after I fell unconscious on Ventura Blvd. last night and I don’t want a detail left out.”

  “What about the crying?”

  Wiggling out of his lap, she sat up and crossed her legs. “It’s taken an intermission and will be back later.”

  “You sure?”

  “More than.”

  He leaned forward and picked up their wine. “You’re going to need this.” Passing over her glass, he smiled faintly.

  “That bad?”

  “Not really, but you may not be happy when I get to the last sentence.”

  “Why don’t you start there and work backward?”

  “No way. That would be like going to the last page of the book before you read the first chapter.”

  “And your point is?” she asked before taking a gulp of her wine.

  “Fine, but I want you to remember what’s important.”

  “And that is?”


  Lifting her glass, she pursed her lips. “Go on.”

  “The upshot is that you have to stay in Vegas until Daisy’s team wraps up their work.”

  She sank back into the couch and took in a very long breath. “Really?”

  Seth moved closer and took her hand. “I’m guessing you’re burying all your excitement about being together under your concern that Ian will never be handed his justice, but I want you to know it’s okay to let it out.”

  She hid her smile behind her glass and lifted her eyebrows. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Turning his face, he puckered his lips. “Go ahead and kiss me, so I know you mean it.”

  She did her best not to break out in a laugh and leaned forward and gave him a very chaste kiss. “Satisfied?”

  “Hardly. That wasn’t even a good one.”

  “Tell me the story, and they may get better.�

  “They can’t get worse,” he mumbled.

  “I heard that.”

  “I meant you to!”

  “Start talkin’ and quit procrastinating.”


  “I’ve got an unreserved tap and am more than ready to unleash it when circumstances allow.”

  He sipped his wine and shrugged. “Figured as much.”

  “How close did you come to killing Ian last night?”

  “Closer than I would’ve liked.”

  “Because you saw what he did to me?”

  “I spent a bunch of years going after the worst that humanity had to offer and never felt the level of rage that I did last night. Atrocities that you can’t imagine had been committed by people who I had in the sight of my scope and I never once felt a tenth of what I did when I saw you laying on the sidewalk.”

  “I’m sorry that you were put in that position, Seth.”

  “I wish I’d gotten to you in time, so it never would’ve happened in the first place.”

  “I’m lucky you were there at all. What I saw in his eyes told me he wouldn’t have stopped until the life had been drained from my body.” Seeing the effect of her words, she moved closer to Seth and took his hand. “But that didn’t happen.”

  “No. It didn’t.” He finished his wine and set the glass on the table. “After I taught him the appropriate lesson, I called Daisy, and she had a friend from the LAPD scoop him up off the sidewalk and deliver him home. She needs him in play, so for the time being, he’s not going to meet with the consequences of his actions.”

  “Do they think he’s working directly with the group that has the material or is the syndicate handling that job?”

  “Apparently, he’s in direct contact, and that’s why they can’t bring him in yet.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “Really? I thought you’d be ten kinds of pissed.”

  “The drama is much bigger than me, and the last thing I want is to jeopardize all the hard work that’s been put in to locate the missing radioactive materials and round up the people interested in buying it.”


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