Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 12

by Lea Hart

  “Intellectually, I agree with you, but a dark part of me just wants to take him out.”

  “But that’s not going to happen.”

  “No, unfortunately, it’s not. Daisy isn’t sure how far Ian is willing to take his obsession with you, so she’d like you to stay out of sight and under my protection until this thing is wrapped up.”

  “Are we sure Ian is really obsessed and not just pissed that his life has been interrupted?”

  “He’s got a good-sized file on you sitting on his hard-drive and was apparently trying to figure out who I was and whether I had anything to do with you quitting.”


  “If you go to New York right now and get a part, he’ll find you with little effort, and nobody wants that.”

  “I had no idea he’d be so upset with my leaving.”

  “He’s not a stable man and Daisy thinks he doesn’t have a choice about being in business with the syndicate, so losing the person who kept his life in order was seemingly the last thing he could handle.”

  “Considering he tried to strangle me last night, I’d have to agree.”

  “I packed your car with all your stuff last night and let Garrett know what was going on. I’ve got your pod scheduled to arrive by the end of the week, so a return to Los Angeles is not necessary any time in the near future.”


  “Because this is going to be your home base.”

  Falling back against the couch, she let out a sound that very much sounded like a hysterical laugh. “Seth…”

  “I think it’s time for some macaroni and cheese.” He shoved himself off the couch as he gave her a confident smile. “Let’s just take a day at a time.”

  “Probably a good idea since dealing with more could send me into long-term therapy.” When he nodded and then walked into the kitchen, she absolutely knew she wasn’t ready to hear any of Seth’s plans.


  Seth looked at the stack of boxes in his garage and heard his brother’s front door open and then his bellowing voice. Shaking his head, he wondered how Kelly dealt with Cole’s annoying personality as well as she did. Then he remembered how well Kelly put his oldest brother’s ass in place on the regular and knew they were more than well matched.

  Thinking about himself and Tessa, he wondered if they’d eventually get there. The early signs were certainly there, but since he had no relationship experience, he hadn’t a clue about what his next step should be.

  Then a little red-haired girl’s face popped into his head, and he remembered Bunny telling him that he needed to make a grand gesture in order to have the thing he wanted most. And as much as he hated the idea of taking advice from a nine-year-old, he couldn’t deny it was a solid idea.

  Hearing Cole’s whistle, he looked away from the stack of boxes and tipped his chin in greeting. “Hey.”

  “Morning,” he replied as he slapped Seth’s shoulder in greeting. “Is this Tessa’s stuff?”


  “You debating with yourself whether you should take it into the house and put it away before she wakes up, so she has no confusion about where you want the relationship to end up?”

  Doing his best not to smile, he lifted his shoulder. “Possible.”

  “Hah!” Cole replied loudly. “I just hit the nail on the head.”

  “Lower your damn voice, man; she’s still asleep.”

  “Sorry,” Cole replied. “How’s she feeling?”

  “A little sore since that fucker did a number on her neck and shoulders.”

  “I commend your control in not doing more when you had the chance.”

  “I skated that line, man, and wasn’t sure where I was going to end up for a minute or two.” Seeing his brother’s eyebrows knock together let him know his old habit of worrying about him and Zach was still fully operational. “But, the good Lord helped me out, and everything is as it should be.”

  “What happens next?”

  “Isabel’s operative is pulling the string tighter on the players and should have everyone trapped in the web before too long. In the meantime, Tessa needs to stay out of sight because no one is sure how deep Ian’s obsession is.”

  “I’d say it’s a fucking black hole, based on the fact he might’ve killed her the other night had you not been there.”

  Feeling a cold rage fill his chest, he nodded and reminded himself that he couldn’t do anything about Ian yet and needed to let it go for the time being. “Anyway…she’s here for the duration.”

  “Whoever is in charge is smiling down on your lucky ass because having her in your world is going to give you a chance to show her how well you two fit together.”

  “I just didn’t want it to happen like it did.”

  Cole crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels. “That goes without saying. But now that she’s here, you’ve got the chance you wanted, so don’t screw it up by trying to be cool and shit. Learn from the mistakes Zach and I made, and go for it. Lay it out on the line and don’t hold back.”

  Seth nodded and looked at the stack of boxes again. “You think she won’t get pissed if I unpack everything?”

  “She’ll probably kick up a little fuss because no woman likes to feel maneuvered. But, I’m guessing if you give her that innocent smile you perfected by the age of four and tell her you just want her to be comfortable, you’ll get away with it.”

  “I’m gonna need another bookcase since three of these boxes are filled with books, and I don’t have any room in the one I’ve got.”

  “Order one then and put it up without making a big deal about it.”

  “Roger that.”

  Cole looked around the garage and nodded. “Where’s the rest of her stuff?”

  “It’s in a pod that’s coming in from LA.”

  “Did you make arrangements to get it moved here already?”


  “Does she know?”

  “I told her earlier, but I’m not sure it completely registered since she didn’t really react.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t say anything more about it until you’ve had a chance to show her how fucking amazing you are. ‘Cause if she’s anything like Kelly, she loves her independence and won’t like the idea of someone trying to wrestle it from her hands.”

  “Is that why you slowly and, I might add, secretly moved all of Kelly’s stuff into your house until everything she owned was put away?”


  “I don’t know how in the world you get away with half the shit you do.”

  He let out a bark of laughter and then grinned. “My woman loves me and likes nothing more than schooling my ass, so I make sure to give her lots of opportunities. It makes her feel like she’s in control and I, in turn, get all her attention.”

  Seth shook his head. “Whatever works, brother.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Taking a step back, he grinned. “Cecily and Kelly are making dinner tonight, so be at the house around six. They want to indoctrinate Tessa into the coven, and I’ve been given instructions to make sure you two show up.”

  “Sounds great.” He heard the water go on in the house and lifted two boxes. “I probably won’t make it into the office today, but we’ll see you tonight.”

  “Okay, let me know if anything develops today on the sitch in LA.”

  “Will do,” he replied as he pushed the door open with his hip and started making a list of things he could do to make Tessa fall not only for Vegas but him as well.


  Tessa turned off the blow dryer and heard Seth moving something around in the bedroom. Tying the sash tighter on her robe, she walked out of the bathroom and did her best not to gasp in shock. “What have you done, Seth?”

  “I’m putting your things away, so I can put the suitcases in the garage.”

  Seeing his big hands filled with her panties and bras was comical, and she couldn’t decide if she should be mad that he was doi
ng things without asking. “That’s not necessary since Daisy could have everything taken care of by the end of the week.” Seeing his head shake as he let out a low snort let her know he thought her statement was ridiculous. “It’s possible.”

  “So is me learning how to ballroom dance. But neither is likely.”

  She thought of ten pissy remarks and was about to reply with one of them when she stopped herself. Watching the way he carefully stacked her panties next to his boxers did something weird to her insides.

  Not knowing what to make of the warm feelings filling her chest, she walked over and kissed his arm. “You’re being very kind by making me feel so welcome.”

  He smoothed his hand over the stack and then turned, taking her into his arms. “You are welcome, and I want you to know that you can stay for as long as you want.” Bending down, he kissed her forehead. “I’ve never lived with a woman, and I may do some things that annoy the crap out of you, but I want you to know that having you here makes me happy.”


  “Yeah.” He ran his nose along her cheek and held her tighter. “When I woke up this morning, and your head was on my chest, I felt a peace that I can’t ever recall experiencing. I’m usually a little jangly with pent-up energy that has no place to go.” He leaned back and grinned. “But that’s not how I feel when you’re around.”

  “Seth, that’s so…”

  “Weird and overwhelming?”

  “No,” she replied resting her head against his chest. “Amazing and sweet.”

  “Is sweet a good thing?”

  She stepped back and ran her hand over his face. “The very best thing. You look like a dangerous, brutal man with all your muscles, tats, and swagger, but you’re really a prince, ready to slay any dragon that comes along and the fact that you’ve got this sweet, melty center makes you the very best man in the world.”

  “The whole world?”

  “Yes,” she replied as she traced the scruff on his hard jaw. “Maybe even the universe.”

  “Damn, woman.” He lifted her up and twirled her around. “You make me feel a hundred feet tall.”

  Laughter spilled out of her mouth, and she felt lighter than she had in ages and decided that hanging out in Vegas might be just what she needed before taking on the Big Apple. “Let me down, Seth.”

  “You don’t like the view from the pedestal I just put you on?”

  “Not a fan of heights.” Looking down, she let out another laugh. “Don’t make sexy eyes at me since you probably need to leave for work.”

  “We’re spending the day together.”

  “Don’t change your schedule for me.”

  “You are my schedule.” He lowered her to the floor and stepped back. “I’m going to show you around the neighborhood, maybe take you over to the office, and then stop at Trader Joe’s so we can get some of that fancy cheese you like.”

  “That’s not necessary; in fact, I can…”

  “Do as you’re told, woman.” He took her hands and ran his finger over her skin. “Let me do this because I want you to…”


  “Feel like you want to stay.”

  Gobsmacked by the simple statement, she closed her eyes and let it roll around in her already overwhelmed brain and found she couldn’t begin to unpack what it meant.

  “Let’s start with breakfast.”

  “Probably best we start out small.” When he didn’t say anything, she rolled her eyes. “Do you have stuff in your kitchen, so I can make you breakfast, or should I take you out to eat?”

  “You’re never taking me out to anything since it’s my job to take you.”

  She clucked her tongue and stepped around him. “If you want to hang out together, then you’re going to need to disabuse yourself of that notion.”


  Huffing out a breath, she flapped her hands. “Because it’s antiquated, sexist, and smacks of the worst kind of…”

  “I’ve got more money than you, so why should you pay?”

  “Because it creates an imbalance of power.” She watched him scratch his head and then frown. “I know you’re a smart man and this can’t be the first time you’ve heard this concept.”

  “Since you have all the power, I’m not sure how me paying for shit when I have a ton of money makes the situation any different. But if you want to buy me a coffee or something, then I guess it would be okay.”

  Groaning, she started pulling clothes out of her suitcase. “You are being obtuse on purpose, and if you think I’m going to buy your dumbo act, then you’ve got another thing coming.”

  “So, is that a no to buying me a coffee?”

  “I’m buying you breakfast, and that is the end of the argument.”

  “If that’s what you want to believe, then go on ahead. But we both know my arms are a lot longer than yours, and when it comes time to grab that check, it’s going to be me who wins.”

  “I seem to remember you telling me that winning an argument with your woman is losing in life, so you may want to rethink that strategy.”

  She tugged on her jeans and noticed his smile had only gotten brighter. “What?”

  “I’m glad you understand that you’re my woman.”

  Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her sweater and pulled it on. “I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.”

  “Great, we can go to the Hash House A Go Go. They have a great breakfast, and the fried chicken waffle tower is killer.”

  “Sounds great.” Another satisfied smile lit up his face and, as much as she wanted to be irritated by his antics, she couldn’t.

  Which might prove to be a bit of a problem.


  Tessa pulled the phone away from her ear and hoped that Garrett’s diatribe was close to winding down. He’d been going on for a solid ten minutes, and she hoped that he didn’t have much more to say about her lack of phone calls.

  According to him, the week she’d let pass since her last one was completely unacceptable and the arguments she’d made to the contrary were clearly not sufficient. Thankfully, he finally found it necessary to take a breath, and she jumped in. “Garrett, I hear what you’re saying and don’t plan on ever letting it happen again.”

  “Do you solemnly promise on your one good pair of shoes?”

  “I have more than one good pair of shoes, and you know it.”

  “Not the point.”

  “Fine, I solemnly swear that I will not fall off the face of the earth ever again.”

  “Good! Now, tell me all about shacking up with that delicious hero of yours. Has he kept you tied to the bed and done unspeakable things to your mind and body?”

  “That’s more your fantasy than mine and, to answer your question, I was the one who tied him to the bed.” Garret squealed like a ten-year-old at a Justin Bieber concert, and she let out a laugh. “Just kidding, I don’t have to tie him up. He’s pretty cooperative, so handcuffs haven’t been necessary.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with my friend?”

  “This is what happens when you live with a man, and he makes you incredibly happy.”

  “Is medication involved in this current happiness or something more dark and depraved?”

  “I like him, Garrett. He’s chivalrous, sexy, helpful, and has a great sense of humor.”

  “You discovered all that in a week?”

  “I knew he was a gallant hero and sexy beast before I ever left LA, but it turns out he’s also that mythical beast who’s only spoken about in whispers.”

  “I need examples because all of your superlatives simply are not doing the job.”

  “Seth initiates things and is mindful.”

  “Still not getting it.”

  “He’s a man that takes care of shit.”

  “Now, that, I understand.”

  “He’s had a plan for each day that I’ve been here and is very thoughtful. His actions are showing me what kind of boyfriend he could be and how
well he can create a safe space, fix a problem, or prevent a disaster. I mean the whole saving my life thing sure gave me a hint, but the last seven days have shown me what that looks like on a daily basis.”

  “But you can do all those things yourself.”

  “True, but it’s nice to have someone around who can do them too. All his efforts let me know he’s invested and that I don’t have to run the show.”

  “Seems he’s in it to win it and intends to leave no doubt that he’s serious.”

  “Exactly. He’s also easy to get along with and has unpacked all my boxes so I’ll feel at home.”

  “I think he’s planning on keeping you.”

  “I’m definitely getting that vibe, but it could just be his way of making me feel welcome, so I don’t freak out.”

  “Does he expect you to cook and clean and be Suzy Homemaker?”

  “We cleaned the house and went to the market together, so I don’t think so. He won’t let me pay for anything, though, and that’s been kind of hard to deal with.”

  “Poor you, having to deal with a man who wants to spoil you. How will you survive?”

  Blowing out a raspberry, she sat back. “You know that’s not how I roll. I like to contribute my fair share.”

  “Does he make the same amount of money you do?”

  “No, he makes a hell of a lot more. The company he and his brothers have is very successful, and I think Seth has a couple million in the bank.”

  “No way!”

  “Way,” Tessa replied. “It makes me a little uncomfortable because there’s no way that I’m ever going to be on an equal financial footing with him.”

  “Does he want you to be?”


  “Then leave it be and spend your time worrying about something worth your time.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Enjoying the forced time-off you have. You’ve been hustling since you graduated from college to make your career successful and a couple of weeks off will probably do you good.”

  “What if I enjoy it too much and lose some of my mojo?”

  “Then you need to reevaluate your next move.”


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