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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

Page 14

by Lea Hart

  “Are you okay?”

  Turning back to Seth, she took his hand. “Of course.”

  “You’ve got that look on your face that tells me you’re thinking really hard about something and my gut is telling me it’s not about the dirty things we’re going to be doing later.”

  She let her eyes run over his sexy smirk and licked her lips. “Just shows what you know.”



  He let out a snort and sat back. “Nice try.”

  She lifted her drink again and sipped it slowly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. I’m betting you’re thinking about turning thirty tomorrow and not being in New York yet. The acting dream is still burning in your gut, and you’re conflicted because we’re making this great life together in Vegas and you don’t know what that means for your plans long-term.”

  “Didn’t know you moonlighted as a gypsy fortune teller.” Feeling salty since he could so easily read her, she slipped her hand away.

  Of course, he took it again and made her feel childish. “The last month has made a few things confusing, and I don’t want to let go of something I’ve wanted for a long time.”

  “I get that, Tessa. But if we talk about it, then I bet we can figure out something we could both be happy with.”

  She pursed her lips and studied his face to see if he really believed the words coming out of his own mouth. “I have brought it up, and we don’t end up talking. You either get me on my back and make me scream your name or you take me to Bed, Bath and Beyond and make me choose a bunch of stuff for the house.”

  He sniffed and then looked out the window. “You don’t have to say it like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Orgasms and cookware are not a bad thing, but it doesn’t help me figure out what I should do.”

  Moving closer, he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to it. “I don’t have your emotional intelligence, so I take action as a way of communicating. I figure loving on you is a good way to show you that there isn’t a day that I don’t want you by my side. And the whole house thing is my way of letting you know that I’ll make a home for you.”


  “That was supposed to make you happy, not get you all weepy.”

  “Your words mean a lot, and I’m feeling emotional because what you said makes my heart all soft and gooey.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Yes, but it’s going to make my move to New York that much harder when the time comes.”

  “Maybe it won’t since, when the clear signal finally comes, you’ll know that being away from me isn’t possible.”

  Seeing their waiter approach with their meals, she decided not to say more since the idea of not seeing Seth’s face every morning gave her the shakes.

  A fact she had no idea what to do with.


  Seth sat in his truck in the back of the Red Door and Ceylon Rose and knew the incoming call from Daisy could only mean one thing. And for the first time in his life, he wasn’t at all thrilled to hear about the successful conclusion of an assignment.

  Pushing his thumb to the answer icon, he answered, “McCallan.”

  “The fact that you let it ring a half a dozen times tells me you’re not excited to hear from me,” Daisy said.

  Dispensing with pleasantries, he barked out his question, “Is it wrapped up?”

  “The part that concerns Tessa is. Ian is in Federal custody and has flipped on his friends with little effort on our part and won’t pose a further threat to your girl.”

  “Any chance of him getting out?”

  “No, he was up to his neck in the scheme, so all he’s managed for himself is a nice long stay in prison, where his old friends will have a hard time getting to him.”

  “What happens next?”

  “I heard you were out of the game.”

  “I am, but it doesn’t mean I’m not curious about the next move.”

  “We’re going after the group that got its hands on the materials as well as the half dozen buyers who expressed an interest.”

  “Who’s on deck for the gig?”

  “Looks like your old buddy Tyler may be taking the lead.”

  “Can’t ask for a better man for the job.”

  “Can I get one that’s less of a pain in the ass?”

  “Not likely,” Seth replied.

  “Should I give Tessa a call and give her the good news or would you like to do it?”

  “I’ll let her know. She’s about to go on stage, so I’ll wait until she’s done.”

  “Is she still performing her cabaret act?”

  “Yes, and she’s a hit. Place is packed every time she performs.”

  “Do you think it will be enough to make New York seem less alluring?”

  “I’m hoping so since we’ve had an incredible two months together.”

  “But it’s June and hotter than hell in the desert.”

  “We’ve got a pool and air conditioning, so it’s not unbearable.”

  “Is Tessa bored out of her mind yet?”

  “No. She’s teaching a children’s workshop and directing all the productions at Affinity’s retirement complex, so she’s got plenty going on to keep her busy.”

  “Not to mention the care and feeding she does of one very troublesome retired Marine.”

  “Hey, there’s nothing difficult about me and, for your information, I take very good care of my woman and will bet good money she doesn’t have one complaint.”

  Daisy let out a laugh loud enough to fill the cab of his truck, and he grimaced. “Dial it back there, woman. The statement wasn’t meant to make you bust a gut.”

  “Sorry, it’s just funny how men are always so confident about their behavior when it’s hardly ever warranted.”

  “Well, in this case, it is.”

  “Of course,” she replied.

  Deciding he didn’t need to hear more on the subject of his and Tessa’s relationship, he said his goodbyes. “Thanks for the update, Daisy. Let me know if anything changes.”

  “Will do.”

  He hit the end button and climbed out of his truck. Walking slowly toward the club, he dreaded the moment when he broke the news about Tessa’s freedom.

  Leaning forward in his chair, Seth drank in the sight and sound of his woman as she performed on the stage of the Ceylon Rose. The club was packed, and he wasn’t the only man taken with the woman currently singing the hell out of Be Italian.

  How in the world was he supposed to let her go?

  What if she was doing a similar performance in the city and he wasn’t there to make sure no one got the idea that she was available?

  What if she took off to chase her dreams and decided what they had wasn’t worth holding onto?

  These were not questions he wanted to be worrying about.

  Especially when Tessa was looking directly at him as she sang about how to make a woman happy. Her honey-blonde hair looked like spun gold under the lights as her hips rotated and her long leg dropped over a chair.

  She was his, and he didn’t want to let her out of his sight.

  Selfish son of a bitch that he was.

  Maybe the news could wait until the end of the week.

  After all, what could a couple days’ delay mean either way?


  Tessa walked off the small stage and watched Seth stand immediately and make his way over, cutting off two men who were headed in her direction.

  His gaze never wavered as he stalked toward her and she knew he was going to claim her with his mouth the minute he got close enough. He’d done it every time she performed at Valentina’s small club and, as barbaric as it was, she secretly sort of liked it.

  Not that she’d ever admit it.

  Because Lord knows the man did not need any encouragement.

  She slid her hand on her hip and bit back the smile his hungry eyes
gave her. “Don’t think you can stalk me like a lion and…” her words were cut off when he bent her over his arm and kissed her like his sanity depended on it. Which she suspected it might since was a lot calmer after he’d laid his claim.

  “Just doing what the song says and stealing a fiery kiss,” he said against her mouth as he pulled her up. “Not going to let a chance pass without showing you and everyone in this room who you belong to.”


  “Thank you, honey. Sweet of you to notice.”

  Biting her bottom lip, she looked down because hiding her amusement was almost impossible. “Let me go, so I can change. I’m starving and have been dreaming of Alessi’s pasta since I got here.”

  He slid his hand down her back and grinned. “Can I come back and help you with a zipper?”

  “No.” She moved out of reach and took a step backward. “We both know you have no control, so park yourself on that chair and wait patiently.”

  Throwing her a mock salute, he turned and did as instructed. She gave him an approving smile and then walked down the hallway, realizing she felt pretty damn happy.

  And had been feeling that way for a while.

  The life she’d made in Vegas since arriving almost two months ago was a lot better than she would’ve ever guessed possible. Between the retired show-people she worked with, the kids’ workshop she taught, and her little gig singing, she was incredibly fulfilled.

  For the first time in her career the joy of singing was enough, and the fact that it didn’t need to lead to anything was freeing in a way she hadn’t expected. No one in the audience knew her real name and she loved the lack of pressure the anonymity provided.

  Turns out the whole staying under the radar thing because of Ian was more of a blessing than she ever could’ve guessed since not having the pressure of constant auditioning was incredible.

  Hell, it was a lot more than that; it was a relief.

  Add to that the relationship she and Seth were creating, and her life had never been more picture-perfect.

  Was this where she was supposed to land?

  Did her dream of acting on stage still even exist?

  What would that say about her, if she gave up and took the easy road and settled in Vegas? Could she be happy here long-term and accept the fact she was never going to become the actress she’d long dreamed of being?

  She walked into the small dressing room and heard her stomach grumble loudly and decided that asking herself questions without sustenance was pointless.

  Tessa felt Seth’s hand move up her leg and arched an eyebrow. “Are you looking for something?”

  “I might be.” He slid it higher. “Do you have any objections?”

  “Yes,” she squeaked as she pushed his hand away.

  “You sure?” he asked as he moved his hand back up.

  “Absolutely.” Turning, she narrowed her eyes. “Do you have some kind of public sex fantasy that you haven’t told me about?”

  “Getting handsy with my woman in a back booth with a long tablecloth blocking everyone’s view doesn’t suggest I have any kind of discovery fetish.”

  Straightening her butter knife, she pursed her lips and wondered if her impression of a disapproving nun was any good. “You’re naughty.”

  “And you love every naughty bone in my body.”

  “I might, but not in the club where I perform.”

  “Okay, I’ll do my best to pretend like controlling myself is possible when you’re throwing me all those sexy, come-hither looks.”

  “There is no hither in any of the looks I’m giving you.”

  He patted her arm and dropped a sympathetic smile. “Go ahead and keep telling yourself that lie; I promise not to judge.”

  The corner of his mouth trembled, and she knew he wasn’t going to keep a straight face for very much longer. “Well, I appreciate your Christian heart, and it’s comforting to know that my wanton ways won’t be a roadblock to our very happy relationship.”

  “You mean that, Tessa?”

  Catching the change in his tone, she looked up and saw he wasn’t playing around. “I do.”

  He took her hands and pressed them against his heart. “Good, because you make me so fucking happy. I never thought I’d have a chance at falling in love with a woman who made every single day better.”

  “You’re falling?”

  “So hard, honey.”

  “I guess that hard left my life took a couple of months ago might work out after all.”

  “I’m hoping so.”

  She pushed her empty plate away and folded her napkin. “I like what we’re making along with the little jobs I’ve managed to get. Add to that the friendships I’ve made with Cecily and Kelly, and I’m thinking this Vegas thing might be okay.”

  “You’re not playing with me, are you?”

  “No,” she replied. “Why would you ask that?” Something flickered across his face before she could figure out what it meant, and she took his hand. “What is it?”

  “Nothing, honey. I’m just happy we’re on the same page.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “More than.” He signaled to the waiter. “I’m going to get you some dessert and then take you home, so I can have mine.”

  “I can’t argue with a perfect plan.” Pulling him down, she kissed him, and it felt like when he kissed her back, it might be their last.

  Which was ridiculous since they were just getting started.


  Tessa waved goodbye to the last student from her children’s workshop and then started picking up the scripts that had been left behind. They had made a good start on the production they were going to mount in a couple of months, and she felt confident the parents would be impressed with the final production.

  Which was no small feat, considering her class was mostly the progeny of Vegas’s top performers. By all accounts, everyone was expecting a show-stopping evening of performances, and she prayed that she and the children were up for the task.

  Stacking the scripts on the shelf, she gave the room one last glance and decided it was tidy. She flicked off the lights and locked the door before stepping into the cool air-conditioned lobby. Girding herself for the heat of July in the desert, she pulled out her bottle of water and drank half of it down and then heard her phone. She pulled it out and saw that it was Daisy. “Maybe the op is finally finished,” she said to herself as she pushed the answer button. “Hey, lady, it’s good to hear from you.”

  “Been busy; sorry we haven’t spoken.”

  “No need to explain. How are you doing?”

  “Good. I’m going to be in the city next week and wanted to grab a drink. What does your schedule look like?”

  “You’re coming to Vegas?”

  “No…New York.”

  “Why would I be in New York if the situation isn’t handled yet?”

  “Are you still living with Seth?”

  “Yes…why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Shit. I’m gonna kill that stupid son of a bitch.”

  A cold chill ran down her back, and Tessa knew that whatever was about to come out of Daisy’s mouth was going to change her future. “Should I sit down before you tell me what’s going on?”


  “That bad?”

  “Depends on your point of view.”

  “Why do I feel like all of my hopes and dreams are about to be put through the shredder?”

  “Ian is no longer a threat if that helps.”

  “I have a feeling that the man I’ve been falling in love with is, though.”

  “Why are men so fricking untrustworthy?”

  “Assuming that’s a rhetorical question,” Tessa said quietly as she collapsed on a bench. “Start from the beginning.”

  “I spoke with Seth a month ago and informed him that Ian had been taken into Federal custody and that you were free to go about your life.”

  “As in thirty days ago?” Tessa

  “Give or take. If you need the exact date, I can go back in my calendar and give it to you.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “Ian flipped on his friends and is looking at a very long stay in prison.”

  Her mind was running a million miles a minute, and she couldn’t decide what to focus on, so she picked the most obvious. “The good guys won, and there isn’t going to be an incident of mass disruption with radioactive materials floating over a major US city?”


  “Are you going to tell me any more details?”

  “Can’t. But I will tell you I just spent the last month crisscrossing the globe with an operative to make it possible.”

  “Sounds exciting.” When Daisy didn’t respond, she cleared her throat. “Did Seth tell you he would pass on the information?”

  “He did, and I’m guessing he didn’t have the guts to see if you’d choose him over your dreams.”

  “I’m so angry, Daisy.”

  “Not surprising. And since I don’t have any wisdom to offer you in this area, I’m going to keep my mouth shut.”

  “I was hoping you would.”

  “Personal relationships are not my forte and the last month has proven that point beautifully.”

  “Feel like there’s a story there.”

  “Nothing I’m ready to share.”

  “Have anything to do with the operative you were transecting the world with?”

  “No comment.”

  “Fair enough.” Feeling her heart lurch, she knew that avoiding the circumstances of Seth’s choice not to tell her the news was impossible.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Not really. The man I was falling for lied to me and that’s put a real crimp in the happy ever after tale I was writing in my head.”

  “I’ve recently experienced something similar, and all I’ve managed to do is bury myself in my work, drink prodigious amounts of wine, and numb my mind with Netflix series about dowagers.”


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