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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

Page 16

by Lea Hart

  Seth picked up the plate of lemon bread and walked into the house. “Guess that’s a fair point.”

  “Only kind we make,” Cecily said as she followed him into the house.

  Seth sat in his leather chair and waved to Kelly and Cecily as they walked out the door and prayed he never needed their help again. They were merciless in their observations, brutal in their assessments, and brilliant when it came to a foolproof plan.

  It was time to execute, and the only thing standing in his way was the fear that it wouldn’t work and the sin he’d committed was too big to forgive. But as the women pointed out, sitting around and hoping for a miracle wasn’t any way to live.

  Hearing the door open, he prayed the women hadn’t come back to share one last thing. He loved them and appreciated all their care and concern, but he’d hit his limit with their tough love and needed a minute to get his armor back in place.

  “You alive?” Zach called out.

  “Barely,” he replied as his brother walked in with a fresh bottle of bourbon and a pizza box that smelled like heaven. “For the record, you’re my favorite brother.”

  “I know,” Zach replied as he slid the pizza onto the coffee table and set down the bottle. “Cole is behind me and has beer.”

  “So, I guess asking if you knew what your woman was up to is pointless?”

  “Yes, since she informed me what was going to happen this morning.”

  Zach walked into the kitchen and pulled out plates, a stack of napkins, and glasses. “You better water Tessa’s herb garden, ‘cause she’ll be pissed when she gets home and sees it’s dead.”

  Feeling a punch to his gut, he accepted the glasses from his brother and set them down before pouring three shots. “Why don’t you just get your KA-BAR out and slide it into my heart? It’d be a lot more efficient.”

  “I’m being a damn optimist and doing what Cecily has taught me to do and acting like the desired outcome is inevitable.”

  “Is that your way of saying that I have half a chance of not living my life as a bitter old man broken by love?”

  “Pretty much,” Zach replied as he accepted the glass from Seth. “I fucked up in a major way with Cecily and found a way back, and Cole did the same thing with Kelly, and look at us now.”

  The door opened, and Cole strolled in with a grin. “My woman feels really good about herself, which means I’m going to feel real good later on.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Seth asked as he flipped open the pizza box and slid a piece out. “And why would you be saying anything about your sex life when my woman is furious and on the other side of the country?”

  “I’m telling you because Kelly is confident that your happy ever after is possible.”

  “And she’s not one to blow smoke,” Zach added as he leaned back and sipped his drink. “She’s a glass half empty kind of girl, so there’s no way she’d be feeling good without reason.”

  “Thank you,” Cole replied as he picked up his glass and collapsed on the couch. “You better clean up before Tessa gets home because having shit everywhere is not going to make her happy.”

  Seth wiped his mouth and glanced around the great room and noticed he’d left his jackets and shoes out. “I haven’t been real concerned with anything more than dragging my ass out of bed every day.”

  “We’ve noticed,” Cole said. “And now that the girls have kicked your ass into phase two, it’s time to get your shit together.”

  “What’s the plan?” Zach asked. “Have you booked your ticket yet?”

  “I was about to before you two showed up.”

  Zach grinned and then grabbed a slice of pizza. “Are you going with straight groveling or did the girls come up with something a little more sophisticated?”

  “I’m going to speak from my heart, grovel until she can’t take it anymore, and see if I can get her into Tiffany’s so she can pick out an engagement ring.”

  Cole nodded and then lifted his glass. “I like it.”

  “I’m also going to do a carriage ride around the park and a fancy dinner at Jean-Georges.”

  “What’s that?” Zach asked.

  “One of the best restaurants in the city. I never managed a grand gesture while she was here, and I know if I want a chance, that’s what is necessary.”

  “I think the speaking from the heart thing is the key,” Cole said as he took a slice of pizza. “Every time I do it with Kelly, it makes a huge difference. Women like words, and the better we become at expressing what’s inside, the better off we’re going to be.”

  “Word,” Zach said quietly. “Action is great and all, but opening your heart is where the real power is because that shit is hard to deny.”

  Seth looked at the two men he respected most in the world and promised himself he was going to do his best to take their advice. “Thank you.”

  “Not necessary,” Cole said quietly. “One way or another, the three of us are going to make everything we ever dreamed of happen. Nothing else will be tolerated.”

  “Cheers to fucking that,” Zach said as he lifted his glass. “And if we have to bend the world to our will, then so be it.”

  “Love and respect to you both.” Seth picked up his glass and lifted it toward his brothers, knowing one way or another he wasn’t coming home without his ring on Tessa’s hand.

  And if he had to burn down the world to make it happen, then so be it.


  Tessa slowly walked up the stairs leading away from the Ninth Street Subway Station and wondered if she was going to make it home before she threw up. Pulling out her water bottle, she took a big slug and then grabbed her package of Ritz crackers. Hitting the street, she sucked in a lungful of air and decided that even the exhaust from the cars was better than the rank smell of all that humanity in the middle of a heat wave.

  She started munching on her crackers as she navigated through the crowded streets and wondered how she could get rid of the almost constant nausea she’d been having. Apparently, her body didn’t like August in the city and had decided to mount a protest because what other explanation could there be?

  Turning down Christopher Street, she felt marginally better and decided that a good nap was in order. Hearing her phone ring in her purse, she stopped next to a small tree and pulled it out. When she saw Seth’s face, she stuck her tongue out and hit the decline call icon. “Not ready for the likes of you.” She pulled out a few more crackers and then started walking toward her studio, taking her time and looking in the windows of the shops that populated the street.

  Her phone went off again, and she pulled it out and saw that Seth hadn’t given up and was trying again. “Fine,” she mumbled as she hit the answer call. “This better be good.”

  “I love you.”

  Sucking in a breath, she put her hand to her heart. “What?”

  “I love you, Tessa.”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “Nope. Totally sober and totally sane and I want you to forgive me.”

  “Just like that?” she almost shouted into the phone. “Have you determined that enough time has passed, and I should just get over your betrayal and fall into your arms like a simpering idiot, ready to buy into whatever sorry you’ve got up on offer?”

  “No, but I’m ready to grovel and do whatever is necessary until you give me a chance.”

  A wave of exhaustion washed over her, and she leaned against a storefront and dropped her face into her hands. “Seth…”

  “Are you okay?”


  “Don’t move; I’ll be right there.”

  “Has he lost his mind?” She looked down at the phone and saw he hadn’t ended the call and looked around. When she spotted a man cutting across the street that looked very much like the man who owned her heart, she sucked in a breath and covered her mouth. “Seth…”

  “I love you, honey. With my whole fucking heart.” Sweeping her into his arms, he embraced h
er tightly. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I can’t breathe,” she replied as he buried his face in her hair.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, loosening his grip.

  Lifting her eyes, she looked into the face of the man who’d been in every single one of her dreams and felt a tiny bit of gratification when she noticed he looked a little rough.

  Small-minded, to be sure, and an absolute strike against her character, but something she decided she could live with. “How did you know where to find me?” A sheepish smile was his response, and she remembered he’d tagged her phone back in Vegas. “At least pretend you feel a little bad for invading my privacy.”


  Stepping out of his embrace, she lifted her chin. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m about to begin apologizing. But if you don’t feel well, then I can feed you first or…” he looked around the street, “do whatever you want.”

  “I feel fine.”

  “Then why did you lean against the storefront?” He put his hand to her forehead. “Are you sick?”

  Pushing away his hand, she narrowed her eyes. “Don’t fuss at me.”

  “But I want to.”

  Her shoulders dropped, and she tried to determine how much energy she had to fight him and his steel will. “You should’ve told me you were planning on coming.”

  “And let you tell me not to bother!” He threw his head back and let out a laugh. “Not a chance, honey.”

  “Well, I’m very busy and don’t know if I can fit you into my schedule.”

  Bending down, so they were eye to eye, he said, “Yeah, I can see how eatin’ crackers and looking at shop windows would take up all your time.”

  “Did you fly all this way to give me a hard time?”

  “No, I came out to apologize a thousand times for my stupidity. I should’ve never lied and trusted that we could’ve found a way to make both of our dreams come true.”

  “I’m so mad at you, Seth.” Feeling tears gather in her eyes, she looked down at her sandals. “I thought you were going to be my soulmate.”

  “Maybe I still can be.”

  “I don’t think…”

  “Are you hungry? Do you want to keep window shopping? How about a movie?”

  “A movie?” she sputtered as she looked up and saw his pitiful look. “Really?”

  “Grabbin’ at straws, honey.”

  “Where’s your bag?”

  “At my hotel.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “The Marlton over on West 8th Street.”

  “I’ve never been there; is it nice?”

  “I guess if you like a tiny shoebox.”

  “I live in a fifth-floor walkup that’s a shoebox.”

  “I know.”

  Letting her hands flap against her sides, she groaned. “You should use your special skills for good and not evil.”

  “Who says keeping an eye on your woman is evil?” Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked from side to side. “Some might even think it’s…”

  “Completely crazy.”

  “Doubt it,” he mumbled.


  Seth took her hand and laced their fingers together. “Show me your place and tell me everything that’s going on with your career.”

  Slumping, she let out a breath. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to think or do. I’m not prepared to deal with…” she waved her hand around, “us.”

  “Then just treat me like a visiting friend and show me around. We don’t have to have any heavy conversations or make any big proclamations; let’s just hang out.”

  Inhaling his familiar scent made something in her chest loosen and, while she hated that he had any effect over her whatsoever, she also welcomed it. The rage and frustration that had been her constant companions since she arrived didn’t seem like such good company anymore, and she decided it might be time to let them go.

  Not that she forgave his transgression.

  But she could set it aside and take in a couple of full breaths, so she could see if a view of her future came into focus. “Does your hotel room have a tub in the bathroom?”

  “Yes, and it also has two twin beds, so if you want to spend the night, you can have your very own.”

  “Do they have room service?”

  “Pretty sure they do since there’s a restaurant and bar.”

  “I’d love to have a bath.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll have, honey.”

  “You realize this means nothing and I’m simply taking advantage of your posh accommodations.”

  “Of course,” he replied with a smile.

  Giving him a prim nod, she hiked her purse onto her shoulder and tried to pretend that her heart wasn’t beating against her chest and having him close wasn’t settling every jagged nerve in her body.


  Seth sat a respectable distance from Tessa in the corner booth they were occupying in the Margaux restaurant and silently instructed himself not to move closer. “Do you like living in Greenwich Village?”

  “I do. It’s eclectic enough to be interesting and yet has a lot of everyday conveniences to make it easy to navigate.”

  He gave her a smile and then looked down at the menu, wondering where her usual spark had gone. Maybe the adjustment to living in the city wasn’t as easy as she hoped. Whatever it was had made the vivacious woman he’d fallen in love with disappear. “Honey, they have a cheese plate. We definitely need to start with that.”

  Giving him a small smile, she smoothed out her napkin. “I’ve been off cheese for a couple of weeks. It doesn’t seem to be agreeing with me, so I’ve given it up for now.”

  Sliding closer, he cupped her cheek. “Have you seen a doctor?”

  “No,” she scoffed. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because I’ve seen you consume a pound of cheese a day for weeks at a time without your stomach protesting, so something is definitely wrong.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Moving her face away from his hand, she rolled her eyes. “Tell me about the company. How are things going?”

  “Everything is fine, busy as ever.”

  “That’s good.”

  The waiter came by and took their orders, and he was surprised that she’d ordered the roast chicken and not one of the dishes that featured fish like she normally would’ve. Something was definitely up, and he hoped he would discover what it was before too long.

  Feeling a bit awkward, he didn’t know if he should dive right into his apology or stick with light conversation until they had a chance to get used to one another. When she folded her hands and looked out the window, he decided just to dive in. “I never meant to keep the information about Ian being taken into custody from you. I planned on telling you right after your performance that night.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because I couldn’t imagine being away from you for a day. When you were up on the stage performing, you lit up the entire room, and I never wanted to miss a minute of seeing you do your thing.”

  “Why didn’t you trust me?”

  “Not to chase your dreams? To stay in Vegas and be happy with what I could offer you?”


  “Because my mother wasn’t interested in me or my brothers. I told you she left when I was little and, as much as I’d thought that old story was dead and buried, it wasn’t. It took having you in my life to confront it. It’s easy to believe things about yourself when you’ve never been tested, but not so much when you’re faced with the very thing that will shake your foundation.”

  “Have you or your brothers ever tried to get in touch with her to see if there was any kind of explanation?”

  “Cole and Zach weren’t interested, but I was and found her several years ago. We never had a mea culpa moment and don’t expect we ever will. She’s never dealt with leaving her kids and, at this point in her life, that’s not likely to change. According to my aunt
, she’s Bipolar. She also probably suffered from post-partum depression when she had us, so I doubt she’s ever going to have enough mental health to reflect on her choices.”

  “I’m sorry you got dealt such a lousy hand when it came to your parents.”

  “Me too, but I got dealt a straight flush when it came to siblings, so I think it all worked out in the end.”

  “Seems so.”

  “I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, and I realize that keeping that information from you was the biggest selfish asshole move in the world. I love you and didn’t want to let you go, and I know that makes me a big dick because loving someone means wanting the best for them. And I do want that for you, despite what my actions have shown.”

  Tears slipped down Tessa’s face, and he felt her hand cover his. “I hope you’ll forgive me someday.”

  “I forgive you, Seth.”

  “Really? Just like that?”

  “I’m not a lunatic bitch who holds onto anger and resentment like a cloak, and I appreciate that you’ve taken responsibility for what you’ve done and imagine that if a similar situation comes up, you’ll make a different choice.”

  “I absolutely will.”

  Nodding, she gave him a small smile. “Good.”

  “Good,” he repeated as he took in a lungful of air. He twined their fingers together and moved a little closer. “All the reasons why our relationship can’t or won’t work don’t change the fact that we love one another, and I plan on sticking around until you accept that.”

  “You couldn’t save that little salvo until tomorrow?”

  “No, it’s best you know what you’re up against.” When all he got was a faint smile in response, he decided enough had been said for the time being.


  Tessa opened one eye and had a momentary second of confusion as to where she was. When she felt Seth’s large body move closer, she immediately remembered they were in his hotel room.

  “Don’t you dare move, honey, because this is as perfect a moment as there is.”

  “I might agree with you if I knew there were some pancakes and bacon on the way along with a big pot of coffee.”


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