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Public Relations

Page 8

by Brittany Anne

  She smiled politely and offered her hand to each of them to give her thanks.

  Jared continued. “I also have Nicole and Amber out with the kids working to organize the donations. Nicole’s my head of fundraising for the foundation, and Amber does coding for the business. I’ll introduce you when we head out there.”

  “Sounds good.” So much was happening around her. Vanessa had expected more time to prepare for the hectic day.

  “Shall I give you the complete tour?” Jared extended his hand to her.

  Vanessa’s heart raced. She took his hand anyway. “Sure.”

  He interlocked his fingers with hers and moved forward, guiding her from the small conference room into the larger open floor. He pointed out which donations he’d designated each table to hold, showed her the boxes they’d be using to pack the materials, and brought her over to the ‘packing station’ he had set up in the back of the room.

  They stopped several times along the way to talk with volunteers and lend a hand when it was needed. She saw that already, most of the donations were sorted on the tables.

  Jared pulled her toward the packing table and raised one brow. “You ready to get to work, Miss Adams?”

  She smiled, no longer feeling overwhelmed by the chaos around her. She had never met a man who could drive her crazy and calm her soul all at the same time. “I most certainly am.”

  “Good.” Jared winked at her. “It’s going to be a long day.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jared held three large boxes in his hands as he waited for Josh and Vanessa to finish up the last one. He watched Vanessa stand beside Josh as he rearranged the supplies so they’d fit. She smiled and encouraged him, and watching the way she interacted with him and her other students warmed him.

  Josh closed the box and held it as Vanessa grabbed a piece of tape and moved in beside him to seal it off. She lifted the box and placed it on top of Jared’s pile, so he gave her a wink.

  Vanessa lifted her hand to Josh, who high fived her and grinned.

  Jared turned and walked the last of the boxes over to their pile, which stood about six feet tall and covered the entire back wall of the conference space.

  Brooke ran over to him bouncing up and down where she stood. “We made 368 care packages!”

  Jared chuckled. “Heck yeah we did. All thanks to you guys.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, and he froze. She pulled away quickly, smile wide and eyes filled with so much excitement you’d think she won the lottery. “Thank you Mr. Walker!”

  She skipped off to her friends, a group of three girls who were waiting for her to head out.

  Jared’s lips curled into a small smile. They were great kids. Every single one of them was gonna go out and change the world. He was sure of it.

  A gentle touch on his bicep pulled him from his thoughts. He turned to see Vanessa, curls falling around her face and a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. “Can you believe it’s already past six? Jeez.”

  He chuckled. “I told you it was gonna be a long day.”

  She playfully punched his shoulder and looked away. “That pizza was great, but I’m starving.”

  The two dozen pizza pies he’d ordered for lunch had been devoured hours ago. A lightbulb went off in his head. “Let me cook for you.”

  Her eyes caught his and her bottom lip fell. “You can cook?”

  He laughed out loud. “Come to my place and see for yourself.”

  She bit her lip and stared at the wall behind him. Jared could only look at her. “Okay,” she said after a few seconds. “But I wanna help.”

  Now it was his turn to poke fun. “You can cook?”

  She covered her mouth with her hand and giggled. “Real funny.” Vanessa looked to his mouth, then met his eyes. “Let’s get outta here.”

  He didn’t think his smile could get much wider. “Please.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Vanessa stared at the stunning house in front of her in awe as Jared parked the car. She was so caught up in the beauty of the place, she barely noticed him get out and walk around to her side to open her door.

  She stepped out slowly, taking his offered hand for support.

  “This is where you live?”

  The house was stunning, a mixture of modern brown siding and dark bricks. There was a huge bay window in front, along with white double doors that came to a rounded point at the top. She could see a balcony on the side of the house, which was surrounded by wooded area.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She couldn’t believe this stunning home was only thirty minutes away from the city. “Why did you ever come to my place?”

  Jared laughed, and she finally turned her attention from the house to him. He had one of the brightest smiles she’d ever seen, perfectly complimenting his square jaw and dark hair. “Shall we go inside?”

  All she could manage to do was nod.

  When Jared pushed in the doors, Vanessa sucked in a breath. The inside was even more stunning than the outside. High ceilings, open space, hardwood floors, a curling staircase. The kitchen caught her eye, and she nearly did a double take at the shining marble and high-end appliances.

  As if he had been watching her eyes, he led her to the kitchen. He let go of her hand and pulled open the fridge, which was stocked with a crazy variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and meats.

  “What are we having for dinner, chef?”

  “I-” She cleared her throat. “I thought you were cooking.”

  Jared’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Fair enough.” He pulled out a plate with steaks on it and a head of romaine, placing it on the counter. Then he grabbed butter, cream, and a small chunk of parmesan.

  “Are you helping, watching, or wandering around my home while I slave over the stove for you?”

  Vanessa swallowed. Then she laughed, finally coming back to the space around her. “I’m helping!” she declared.

  Jared pulled out a stainless steel pot and held it out to her. “Great, let’s boil some water.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Vanessa rinsed the last plate off in the massive sink, then put it down. Jared wasn’t lying when he said he could cook. Caesar salads as an entree, followed by seared filet mignon, homemade mashed potatoes, and roasted veggies.

  She was absolutely stuffed.

  Just as she reached for the towel to dry her hands, Jared wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her toward him. She felt the fire of his touch as her back pressed against his body.

  “So, did I prove myself as a capable chef?” he asked into the crook of her neck. His breath washing over sensitive skin sent a chill through her.

  “More than capable.” Her voice came out huskier than she’d intended.

  His lips pressed to her neck and her eyes rolled back as she dropped her head to the side to give him better access. His hands moved over her hips and abdomen, leaving a trail of heat everywhere they touched.

  He pulled back and spun her toward him.

  Then her ass was on the counter, legs wrapped around his body as their lips locked together. She didn’t even know how she got up there, and she didn’t care. She combed her fingers through his hair as their tongues met.

  She’d wanted this with him for so long. Ever since the first time they’d been intimate with each other, she'd been fantasizing about doing it again.

  He was right. Once wasn’t enough.

  She only wanted him more now that she’d had a taste.

  She pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. Her hands explored his muscular shoulders and back, her nails raked over his chest. The man was a god.

  She feathered her hands over his abs and down to his jeans, where she felt the hard length of his cock pushing against the zipper. She rubbed him through the denim.

  A growl rolled from his throat as he pulled away from her mouth.

  He looked at her like a man possessed. She imagined she must’ve looked the same way.

e didn’t care. Vanessa wanted the passion, the hunger, the madness. She wanted him. Wanted this thing she shared with him to consume them both.

  He grabbed her ass and lifted her, carrying her out of the kitchen and up the curling staircase. She held on tightly, mesmerized at the way he carried her like a child, like it was no effort at all. Her sex ached as she thought of him being inside her.

  This wasn’t just want anymore. No. This was need. She needed him with every fiber of her being.

  His strong arms cradled her as they moved into what was surely his bedroom, but she was so focused on the way his body felt against hers, she barely noticed the space around her.

  There would be time for that later.

  Jared must’ve felt the same way, because he tossed her down on the bed, quickly falling over her.

  In a second, her shirt was pulled over her head and tossed away, followed by her bra. He undid the button on her jeans and pulled them and her panties down in one quick motion.

  She laid there, naked, open to him.

  He stared at her like she was water in a desert, the thing he’d been thirsting for so long he just might die without it. She shivered. No man had ever looked at her that way.

  He bent down and pressed a kiss to her sex. Her body jerked.


  Both of his hands went to her thighs, opening her up to him. His tongue found her clit. Vanessa’s head fell back as the feelings of pleasure overtook her. Her hands went to his head as he licked, sucked, completely devoured her.

  Her hips rocked against his mouth, her hands tightened on him.

  The orgasm barrelled through her. She screamed as he continued to work her sex, drawing it out even longer until the waves slowed.

  He moved on top of her, kissing his way up. Her entire body shook when he flicked his tongue against her nipple.

  “You still have pants on,” she breathed.

  That familiar smirk spread across his lips. “What should we do about that?”

  Vanessa grinned and pushed against his chest. He rose from the bed, and she went with him. She pulled off his belt, then undid his zipper and yanked his jeans down to the floor.

  Her sex was dripping wet and still sensitive. Staring at his cock, she couldn’t resist giving him a taste of the pleasure he’d just given her.

  She leaned in and pressed a kiss to the head of his cock.

  “Fuck, Vanessa. I-”

  She took him in her mouth, pressing down as far as she could possibly go and using her hands to massage the rest. His words faded into grunts and moans, and she quickened her pace.

  His hand fisted into her hair as she began flicking her tongue over the head with each bob.

  She watched his ab muscles tighten. He pulled her to her feet.

  His eyes looked as desperate as she felt. “On the bed.” She didn’t think she’d ever heard his voice so low.

  She obeyed, happily, as he grabbed a condom from the bedside table and rolled it over his length.

  This time, there was no hesitation. No questions. No games. He thrust into her, pulled out, and thrust again. He rabidly pounded into her, their moans melting together as she became lost in the sensation of his body.

  “Jared, I’m gonna-” It couldn’t be. It was too soon. They’d barely just begun and she was already going to explode.

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes, not slowing his movements. “Come for me. I want to see your face as you come for me.”

  Staring at him overwhelmed her. She’d never felt so open and vulnerable in her life. She thought it would be uncomfortable, but the intensity of his gaze on her face only drove her higher.

  Orgasm ripped through her as she screamed out his name. Her entire body shook with pleasure as he continued to thrust.

  His face twisted. Hips jerked. Eyes lit up. He roared her name as he collapsed into her.

  Their breath was the only noise in the room.

  Her head was spinning. Her heart was bound to burst from her chest if it didn’t slow down soon.

  She couldn’t believe it was possible to feel something so good.

  She had to be dreaming.

  Hell, if she was? Vanessa did not want to wake up.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Jared felt his eyes falling shut and struggled to keep them open. Vanessa was wrapped around his body, and he wanted with everything in him to close his eyes and fall asleep next to her. Her shallow breath told him she’d already drifted to sleep.

  It would be so easy to join her.

  But he couldn’t do that.

  Jared slowly inched away, carefully supporting her body and laying her on a pillow. Her bare skin was soft and warm, her hair sprawled out over her back.

  He carefully got out of the bed and walked over to his dresser, opened the second drawer from the top, and pulled out a pair of sweats. He pulled them on and pulled the string to tighten the waist, tying it off and turning to look at her one last time.

  She turned over.

  He quietly moved to the door, pulling it open.


  He froze. Her voice cracked, heavy with sleep. “Where are you going?”

  He turned toward her again to see her leaning up on one elbow in bed. All of her hair fell over her left shoulder, his blanket barely covering her chest. If she moved an inch, it would fall.

  “I, uh, I was just…” He paused. How was he supposed to explain it? “I don’t sleep with people.”

  She sat up, pulling the blanket to her chest. “I don’t understand. You’re leaving again? We’re in your bedroom.”

  “I have a guest room.” The minute the words came from his mouth, he realized how bad they sounded.

  “So you’re leaving me here in your bedroom to go sleep in the guest room? Because you don’t sleep with people?” Her hand rose to push the hair from her face.

  Jared swallowed. It did sound bad out loud. “Pretty much.”

  “But you’re fine with fucking them, right?” Anger laced her words.

  Jared sighed and walked to the edge of the bed. He sat. “I’ve never slept with another person. It’s a choice I’ve made in the best interest of everyone.”

  She scooted closer to him on the bed. “Why?”

  Her delicate fingers brushed against his arm, the warmth spreading throughout him. “It’s not something I talk about.”

  Not with anyone. Only Gavin knew, and they hadn’t discussed it in quite some time.

  She moved even closer. Her arms wrapped around his chest and she leaned her head against the back of his shoulder. “You can talk to me, Jared.”

  He let out a long sigh. Then, only silence filled the room. If there was anyone in the world he felt he could talk to, Vanessa was that person. She deserved his honesty, after all. This was the second time he snuck out on her right after they’d made lo- er, had sex.

  “I don’t want to talk about my time overseas with you.” He had to make that clear. He’d tried the whole talk-it-out thing, and he learned very quickly that it only made things worse for him. Moving forward, thinking better thoughts, doing good in the world— that’s what he needed to do. That’s what helped him. Not rehashing or revisiting old memories.

  Her fingers massaged circles into his skin, her lips pressing occasional kisses to his back. She stayed silent.

  “I worked at it and I’m fine now. I don’t think about it. I don’t stress over it. For the most part, I have no issues. It’s only driven me forward.” She made no attempt to speak or question his rambling, so he went on. “The only time it comes out is when I have dreams. Nightmares.”

  Something about her hands on his skin felt like safety. “Sometimes I wake up, and it’s like I’m there. I don’t know what’s going on, where I am. I don’t know what I’m doing.” He feels nothing but survival instinct. Fight. Survive. By any means necessary.

  He needed to see her face. Needed to know what she was thinking.

  Jared spun to look at her. She kept her hands on his
body, her eyes staring back at him with sympathy.

  That wasn’t what he wanted.

  “How often?” Her face held nothing but sympathy in her eyes. He couldn’t read anything else on her.

  “I don’t know,” he said. He gently pressed his thumb and pointer into the corners of his eyes as he thought. “Once, maybe twice a month.” That was the usual… until he’d met her.

  Jared hadn’t had a nightmare in quite some time.

  He opened his eyes again to look at her. Her brow was furrowed, the corners of her lips turned down. “So you avoid ever spending the night with someone on the off chance they’re there on that one day a month?”

  Jared inhaled slowly, then released the air he held. “Honestly? I never even had this issue until you.”

  She looked away from him. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’ve never had another woman here.” His home had always been his sacred place. The only people he brought here were the people who were permanent fixtures in his life. Gavin. Kyle. And now… Vanessa. Jared shoved away the magnitude of that fact, refusing to deal with it in that moment.

  “Your sex life is pretty notorious, Jared.” She laughed, but he heard the bitterness in it.

  “A lot of it’s just the press. You know how they like to exaggerate things.” Every damn thing in his life. “The ones that weren’t an exaggeration were just hookups. Nothing else. I never brought anyone here. Never wanted to.”

  He met her eyes again, and saw her stress melting away right before his eyes as her jaw relaxed and her lashes lowered.

  “I have no fucking idea why I’m telling you all of this.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  She reached for him, her hand falling on his cheek and turning his face toward hers. “I’m not running away, Jared.”

  He felt his own worry begin to fade. Slowly, but it was fading.

  She kissed him. The kiss was soft, tender. Sweet.

  Not like their other kisses.

  Her hand slowly teased over his body as their kiss deepened. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, desperate to taste her. She met him with the same desperation.


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