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Until Tia

Page 2

by K. L. Humphreys

  "God," she cries, putting her plate onto the coffee table. "Why can't he leave you alone? It's been three years."

  I hold my plate tighter and reach for her with my right hand and grasp her thigh. "He can't hurt me anymore, Gabs. He doesn't have the power to do it anymore."

  She nods, the tears glistening in her eyes. "I hate that he's still doing this. That he's hoping he can control you again. I can't believe the police can't do anything about it."

  We're both frustrated with the situation, it seems that no matter what we do, we're stuck in limbo. Jamie is always at the back of my mind, wondering what he plans to do next. So far, he's kept his distance and focuses on tormenting me via phone calls.

  "Enough about Jamie. Tell me about Zeke." I smile as the tears start to fade and her lips curl at the ends. "Ooh, no holding out on me."

  "He's sweet, he's asked me out on a date." Her cheeks heat as she reaches for her dinner plate.

  "And?" Jesus. It's like pulling teeth with her.

  She shrugs, "And nothing."

  I stare at her in shock. "Why?" I don't understand, she really likes this guy. Since I've lived with her she's not been on a single date. It's more than time for her to go out and have fun.

  She starts eating and I just glare at her, not willing to let this slide. "Gabby!" I hiss, "What's going on?"

  She sighs, "I don't want to go out when you're still dealing with the shit from Jamie." Her voice is soft and filled with concern. "I don't want my actions to jeopardize how well you're doing."

  My heart drops at her admission. "Gab," I whisper, unable to bare that my sister is putting her life on hold for me. "Please don't do this," I beg of her. "Don't stop living just because of my fucked up relationship. What happened with Jamie isn't going to happen again. How do you know if Zeke's the one for you, if you don't at least go on a date with him?"

  Her tears begin to fall and I feel myself welling up. "I can't help it. I just see you lying in that hospital bed, all battered and bruised. It's a sight I never want to see again."

  "Never," I vow. I'll never allow a man to hurt me again.

  "We only have each other, T," she says softly as though that's an explanation as to why she's not going on a date.

  She's right, but she's also wrong. She's the only biological family I have, our parents aren't great, they always vocalized just how disappointed they were in Gabby and I. As soon as us girls were old enough, we moved out and never looked back. Hell, as soon as I left home, Mom and Dad packed up and moved to Australia, I haven't spoken to them in years.

  "We have November and the Maysons," I remind her.

  She nods, "I know, but it's not the same." No it's not, but I love November like a sister and I know she feels the same about me. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you, T, and if that means no dating, then so be it."

  I shake my head, "No, it's not happening. Listen to me, Gabs. I am not broken, I am not fragile. He didn't destroy me and I won't live like he has. So you text Zeke and get your gorgeous self an amazing date."

  A beautiful smile breaks out and I sigh in relief. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice filled with emotion.

  I nod, unable to speak through the lump in my throat.

  It's time for us to finally live our lives properly. Maybe, that means I should go on a date? The thought has shivers running down my spine.



  "Mom, I understand..."

  "No you don't, Christopher." Her green eyes flash with anger, her nostrils flare as she crosses her arms over her chest. "You expect me to look after him whenever you feel like it. I have a life too."

  The way she says him has me clenching my teeth as I try to hold back the anger. It doesn't work all that great. "That him, you are referring to Mom, is your grandson. I pay you well to watch him for four hours three times a week."

  I'm pissed. Beyond fucking so. This woman, God, I have no idea what the hell has happened to her. Since Dad died, she's acted differently, especially since my son, Marcus, has come to live with me. I thought she'd be pleased, getting to spend time with her grandson, but it turned out to be the complete opposite. She complains constantly when I ask her to watch him while I have meetings.

  She doesn't interact with him unless she has to and I hate her for it. It's not as though she has him all day every day, just after Kindergarten, three times a week. The rest of the time, he's with me. I've had enough of the complaints, I'm going to have to look into getting a babysitter to watch him on those days.

  She purses her lips at me, "Well, I never." She huffs as she clutches the pearls my father bought her for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. "How dare you?"

  I shake my head, disgusted by her behavior toward my son. "Don't worry about it, Mom, I'll hire someone to watch him. You can focus on the galas and shit you need to attend."

  Her cheeks heat, and she actually looks slightly abashed. I've never been this angry at her before, but she's pushed me too far. She was supposed to collect him from Kindergarten but I received a call from them informing me that she hadn't shown up. She forgot, she was drinking at some stupid fucking soiree or some shit that she and her snobby friends organized.

  "You had to go and get that..." She shakes her head, the anger coming out in full force now. "That godawful woman pregnant. Do you understand the predicament that you have put me in? Having the son of a prostitute as my grandson? Not to mention—"

  I hold up my hand to stop her. "Firstly, Layla wasn't a prostitute when I met her, she was a stripper. There's a big difference and as soon as I found out what she had become, I got my son out of that place." Not to mention that Layla had forgotten to feed my son for almost two days, nor had she changed his diaper in that length. She was high on drugs and alcohol and didn't give a fuck about Marcus.

  As soon as I found out, I filed for emergency custody and when I got him home he was withdrawn and frightened of even the littlest noises. Now he's a different boy altogether, always quick to smile and affectionate. He can go throughout the night without waking up crying now.

  He's not once asked for his mom; that says a fucking lot.

  "That may be so, but that woman is evil and you have disgraced this family by cavorting with her," Mom hisses as she leans forward in her chair. "Your father would be turning in his grave."

  There's a knock on the office door before I'm even able to respond. "Enter!" I yell a little too loud and Marcus glances up from his spot beside me where he's currently watching Toy Story on his tablet.

  Natalia walks in and dread fills my stomach, she's my current personal assistant, she’s lasted longer than most at eight weeks, and she's already threatened to quit four times in the past three weeks. I've been a complete asshole and I can't blame her for wanting to leave. She has to put up with my foul moods on almost a daily occasion as well as fielding calls from both my mom and Layla.

  "You have a call," she tells me through clenched teeth as she comes to stand in the doorway with both hands on her hips. "She will not listen to me when I tell her that you're in a meeting." The look she gives my mom can only be described as revulsion.

  "Hang up on her." I sigh, knowing that it'll be more trouble than it's worth, "Then you can go for the day."

  She nods sharply. "My resignation was written up last night. It's on my desk, I was planning on working out the rest of my notice, but I can't. I'm really sorry, Christopher, but the stress isn't worth the health of my baby."

  And that's why she's been threatening to quit. She's pregnant and having to deal with bitches while she should be taking it easy.

  "I completely understand and there's no hard feelings." I repeat my words from the very first time she told me.

  She gives me a bright smile, "I wish you the best and I really do hope that you manage to lose some of the toxicity in your life." She glares at my mom. "Thank you for everything, Christopher, and I really am sorry."

  She turns on her heels and leaves my office.

ime to go, Mom," I tell her not wanting to listen to her bullshit any longer. "Don't worry about Marcus, I'll find someone else to watch him after Kindergarten."

  Her cheeks flush as her eyes widen, "But the money."

  I shake my head, of course that's all she's interested in. Money. "Mom..." I say through clenched teeth.

  She bristles at my tone but doesn’t heed the warning that’s in my voice. “I need that money.” She waves her hand dismissively as I try to speak again. “No, you listen here, you promised you’d look after me after your father died and you’ve not done that. Instead, I’ve had to deal with your mistake.”

  Oh fuck no!

  “The door is there. Use it,” I snarl. I keep my voice low not wanting Marcus to know that I’m pissed, my son has been through enough without having to worry about me. “Seriously, Mom. You have five seconds to leave otherwise security will be escorting you from the premises.”

  I’m beyond angry right now.

  She gets to her feet, the glare she casts at my son just adds fuel to the fire that’s raging beneath the surface. “Out,” I hiss at her and she jumps, her face pale and her eyes wide. She’s just realized how badly she’s fucked up.

  “Stay here,” I tell Marcus and he raises his head and gives me a brief nod before focusing back on the movie. I glare at my mother and she takes the hint and starts to move her ass out of my office. “Don’t come back here, Mom. You’re not welcome.”

  She turns to face me, her steely blue eyes filled with anger as she crosses her arms over her chest. Looks as though she’s got something to say. “You’ve changed,” she sneers. “I preferred the old Christopher. Since that boy has come into your life, you’re not the same.”

  I move past her and hit the button for the elevator. “You’ve gone too far.” My voice is deceptively calm. Nothing like the raging storm that’s flowing through my veins. “That is my son. Mine!” I growl. “You have a problem with his mother, that’s fine. I fucking do too. But, that has nothing to do with Marcus.”

  Her lips curl in disgust.

  “No,” I snap before she’s able to spew more shit. “I’m done. You will not treat my son as though he’s an imposition. Your tirade ends now.”

  She huffs, “What about the money?”

  “You want the money?” I ask, knowing damn well she does, it’s the only thing she’s interested in. She nods, not in the slightest embarrassed at how fucking vile she’s being. “Then you’ll get it.” Her eyes light up with glee. Damn, was she always like this? “As long as you steer clear of me and my son.”

  She grins, she doesn’t give a fuck. “I’ll see you soon, Christopher.”

  My jaw is clamped tight as I watch her move into the elevator, she’s still grinning at me as the doors close. Damn. Today has just been cluster fuck after cluster fuck. Sighing, I pull out my cell and call Margaret.

  “Mr. Harlan, is everything okay?” Margaret’s been with the company since the very beginning, the only one that has been. She’s very loyal and is the head of HR.

  “Not really, I need a new assistant and I need one yesterday,” I snap, and instantly feel bad. It’s not Margaret’s fault. “Please.”

  She chuckles lightly, “I’ll get on it right away, hopefully, we’ll have applicants in for it tomorrow afternoon, until then, I’ll have a temp brought in.”

  This is why she’s the best and why the company wouldn’t be what it is without her.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Harlan. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “No, you’re fine, thank you. Once you’ve done that you may leave,” I insist and end the call just as the elevator doors open. I brace myself fully expecting my mother to step out but relief washes through me when I see my friend Jameson Theroux. “Do we have a meeting?” I question not remembering seeing his name down on my calendar.

  He shakes his head and grimaces. “No, but I needed to make things up to Wendy.” He sighs as he scrubs his hand down his face. “I forgot how pissy she can get when she’s pregnant.”

  I grin at him, loving that his wife can give him shit. He’s normally such a ruthless bastard in the boardroom, but when it comes to his wife, Jameson nearly loses his damn mind. “What did you do this time?”

  He narrows his eyes at me, his nostrils flaring as he shoves his hands into his pants pockets. “I may have told her that she wasn’t allowed to work anymore.”

  I wince. Damn, what the hell is wrong with him?

  He sighs, “Yeah, that’s exactly it. She went postal. She threw her fucking notebook at me.”

  I bite my lip to stop the laughter from bubbling out. “Your wife is six months pregnant, Jameson, as well as being your assistant. You should know better by now. Wendy will only slow down when she wants to. All you’re doing is making sure that she stays working longer.” The man doesn’t realize that his wife is very much like him. Stubborn as fuck. She’ll do the complete opposite of what Jameson wants just to piss the man off and he falls for it every single time.

  He shakes his head, he knows that I’m right. “I saw your mom leaving. She looked like the cat that got the cream.” He raises a brow at me in question.

  I relay what’s happened and watch the anger fill his face. “What the fuck is wrong with her?”

  I shrug, “I’ve no idea, I don’t recognize her anymore.”

  “What about the other bitch?” he asks and I don’t have to ask who he’s talking about. In my circle of friends there’s only two people they refer to as bitches, one just left and the other is across the Atlantic where she fucking belongs.

  “I have no idea. I really don’t give a shit either.” I gave up on her a long ass time ago. She crossed the line when she put my son’s life in danger. I’ll never forgive her for that nor will I ever let her around my son ever again.

  “Good, let’s just hope it stays that way.” Jameson has never liked Layla and as soon as he found out that I had slept with her he made it clear just how stupid he thought I was.

  “My focus is on Marcus.” And it always will be.

  Jameson nods his head in agreement. “Good, how is the little guy?”

  “Good, Mom forgot to pick him up from Kindergarten today so he’s currently in my office watching a movie.”

  Jameson lets out a string of curses. “What the hell is wrong with people?”

  I scoff, “It’s something I ask myself every day.”

  Tiny but heavy footsteps alert us to Marcus moving about. “Uncle Jameson,” he screeches as he runs full speed toward the man and launches himself at him. “I missed you.”

  Jameson hoists him up into the air with a big smile on his face. “I bet you did, little man. I missed you too. I came to ask your dad if you wanted to have dinner with me.”

  Marcus’ eyes light up. “Yes!” He does a fist pump in the air. “Will Auntie Wendy be coming too?”

  I grin, my son has a huge soft spot for her and it makes Jameson jealous. He does not like to share his wife.

  “Yep, she’s waiting in the car for you.”

  Marcus wiggles out of Jameson’s hold and makes a beeline for the elevator, “What are we waiting for?”

  I laugh, I love seeing my son so carefree and happy. “Nothing, let’s get you fed.”

  I may not have my family by blood, but I have my family that is made up of my friends and that’s all that Marcus and I need.



  "So, don't leave me hanging, Tia!" Gabby sighs as she flops down onto the couch beside me. "Did you get the job or not?"

  "I'm waiting to hear back," I hate the waiting, but I understand they've interviewed a lot of applicants today. "There were fifteen people in the lobby waiting to be interviewed when I was called in."

  Gabby pouts, "But I want you to work there."

  I giggle at her childish behavior, "Gabs, I don't think it works like that."

  Although, I'll never admit it to her, the interviewers seemed pretty impressed
by my knowledge of HarMar and the products they sell. Gabby spent four hours with me last night telling me every single piece of information that she has ever heard about Christopher. Including all the rich businessmen that he’s friends with. But the more that Gabby talked about Christopher, the more I liked, from what she’s told me he’s down to earth and keeps out of the spotlight. For someone so rich, it’s a nice change that not every single thing about him is advertised in the media.

  "So, did you meet him? Is he as gorgeous in real life as he is in the media?"

  "No, he wasn't at the interview. It was the vice president as well as the head of human resources," I inform her as I tuck my feet beneath my legs. "I feel as though it went well, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

  Gabby crosses her fingers as she closes her eyes. I see her lips moving but no sound is coming out and I’ve known her long enough to know that she's saying a silent prayer that I'll get the job. She loves HarMar products. She's a huge gamer. Every night she's on her console, talking to her friends, and playing games.

  "You're such a child," I tell her as I poke her side knowing that I've hit her ticklish spot. She doesn't disappoint me; she begins to giggle and I continue to tickle her until she cries for mercy.

  "I hate you," she huffs at me as she tries to regain her breath. Her eyes wet from her laughter and her cheeks flushed. "But I'm so proud of you, T. It couldn't have been easy going there today and interviewing but you did it and you kicked ass!"

  I roll my eyes at her dramatics. "Proud of what?"

  She tsks at me, "Don't, T. Just don't put yourself down. Since that asshole..." she snarls, we never mention his name anymore. "You've finally started to flourish, you've grown stronger, and you're finally able to start living again. I'm so proud of you. Do you know that there's some women that have been in your situation that are unable to leave the house."


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