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Until Tia

Page 12

by K. L. Humphreys

  The door closes softly and it's not long until I hear the shower turn on. I hit dial on my cell and bring it to my ear.

  "Hello?" There's weariness in his voice. I don't blame him.

  "Asher Mayson?" I ask.

  "Yeah..." His tone is hesitant now. “Who’s this?"

  "Christopher Harlan, Tia said you wanted me to call."

  I hear him speak low to someone before there's movement. "I didn't expect it to be this soon, what's happened?"

  The man's sharp, but Tia trusts him and loves him like a brother. She's told me a lot about him and November, along with their family.

  "She received a letter this evening from him. It said 'Christopher isn't yours. Stay away or there will be hell to pay.' Tia said you want her in Tennessee." I don't tell him about the other thing because that's not my place to say anything. If and when Tia decides to tell them, I'll be there for her.

  "Fuck," he growls. "I want her here, I want her safe. If I had my way, she'd have come with us when that bastard put her in the hospital."

  I grit my teeth, "Not happening, she's safe here. I won't let anything happen to her."

  "You and your friends may be able to keep her safe but you're not around her twenty-four-seven. This asshole is probably just waiting for a chance to get her alone."

  "I get that she's family to you, Asher, but she's the love of my life, I'm not going to let anything happen to her."

  He's silent for a beat. "I want her, you and your son here. I'd like to meet you."

  "I'll arrange it," I tell him instantly.

  I hear him expel a breath, "If you can get Gabby and her man down here too, I'll buy you a drink."

  I chuckle just as the shower turns off. "I'll see what I can do."

  "Alright, man, you've got my number. Use it if you need me. I won't tell my wife you're headed this way until it's set in stone."

  "Sounds good, I'll talk to Tia and Gabby." I have a feeling that Gabby isn't willing to let Tia out of her sight just yet and she has no idea of the extent of abuse that her sister suffered at the hands of that animal.

  "Thanks for calling. Later." He ends the call and I can't help but feel that I've somehow managed to win him over, well at least a bit.

  The door opens and Tia peeks her head around, relief shines brightly in her eyes when she sees that I'm not on the phone. "Everything okay?"

  "Ah, blue eyes, come here." She was worried about the call. Damn. "Baby, it was fine, the man's worried about you and I get it. I'm arranging for us to go to Tennessee to see them."

  Her face splits into one of her bright smiles. "Really?"

  I nod as she reaches me. I wrap my arms around her. "Yeah, he wants Gabby to come along too."

  "She'd like that, she misses them too. Since I moved in with her, she's gotten close to them too." She glances up at me, her gaze searching my face. "Are you okay?"

  "Baby," I murmur as I take her lips for a chaste kiss. "I'm fine, how are you?"

  She sighs, "I'm a lot better than I thought I'd be. I never wanted anyone to know what Jamie did to me, but I'm glad I told you."

  "I am too. Get dressed, pack a few bags, after dinner we're going home."

  Once again, her eyes go soft and she gives me a lazy smile. "Home."

  Tomorrow I start planning for our trip to Tennessee, I’ve got something to purchase before we get there. It may be too soon in others’ eyes, but I don’t care. Tia’s the one for me, has been since the moment I set eyes on her.



  Christopher worked tirelessly to ensure that we could go to Tennessee. It took three days from the phone call with Asher for us to be able to go. I was shocked at how easily he managed to organize everything, not only with me and Marcus, but with Gabby and Zeke too. Yes, he even managed to convince Zeke to come with us.

  "Tia, want some chips?" Marcus asks as he shoves the pack of Lays in front of me.

  I smile but shake my head, "No thanks, baby, I'm okay. You eat them."

  He grins at me and starts to shove the chips into his mouth. I glance over at Chris who's got a smile on his face as he always does whenever he watches us interact.

  Since that night, Marcus has kept close to me at all times; whenever Chris isn't around it's as though Marcus takes over guard duty. He's like a sentry, standing guard at all times. I know how proud Chris is of him and how well he's dealing with everything. Christopher has explained as much as he can to him without going into explicit details. Marcus knows that someone I used to date hurt me and that he's still out there.

  "What's the plan for when we land?" Zeke asks, his arm thrown over Gabby's shoulder. Those two have been practically joined at the hip since we boarded over an hour ago.

  I learned something new about Christopher. He's not just rich, he's mega rich. He has his own private plane. Something that I may never be able to get used to. I'm not with Chris for his money, most of the time it's not even a problem, he never flaunts it.

  "We're checking into the hotel and we'll meet up with Asher and November for dinner," I say as the excitement starts to build. it's been way too long since I've given November a hug and had snuggles with July.

  "November still has no idea, does she?" Gabby asks and I glance to Chris to see he's got a smirk on his face.

  "No, she doesn't. Asher wanted to surprise her." He's told her they were having a date night. Little does she know that we'll be crashing that date, but I know she won’t be upset, if anything she'll cry.

  "You want to go to the zoo today?" I ask Marcus. I hope he says yes, it'll be nice for us to spend the day together, Chris included without having to worry about work or exes.

  His face lights up, "Cool."

  My heart fills with happiness at his expression. "We'll get your dad to rent a car."

  "Already have the car service booked, blue eyes."

  "Excellent," I breathe, excited about this trip. Not only do I get to spend time with my best friend, I get to spend some quality time with Christopher and Marcus.

  Four hours later, we're on our way to the zoo. We checked into the hotel, left our luggage in the room, and grabbed a bite to eat. We lost Gabby and Zeke as soon as we checked into our rooms. The way those two were joined at the hip, I'd say they'll be in their room until it's time for dinner. I'm not sure what's happened between them, but they're closer than they had been and I love the happiness that radiates from my sister.

  "What's your favorite animal?" Marcus asks us. He's been full of questions all day and I love how relaxed he is.

  Chris's hand is in mine, even though he's driving. I love it, I've never had a guy do it before and I swooned as soon as he touched my hand. Marcus is happy in the back, glancing out of the window, watching and taking in everything he sees.

  "Hmm, I love dogs."

  Marcus giggles. "Do they have dogs at the zoo?"

  I shrug, "I don't think so, they could, it's been a long time since I went to the zoo. But I do love penguins, what about you?"

  "Giraffes. I haven't seen one before, I've never been to the zoo. But giraffes are awesome. How tall are they?"

  My heart hurts that he hasn't been to the zoo before. I glance at Chris and see that his jaw is clenched.

  "What other animals do you want to see?" I want to make a note of them and make sure that we go and see them first.

  "Tigers, lions, elephants. Pandas. Everything." His voice growing higher from excitement with each word he says.

  "Anything else, bud?" Chris asks and I see him slowly start to relax.

  "Oh and the penguins, we have to see the penguins. Tia loves them."

  "Definitely, bud."

  "What about you, Daddy, what do you want to see?"

  God, I love this boy. He's the sweetest, most caring boy in the world.

  "All of it, bud. I've not been to the zoo since I was around your age."

  Damn, these guys are killing me.

  Chris pulls into the zoo's parking lot and the excitement of everyone ratche
ts up a notch. When we exit the car I see Marcus bouncing on the balls of his feet. Today is going to be the best day ever.

  "Blue eyes..." Chris calls as I walk hand in hand with Marcus toward the restaurant. I stop and glance back at him, his eyes are on me filled with heat and lust. Usually it would make me cringe, a shudder would normally run through me, but not anymore. Not with Christopher. The man adores me, it's so clear to see. I know that he would never hurt me, not with his hands or his words.

  I want to try with him, I want to feel what it feels like to make love to someone. I want Chris more than I have ever wanted anyone else, but I'm scared.


  His gaze sweeps my body before it settles on my face. "You look beautiful, baby." His hand reaches for me and I lean into him. His fingers close around my nape and he pulls me against him. "Love you, T, thank you for giving us the best day we've ever had."

  My heart melts at his words. After everything that happened with Jamie I never believed I'd be happy or that I'd have a family of my own. Until Christopher. He and Marcus have given me something I truly didn't think I'd have, but now I can't be without either of them.

  "I love you too and I can't take all the credit, Marcus' exuberance made the day perfect."

  He was giddy the entire time we were walking around the zoo, pulling us both by the hands and dragging us to see the animals. I don't think I’ve smiled or laughed before as much as I did today.

  Chris is quiet and I tilt my head to look at him, his eyes are filled with so much love and devotion that tears spring to my eyes.

  Marcus pulls on my arm, I look down at him, he has a lopsided grin as he stares back at me. "Tia, will you marry Daddy and be my mom?"

  I gasp and turn to Chris who's standing there with a smirk on his face. "Way to steal Daddy's thunder, bud," he mutters as he gives Marcus a stare. "Blue eyes, I was going to ask you myself; someone jumped the gun."

  Marcus giggles, "You were taking too long, Daddy."

  I'm in shock, unable to form a coherent thought or word. Chris shakes his head at his son and I swallow as he gets down on one knee. I can't stop the tears that are falling down my face. My God. This is actually happening! "Tia, you're strong, beautiful, caring, and you're the love of my life. I can't imagine a life without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He pulls a black box out of his jacket pocket and opens it up.

  I stare at the ring, mesmerized. It's beautiful. Platinum, with a square diamond, surrounded by smaller ones. I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

  "Blue eyes?"

  "Yes," I whisper on a sob. "Yes," I manage to say a little louder.

  He places the ring onto my finger and pulls me into his arms, our lips touch and the kiss is hot and heavy.

  I hear a cough and tense in Chris' arms. "You must be, Christopher," I hear Asher's rumble and spin in Chris' arms to see my best friend and her husband staring at us.

  November has tears in her eyes but a wide smile on her face, Asher seems to be fighting his own and I grin at the both.

  "I'm so happy for you, T," November says, blowing me a kiss.

  "Does that mean you'll be my mommy?" Marcus asks and we all look at him. "You're going to marry Daddy. He said that when you two get married you'll be my mommy."

  I hear November's sharp intake of breath as I pull out of Chris' arms and move to the little boy that's looking at me with so much hope. I crouch down so that we're at eye level. "You want me to be your mom?"

  He nods, "More than anything."

  "I'd love to be. I love you so much, Marcus," I tell him as my tears start to fall faster down my face.

  "I love you too, Mommy."

  I hear November's strangled cry as Marcus throws himself into my arms and holds me tightly. "I'll never stop loving you," I promise him. "I'll always want you, you’re my son, Marcus."

  He doesn't say anything, just tightens his arms around me. His tears soaking my neck where he shoved his face but I don't care, I just continue to hold him.

  A car door closes and I glance over my shoulder to see Gabby and Zeke exiting the cab. I had called them to see if they wanted a ride but Gabby said they'd meet us here. I watch closely as Zeke pulls Gabby close to him, his arm around her waist.

  Gabby glances around at us, "What have I missed?"

  "Your sister got engaged," Asher says, "and became a mom."

  Gabby's face splits into a smile. "I'm an auntie!" she squeals as she runs over to where Marcus and I are and pulls us both into her embrace. "I'm so proud of you, Tia, and so very happy. You found a really good guy who adores you."

  "So have you," I reply softly as I try to stop the tears.

  "Okay, enough with the crying," November says. "I'm hormonal as it is. Besides, it's my turn for a hug."

  Both Marcus and Gabby release me and I'm instantly swung into a hug. "I've missed you so much."

  I hold her tightly, "I've missed you too." God, it feels so good to be in her arms again.

  "Oh, they're getting along. I thought Asher was going to have a coronary when he saw Christopher down on one knee..."

  I spin around and see both Christopher and Asher smiling. Relief washes through me. Glad that they're getting along. I melt into November when the two men shake hands.

  I was right, today is the best day of my life and things can only get better from here.



  "I can't believe it," Gabby gasps, "girls’ night. I didn't think the guys would ever let us out of their sight."

  I giggle, it's true. We've been here in Tennessee for almost a week and in that time the men have been glued to our sides. Even though it's girls’ night, we're still in November's house, the guys are just at Cash's playing poker. Both Marcus and July are upstairs asleep and have fast become best friends, despite the age difference.

  "So tell me, what's Chris like in bed?" November asks me with a sly grin. We've not had any alcohol, we've eaten our weight in food, and have been laughing non-stop. God, I've missed doing this. I feel normal, just like the old days.

  I shrug as I feel my cheeks heat. "We haven't had sex yet."

  She glances at Gabby, then back to me, her mouth open slightly and her eyes wide. "Still?" She hisses. "How? He's hot, I mean if I weren't married, I'd be totally salivating over him." She laughs and I realize that Gabby's not laughing with her.

  Damn it. My sister sees way too much. The entire time we've been here she's been watching me, I knew she was worried but it's a bit more than that.

  "Tia?" November asks when she sees that no one else is laughing with her, "What's wrong? Gabs?"

  My sister licks her bottom lip, "How many times?" she asks not looking at November.

  My stomach drops as I stare at her pale face. "What?"

  Her hands ball into fists, "How many times did that asshole..." Her voice breaks on a sob. "Rape you?"

  I stare at her, "How?" It's all that I can ask, how the hell did she know?

  Tears spill from her eyes and I get a sick feeling in my stomach. I never wanted to talk about this. I never wanted to burden anyone with the knowledge of what happened to me. For them to view me any different than they have.

  "I think I've known for a while. The nightmares," she shakes her head, her lips twisted in disgust, "but also, some of the things you've said."

  My hands are trembling, I bite my lip to stop the whimper from escaping.

  "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell us?" Gabby's crying hard now, "Do you not trust me?"

  "What? No!" I cry immediately, "I trust you, Gabs, you're my rock."

  "Then why?"

  I can only shrug, she'll never understand. She's emotional right now and upset, I'm not sure if she'll even hear what I'm saying.

  "Oh, Tia," November whispers as she wraps her arms around me. "I'm so sorry, girl. So fucking sorry."

  I lean against her, willing my tears not to come. I've cried way too many tears over everything that Jamie put me through

  Arms wrap around me from the other side and I know that Gabby's there.

  "He told me no one would believe me, that I was his girlfriend," I whisper softly. "I didn't want you all to look at me with pity or to treat me like I'm fragile. I'm not."

  Both of their arms tighten around me. "We don't think you're fragile," November says adamantly.

  "I want to kill that fucker, T, cut his dick off and feed it to him. I hate him," Gabby cries. "Why haven't the police found him yet?"

  "Soon," November promises her, "I have to believe that it'll be soon."

  "Okay, I love you girls, but enough crying," I urge them, needing to switch conversations.

  "Are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone, I can get some recommendations for you?" Gabby asks as she pulls away from me, "I think you could benefit from talking to someone."

  I shake my head, no. I don't want that, I'm not comfortable nor do I think I ever would be.

  "Okay, Tia, but the offer is there if you ever need it, whatever you need, just tell us."

  "Yep, we're here whenever you need us, T, whether it's to listen as you cry or just sit in silence with you. No matter what, we're here."

  My heart swells at their words, "I love you guys."

  "I just want to say one more thing," Gabby says as she moves to sit back on her chair. "What that asshole did to you, it's unforgivable and I hate him for it. But I'm so proud of you, Tia, you've been through so much and the fact you're able to trust again...." She shakes her head as she gives me a watery smile. "I'm so fucking proud of you."

  November's cell buzzes, she picks it up and glances at it. "It's Asher, the guys are on their way home."

  I roll my eyes, "I'm surprised they left us alone for three hours. I thought they'd have cracked sooner than that." Asher hates being away from November when she's pregnant, Chris is really protective of me, always wanting to make sure that I'm safe, and Zeke, well he and Gabby are practically joined at the hip.


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