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Man’s Higher Consciousness

Page 11

by Hilton Hotema

  In such cases we find that the persons have not housed themselves, have not lived on a main highway, nor worked in garages, filling stations, factories, stores, offices.


  The theory that food is so essential to sustain the body receives a heavy blow whenever investigated. As little food is eaten the result is better health and longer life.

  The 1938 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana reported that Bulgaria was the leading land of Centenarians in the civilized world, and they subsisted on a frugal fare. The account said:

  “People (in Bulgaria) said to be 105 to 125 years of age are not uncommon....Over 70 percent of the people are engaged in agriculture....Fruits and vegetables are raised in abundance....Wine is plentiful and cheap” (Volume 5, P. 1).

  A commission of Bulgarian doctors visited a large number of these old people in 1927, and found they lived on a simple diet of fruits, vegetables, sour milk and buttermilk. They were lean to the point of underweight according to medical standards. Only one of the group was found to weigh as much as 168 pounds, the majority weighing between 122 and 130 pounds.

  Bulgaria had 58 centenarians per 100,000 of population, while the U.S.A., the land of plenty and gluttony, had but 4 per 100,000 population, with the number of centenarians steadily falling.

  The press in 1938 reported the case of Kakudo Yamashita, a cemetery caretaker in Tokyo, who lived for 35 years on nothing but uncooked tree leaves, grass and weeds. He was then 80 and reported in good health.

  K. L. Coe, writing in Correct Eating for March 1931, reported that Dr. Robert McCarrison, of the British Army Medical Service in India, found in a colony in the Himalayan region that the natives were so old it was hard to believe their records were correct, yet he was unable to detect any error in their method of keeping time. Coe said:

  “Ages well beyond 250 years were common. Men of well attested age up to 150 years were recently married and raising children. Men said to be well over 200 were working in the fields with younger men, doing as much work, and looking so much like the younger men, that McCarrison was not able to distinguish the old from the young. These people live long and are free of all disorders because they spend their time in the open air and subsist entirely on simple, natural foods, with a small amount of milk and cheese. An account appeared in a certain magazine in 1950 to the effect that one Oswald Beard, an English veteran of World War I, was wounded in the stomach, and for the last ten years had been able to take nothing but tea ‘spiked with plenty of cream and sugar.’”

  No dietetic expert will agree that such a diet will support the body.


  “Conquer this foul monster; Desire, most difficult to seize, and yet possible of mastery by the Real Self; then bind him fast forevermore, thy slave instead of thy master” (Message of the Master, P. 44).

  “To want nothing is divine. To want the least possible brings one nearer to divine perfection. The less physical man becomes through the conquest of his Desire, the less he needs. The less man needs, the nearer he becomes like gods, who use nothing and are immortal’ (Socrates).

  Dietetic experts are like other experts. They think their theories are right when they are most always wrong. They contend that man must eat this for protein, that for carbohydrates, something else for vitamins and minerals, and so on. They forget the fact that the cow eats only grass and green leaves and lives in good health.

  One test case is sufficient to show the experts are wrong: In his “Believe it or Not,” in the press of January 16th 1934, Robert Ripley, who said he had evidence to prove the truth of everything he published, reported the case of Jekisiel Laib, of Grodno, Poland, who fasted six days a week for thirty years. Each Saturday he ate bread and water, and his health was good. Laib declared that eating is an acquired habit and not natural, as are chewing and smoking tobacco, and he determined to prove it.

  Modern man subsists on a diet of demineralized substances that form dangerous acids in his body and rob it of minerals. How does he keep going on such a diet? How did Laib keep going on a diet of bread and water? Because man has always been and still is a Breatharian. He gets his real nourishment from cosmic rays, from the air—cosmic food.

  The food man eats, like the tobacco he smokes, and the liquor he drinks, are only stimulants and indulgences that have little to do with the process of nutrition, but rather interfere with it.

  He who eats demineralized food and gets sick, gets well when put on a fast and eats nothing.

  Every man who eats is an example of one who lives without getting his nourishment from food. What he eats robs his body of its minerals, due to the acid-forming effects.


  We eat some spinach. Does it give the body iron as dietetic experts claim? What actually happens is this: Practically all foods we eat form acid toxins in the cells, as do proteins, fats, carbohydrates. These acid toxins interfere with the cell’s function to assimilate minerals from cosmic rays.

  Dr. Crile asserted that death occurs at the moment when positive acidity is established in the body. He showed that—

  “All inhalation anesthetics cause a progressively increased hydrogenation concentration, with death occurring at the moment when a positive acidity is established.”

  The acid-alkali balance of the body has a vital significance. When the alkalinity of the blood falls, the animal dies.

  This balance between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the cells (the electric potential) is essential to animation, and supplies the vitality of the living process itself. Its reduction to zero produces death.

  The body cell is bi-polar, a miniature battery, whose nucleus is the positive pole and the cytoplasm is the negative.

  The cytoplasm of the cell surrounds the nucleus and is the negative (alkaline) element. The nucleus is the positive (acid) element. The cytoplasm is a colloidal solution of alkaline minerals. This makes the cell a bi-polar mechanism.

  The essential, characteristics of vitality manifested in the cells, as assimilation, growth and generation, depend not upon food, but upon the presence of an electric potential produced by oxidation. The various functions of the organs are due to a variation of the potentials.

  The foods we eat form acids, and the acids reduce the alkalinity of the cytoplasm, thus reducing the cell’s electric potential. This means reduced capacity of the cell to respond to cosmic rays, which means mineral deficiency and physical weakness.

  We attempt to overcome the condition by eating mineral-rich, alkaline vegetables. They introduce alkalines into the blood that temporarily neutralize the acid toxins, causing the cytoplasm to become more alkaline, and the cell’s electric potential increases. It regains its capacity to assimilate minerals from cosmic rays. Then the dietetic expert steps in and gives the spinach the credit, asserting that the minerals of the spinach were transformed into cell minerals.

  That is erroneous and just more dietetic nonsense. The minerals of the spinach are largely eliminated through the bladder, in the form of neutral salts, by combination with acid toxins. Practically all the minerals of foods are eliminated in the urine in the form of neutral salts.


  Each kind of food induces its own type of stimulation, producing a hunger sensation. One may test it and see. Eat bananas until no more of that type of stimulation is desirable, and then change to pie or cake and a new hunger sensation appears. That is the reason why one eats with a “coming appetite.”

  A man, not hungry, is persuaded to eat. As he eats a feeling of hunger develops and he eats a big meal This course can be continued until the stomach is distended to an uncomfortable degree.

  Such a state of distress may result that vomiting becomes necessary to relieve the outraged stomach. Then the glutton takes some dope to settle his stomach, and that adds insult to injury. Maybe a doctor is called, who administers some of his scientific poisons to make the unruly stomach behave and submit without complain
t to abuse.

  It requires the concoctions of “medical science” to whip the body’s organs into line and make them stop rebelling against maltreatment. The organs should know better. Since they do not, “medical science” teaches them a lesson, making them more docile and less unruly.


  We eat acid foods and then must eat alkaline foods to balance them. If we ate no acid foods in the first place, we should have no need of alkaline foods. Once our body is clean and pure, we should have no need to eat.

  But eating is necessary until vital adjustment is established so the body cells no longer require that kind of stimulation furnished by food.

  Biochemists show that a plant possesses a laboratory that transforms invisible substance of the air into cell material. The cells of the leaf split the water molecule of the air into oxygen and hydrogen, rejecting the oxygen atoms and appropriating the hydrogen atoms for replacement cells.

  The experiments of Richards showed that in the plant’s laboratory the disintegration of acids through the division of the acid compounds is not a digestive, but a respiratory process, and results from the alternate oxidation and de-oxidation of the plant tissues through the action of cosmic radiation. He held that the same principle applies to man.

  Biochemists assert that the function of the intestinal tract is to serve as a laboratory for condensing and combining nascent hydrogen gas with nitrogen gas entering the lungs as air. They regard the lungs, not the stomach, as the chief organs of digestion, with the intestinal tract serving only to carry on its primary function of condensing, combining and eliminating.

  Biologists hold that oxygen supports the cells, and that nitrogen acts as a tissue builder and vitalizer. Cosmic nitrogen appears in the muscles and fibrous tissues, and is said to be the first of all the elements to leave the body when it is dead.

  Physiologists declare that without hydrogen, creative activity in the body would cease. There would be no salivation, no perspiration, no elimination.

  It appears that hydrogen also soothes the nerves, regulates body temperature, moistens the lung surface, carries off toxins, cools the tissues and retards inflammation. Without hydrogen, the nerves and tissues would stiffen, harden, and decay.

  Physical science declares that the body is animated, vitalized, nourished and maintained by the material food eaten, digested and assimilated by the cells through a direct chemical process. No orthodox doctor dares question that scientific theory, and no scientist ever lived who could analyze and explain the process in an intelligent and logical manner—because that alleged process is definitely imaginary.

  The body is built and composed of cells. The cells are composed of molecules, the molecules of atoms, and the atoms of electrons, which are found to be whirling centers of force in the ether.

  We may reverse the process in our mind and see those whirling centers of force transforming into visible substances, forms and entities by a natural process of condensation resulting from a retardation of the vibrations.

  It is common knowledge that invisible gases condense to form ice. It should be as easy to understand that, under the same law, these invisible gases condense to form blood, flesh, bones, and the entire body—according to a pre-existent pattern, which is that “building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1).


  Splitting the atom proves that a mighty force is inherent in cosmic substance which condenses and forms visible bodies. Its modus operandi never alters, and it acts constantly in man, in his cells, operating simultaneously on all planes of being—yet appearing to manifest itself only in material forms.

  That Cosmic Force, controlled by Infinite Intelligence, possesses the property of activating and stimulating atoms to assume various relationships under the Law of Polarity, and galvanizes the power latent in dormant cells into a higher state of activity.

  We see in radio-activity that matter is transformed into radiations. Lakhovsky said that the stars are radioactive, and their various minerals, in the form of electrons, constantly pass out into space in the form of cosmic rays. When cosmic rays strike another part of the cosmos, they materialize into the identical minerals from which they arose.

  The chromosomes of our body cells are constantly exposed to a bombardment of cosmic rays. The chromosomes pick up these rays, which are transformed into (1) vital electric currents, (2) nerve and brain electricity, and (3) electrons of various Minerals. The cells of the body are sustained by these minerals, and the cells manufacture all their constituents from cosmic rays.

  The cow subsists on a diet of grass. We examine the grass and find no fat in it. Whence comes the rich butter fat in the cow’s milk? It is manufactured in her body from cosmic rays.

  Most people live on a demineralized diet that drains many elements from their bodies. Yet these people seem to be healthy and energetic. Whence come their minerals? From cosmic rays. If they depended on food for their minerals, they would soon be physical wrecks because of their demineralized diet. In spite of their mineral losses, they are constantly receiving minerals from cosmic rays, and not from the demineralized food they eat.

  If man’s body were not sustained by cosmic rays, he would shrivel up and disappear in short order. He is still a Breatharian.


  “The ways of the kitchen and dining-room are the ways of disease and death, ways whose ends are prisons, asylums, scaffolds, to a far larger extent than is dreamed of by the mothers and fathers of the land.”—The Fasting Cure by Edward H. Dewey, M.D.

  When man eats, he not only makes of his body a distillery that produces alcohol, but a refinery that consumes various poisons.

  Civilized man constantly eats poisons and knows it not. His foods, such as potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, onions, carrots, beets, etc., are bad enough, but to the poisons these contain are added the deadly insecticides used to protect these crops from the bugs.

  The vegetarian thinks his diet is superior to that of the carnivorian, and knows nothing about the actual poisons his vegetables contain.

  1. The common potato, called white or Irish potato, is of the nightshade family. Its botanical name is solanum tuberosum and its native country is the Andean region of South America.

  This tuber contains two narcotic alkaloids, one of which is solanin, and in some cases it causes “potato poisoning” that requires hospital care. Few animals will eat potato vines because of their poisonous properties. Fowls will not eat potato bugs because they are so poisonous. Potatoes are also used to make alcohol.

  2. The tomato belongs to the nightshade family. It is a native of South America and was taken to Europe in the 16th century. Tomato vines are as poisonous as potato vines, and few animals will eat them.

  3. The onion contains a soporific substance and an irritating oil, which makes the eyes water and the genital mucous membrane do the same. Some authors assert that it acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, besides irritating the kidneys and bladder. Garlic does the same, only to a greater degree.

  4. Lettuce got its name from its milky juice, lactis, milk. Lettuce Sacriola is believed to be the wild variety from which the cultivated kinds were derived. It contains a soporific, harmful narcotic alkaloid termed lactucarium, and is sometimes used as a substitute for opium.

  5. Asparagus, celery, cabbage, onions and turnips contain saltpetre. Cabbage and turnips also contain arsenic. Beets, egg plant, spinach, Swiss chard, rhubarb, all contain certain poisons, and the poisons are the properties that force the body to adjust itself to the point where it craves these stimulating substances.

  Potatoes, lettuce and practically all so-called vegetables dull the brain and produce enervation. One may speak of solanin psychosis or potato psychosis or lettuce psychosis as a mental disorder caused by eating these substances as one speaks of alcoholic and opium psychosis.


  The poisonous proper
ties of opium are well known. A full dose is intoxicating and exhilarating, but its effects are damaging and fatal. It is one of the most energetic narcotics, and is made of vegetable juice—the juice of the white poppy.

  The tobacco plant is a vegetable, an herb. It has become one of the great mediums of commerce and is now widely used all over the world. Tobacco, in medicine, is a powerful stimulant, emetic, and purgative. These various effects appear as the reaction of the body’s protective force to poison. As the body is thus poisoned it suffers permanent damage, resulting in a decrease of the health and life-span.

  In spite of the poisonous properties of the vegetables mentioned, they are freely used by millions of people, who also use as food other vegetables containing poisonous properties, not so pronounced as those of tobacco and poppy plants, but so damaging that it has been necessary for the body to adjust itself to their use and effect. Such adjustment can occur only as a result of a decrease in the body’s vitality.

  The breatharian contends that eating is an acquired habit, as are the chewing and smoking of tobacco, and that it has been necessary for the body to adjust itself to all substances man eats, just as the body, under our observation, must adjust itself to the use of tobacco, opium, morphine, medicines, drugs and all other poisonous substances.

  The vegetarian’s body is stimulated and saturated with poisons of the substances he eats; and the vegetables one craves most are those that poison one most. The vegetable poisons are usually mild in character and slow in action, but their damaging effects are cumulative, increasing with the years, and are responsible for many disorders, the basic causes of which are never suspected.


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