We rise to great heights when we know more about the kingdom of God within, and realize that our body is only a material instrument through which the Spirit functions on the material plane.
It is Cosmic Spirit in the kingdom of God (human body) that animates it, that produces physical consciousness in the brain, and enables man to see, hear, taste, smell, feel, think and reason—the Seven Mysteries of Life—that Power which has not yet been seen, nor heard, nor touched, nor named, and the very existence of which modern science denies. Self-imposed darkness.
Alipilli, of the mystic school of Alexandria, said:
“I admonish thee that desirest to dive into the inmost parts of Nature, if what thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. The universal orb of the world contains not so great mysteries and excellencies as a man, formed by God in His own spiritual image. And he who desires the primacy among the students of Nature, will nowhere find a greater or better field of study than himself.”
“So, with a loud voice, I proclaim: O, Man, Know Thyself In thee is hidden the treasure of treasures.” (Solar Logos, P. 27).
Now that modern schools and colleges are studying textbooks that teach the theory of materialism and evolutionism, with encyclopedias asserting that even the whole “world has come to accept evolution,” the former leaders whose work did so much to produce this sad state, are finally renouncing the theory as false.
Professor J. S. Haldane, eminent English astronomer, wrote:
“Materialism, once a plausible theory, is now a fatalistic creed of thousands; but materialism is nothing better than a superstition, on the same level as a belief in witches and devils. The materialistic theory is bankrupt.”
The theory of materialism has been utterly exploded by recent discoveries that Matter, as such, has no actual existence. Everything in the Universe is composed of Spirit in various forms and states of crystallization, exactly as the Ancient Masters declared.
The doom of Materialism and Evolutionism has at last been sounded. Inductive science and physical science are left stranded on the barren rock of speculation. They had never been born had the founders of modern theology not destroyed the God Science and Philosophy of the Ancient Masters in order to enslave the mind of the masses.
That wanton work of destruction of the sacred Ancient Wisdom was so well carried out, that Archbishop Chrysostom, in the middle of the 5th century A.D., boasted:
“Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth” (Bible Myths, Doane, P. 436).
That boast was practically true for more than fourteen hundred long years of darkness. But nothing that has been can be completely destroyed.
The light began to dawn again most unexpectedly in 1796, when Napoleon’s army, digging trenches in Egypt, chanced to unearth the now famous Rosetta Stone from the soil of the Nile delta, where it had been deeply buried in the 4th century A.D. by Constantine’s army of destruction.
Then followed the marvelous work of Champollion in deciphering the stone’s cryptic hieroglyphics.
The world was amazed; for that decipherment released the Ancient Voice which Chrysostom had boasted and believed was forever silenced. And such a startling story as it told. It showed that the Masters of antiquity were not superstitious heathens, but scientists of the highest degree.
Now that Ancient Voice, which despots tried so hard to silence, speaks again from the dim and distant past, with all its mighty power and proficiency, in our MASTER COURSE titled...
The student will find in that course the most complete compilation that has ever been produced of the Cosmic Science, Philosophy and Religion of the Great Masters of the ancient world.
Man’s Higher Consciousness proper ends here. The following remarks are appended to show more clearly how the masses are deceived by established institutions which suck the blood of the toiler who sweats to live, and trusts his teachers because he is led to believe that they are honest and represent worthy organizations.
In the Sacred Ancient Mysteries, suppressed by Constantine and his successors, the Gnosis, or Ancient Arcane Science, was guarded with jealous care, and imparted only to a comparative few who were found worthy of initiation, according to the maxim, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”
The Apocalypse (Revelation) is the last book of the New Testament. For several centuries an attempt was made to give it an historical interpretation. Failing in that, it was next interpreted as prophecy of the future.
As it appears in the Bible, the Apocalypse is shot through and through with spurious interpolations.
The invention of printing put a stop to biblical forgeries, and caused Cardinal Wolsey of London, in a convocation of his clergy in 1474, to say:
“If we do not destroy this dangerous invention, it will one day destroy us” (Doane, Biblical Myths, P. 438).
After the art of printing was invented, established institutions have sought to control publishing. This was done at first by licensing the printers. As more men learned the art, clandestine shops printed books that contained much revealing truth. This “danger” was met by the “List of Forbidden Books.” Such books were burned when found, and in many instances the author was burned too.
The gullible public think this could not happen now as all people want knowledge based on truth. The facts show otherwise. In the New York Herald of May 7th, 1901, the Rev. Harney, conducting a mission in St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey, is quoted as stating:
“I do not doubt, if they were strong enough, that the Catholic people would hinder, even by death if necessary, the spread of heretical errors among the people, and I say rightly so.”
In this case, the “spread of heretical errors” means the dissemination of knowledge that feeds the Mind and frees the Man from the snares of the social pattern.
We are attacking no creed, but are facing cold facts. If your creed is so contrary to the laws of the Cosmos that it cannot face facts, your faith rests on a mighty frail foundation.
The Apocalypse is purported to be the work of “St. John The Divine,” who is also accredited with the fourth gospel. The Bible says that he was an ignorant, unlearned fisherman (Mark 1:19; Acts 4:13).
These two books are not the work of one man. The fourth gospel was compiled from a biography of Apollonius written by Damis, a Greek historian and the most beloved disciple of the Master he loved so well. The compiler of the New Testament deleted the name of Apollonius and inserted the name Jesus. Then the original manuscript was to be destroyed—but it was not.
Damis was a prominent writer, and in the fourth gospel he defined Life (6:63) in the words of his Master. That is more than modern science has been able to do.
The Apocalypse contains in symbol and allegory the Science of Man and the Secret of Regeneration. Modern science has not yet gone that far.
The Apocalypse is the greatest work in symbol and allegory ever written. It deals with the fable of Genesis as to the Fall of Man. Both books refer to nothing but the human body and its deepest functions, about which modern scientists admit they know almost nothing.
Modern science is based on the theory that the atom was solid and eternal, indivisible and indestructible.
It has been discovered that the atom is as empty as the air appears to be. If an atom were magnified to the size of a large room, internal whirling particles could be seen. According to science, these particles are whirling centers of energy.
The whirling particles in the atom are intangible. They are called electrical. That means little, for no one knows what electricity is. The word spiritual could as well be used. Perhaps better.
Material science boycotts the terms spirit and spiritual because they were used by the Ancient
Masters to designate Invisible Cosmic Force. Things spiritual modern science condemns as heathenish superstition.
It seems more sensible and scientific to speak of Spiritual Life within us than to term it Electrical Life.
Electricity appears as undirected force without intelligence that makes nothing. Spirit appears as directed Cosmic Force with Intelligence that makes everything. Proof of that appears in things made. If not so made, then how made? To that question science is silent.
Atoms are kept in motion by a force termed energy by science. The Ancient Masters called it Spiritual Intelligence, and declared that it is omnipresent, pervading all things.
Then came the curtain of darkness in the 4th century A.D., and men were led astray into believing that God was far away, beyond, separate. Modern science was fated to prove the omnipresent existence of God while denying Him.
The Apocalypse is the despair of theology. The “infallible” church does not pretend to understand it. The clergy admit that it must be regarded as an unsolved, and possible insoluble, enigma. They translate its title “Revelation”—yet to them it reveals nothing.
Man is the subject of the ancient scriptures, and the Apocalypse is the Key to the secret of Regeneration.
“O, Man Know Thyself In thee is hidden the treasures of the Universe.”—Alipilli.
Ye that have followed me in the Regeneration (Mat. 19:28) is a loose statement that leaves the student in darkness. No evidence appears to show when, where and how any “regeneration” occurred in those to whom that remark was made.
Incomprehensible as the Apocalypse appears to the exoteric student, however great his intellectual attainments, keen his mental acumen, and vast his store of erudition, to the mere typro in the Ancient Arcane Science the general tone of the Apocalypse is clear and sweet. It is not clear to the exoteric student because it deals, in heavily veiled symbolical language, with the Human Body, its Seven Principle Spiritual Centers and its Twelve Major Functions.
The attainment of spiritual knowledge is in effect the process of reviving the memory of the incarnating Ego in relation to the supernal world before it became immured in matter. The memory of things divine can be resurrected only through the action of the Parakletos, the Regenerative Power. Hence, this aspect of the Nous (Mind, Intelligence, Consciousness), is said to hold in its grasp the Seven Stars and to move among the Seven Lampstands.
According to the Ancient Masters, all true knowledge is derived from the “recollection of the things in which God abides.”
As the sun enters each sign of the zodiac, it is said, astrologically, to conquer the sign and to assimilate its particular quality.
The same is said of him who raises up the Kundalini, the Coiled Serpent, the Speirema, the Fiery Force, said to dwell in the Sacral Plexus. As it flows up through the Silver (Spinal) Cord, it activates the Seven Etheric Centers of the organism, and enters the Golden Bowl (Skull) (Eccl. 12:6). He who does that is the hero of the Apocalypse, and is called the Conqueror (Revelations 21:7).
Man is complete. His constitution is such that he corresponds with the two worlds, the spiritual and the physical, the eternal and the temporal. The various parts and organs of his body correspond to and harmonize with every force and element of the Universe. The neophyte was taught that scientific knowledge in the Ancient Mysteries, and it is contained and concealed in the Apocalypse.
That was the Ancient Arcane Science, and that science had to be suppressed to keep man in darkness. If man knows that he is eternal, he has no need for priests and saviors.
Due to degeneration, civilized man has lost the conscious capacity that connected him with the higher world, and is rapidly losing the power that informs him of the lower world. His five physical senses are constantly growing more defective. Insanity is increasing at an alarming rate, and its pace is hastened by sexual debauchery.
The vital essence that produces New Life will preserve the Old Life if not otherwise consumed, and increase all the body’s powers.
Not only is the Life Essence the most precious fluid in the body, but the gonad glands that produce it are the most important glands in the body.
The dark den of “sin and shame” in which the Productive Function of man has been immured for ages by the priesthood, will disappear as we feed the Mind that frees the Man.
Those who are properly taught that the Seed Glands are the most sacred glands of the body, become able to discuss the subject without squirming in their chair and showing red in their face.
Dr. Sarge Voronoff, who recently died at the age of 85, became world famous for his experiments in transplanting monkey glands into human beings for rejuvenation purposes.
He thought he had discovered the secret of Perpetual Youth. He considered what the loss of the precious fluid of the genital glands did to eunuchs, castrated horses, hogs and other animals. He saw that the loss of the genitals and their fluid resulted in the emasculation of the animals. Whether man or beast, the result was always the same.
Voronoff reasoned that decrepit men are to all intents “eunuchs.” They have dissipated their Life Essence, and the weakness and aging resulting have affected the whole body and brain. The genitals were no longer competent to elaborate the vital fluid the body and brain need, and the body sinks into decrepitude.
The Endocrine Glands are the Master Chemists of the organism. Upon their products depend the function of all the other glands.
The Gonad Glands are the leaders and controllers of the Endocrine System. They are the Life Glands and they produce the most refined and most vital fluid in the organism. Loss of their substance in sexual debauchery diminishes brain power and decreases man’s conscious capacity.
For that reason these glands are also called the “destructive glands.” In the act of production, man sacrifices in no small degree his own vital force and substance. Far worse than this is his shameful dissipation of the Life Essence for pleasure only.
The Ancient Masters correctly termed this substance the Life Essence. They knew of the damage the body suffers because of its loss. Physiological facts prove they were right. Hence, we find that Chastity is written in words of fire on all the pages of ancient scriptures.
The profound allegory in the Apocalypse readily unfolds as we learn with what it deals. When we know it refers to man and his Regeneration, we understand that it does not treat of historical events nor of future mundane conditions.
The woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of Twelve Stars (Rev. 12:1), does not assimilate saviors nor savor of vicarious atonements.
The Sun symbolizes the supreme power that stimulates the function of generation. The Moon symbolizes the Generative Life, fecundity. The Twelve Stars symbolize the twelve major functions of the body, typified by the twelve zodiacal signs, which the Great Mother has mastered through physical regeneration and spiritual power.
The dragon that stood before the woman, who was ready to deliver, for to devour her child as soon as it was born (Rev. 12:4), symbolizes the destructive carnal lust in the blood of fallen man.
This constellatory symbol is Dracon, the pole Dragon, which has seven distinguishing stars and which, as depicted in ancient star-maps, extends over seven of the zodiacal signs. In setting it apparently sweeps a third of the starry sky down to the horizon. Microcosmically it symbolizes the Passional Nature of Man.
It is known to few that Two Laws of Generation are definitely referred to in the ancient scriptures—
(1) the Spiritual Law and (2) the Carnal law.
Of these laws Paul (Pol, Apollo, Apollonius) said:
“I see another law in my (generative) members, warring against the (spiritual) law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the (carnal) law of sin (copulation) in my (generative) members.”—Rom. 7:23.
In the Sacred Ancient Mysterie
s, the great school of Arcane Science, the neophyte came face to face with the Fiery Dragon that bars the way to the higher Life. Its eternal message to man is:
“I am your Animal Nature; if you would pass on to the higher life, then me you must master” (Gen. 2:17, 1 Cor. 7:1).
Modern biology proves what the ancient scriptures assert; Generation is a tax on the organism, a sacrifice which in time destroys the organism that consumes its vital essence in the exercise of the fecundation function.
Biology shows that, as to various lower animals, it is the rule that the moment of generation is the moment of death.
Some insects live long enough only to generate offspring, and then expire. With some, the act of generation is the act of expiration. Margaret Morely wrote:
“Oftentimes, in the lower though complex forms of life, the parent literally resolves its whole substance into reproductive material, the maturing of this material causing the death of the parent. For instance, in certain very low forms, the parent becomes a mere shell to hold the progeny, and when they mature, it bursts open to free them, and thus expires.
“In certain forms of eggs, the female disintegrates upon liberating the egg-cells; and even as high as the insects, the parent in some cases is sacrificed by the developing of offspring.”—Life and Love.
The butterfly flits about for a brief space in the morning sunshine, displaying its vestments of life, then mates, and dies. The male and female approach each other in rapid flight. They meet, embrace, and in a brief period their love-flight ends in death. In a few moments they exhaust their vitality and die.
After several months of preparation for this fleeting expression of existence, the supreme sacrifice is made, and the creatures fall and expire.
Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 34