Man’s Higher Consciousness

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Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 35

by Hilton Hotema

  The male butterfly, “faint, sated with all that life can give, serving the purpose for which it is made, totally exhausted by this final supreme act,” fades from the highest delight of its brief love-flight to an inexorable death.

  The female flies away, and after depositing her eggs on some plant, the foliage of which serves the purposes of her offspring which she is fated never to see, she also falls in death.

  In the vegetal kingdom, there are many plants that die immediately upon completion of the means of generation. They grow, mature, bloom, produce seed, and die.

  Fruit trees that begin bearing young, soon exhaust themselves and fail to attain a normal growth of wood. Careful horticulturists prevent this by removing the flower-buds of their young trees.

  Some plants, as with the higher animals, have recurring seasons of generative activity, followed by rest. Even in such cases, early maturity means early death and prolific bearing means early exhaustion.

  Production in both the vegetal and animal kingdoms represents sacrifice. This rule has no exception. It prevails throughout all the living world.

  Sir E. Ray Lankaster in his “Longevity,” emphasizes this principle. He found traces of it in animals of the highest order. The higher one goes, the more cases of it one finds.

  Breeders of birds know that birds used for breeding live not nearly so long as those not so used, all things being equal. James S. Gould, a high authority on cage-birds, wrote:

  “Canaries well treated will live from 15 to 20 years, and sing to the last. Those used for breeding seldom live longer than 10 years” (My Canary Book).

  If growth is rapid and maturity soon reached, the generative function is exercised early, followed by early decay and early death. If growth is slow and maturity comes late, the generative function is exercised late, and slow decay and long life result.

  Methuselah lived 187 years before he begat Lamech, and died at the age of 969. Nahor lived 29 years and begat Terah, and died at the early age of 148 (Gen. 5:25-7; 11:24-5).

  The Law of Generation and Law of Longevity are reciprocal and compensatory in action, proving that the Ancient Masters knew their physiology when they wrote that man enters the shadows of death in the day that he consumes his Life Essence in the generative act (Gen. 2:17).


  The Book with Seven Seals, 5th chapter of Revelation, is another allegory that deals with the body and its regeneration. This allegory represents the fact that Cosmic Processes work through Sevens in the development and arrangement of physical forms.

  The Ancient Masters considered the body, as well as the Cosmos, as geometrical figures, and that Sound and Number rule Cosmic Processes.

  The seven colors of the rainbow reveal the substance contained in clear light; and the Seven Seals symbolize the Principle Spiritual Centers of the body, through which the etheric force functions.

  Cosmic Radiation is picked up or received by the Brain, the chief of these centers, as a man-made radio picks up messages in the air, and by the Brain is distributed to the other centers according to wave length, color wave, and the requirements of the different parts of the body needing the different waves; then finally distributed over the body through the medium of the etheric (nerve fluid that passes out, over and through the nerves.

  As we explained under “Four Cosmic Bodies, the chemical body is entirely dependent on the etheric. As all primal force flows from above downward, from the positive to the negative, if we place any obstruction in the circuit of a current, it will retard the flow. When the vibratory rate of the etheric current is retarded, it fails to deliver the proper amount of vitality to the chemical body.

  Interference in the circuit of the Life Current is the reason why man’s body declines, degenerates, loses its spiritual powers, grows decrepit, and finally sinks in death.

  We have explained in Man’s Higher Consciousness how and why the life-channels through which flows the Life Current become obstructed, clogged. That diminishes the amount of vitality, causing the function of the cells to fall below the life level of vibration. That is death, as explained under the Cosmic Circle.

  You can learn more of these amazing truths from our great works, the various writings of Professor Hilton Hotema, in which appears the most complete description of the Ancient Arcane Science ever contained in one work.

  The ancient scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation and all others not contained in the Bible, are a compilation of allegories, parables, fables, and symbols that deal only with Man, his fall and his redemption.

  The gloom of the Dark Ages was caused and created by a suppression of the Ancient Arcane Science by Constantine and his successors, and the substitution of a new brand of theology that was invented to enthrone the dictators and enslave the masses.

  The work was well done, and due to the wealth and power gained by the dictators as a result, many suffering souls will cry out for Spiritual Light, but few will find it.


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