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Lilith: Screenplay

Page 4

by Maximus Romulus

So, you've got me surrounded. That's good, now I can attack in any direction, and not miss.

  Raphael swings his weapon around in a circular motion, and decapitates them all.

  CUT TO: Gabriel is struggling to keep up with Vassago, barely surviving his vicious attacks.

  VASSAGO Why won't you die, like a good angel?

  Vassago is beating Gabriel to a bloody pulp on the ground. In desperation, he digs his fingers into Vassago's eyes. Raphael appears just in the nick of time, and smites Vassago off of him. Raphael kicks Vassago in the face hard, breaking his neck.


  RAPHAEL Phew! Now that was a close one.

  GABRIEL What took you so long?

  Vassago’s neck sags sideways for a second. Then, he violently swings his head around, somehow redressing his neck vertebrae into place with a snap of his head. Vassago recomposes himself to an offensive stance, and growls in anger. Gabriel and Raphael look at one another.

  RAPHAEL Oh! Oh! Here comes trouble.

  In spite of their combining efforts, Vassago continues to batter them.

  CUT TO: Anael and Beelzebub face each other with their weapons raised. Their eyes lock, and their defensive stances frozen. Beelzebub assaults first, bringing her deadly halberd over in less time than it takes to blink an eye. Anael somehow manages a counter strike. She now advances with her spear, parrying, and thrusting with supernatural speed, and strength. Beelzebub dodges barely avoiding being impaled. She strikes back. Anael lock weapons with her. Then, Beelzebub twists her halberd free, cutting open Anael's cheek. Anael flies through the air, and comes down crashing at Beelzebub spear first. Beelzebub quickly rolls away. Anael misses, and the fighting rages on.

  CUT TO: Lucifer appears to be unstoppable on the battlefield, as he plows through heaven's primary lines of defense effortlessly. Michael realizes that it's Lucifer that must essentially be stopped. He grabs his sword, and sets out to confront him.

  MICHAEL Lucifer, I challenge you to a duel, and whoever wins the duel is the winner of this war. We could end this war at this very instant, and avert the demise of many. You fight for your own cause and I, for heaven's sake.

  LUCIFER (chuckles darkly) You Michael? You are challenging me?

  MICHAEL I am. Let's end this here and now.

  LUCIFER And I suppose, you are expecting to be the victor of this battle.

  MICHAEL Certainly, heaven is on my side. I am an ally to good, and a nightmare to you.

  Lucifer shuffles his wings as some sort of a distraction, and then viciously strikes Michael hard to the ground.

  LUCIFER (tauntingly) How do you intend to defeat me Michael? I am a seraph, and you’re nothing but a feeble archangel.

  Michael battles Lucifer in both aerial assaults, and ground attacks but nothing seems to be effective.

  LUCIFER (calmly) Let me ask you this Michael! Has an archangel like yourself ever experienced fear?


  The garden is lush, and animals flit about. It remains quite peaceful, as the war takes place in heaven. Lilith sneaks her way into Eden, and there she finds Eve wandering alone in the garden.

  LILITH My dear, has the Spirit truly said that you shouldn't eat from any tree of the garden.

  EVE Oh yes, from the fruits of the trees of the garden we may eat, but from the fruit of the trees which are in the middle of the garden, we shouldn't eat from it, or we'll die.

  Lilith seems stupefied by her words.

  LILITH Die? Are you sure, that's what the Spirit had said?

  Eve nods her head in confirmation.

  LILITH Well, let me ask you this, Eve. What is death?

  Eve remains unresponsive. She doesn’t know what it means to be dead.

  LILITH (continuing) No, you will not die. If you eat from this tree you will be equal to Adam just like me, and Metatron are equal, you will be like us.

  Eve grabs a ripe pomegranate from the tree, and eats it. Soon thereafter, Metatron appears in Eden along with Spirit who takes the shape of a burning bush.

  METATRON Lilith what have you done?

  SPIRIT Behold, the woman has become as one of us.

  Spirit places Eve and the rest of Eden in a time freeze while Metatron and Lilith discusses the issues.

  LILITH You told her that if she eats from the pomegranate tree, she would die. And, I told her that she wouldn't, and from where I'm standing, she doesn't look dead to me. Does she?

  METATRON (sternly) That’s not the point.

  LILITH Then what is the point Metatron? I’ve requested your aid for eons, in hopes of finding a resolution to Eve’s debility, and millenniums after millenniums. I’ve been repeatedly neglected as if my concerns were of no importance. So, I took matters into my own hands.

  METATRON Taking matters into your own hands, is that also why you have Lucifer ambushing the heavens, is this part of your plans?

  LILITH Lucifer is nothing but a mere distraction. If I had told you beforehand that I was going to have Eve eating from the tree of knowledge would you have approved of this action?

  METATRON Absolutely not. These gifts are sacred even to us.

  LILITH My point exactly. So you see, sometimes the invisible hands of fate must be forced.

  METATRON Fine Lilith! Have it your way, let’s recreate Eve, we’ll redo heaven, and earth, we will undo them all. Destroy everything, and start anew. So be it.

  SPIRIT How, how could you destroy it all without consideration? Charge the violation to the violator, charge the offense to the offender, but be compassionate to the other living organisms on this realm. Let Eve be cut off from Paradise. Be patient, it would be better if I'd periodically take away her essence from her, until there's nothing left, and then she will be no more.

  LILITH No, you cannot do this. Eve is innocent, it was I who convinces her to eat from the tree and as for Lucifer, and he was nothing but a mere pawn.

  Spirit releases the time freeze around the garden. Eve is rendered mortal, and cast out of Eden.

  LILITH (angrily) This is far from being over, mark my words... mark my words.


  Lucifer overtly confident of his superiority continues to ridicule the archangel Michael, constantly knocking him down to the ground.

  LUCIFER (gloatingly) If you can't defeat me, then why don't you lay down your weapon, and join me? Michael, join the rebellion. Join us.

  MICHAEL I’ll never join you.

  LUCIFER You weak pathetic fool!

  Lucifer strikes Michael even harder. He then leaps high into the air and lands with both his feet on Michael's chest. He whams his foot on Michael's head, and entrenches it onto the ground.

  LUCIFER Here comes the pain.

  Michael is lying defenseless on the ground. He closes his eyes to say his final prayers.

  MICHAEL Lord you are my refuge, and my fortress, and in you, I will trust. Surely, you shall deliver me from the snares of evil. Your truth shall be my shield. I shall not be afraid of the terror of Deimos, nor of the imminent destruction that lay waste. A thousand may fall at my left side, and ten thousand at my right side, but death shall not come near me, because you have set your love upon me, and through you, I shall be victorious. Amen.

  LUCIFER Is it just me, or does it sounds like you were praying for your dear life.

  Lucifer lifts up his trident to deliver the finishing blow. But, before Lucifer impales him, Michael grabs him by the ankle, and throws him off. Lucifer falls to the ground, stunned, dropping his trident.

  LUCIFER (roaring) Rgrr..., blast you.

  Shortly thereafter, a beam of light envelops Michael, sparks of lightning manifests on his body. His sword becomes ablaze. His eyes become like a flame of fire, and his body begins to transform. Suddenly, four more wings spawns out of Michael's body. Lucifer realizes that Michael is transforming into a seraph just like him.

  MICHAEL (smirkily) It’s my turn.

  Lucifer gets back up, and shudders his w
ings, unfazed by Michael's transformation.

  LUCIFER (sarcastically) Well, well, well look at what we have here, Michael the seraph. Welcome to the club schmuck, but unfortunately for you there's only room for one seraph on this battlefield.

  MICHAEL Make that two.

  LUCIFER Michael, I’m glad that you have gotten a bit stronger. Maybe this time around, I’ll actually break a sweat.

  Lucifer attacks him, but this time Michael is able to fight back, resisting, even winning. Lucifer pulls himself from the rubbles.

  LUCIFER (annoyingly) You insignificant little pest. You’re still nothing when compared to my power. I don’t care how powerful you think you’ve become, you don’t stand a chance against me.

  Lucifer stretches out his wings, and with a jolt of confidence, he emits a vigorous exertion of energy. The many wings of Michael envelop his body, completely shielding him from Lucifer’s fatal rays.

  MICHAEL Is that all you’ve got?

  LUCIFER You must be so proud of these irritating tricks you’ve learned.

  Lucifer attacks Michael with all his might. One after the other Michael cuts off all six of Lucifer’s wings.

  MICHAEL (to himself) Give me strength.

  Michael takes his sword, and plunges it deep into the

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