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Lilith: Screenplay

Page 7

by Maximus Romulus

(continuing) You can see it all. You can hear it all, but you won't really know what it’s like, until you've tried it yourself.


  Eve becomes pregnant, and gave birth to a set of triplets. A daughter named Norea, and two sons, Cain and Abel.

  VOICE OVER: Cain grows up to become a robust man, and he works the fields with Adam, while Abel tends to the domestic animals, and Norea caters to her mother Eve. One day, while Cain was laboring the field alone Lilith appears to him.


  Cain is in the field, tilling the soil with a wooden plow attached to a horse.

  LILITH Poor child, every day, you work tirelessly on this ill-fated soil, the scorching sun at your back, your body aching. Your hands, and feet badly blistered. And what does Abel do all day? He spends his time relaxing under a tree, enjoying the gentle breeze.

  CAIN I’m not envious of my brother’s function, nor do I resent him for his fairly easy chores. To be honest, Abel wouldn't last too long in these fields. That's the reason why father appointed him as the shepherd. And besides, being a shepherd isn't as harmless and jolly as you make it out to be, there is always the constant danger of wild beasts, and of getting lost in the forest.

  LILITH That may be so, but my dear Cain, haven’t you noticed that your parents haven't provided you with a mate. In the future, to whom do you think Norea will mate with, an older, rusty laborer such as yourself, or your jolly brother. If Norea settles on with Abel, then by the time your parents have another child, if it’s a female, you may already be dead. And Oops! There goes Cain’s legacy.

  Cain stands attentively, while being lectured by Lilith.

  LILITH (continuing) Death is the cessation of the connection between the mind, and the body. Because of the difficulties of your occupation, your mind, and body are depleting much faster than that of your brother isn't it?

  Cain takes a moment to think about what Lilith have said.

  CAIN You could be right, but if she favors my brother, there isn't much that I can do about it now, can I? I cannot make her love me.

  LILITH (laughingly) You could always kill him. Eliminate the competition.

  Lilith awaits Cain’s reaction, but none was forthcoming.

  LILITH (continuing) I was just kidding. However, I know of a way to help you win Norea's heart.

  CAIN Go on, I’m listening.

  LILITH Now listen, during its birth, the foal will produce a small fragment of tissue on its forehead. You must take this tissue, dry it, and reduced it to a fine powder. After that, take a red apple, and carefully remove its core, and the seeds. Fill up the inside of the apple with the powder, and then cautiously reseal the opening with that which you have removed. You must give the apple to Norea, while making sure that she eats it in your presence. Do this, and she'll be yours. However, you must act quickly! Now go.


  Eve and Norea are alone in the cooking area preparing food.

  EVE Honey, have you made up your mind yet as to which one of your siblings you will wed?

  NOREA Oh! Mother hadn't I told you numerous times. I’m not yet ready. It's a very complex decision. I don’t think you can ever understand my ambiguous situation, because you never had to choose between father, and any other.

  EVE You better choose fast honey, because you're not going to live forever. Now pass me the spices.


  Abel is walking through the forest in search of a lost lamb. He hears a humming sound nearby. He goes to investigate. There he finds Lilith seating on a stone with the lost lamb on her lap. Abel cautiously keeps his distance.

  LILITH (reassuringly) Don’t be afraid, I won't hurt you. I don't bite.

  ABEL It’s you! You're the one my father warned me about.

  LILITH Oh! Yeah! And what did your father say about me, which had gotten you so spooked. That I was this hideous being with hooves, two horns, and conceivably, a tail.

  ABEL No! He told me that you were an alluring being, who takes pleasure in deceiving others.

  LILITH If I were a malevolent being, would I be here to warn you that, at this very moment, Cain is enchanting Norea to be his spouse.

  ABEL (sarcastically) Ah! I see, and I suppose you are going to help me get her instead.

  LILITH Exactly!

  ABEL No discourtesy to you, but I don’t need your help. Norea, and I have already pledged our commitments to each other, and she vowed that when the time comes, she would pick me.

  Abel nabs his lamb and leave.


  Adam, Eve, Cain and Norea are seating around a big campfire. Abel is returning from the pasture, and is getting ready to join them.

  CAIN Quick, brother, fetch your best flocks, for tonight we feast.

  ABEL (suspiciously) What’s the occasion?

  Cain, wraps his brawny arm around Abel’s frail neck, and gave him a kiss on the head.

  CAIN Norea and I are joining in matrimony tonight.

  Abel locks' eyes with Norea, seeking at least a bit of remorse in her eyes, but there were none. She looks as happy as ever. Abel heart-broken steers himself toward the pasturage to get the animals for the feast. Once he is out of every one’s sight Lilith appears to him.

  LILITH I’d hate to say that I told you so, but I told you so. You can change this. It's not too late.

  ABEL We were so much in love, and she… she promised me her heart. How did this happen?

  LILITH It’s called magick. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and the next thing you know love is in the air. Your brother used magick. He gave Norea an enchanted apple, and now she's his wife.

  ABEL Magick, eh! It doesn't matter. What's done is done.

  LILITH You're not even going to fight for her?

  ABEL No.

  Abel collects the worst of his flocks, and return to the celebration. During the ceremony Cain and Norea share their vows.

  CAIN You are the blood of my blood and the bone of my bones. I give to you my body, that we two might become one. I give to you my heart, until our life shall be done.

  NOREA I vow you the first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine. From this day, it shall only be your name I cry out in the night and into your eyes that I smile each morning.


  Adam, Eve and Abel walks into Norea’s hut. She’s still lying down in bed. Adam and Eve present Norea with a gift.

  EVE Your father and I wanted you to have this.

  Adam hands over to Norea a fur coat.

  ADAM This ought to keep you warm for many moons.

  Norea gets up from her bed halfway nude to try on her new garment.

  NOREA Wow! The fabric is so soft. I love it. Oh! Thank you. Thank you both.

  ADAM Enjoy it sweetheart.

  ABEL I also got you something.

  NOREA Oh yeah! And, where is it?

  ABEL Well, you have to go outside to see it.

  Norea runs outside to find a white pony.

  ABEL Her name is Valencia.

  Norea walks closer to the small horse, and starts to caress it.

  NOREA She is beautiful.

  ABEL Indeed, but not nearly as beautiful as my sweet sister.

  NOREA Can I ride it?

  ABEL You can do whatever you would like. It’s yours.

  Abel walks over to help Norea get on the horse. She throws her leg over the horse’s back. Abel can’t help but to notice the radiance of her skin, for a moment, he loses his focus.

  VOICE OVER: As the years pass, Abel and Norea’s relationship escalates from kinship to secret lovers.

  CUT TO: Cain laboring the field, while Abel and Norea are riding horses.

  CUT TO: Cain and Adam are laboring the field, while Abel and Norea are making love in the forest.

  CUT TO: Cain laboring the field, Abel’s unattended animals are destroying Cain’s garden. Cain chases them away.


  Cain and Adam are laboring the field, and Abel’s unattended animals are once again eating out his freshly planted crops.

  CAIN Father, look. Abel’s stupid animals are eating out the vegetables again.

  ADAM Well, don’t just stand there push them away.

  Cain chases after them. The goats run away, only to return a few moments later.

  CAIN Oh! Not again. Why isn’t Abel attending to his flocks?

  ADAM Abel has been neglecting his duties for quite some time now. Cain, summon your brother here at once.


  Cain walks around the green pasture where Abel should have been. He notices that the flocks are out in the open-field eating, but without a shepherd. Then he continues walking toward the forest nearby the river. Down by the river he finds Abel and Norea naked, having intercourse. Cain stands still, unable to believe his eyes, his heart afloat with anger. He moves in closer.

  ABEL Cain, wait. It’s not what you think.

  Cain strikes Abel and Norea repeatedly with his scythe. Then, he disposes their lifeless bodies in the nearby river. He stares at his bloody hands, contemplating about what he had done, and what to do next. He picks up his scythe, and washes away the blood. Then the angel Uriel and Anael appear to him.

  URIEL Cain, what have you

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