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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

Page 4

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Take off the bra.” I could hear the sexual tension in my voice. I was holding myself tightly in check. I wanted her on my face and rocking that pretty pussy into my mouth.

  She reached behind her and pulled away the offensive garment. Her full, gorgeous breasts popped into view.

  I stared at the erect mounds. The pale pink buds were flat and unaroused. I liked that. It aroused the hunter in me. I’d never had any woman so unaffected in my presence before.

  Suddenly, she lifted her face to mine. There, exactly how I liked her. Defiance, hatred, and something else swirling between us. I could already feel her neat little pussy stretched tightly around my cock.

  Chapter 9


  It took everything I had to keep staring into the raw hunger in his piercing eyes. Thanks to the ridiculous panties Salvatore insisted I always wear I was basically naked. And my legs were open like a whore’s, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing how exposed, humiliated and vulnerable I felt at being treated like a piece of meat.

  I stared at him defiantly until something strange happened, the feelings of shame and humiliation dissipated and were replaced by something else. Something that had never happened with Salvatore. I was becoming wildly aroused. The throbbing between my legs was becoming an unbearable ache. Even though I tried to damp it down, thick liquid started to ooze out of my sex. I wanted to clench my thighs together to hide the wetness, but I knew if I did I would only be calling attention to my own shameful lust.

  Thank God, the room was lit by just the bedside lamp behind and to the left of me, and maybe, just maybe those translucent wolf’s eyes could not see what was happening in the shadows between my legs.

  He stood and I froze. I thought he was going to approach me, but he sauntered over to a bank of switches on the wall and turned one on.

  “Damn you,” I swore under my breath as I squinted in the harsh light that poured down on me. My only refuge was gone.

  As my eyes adjusted I realized the light only illuminated the area I was sitting in. The rest of the room was still in the shadows. I could barely make him out anymore as he returned to the armchair and lowered himself lazily into it.

  “Play with yourself, Skye. Make yourself come.” It was a command, but it was strangely seductive.

  I drew a sharp breath of shock. No one had ever asked me to masturbate while they sat in the shadows and watched. I didn’t want to do it. The thought of letting myself go and climaxing in front of a fully clothed stranger made me shudder. But as if on autopilot my hand moved towards my sex to comply with that silky command. The willingness of my body to obey him, even against my will made me realize I had sold myself to the devil himself.

  Gently, my fingers circled my clit.

  “Finger fuck yourself,” he called out from the darkness. There was something new and cruel in his voice. He didn’t want softness. He wanted to keep it callous and unemotional. He wanted me to behave like a prostitute.

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip to keep it from trembling, but I complied. I pushed two fingers into myself. The rough entry made a squelching sound, and an involuntary sound escaped from him.

  That was the moment everything changed.

  That was the moment I knew. I was not a pitiful creature he had bought. One who could be made to open her legs and treated like a whore. I had the same power Delilah had over the mighty Samson. One day I could get him to cut his hair.

  And he knew it too.

  I licked my lips and with my other hand I touched my nipple. I let my thumb flick at the swollen peak. In the shadows, I saw him stiffen. Moaning softly, I pinched my nipple and increased the speed of my fingers. I couldn’t climax in this way, but this was not for me. This was to bring him to his knees.

  Falling back on the bed I raised my legs in the air and slowly opened them into a big V. I stretched my legs as far as they would go, until they were almost touching the bed. Now he could see all of me. The slutty panties would even give him a view of my butthole. As I could no longer see his reactions I carried on fucking myself, I knew I had to be careful not to make my show last too long. I didn’t want to bore him.

  With a groan, I arched my back sensuously, clenched my body, and started to shake as I went into my big orgasm act. I’d gotten very good at it with Salvatore. It was a necessary evil. Sometimes it would cut the time he pumped into me by less than half.

  When I finished my performance, I lay on the bed panting, my legs collapsed on the bed on either side of me. I knew his eyes were focused on me. I could feel them watching me. I didn’t know what came next, but I imagined he would come over and have sex with me. It shouldn’t have, but the thought of being under his strong, lean body excited me. Made my sex tingle.

  For a few seconds there was silence in the room, then I heard the sound of clapping.

  Chapter 10


  -Sweet Child O’ Mine-

  I stopped clapping as she raised herself on one elbow to squint into the darkness. There was something arrestingly beautiful about the pose she had unconsciously adopted. It had been quite fascinating to watch the routine she’d put on, but this, this unrehearsed response was what I had bought.

  Her face was a myriad of fleeting emotions, all of which I could guess. I dealt with criminals on a daily basis, for me this woman was an open book, all her feelings displayed clearly on her face.

  “Do it all again, but this time for real,” I said.

  “W-what?” she breathed, her eyes large with shock or dread.

  “Scoot up to the pillows. Lay against them. Open your legs, and start all over again,” I explained in a bored voice.

  At first, she didn’t react, then she flopped back on the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. I supposed she was weighing her options. My cock was hot and heavy, but I was in no hurry. She had no options. Minutes passed while she ran through the possibilities open to her.

  Then she did something authentic. Something that made me lean forward with interest.

  She ripped the vulgar panties off her body and flung it away. There was genuine passion in that action. She detested them as much as I did. All of my attention narrowed in on that moment. Without even a glance in my direction she crawled towards the pillows. I watched her pussy with the greed of a fucking caveman. She positioned herself so I could see her face clearly. It was full of fury and insubordination.

  She hated my guts. And that was exactly how I wanted it.

  “Open your legs more,” I commanded.

  She spread her legs further apart.

  “That’s better,” I murmured approvingly. Now I could see every part of her.

  “Fuck you,” she lashed out.

  I stilled and so did she.

  I stared at her and she stared back... I could see the fear in her eyes, but her mouth was tight and her gaze hard. She was refusing to take the words back or even apologize. She stared at me as though she hated me with every fiber of her being, and was not afraid to let me know it. And I loved it. A woman who stood up to me. Well, well.

  Suddenly, I was desperate to be inside her, but I didn’t want her to know just how much I wanted her. And even more than the urge to fuck her senseless was my need not to let her win this first round.

  “Only one of us is getting fucked tonight and it won’t be me. Now carry on,” I said softly.

  She swallowed. It was a mixture of relief and fury. Then she grabbed her mound roughly and my breath caught in my throat at the sudden and violently sensual move. I was more aroused than I ever thought I could be as I watched her face. I couldn’t believe such a girl had been with that slime, Salvatore. But the ugly blots on her hips and the insides of her thighs never let me forget. I hated that he had made them. I wanted them to be my bruises. Marks I’d made.

  Her thumb began to massage the area around her engorged clit.

  I could see now that she was also becoming aroused. Despit
e how hard she tried to fight it, the muscles of her lower stomach were beginning to softly contract, her eyes were becoming glazed.

  My skin prickled with excitement as she slipped her middle finger between the slit and began to stroke along the length of it. I felt my cock double in size.

  She couldn’t hold back her moan, it was low, almost a sigh, and of a completely different timbre from the ones she had entertained me with earlier. Despite how soft it was the sound floated over to me. Her neck arched, exposing the long whiteness of it. Then she slipped her soaked finger inside her little pussy, and my entire pelvis went numb.

  She ground her hips upon that finger, her eyes now barely open, before allowing another finger to join the show.

  “Three fingers!” I rasped, my voice hoarse and strained, foreign even to my own ears.

  She responded intuitively and immediately to the command. A third finger joined the ones that were already inside her and then her back arched. She pushed gently in and out of her at first, and then her speed increased.

  In almost the blink of an eye she went from a languid and slow rhythm to fast and almost brutal thrusts as she finger-fucked herself. My mouth dried as I watched her hips respond eagerly to the onslaught, pumping uninhibitedly to the rhythm of her fingers until her moans broke through.

  I gripped the arms of the chair as she fucked herself to the edge of her orgasm, her body jerking and seizing at the torrent of pleasure that was wrecking through her.

  Then her fingers slipped out of her. Juices dripped out of her as she continued the brutal strokes on the swollen flesh around her clit. I was so hard now that I was close to bursting.

  A whimper escaped from her throat. With her eyes closed, she brought her slick fingers to her lips… and slipped them into her mouth. I could no longer sit still as she sucked her fingers greedily, then returned them back inside her, only to take them back to her mouth. And again, hungrily suck at her own juices.

  The desire to know her taste was beyond anything I’d ever experienced. Without realizing it, I was on my feet. Barely aware of my actions I walked over to the bed. Before I knew it, I was climbing on the bed.

  Her eyes flew open when the mattress caved with my weight, but before she could have the chance to even register anything, my hands had grabbed her thighs, and my face was buried between her legs.

  “No!” I heard her harsh protest, but nothing was going to stop me. I had already had a taste of her and she was heaven. My mouth closed around her clit and sucked deeply.

  “Fuck,” she cried out at the contact, her hands landing on my head trying to pull my head away. Then her fingers clawed in my hair and she writhed at my relentless and hard pressure. When my lips moved down to her opening to lap up her juices with my tongue like a starving man, her back arched off the bed.

  “Let me go,” she cried, and something about her tone told me she was already at the edge. Touching her clit would end this and I didn’t want it to end. Not yet. So I dug my tongue into her little hole and licked it out.

  Her hands gripped the sheets as I slipped my fingers inside her. She struggled to stay coherent as I curved my fingers and stroked her insides, but once I increased the pace of my fingers, mercilessly fingering her until I found the cadence that was just hard and fast enough to completely unravel her, she began to moan and beg me to stop. I remained inside of her, finding a sensitive spot and coaxing it till her eyes began to roll into the back of her head.

  “Stop,” she cried out but I refused, even when her nails began to dig into the skin of my arms.

  Instead of stopping, the pad of my left thumb joined in coaxing the pleasure from her clit.

  She exploded onto my hands, her orgasm gushing out in a heated, steady stream and her scream ringing out across the silent room. I pulled my soaked fingers away and gave in to the mad craving for her taste.

  My mouth covered her sex, lapping and sucking till every ounce of her release was drawn out of her. Then I raised my head and looked down at her. She lay against the pillows, her golden hair spread out behind her. A slight sheen of perspiration despite the cool room shimmered across her forehead and glued strands of her hair to the sides of her face. Her skin was flushed and her bottom lip was swollen from her biting down on it. Her body was still quivering gently from the aftermath of her climax.

  She was astoundingly beautiful.

  And I wanted to fuck her so badly that I felt the craving in the pit of my stomach. But I had already done something I had never done before. I had allowed myself to lose control. She had won this round. I turned back and saw the contract lying on the bed. I grabbed it and put it under her body. Then I looked down at her again.

  There. That put everything into perspective. I had bought her. And I had thirty fucking days to get rid of this… this itch.

  Not tonight, because tonight was about me proving to myself that I could still walk away, but after tonight, her poor pussy was going to get well and truly fucked. Day and night. Until I was so bored of her I couldn’t even bear to be in the same room.

  I pulled away and got off the bed, and without a backward glance, walked away.

  Chapter 11


  I didn't know when I fell asleep, but when my eyes opened, I was in a darkened strange room.

  In a flash, I shot up to a sitting position, every cell in my body tense, my eyes darting wildly around the room in alarm, but as my surroundings registered, as the armchair where he had sat, came into view, the memory of last night came back.

  Oh God!

  I flopped back on the bed and closed my eyes. The way I had behaved last night. I cringed with the memory of me ravenously sucking my own juices off my fingers. That was totally, completely, and utterly not me. I was actually extremely conservative and unadventurous in bed. I didn’t like giving blowjobs, no back-door, no threesomes, no BDSM, not even light spanking. Once, when Salvatore lost his temper, he told the truth of what he really thought of me and called me frigid.

  I had no idea what had come over me last night, but I was unrecognizable to myself. I wanted him inside me, and desperately. Unbidden the reel of the best orgasm I had ever had in my life began to play in my head. That orgasm was so strong, so overwhelming, it felt as if it had pulled my soul out of my body. Even now my body began to crave the same kind of release again.

  I pulled my thoughts around sharply. Beyond the discovery that such orgasms existed even for me, my situation was hardly anything to celebrate.

  I had sold myself to another man, and I was now the prisoner and sexual plaything to a cold, ruthless beast of a man. I thought of his translucent eyes again. How icy they were. Even when his mouth was on my sex and he was looking up into my face.

  Other things fluttered into my head. Things I didn’t want to think about. Like that powerful, irresistible attraction I felt for him. It was almost as if he had some strange dark power over me. I had felt it the moment our eyes met. Almost as if I belonged to him. Of course, it was no such thing. Nobody belonged to a man like that. And he couldn’t have made it clearer. I was just a sex object to him. If nothing else his abrupt exit last night was the clearest declaration of that fact.

  I reached for my phone and looked at the time. It was actually already half-past seven, but the thick curtains had kept the light out of the room. It was too early to call my dad, but I promised to go see him later, and I had to somehow arrange the visit with Luca’s staff. I got off the bed and naked, padded over to one of the windows. I pulled the curtains open, and gasped. It had snowed during the night and the grounds were covered in a blanket of white.

  I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

  Wow! How lucky anybody who lived like this was. For a long time, I let my eyes drink in the special peace and quiet that came from centuries old trees standing in the soft snow.

  Eventually, I headed to the gorgeous bathroom. To my surprise the marble floor was not cold on my bare feet. I had never experienced underfloor heating before a
nd I relished in such delicious luxury.

  I got into the glass cubicle and turned the shower on.

  The powerful cascade washed over my body, and I basked in its soothing warmth. I squirted some body wash onto my hands, but I felt almost hesitant to touch myself.

  It reminded me too much of last night and him… the cold, pitiless gaze in his eyes, the quiet steel of his voice, and the pure magic of his lips and hands. Deliberately, I forced his image out of my head and swiftly washed myself.

  After my shower, I slipped into a thick bathrobe that had been neatly folded on a blue and white armchair. I used the hairdryer and finger dried my hair. It didn’t look too bad. Then I brushed my teeth using one of the travel packs that had been laid out neatly next to the basin.

  There was nothing for me to change into so I put on my white mini again. I wondered if I should run over to my apartment to get some clothes, but I remembered one of the conditions of the contract I signed was all necessary provisions for my wellbeing within the stipulated period of thirty days including shelter, meals, residence, and attire was to be provided by only him.

  As I was getting into my shoes my phone began to ring. It was Katie, my best friend. She had seen me through some bad times, that was for sure.

  “Skye,” Katie’s airy voice came through, and boy was I happy to hear it. “Where are you?”

  I remembered the first time she asked me this question. When I had first hooked up with Salvatore. She had asked me where I was and I couldn’t answer. Only after she had threatened to go to the police and report me as missing, had I finally spilled the truth.

  At first I had begged her not to interfere in my life, but Katie was like a terrier. She never gave up. In the end, it was a great relief to tell her, and although difficult to admit even to myself what I had done, I had needed someone to cry my heart out to. Someone who didn’t judge me.


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