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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

Page 12

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Come in,” I responded and the waiter slid the glass door open.

  He smiled. “You are ready to order?”

  I nodded and made a gesture for him to take Skye’s order first. He turned to her attentively.

  “I’ll have the—” she began, her eyes still on the menu.

  But the waiter suddenly exclaimed, “Skye? Skye Morrison?”

  Her head jerked up. “Oh, my God, James,” she cried as she rose to her feet. She threw her arms around him, and he hugged her back just as tightly. She pulled away slightly, but still within the confines of his arms. “It’s so great to see you. It’s been years.”

  “About four now, right?”

  “Yeah,” she replied and the soft expression on her face as she stared up at him stunned me. It was full of deep affection. I’d never seen such an expression on her face. Seeing her stare at him in this way had a strange effect on me. My chest burned with irritation.

  “How are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m alright. But you, Jesus. You look—”

  “We need to catch up,” she said quickly, and as if only then remembering me, threw a glance at me. She saw the look in my eyes and took a step back from him, but of course, the moron was totally oblivious.

  “God, you look amazing. What are you doin, I mean?” He sent a smile in my direction, which I didn’t acknowledge. And he too finally felt the chill coming from me and slightly cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized, as she returned to her seat.

  He threw another apologetic glance at me. “I’m sorry. We’re old friends.” He turned back to her. “Do you still have my number?” he asked quickly.

  I knew there was nothing sexual in their relationship, but I wanted to rip him to shreds.

  “No, I lost my old phone a while ago and couldn’t retrieve my contacts.”

  “No worries. I’ll be serving you for the rest of the dinner so I’ll definitely hand it over before you leave.”

  “That would be great.”

  “I saw your sister about three weeks ago when I was with my friends at Sinkhole. She’s still as crazy as ever.”

  “Yeah,” she replied, and I noted the flash of sadness that passed through her eyes.

  “Oh, look at me just yapping away. What do you want to eat, Gorgeous?”

  I knew there was nothing to the endearment. That it was harmless. A friendly thing, but I had to forcibly keep myself from leaping out of my chair and socking the fool.

  She was all smiles as she gave him her order and so was he as he finally took his leave.

  I was boiling with anger, but didn’t ask her about him. After a few tense moments of silence, she explained herself. “We used to work together, at a diner a few years back. I haven’t seen him since. I apologize for the interruption.”

  I decided that she needed to be punished for being so brazen and so defiant before me.

  “Get over here,” I commanded, and her eyes widened slightly in shock.

  Chapter 26


  A shiver crackled through my spine at his words.

  Because I knew that look in his eyes, the almost ferocious gaze and I knew what usually followed after that. The last time he had had that look in his eyes and told me to get over to where he was, I had been fucked against a door and left in a puddle at his feet.

  “Um,” I swallowed. “I need to go to the Ladies first?”

  “You’re going to be sorry if I have to repeat myself.”

  “Please. Someone could come in.” All I could think about was James and the fact that he worked here. This was not how I wanted someone from my past to see me.

  “No one will come in until I allow them to.”

  Through the glass, I could see the other igloos around us, and people passing in between. I was pretty certain that they couldn’t see into our own encasement, but they would definitely be able to hear us especially since there was no way that I would be able to stay quiet after he touched me.

  “But people can hear us,” I whispered.

  His gaze darkened even further, and I had to accept the painful truth that I didn’t have a choice. This was what I had been paid for. I rose to my feet and circled the table until I was standing in front of him. He watched me intently with those wolf eyes. He placed his hand on my ass, and then pulled me close to him till his face was before my crotch, and then he inhaled. I had gone without any underwear in order to do the dress the justice it deserved, so I knew he could smell me.

  His grip on my ass tightened, as he slipped his hand into my dress and up my thigh. Then he palmed me, and I quivered. In that moment all I could think about was hoisting my dress even further up to my waist and then riding his face. I had done it in the past and it had blown my mind but this was a public place.

  “You’re so wet,” he murmured.

  The very thought of him and perhaps the reaction he would have to me in this dress had already turned me on hours earlier so he was right I was already soaking wet for him. Things had however taken a wrong turn when I must have annoyed him by being overly familiar with James. But I couldn’t help it. James had been a friend to me for a long time, though at the moment it felt like another lifetime ago.

  He pushed his glass and cutlery away from him. “Sit on the table.”

  I wanted to act stubbornly, to make things difficult for him, but I knew there was no point because it was either I got rid of the tension that had so built up inside or I was going to literally explode in a ball of frustration. Silently, I obeyed.

  “Open your legs and show me your pussy,” he commanded.

  Slowly I spread my thighs and he saw for himself how wet I was.

  Reaching between my legs he began to stroke me, his fingers sinking between my folds and tormenting the swollen bud of my arousal. I pursed my lips to keep all of my whimpering at bay, but then his middle finger slipped into my sex and I held unto the edge of the table, the glasses on it softly rattling at the sudden movement.

  He began to finger me, and soon another finger joined the intrusion. I almost cried out. What would never get old was just how delicious it felt to have his fingers inside me. A couple passed by us and they felt so close that I could have reached out to touch them except that they couldn’t see us.

  “Oh God,” I muttered, my head thrown back and my eyes clenched shut, as his thrusts became faster.

  I tightened my hand on the table to stabilize myself when he didn’t slow down his pace. In no time my body was wound as tightly as an instrument, and then I was coming. My toes curled and my frame writhed as the orgasm tore through my body.

  I would have completely fallen over if he hadn’t caught me. He held me with one hand around my midriff, while the other continued to play with my pussy. I could see I had stained the table cloth. It was embarrassing, but he seemed not to care at all. He pulled my thighs further apart and ran his tongue on my wet slit. I let him lick me clean. It felt good to see his head between my legs.

  “Sit astride me,” he ordered suddenly.

  I shook my head in horror. At this point, I was sure that we had been heard enough. I knew I could never have sex with him without screaming the whole place down.

  “I want to… I have to go to the Ladies,” I said as I began to get off the table. Before I knew it, he bodily lifted me and put me on his lap. Although I struggled with him I was mindful of not making too much noise. The last thing I needed was to cause such a ruckus that every eye on the roof top would be on the commotion coming from our space. I watched his hand quickly and expertly release his cock. Before I knew it, I was astride him and being lowered onto his thick angry cock.

  I couldn’t believe that we were doing this here, but as soon as I felt the hardness of his length as it curved into me, I couldn’t help riding on it. With my ass thrust up, I smeared my slickness all over the smooth mushroom head.

  “Stop,” I whispered, but my words no longer meant a thing.

  He shoved the h
ardness into me and a deep gasp escaped my lips as I felt how tightly sheathed he was inside me. My hand slapped over my mouth to muffle any other sudden exclamations. Slowly, I began to bounce on his cock, and the plush head of his cock prodded at that elusive spot inside of me. I whimpered with shock, my head falling onto his shoulders until I was on the verge of another orgasm.

  “Fuck,” I cried out, unable to control myself.

  I hated that he could reduce me to this state, but there was not a thing I could do to stop myself. This was beyond me. I was helpless to stop my body from betraying me. I was just going to let my body ride him just as hard and take what it needed from him. My fingers found their way into his hair and I pulled as hard as I could. My punishment was a painful smack to my ass.

  “Let go!” he commanded harshly.

  I did, but to my surprise, the burn of his smack had been a most welcome ache. I felt myself leak out even more down my thighs. With my feet solidly positioned on the floor, and my hand gripping his shoulders, I began to ride him. He pumped his hips up to thrust brutally into me and I met every vicious drive. Then he ground his hips into my groin. With hands around my waist he pulled me up until only the broad mushroom head of his cock was inside me. Staring into my eyes he pushed me down his shaft, until I was balls deep. I gasped with shock.

  That was just the beginning.

  He fucked me harder than I thought possible. The sounds of our moans, harsh breathings and of flesh smacking against flesh filled the space around us and surely escaped the enclosure. I gazed out to the skyline as he took me to the heights of ecstasy, and it was breathtakingly dreamlike. The sparkling lights, the dark cloudless sky, and the half-moon hanging up above. I would never forget it as long as I lived.

  He gripped my waist, as his thrusts came faster and pretty soon I could no longer keep up. He was furious and I could hear it in his grunts. He cursed into my ear and my eyes fluttered closed to savor the sounds. It had been two days since I had last seen him and the truth was that I had missed him, and it was pure bliss to have him inside me.

  My hand moved to stroke my clit. I circled the swollen bud at a maddened pace until I burst. Surprisingly, he was the one whose hand came over my mouth to muffle my scream. I bit his hand hard.

  I heard the gruff announcement of his own release as he buried his face into my neck, while his seed shot thick, and hot into me, flooding my sex.

  I stood and stumbled away from him as quickly as I could. As he zipped himself back into his trousers, I returned to my seat. I felt confused and embarrassed. I could see the wet patch on his tablecloth I had left. Still far away from normal, I picked up my glass of champagne, drained it, and placed it back down.

  “I want to leave,” I told him.

  “Not till after dinner,” he said, as he retrieved his napkin. He took his time unfolding the cloth and then laying it on his lap before returning his gaze to mine.

  I couldn’t hold back my tongue.

  “I can’t eat here.”

  He cocked his head. “Why not?”

  “Everyone heard us!”

  He refilled my glass. “Eat your food and walk out as you normally would. No one knows you and no one cares.”

  “Someone knows me here.” I lashed out before I could stop myself.

  His eyes narrowed. “Is that why you’re embarrassed?”

  I realized then what had provoked him. I shook my head in disbelief. “Is that why you did it? Because I met a friend here? I didn’t realize that you were insecure.”

  His expression didn’t change, however his hand slowly unwrapped from the stem of the glass and rested on the table. His gaze darkened as the fingers began to tap one after the other and I knew then I had crossed a line, but I would never apologize… not even if he hurt me.

  My hand trembled as I reached for my drink so I immediately pulled it back and hid it under the table. The fact that he wasn’t an ordinary person and didn’t manage a garbage disposal company like Salvatore began to dawn on me.

  What if he put out a hit on James? Men like him were capable of anything without blinking an eye. Jesus, what on earth was I playing with here?

  The words spilled out from my lips in a rush. “I’m sorry,” I said. “Please… please don’t hurt James. I’m sorry for what I said.”

  He looked at me curiously. As if I was a creature he did not understand. There was a soft tap on our door and I jumped.

  “Come in,” he called, and the door was slid open.

  Two waiters, one pushing a trolley stood outside. He had a tight smile for us and began to lay our order across the table. I didn’t pay attention because my gaze was solely on him and on the fact that he wasn’t James.

  “Enjoy,” he said when he was done, but before he could move away, I asked, “Where’s James?”

  He seemed startled at the question. Then his eyes shifted nervously between Luca and I. “He had to attend to a personal matter,” he said apologetically, before shutting the door and leaving.

  I knew that someone who guarded Luca’s best interests had seen James and me hugging and thought it was inappropriate or disrespectful to Luca. Before I could speak Luca intercepted me.

  “I want to enjoy this meal,” he said, picking up his cutlery. “So eat. Don’t piss me off more than I already am.”

  I could feel his cum leaking out of me as I picked up my fork.

  Chapter 27


  We were riding back to Torrington Hall. Our bodies at least two feet apart. I stared out at trees, all cast in darkness, as we left the city.

  Who was I angry at? Was it at myself? For reacting like a jealous fool. Or was it at her for pointing it out? I couldn’t decide, but either way it didn’t feel good.

  I knew she was scared for her friend’s safety, but I had no intentions of doing anything to him. At that moment when I saw him touch her so casually I wanted to throttle him, but now that my blood was no longer boiling, I could clearly see he was only a little gnat. Even the tiny effort required to squash him would not be worth my time.

  “ I… uh… I wanted to speak to you tonight about the greenhouse,” she said hesitantly. Her tone was soft and docile.

  I turned my head to look at her. In the soft light coming from the console, her skin looked like alabaster.

  “Thank you for allowing me to work there,” she continued. “I need to buy some seeds. I will purchase them on my own of course, but I want to confirm that they will be able to deliver it to the house.”

  Before I could respond a call came in. It was not an urgent call, but I picked it up anyway and deliberately began the conversation in Italian as a way to shut her out. I ended the call five minutes later, but by then she had completely given up on a response. I left it that way.

  She ran into the house the moment we arrived, and I stood and watched her. It was hard for me to understand what was going on inside me. Why I felt so possessive over her. I had never felt that way about any woman before. Not even for Alessa, and I married her.

  I stayed back for a few minutes to give some last minute instructions to the men. Afterwards, I walked in, shut the door behind me and walked into the foyer. She was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “What will it take?” she asked passionately. “To stop you from hurting James?”

  I gazed at her curiously. Her loyalty first to her father and now to her friend was quite remarkable. It was clear she was worried senseless. It made me feel like a schoolyard bully. I was never that.

  “Go to bed. Your friend is safe. I’m not going to touch him,” I said coldly, as I went on my way.

  A few moments later I heard her footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned around to see that she was indeed following me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I… um… I want to spend the night with you,” she blurted out. Her hands were hidden behind her back and the look in her eyes had changed from fear to gratitude.

  I didn’t need her fucking gratit
ude and I would have rejected her, but then I considered the chill of the night. There was also the fantasy I’d had of fucking her on the plush white rug in front of the roaring fire.

  “Alright,” I heard myself say. “Come with me.”

  She nodded and immediately came forward.

  My hand reached out, but before it connected with the small of her back, I pulled back. There was something too tender about the intention that I most definitely did not want. A little later we reached the elevator that would take us underneath the building. The doors swished open outside my den.

  I walked ahead of her, opened the wide door, and headed straight for the liquor cabinet. Just as I grabbed the decanter filled with old whiskey, it dawned on me just how often I’d been reaching for it these days. It wasn’t because of her I reasoned as I poured out a generous measure. I lifted it to my lips and took a whiff of its smoky scent of burnt heather and wood.

  The burn of the liquid as it slid down my throat was most welcome. It seemed to restore a sense of ease and control back to me. It wasn’t because of her, I affirmed, as I turned around to give my attention to the stranger I’d brought into my most private space. Until now, other than the staff who clean and refill stuff, no one had been allowed into this place.

  She was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, her arms wrapped protectively around her waist, as her eyes roved around my den.

  Bringing her here wasn’t the smartest move, but here we were, so I was damn well going to do my fantasy justice and fuck her through the night on that furry rug. The logs were already crackling in the hearth, handled ahead of time by one of the men so the expansive space was already filled with its warmth. There was a raging fire in my belly. I knew it was seeing that fool touch her, but I refused to admit it even to myself.

  I downed the whiskey. “Take your clothes off.”


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