Sand dollar

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Sand dollar Page 15

by Hollye Davis

It was a solid kick in the legs with a simultaneous push that caused her to finally lose her balance. She hit what felt like a brick wall bruising her cheekbone. The coppery taste of blood filled her mouth. Her hands scraped the cement as she tried to stop her fall. She scrambled to stand up but someone kicked her in the stomach. Pain exploded everywhere and she curled up into a ball, whimpers emerged from her mouth. She never screamed. Her father taught her to never scream, she would be beat worse if she did. Their deranged laughter slowly dissipated or maybe she just lost consciousness, whichever didn’t matter, as long as their taunts couldn’t be heard anymore.

  It was a few moments later, or maybe longer, when Kim found her.

  “Oh my God, is that you Cloe? Are you okay?” she had asked but it sounded far away. Kim took off the sack a gasped, “We need to get you out of here.”

  Kim helped her up but by the time we got out back out to the bus it had already taken off. She thought about calling her aunt but she couldn’t speak. She was in such pain. She really couldn’t function. Somehow Kim got her to the public bus station that was situated right off the school campus across the parking lot. She didn’t remember the walk, nor much of the wait as she drifted from blessed blackness to semiconsciousness.

  When they boarded the bus driver glanced at her alarmed but Kim waved him off. She probably looked a mess. She can only imagine what the bus driver thought.

  Clutching her stomach, afraid she was going to throw up, she began reciting the first passage of Beowolf to take her mind off the pain. The pain increased and after a few minutes she didn’t remember anything. She didn’t know how they made it to the cottage, but they did. Kim helped her lay on the couch then disappeared. A few moments later she came back with a damp rag and began cleaning the blood that was dripping from her sore busted lip.

  “Ouch” Cloe exclaimed softly when Kim applied pressure to it.

  “Oh Cloe, I’m so angry.” It sounded as if Kim had tears in her throat, but that couldn’t be true, Kim never cried. “I can’t believe they did this to you,” Kim said.

  “I was stupid Kim, I should have known when the harassment died down that they had a plan.”

  “I wish I could understand why Britney hates you so.”

  “It’s a chemical thing.”

  “What?” Kim frowned at her.

  “I have often thought I must emit some chemical that makes people hate me. Like a perfume or something.”

  “That is ridiculous, Cloe. I’m your friend and you have a boyfriend.”

  “I think you guys have some immunity to it.”

  “You’re so weird,” Kim said as she rolled her eyes.

  “So I’ve been told.”

  The pain was beginning to subside as Cloe relaxed. The next hour they entertained themselves by talking about impossible plans to get even with Britney until her phone rang. It was Edwin. She looked down at the number, he heart beat uncontrollably.

  “Hallo Love, how are you doing today?”

  She wasn’t going to tell him but it all came rushing out of her mouth by the mere sound of his voice. When she was done purging all she heard was silence.

  “Are you there?” She asked thinking the call might have dropped.

  “I’m here.” Then nothing.

  “Don’t worry Edwin, I have friends at school. I’ll figure out something.”

  He ignored that statement. “I’m going to make a few calls.” He sounded very professional almost like a stranger. “I need to go. I love you.” His words were definite and final, and so was the phone call when she heard it disconnect.

  She pulled her phone away from her face stared at it dumbfounded.

  “What did your boyfriend say?” Kim asked.

  Still shocked he hung up like that it took her a moment to get her bearings. After a few moments she answered, “Well he said he had to make some phone calls and hung up.”

  Unsettled, she slowly stood and went to her room.

  Kim followed behind, “Man, you’re so lucky to live here. This place is awesome. You guys have so much privacy but it’s like right on the beach. I guess that is the privilege of living at one of the most exclusive beach communities.”

  Exclusive? Well that makes sense. It would explain why there weren’t a lot of people around, ever.

  Kim continued, “Did you know that most of these cottages are owned by movie stars and such? Although I have never seen very many because I think they come here to escape. Some keep them for their relatives who visit.”

  Since Cloe didn’t follow that stuff, like ever, she wouldn’t know if someone famous lived here or not. She shrugged.

  The truth was Cloe really didn’t care who may or may not own property here. She was just happy that she lived here..

  Feeling slightly better but still very sore, she decided to take a shower. She told Kim, “make herself at home,” and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

  After the shower she felt better, not well, but better. She walked into her room expecting Kim to be lying on her bed but it was empty. When Cloe called Kim’s name she answered from her closet.

  “Sorry,” Kim said, “I got bored.”

  Kim waved her hand at her clothes and continued, “You have every major brand of clothes in here. You must be loaded.”

  “Actually, no. I’m quite poor. My aunt and friends have given me everything. They’re just clothes, nothing special.”

  “You don’t have a clue do you?” Kim looked at her as if she was crazy.

  “What do you mean?”

  “These clothes are to die for,” Kim said reverently, touching her silky blue dress that caused her virginity to be lost.

  Cloe was surprised by Kim and her obvious appreciation and knowledge over clothes. Kim wore nothing but solid black.

  “Well Sandra picked them out for me,” Cloe added, “You’re right thought, I don’t have a clue.”

  Kim shifted her view to Edwin’s things. He had brought over or left shirts, shorts, and on the shelf a few boxer shorts since he had stayed over so often. Cloe went over to touch one of his shirts and her heart felt as if it was being squeezed in a vice.

  “Geez, why do you have so many guy things in here?”

  “Oh, that’s Edwin’s stuff. He stays here often.”

  Kim’s head swung to hers, she stared with wide eyes, “Your aunt allows that?”

  “Yeah, she says she rather know what is going on than have us sneak around. She trusts me. Edwin is very good for me.” Cloe looked back at his shirt again when adding, “I’m a bit damaged.”

  “You seem normal to me however you do have an affinity for making people hate you.”

  “You aren’t telling me anything I don’t know. It’s a talent.” Cloe smiled.

  “So I take it that you and your boyfriend… ummm, like sleep together and everything.”

  Cloe glanced forlornly at the bed and simply responded, “Yeah.”

  Kim looked at her hands and then said, “What’s it like?”

  Surprised by the question Cloe glanced back at Kim. She had always been the inexperienced one and for someone to be asking her was different. She felt her cheeks burn from embarrassment.

  “The first time it hurts really bad and I was terrified. Edwin was very gentle, I realized later. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced but I think that is because I am so in love with Edwin. I can’t imagine doing that with someone who is anything less or for recreation. I remember hearing a girl in Germany talk about how much she hated being alone with her boyfriend because all he wanted to do was have sex and it was ‘sooo overrated’. That was why I wasn’t in a rush to lose my virginity. Why did I want to do something that girls avoided? But with Edwin, it isn’t like that. We aren’t just having sex. We were friends first and we fell in love. Edwin never pressured me or anything. He waited for me. I always thought the right thing to do was to wait until we got married, but we are a bit different from kids our age. It is hard to explain but I don’t regret it.”
  Kim sat there absorbing everything Cloe was saying. It was probably as clear as mud but she hope Kim got something out of it.

  Finally Kim cleared her throat, “I don’t think I’m ready. I’m not in love with anyone and I think that I’ll wait until marriage.”

  Cloe nodded.

  Abruptly Kim changed the subject, “Do you not have a TV?”

  “No, I don’t watch TV,” Kim looked so shocked that Cloe laughed out loud, “I never got into it, first I didn’t have time or channels because we lived so far out in the country. We only picked up two channels and one was Spanish. Then I lived in a foreign country where we didn’t have a tv and if we did I wouldn’t have been able to understand it. Now I just prefer to read novels.”

  “You are like the weirdest chick I’ve ever met. You own clothes most people would die for, yet you don’t know anything about them. You don’t watch TV when most of the nation is having an epidemic of obesity because they can’t seem to unglue themselves from it. You have a very southern accent that some people might think you’re an airhead but you are actually quite smart. Your boyfriend practically lives with you and you think that’s normal. You’re an anomaly.”

  “I don’t have a southern accent,” Cloe said. Kim shot her a “you’ve got to be kidding” look. Cloe laughed and clarified, “I have a Texan accent. Big difference! Texas is in the southwest, not the south.”

  “Oh Excuuuuuussee me,” Kim said sarcastically and they both busted out laughing. It hurt her stomach but it felt good anyway.

  “Yes, I’m different, I’ve been told enough by people. I can’t help it. It must be some genetic defect. God knows with my derelict parents anything is possible.”

  Kim looked at her oddly and asked tentatively, “Is that why you live with your Aunt?”

  “Like duhhh,” Cloe said lightly.

  Kim laughed again. Cloe soaked up all the laughter, it felt good, different, something that had been sorely lacking in her life for so long.

  “I know what you mean. My parents aren’t going to win any parent of the year prizes,” Kim said as she plopped on Cloe’s bed.

  Cloe joined her leaning back against the headboard crossing her ankles. It took a surprisingly amount of effort not to holler in pain.

  “Tell me about it,” Cloe prompted.

  Kim looked wearily but spoke anyway, “Well let’s see where I can start. My dad’s in jail for putting my mother in the hospital. My mother is a waitress at the local pancake joint and has been in rehab twice. My Uncle is a creep who I think if he could get away with it would rape me, but is too afraid of my brother. Thank God Earl has his own home and I only have to deal with him at the grocery store.”

  Kim shot her an embarrassed look, as if she was remembering something.

  “Hey, I’m sorry for giving you so much shit when you came into the grocery store. I guess I thought you were another person like Britney. I had no idea that you were…you know…cool.”

  Wow, Kim thought she was cool. No one ever thought she was cool.

  “That’s okay, I’m used to people giving me crap,” Cloe patted Kim’s leg.

  A smile played on Cloe’s lips when she asked, “So, umm, your brother, is he big?” Maybe he could be her bodyguard at school.

  Kim laughed, “Yeah, but unfortunately he’s already graduated.”


  “Yeah it would be perfect if he still was at school. He was very popular and no one would bother his little sister’s friend.”

  It wasn’t long before her aunt walked through the front door. She and Kim slowly rose from her bedroom and walked to the living room. She had almost forgotten about the fight.

  But when aunt saw her face, she went ballistic. Cloe and Kim sat stunned as they watched at her aunt ranting and screaming at apparently no one. Aunt picked up the phone and began making phone calls. When she was satisfied she finally calmed down enough to walk over and give her a hug.

  “I’m sorry darling, but this is just too far,” she paused, then asked, “You didn’t tell Edwin did you?”

  Cloe looked off not wanting to lie.

  “Oh darling, he’ll go crazy and he can do nothing about it.”

  “He didn’t sound angry Aunt. In fact, he sounded quite calm.”

  Aunt looked off and said, “Honey don’t underestimate your boyfriend.” At that odd statement she got up and went to her room.

  Kim asked, “What does she mean don’t underestimate your boyfriend?”

  “I don’t have a clue,” Cloe answered truthfully. Kim didn’t press but sat there as if she was trying hard to figure out a puzzle.

  After a few minutes of silence, Cloe slowly got herself into a standing position and started making supper.

  She was pulling some chicken out of the freezer shouting over her shoulder to Kim, “Do you want to stay the night? It’d be cool if you could.”

  Kim shrugged, “Can I borrow your phone?”

  “It’s on the coffee table,” Cloe instructed as she put the frozen chicken in the microwave to thaw.

  The next thing Cloe knew, Kim was standing in the kitchen, her cell phone clutched in her hand, “Where in the hell did you get this? Wait don’t tell me. It was from your boyfriend!”

  “Yeah, Jody told me it was something that hadn’t been released yet but whatever.”

  “You are so friggen weird Cloe. I just don’t know what to make of you.” Kim shook her head and dialed her home number to made arrangements to stay with over.

  Cloe was overwhelmingly relieved that Kim was staying the night. She hadn’t slept well since Edwin left. With Kim here, the cottage wasn’t so empty.

  I am ashamed to admit that I almost prefer the soreness from the “incident” then the ache I feel without Edwin. At least bruises are tangible, whereas fear, sorrow, and grief are bruises of the soul no one sees and pretends they don’t exist. –Cloe’s diary

  Chapter 5 Bodyguards? The soreness from the incident the day before made the morning difficult. Her muscles were stiff and her lip swollen. She was thankful for Kim as she helped Cloe get out of bed and into her clothes.

  Kim touched each outfit in her closet with such feeling that Cloe was compelled to offer Kim something out of her closet to borrow. She was rewarded with a jubilant hug that was kind of painful but worthwhile. Kim worshipped her clothes almost as bad as her when Cloe first got them. Finally Cloe had to drag her from the mirror Kim stared at the pretty powder blue form fitting t-shirt and tight designer jeans that Cloe had to admit hugged her hips quite nicely. Pulling Kim into the bathroom, Cloe showed her how to apply her make-up in a subtle manner, which improved her looks remarkably.

  They walked in the living room to find Aunt drinking her coffee.

  “Good morning,” Cloe said as she leaned to give her aunt a kiss on the cheek.

  Aunt smiled up at her, “You don’t have to go to school today, you know.”

  It was incredibly tempting but she knew it would not be healthy, plus the cheerleaders might take it as defeat. This was so not defeat.

  Cloe shook her head, “I better not, I have my GPA to worry about.”

  Her aunt watched her worriedly as Cloe tenderly moved to fix them breakfast.

  After they were finished, they grabbed their backpacks and walked out to a beautiful sunny day. She was determining how best to handle the long steps when she spotted Cole waiting in her driveway.

  Her heart galloped when she realized he could only be here for one thing, Bear.

  Working around the fear building in her throat she was about to ask but Cole spoke first, “Hey sweetheart, need a ride to school?”

  Kim shot her a look, mouthing, “Edwin?”

  Cloe shook her head, not sure what was going on. Kim, however, had no problems speaking or agreeing to Cole’s offer. She ran down the stairs and said, “Uhhhh yeah!” as Kim crawled into the single cab pick-up. Cole, who was holding the door, gestured her to follow. It took her a bit longer to get down the steps, in fact
Cole had to help her down half of them.

  He tenderly lifted her in the truck and closed the door. Kim whispered, “Oh my God how do you know him? He isn‘t Edwin is he?”

  “No, he isn’t Edwin. He works at the stables where my horse is.”

  Kim slugged her shoulder. “No way! You’ve totally been holding back on me!” Kim exclaimed. What had gotten into Kim? Had the clothes changed the squinted–eyed death chick into a girly-girl?

  Cole slid into the driver’s seat. He shot her a concerned look then started the engine.

  Kim flirted outrageously, all smiles and teasing. Cloe watched them slightly nauseated hoping she and Edwin didn’t behave in such an obvious and sickening manner. After another playful swat at Cole, Cloe had enough.

  “Okay,” she said, “Cole, why are you all of sudden taking me to school and don’t give some cockamamie bull answer.”

  He laughed, “Well I wasn’t going to give you one of those ‘cockamamie’ bull answers. It is quite simple. I got an interesting call from your boyfriend who was irate about kids harassing you at school.” He looked at her closely then, “and now that I see you, I can understand it. Nice lip, Cloe.” She touched it tentatively. It was still swollen.

  He shook his head, “Man I’m so glad he is not here. He would certainly freak”. Why everyone thought Edwin would go crazy over a split-lip was beyond her, but it seemed to be the consensus.

  Kim asked, “Is Cloe’s boyfriend really that protective?”

  Cole blew out a breath, “You’ve no idea.”

  “Isn’t this taking you away from your job Cole?” She asked, uncomfortable with direction the conversation was heading.

  “Naah, I run that place, it’s fine. Besides Edwin is compensating me quite well. Although now seeing you, I’m not sure I can take the money.”

  His statement prompted her to look at her scrapped palms. Cole saw the gesture and suddenly pulled his truck over. He reached over Kim and took Cloe’s small hands into his. “Damn, those asses, I hope Edwin has someone at the school to watch after you too, I can only do so much.” Releasing her hands, Cole pulled back out into traffic.

  When we got out of the truck Kim smiled flirtatiously at Cole and asked, “Are you going to pick us up later?”


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