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Sand dollar

Page 30

by Hollye Davis

  “You’re needed in the office.” Oh God what now? She thought miserably. They probably found out about her friends crashing the prom and once again she was going to get in trouble. Great, can’t she just get a break around here? The girl next to her snickered. Cloe must have quite the reputation around here. She supposed that she should be happy that she hadn’t disappeared in this school, but there was such a thing as too much exposure. She got up and walked out into the hall and down the long corridors when she noticed Christoph standing next to her locker. Her heart started to pound.

  Cloe ran, “Edwin?” “He’s fine, Cloe.” Then he cleared his throat and said, “We messed up, I’m sorry.”

  My heart was pounded harder and her stomach began to hurt.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The guy who made those invites, he leaked it to the press. Well more like Victoria leaked it to the press. She can be quite vindictive. We were able to get here before they arrive, but they are coming and they know about you.”

  “Who?” She asked confused.

  “The press, the paparazzi, you name it, everyone knows.”

  Oh no. her heart sank. It’s done. It’s out. She was looking down at her feet. Maybe this will be okay. After all they were going to get married sometime, the press would know then. She just thought they had time.

  “I’m sorry Cloe,” Christoph said.

  “Where’s Edwin?” She asked.

  “At the front office talking to the Vice Principal and Principal about you and what was going to happen. The least we could do is be here to support you. We are all here. Sandra and the girls are finding a bathroom to prepare you to meet the press. Duke is with Edwin and we brought others.”


  He signed and scratched his head. “Bodyguards.” Oh…they weren’t messing around. Unfortunately the bell rang and she looked up at Christoph in horror. He said “It’s okay. We are going to deal. This is for you Cloe. We want to be here for you.”

  When the first people came out of their classrooms no one really reacted and she relaxed a bit. But it only took one person to recognize or think they recognized Christoph and that was all it took. It started with “Hey aren’t you…” and then the girls started to scream. Two guys dressed in suits materialized out of nowhere keeping the screaming girls and curious guys out of the way. Teachers began poking their heads out of the classrooms to see what the ruckus was. Christoph pulled her closer as we waited for Edwin and Duke to come down. She knew once they did, it would be pandemonium. People eyed her crazily and looking at Christoph. He had his arm around her waist.

  She heard more of a commotion down the hall and she looked to see crowds pooling and girls screaming. She looked up at Christoph and he just shook his head.

  “It’s Edwin, girls just scream with him. It’s tiring really.” She laughed at him because girls were freaking out around him too. Someone was parting the crowds and she could see Edwin and Duke walking her direction. Girls were fainting, it was ridiculous. It was so crazy all around her, the only thing she could do was concentrate on Edwin, who looked so serious. When he spotted her, he searched her face. She figured he was trying to figure out if she was doing okay. She gave him a small smile and he looked relieved.

  When he reached her he touched her face and said, “Are you okay?”

  “I am now that you’re here,” She said letting the love shine in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry Cloe.”

  “I know. It’s okay. It had to come out eventually,” She said sadly.

  Everyone had gone quiet in the hall but she barely noticed. Duke and Christoph were to our right chatting to each other and ignoring the crowds. She reached up to touch Edwin’s face. He looked so serious and sad. He leaned down and kissed her as he always did. It was a moment of mourning for them but the collective gasp woke her up to the reality of where she was. She looked around to see stunned faces staring at her and Edwin. She looked up at him and he held her tighter.

  Another wave of excitement hit down the hall and she knew that had to be more of her famous friends coming. Sandra, Penelope, and Christine, absolutely beautiful as always, came waltzing up through the parted crowds, “Hey Cloe, we’re sorry,” they gave her a hug.

  “Come on, we brought some stuff for you to wear for the press and all,” Sandra said.

  “Okay,” but before she could start moving she heard Kim fighting her way up to the front of the crowd. When she finally emerged she looked at her and Edwin with friends and she said, “Oh crap, it’s true. They did find out!” Cloe nodded and hugged Kim, “It’ll be all right.” Christoph took Kim’s hand and they all started to walk toward the bathroom. However, about halfway there Christine stopped and looked at Britney. She didn’t even know she was in the crowds. She was one of the many trying to get a glance at her friends.

  Christine smiled and said, “How’s that prom dress? Did you get the stain out?” Britney turned white and looked at her with Edwin. Edwin looked at her and said, “I would like you to be the first to know that Cloe and I will be married soon.” The crowd went crazy then. It was like a roar of conversation. She guess it was pretty exciting stuff. The crowds were privy to something the press didn’t even know yet. They walked a little more when Cloe noticed Jennifer, the mega Chardonnay fan. Cloe did owe her for giving her the idea about Britney’s audition. Cloe stopped in front of her and Edwin looked at her oddly.

  “Jennifer, how good to see you,” She said.

  Jennifer stood there speechless. She noticed she was carrying a Chardonnay notebook with Edwin’s picture. She asked, “May I see your notebook.” Jennifer handed it over. Cloe turned to Edwin “Jennifer is the one who gave her the idea about the audition. Would you mind signing her notebook?” He smiled. At least 10 girls sighed. He signed Jennifer’s notebook. Cloe said, “Thanks for being nice to me.”

  Wide-eyed Jennifer said, “You were serious about being in love with him then?”

  Cloe nodded and they continued down to the bathroom.

  As usual Cloe was completely overwhelmed with all the primping that the girls subjected her to but afterward she looked magnificent. Cloe walked out to find Edwin leaning up against the wall. Classes had started but getting the kids to the class had proved to be a difficult task. The teachers who had successfully gotten the kids in the door hadn’t been successful in containing them. Every door in the hallway was crammed pack full of people trying to see out. It was actually a humorous sight but her nerves weren’t allowing her to enjoy it.

  Edwin pulled her to him and kissed her again. He told her she wouldn’t have to say anything that Christoph, as usual, was going to be the spokesperson. She was beyond relieved. She had a history of saying the wrong things and this way she won’t be able to mess up. He explained they were going to try to keep to the truth as much as possible and that we were going to announce their engagement. She was a little taken by how fast this was happening, but he said it was better to get it all out than to let the press run with assumptions. She could understand that logic, but she was still apprehensive.

  When they emerged from the school, Cloe was stunned by the massive amount of people crowding around with cameras. It was surreal. She stood outside like a toy, as they snapped so many pictures, she was blinded. Questions shot out everywhere and she didn’t know what to do Edwin held on to her firmly and told her to smile. So she smiled even though she didn’t feel like smiling. Some of the questions were so bazaar she couldn’t help but to look up at Edwin questioningly. He would just shake his head telling her that this was normal. One theme that they kept asking about was a love triangle between Victoria and her. She rolled her eyes at that one. When will they let Victoria go? She was off the show now and no longer acquainted with Chardonnay or Edwin.

  What felt like an eternity they finally made our way to the limo where she immediately crawled into Edwin’s lap and closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure how she was going to deal with this. This was a significant part of Edwin and C
loe would have to deal if they were going to keep their relationship… Cloe swallowed and amended…their marriage work.

  Press, a.k.a. the slithery snakes of humanity, would not leave us alone. What was once private, is now public. Everything was out of control. I didn’t want Edwin to know, but I hated it. I hated every second of it and I didn’t know what to do about it.

  -Cloe’s diary

  Chapter 29 The unexpected The next few weeks were tough. The harassment started again, but not like at school. She was not to be ostracized but overly coveted. She didn’t like either! She wanted to be normal and now it was never going to happen. Edwin did his best to help her out but it was tough. She was moody and unreasonable. She would lock herself in her room when she got home from school. Edwin was worried. Aunt was worried. She knew she was being overly emotional but she couldn’t change it. Cloe didn’t realize how much Edwin or Aunt worried until one night when he was holding her in her arms.

  “Cloe, I’ll quit the show, I’ll do whatever it takes for this to work between us.” It was then she realized what a brat she was. She was not going to let a little inconvenience to cause problems between them or his career.

  “Oh Edwin, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is, I cry over everything. I’m not myself, I feel different. At school I started crying because I left my pen in another class. I’m sorry. Really, I’ll work it out.” He still seemed worried but she was tired and went to sleep.

  After the weeks went by the press died down. She was glad. She just wanted to get through school. One afternoon when Edwin came to pick her up, as he always did. Britney walked toward Edwin.

  “You asshole, you ruined my chances on that show!” Britney screamed.

  He said, “It’s all coming together isn’t it? You’re beginning to figure out why you haven’t been able to get a single job since you started harassing Cloe.”

  Cloe didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. Britney’s phone began to ring and Edwin said, “Oh you better get that, I imagine it is your agent dumping you.” Britney looked up at him surprised.

  “I hope you learned your lesson Britney. What you did to Cloe was sadistic. She didn’t deserve any of it. But you deserve all of what has happened to you.”

  Once in the car, Edwin explained that he had put in a few phone calls and found out who her agent was. Her agent was informed all about Britney and her “problems.” Not to mention that producers know each other and Britney’s reputation has been spread throughout the industry. Once again, Cloe felt a tinge of guilt but knowing that if they hadn’t done something about Britney, should would have morphed into something worse than she already was. Maybe she won’t be so quick to hurt other people. Maybe she will become a nicer person. Cloe snorted at that. Hardly, but it was nice to dream.

  As soon as they arrived home, Cloe was feeling very sick and she ran to the bathroom. Edwin was pacing when she got out. He was very upset.

  “I knew it was too much. Your stomachaches are back aren’t they?”

  Cloe wouldn’t look at him. She won’t lie to him.

  “Come on, we are going to the hospital.”

  “No! The media will go crazy if we go.”

  “I don’t care, I am not going to have you die on me, Cloe,” His voice broke.

  “I think I would know if I was in the danger of that Edwin,” She waved him off.

  “You didn’t the last time. Come on. I know a place we can go.”

  Cloe went but she wasn’t happy about it. Then again, she hadn’t been feeling well for a while. She needed to see a doctor but that didn’t mean she had to like it. Cloe had put it off because she was afraid that the media would find out how broken she was and use it against Edwin.

  Edwin took her to an office that wasn’t marked with anything distinguishable to identify it as a doctor’s office. He explained this was a special doctor for the stars. She felt a little illicit, but thankful a place like this existed. She was beginning to see why Edwin withheld so much from her all those months ago. This life was hard.

  The doctor asked a lot of questions. Some were really personal and embarrassing. She sat through many tests and Edwin grew increasingly worried. He was pacing the private room and driving her crazy when she finally snapped at him.

  “For God’s sake Edwin please park your butt!”

  He laughed and sat.

  “You have the funniest sayings Cloe. We’ll have to go and vacation in Texas sometime,” He paused then said, “Speaking of vacations, i was wondering where you wanted to go for our honeymoon?” That came as a little shock. She knew that she agreed to marry him, she just didn’t know when.

  “Edwin, I haven’t met your family yet, don’t you think we should think about doing that before talking about our marriage?”

  He scratched his head then looked at me, “Well I suppose so. I don’t have much of a family. Just my father and I rarely see him.”

  She looked down. Was he ashamed?.

  He reached out and lifted her chin, “No, don’t you insult yourself. It’s my father whom I have trouble with. I don’t want you to think I am like him. He is….a bit of a rouge.” She had already deduced that from what little Edwin told her about his upbringing.

  “Edwin, it doesn’t bother hme really. I just wanted to make sure I met my soon to be father-in-law before we married. Get the skeletons out of the closet per se.”

  “Cloe, what about your parents?” She tensed at that.

  “Good point. I don’t want to meet your father,” the thought of Edwin ever meeting her parents made her sick.

  Edwin laughed, “Wow that was a 180 degree turn if I’ve ever seen one! No, we are going to meet her father soon enough. I had already planned it for when he got done with this movie he’s filming in India. He will be home in a few weeks. I thought we would take dinner with him.”

  A quite knock disrupted our conversation followed by the doctor walking into the office.

  “Well it isn’t ulcers so that’ss good news.” He paused and then continued, “There’s no way to say this simply. Therefore, congratulations you are expecting.”

  Expecting what? That was her very first thought and then it occurred to her. She dropped her head in her hands and started crying. She had no idea if they were happy tears or sad tears. She was just crying.

  The doctor said, “I’ll let you have a moment.”

  “Wait,” She said. The doctor turned toward her and asked “I’ve been on birth control pills, how is it possible?”

  “Very simple,” He said, “Your ulcer medication counteracts your birth control.”

  “Thank you.” She said, trying not to burst out in tears again and failing miserably.

  Edwin knelt down and said, “Oh love, I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want a baby right now but I can’t regret it, I can’t.” When She looked in his eyes they shone with love and pride.

  “Well it explains why I’ve been moody and emotional,” She gave a watery laugh.

  He picked her up and swung her around. “We’ll get married sooner, how about on your 18th birthday.”

  “Edwin, that’s next week.”

  He smiled and said, “I know. I was planning on it anyway. I was thinking on kidnapping you.”

  “Edwin, this is serious. What are we are going to do? We’re so young. I want to go to college. I have dreams! And do you know the divorce rate in Hollywood?!”

  Edwin looked a little sad.

  “I know sweetheart. I can’t let statistics worry me. I love you. I know it is soon for us to have child. But I have faith, we will make it work though. We are set financially and you can go to college. We will hire a nanny. It will work.” It was almost as if he had planned this already.

  “What about Aunt? She’ll be so disappointed in me.”

  He sighed, “We will tell her tonight together.”

  Edwin drove her home holding her hand. She looked at the passing scenery. “The press is going to have a heyday with this. They are going to spe
culate that we only got married because of the baby.”

  “We know the truth, and that’s all that matters Cloe.”

  When they arrived at home, Cloe didn’t want to go into the cottage. She sat defiantly in the car with Edwin looking at her worriedly.

  “Cloe, it’s going to be okay.” She nodded tears dripping down her face. Aunt’s car was in the driveway. He pulled her out of the car and practically carried her up the stairs. When they entered the cottage Aunt was in the living room. She smiled big at us until she looked at Cloe. Aunt ran over to Cloe.

  “What’s wrong baby?”

  She looked up at Edwin and he took charge. “We probably should sit down for this,” he said.

  When we were all seated on the couch Aunt looked ready to cry.

  “What in heavens is wrong Cloe?”

  Cloe couldn’t meet Aunt’s eyes. “I’m so sorry Aunt but I know you are going to be so disappointed in me.”

  “What is it?” Aunt had an edge to her voice that sounded close to hysteria.

  “I’m pregnant.” She broke down crying.

  Aunt sat there stunned. She got up and knelt in front of me. “Oh Cloe, it isn’t the end of the world.” She looked up to Aunt’s pale face. Cole looked back down, guilt making her stomach upset.

  “I know it’s just that I wanted you to be proud of me and I made a stupid mistake. Evidently, ulcer medication doesn’t mix well with birth control,” Cloe said.

  Edwin squeezed her hand tight. She knew Edwin didn’t think of it as a mistake, She could tell he wanted this baby.

  “Cloe look at me”

  “I’m proud of you. I may have not wanted you to have this baby this soon but I know you are going to make a great mother. I am here for you and I will help you every step of the way. I have always wanted to have a baby in the house.”


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