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Classy AF: Cheap Thrills Series Book 3

Page 12

by Moore. , Mary B.

  Turning the shower on, I started pulling off my clothes, throwing them in the hamper even though I’d only worn them for a matter of hours. When that was all done, I looked into the mirror, checking to see how much better my face looked from when I’d last seen it. It was going to take a couple more days, but it was getting there, so at least that was something.

  As I got into the shower, I could hear my phone ringing in the bedroom but there was no way I was getting back out to answer it, so I just let it ring out. If it was important, they’d call back.

  I couldn’t get into boiling hot showers, they made me feel claustrophobic, so I had mine set to the perfect setting. It wasn’t warm, it wasn’t scalding, it was a stage in between, and damn it felt good tonight. I even did something I never usually did, and that was to tip my face back into the spray for a long period of time, just letting the day run off me. That might sound like a strange thing to not do normally when you’re in the shower, but here’s the thing – I had an older brother, one who liked to watch scary movies when I was little. In almost every movie that I’d seen, the chick would be home alone, get into the shower, get water and soap in her eyes, and then open her eyes to someone either in the bathroom with her or standing in front of her with a knife. You can guess how it ended for the chick, right? Uh huh, knife in gut repeatedly. So, I never put myself in that position, just in case. That’s also why I jerked my head out from under the water just then and quickly wiped my eyes to take a look around, before reaching for the sponge and body wash.

  Eighteen months ago, I’d had three dermal piercings in my cleavage by a friend of my brother’s. It had been a birthday present to myself and I absolutely loved them. I didn’t show them to the world, in fact few people knew I had them, but I’d had them put there for me so that was the point. This meant, though, that I had to be careful when I showered so that I didn’t yank them or get them stuck in the sponge. Trust me, you only make that mistake a couple of times and you learn. So that’s what I did tonight, careful washing around them and making sure they were clean but not touching them.

  “I wondered what they were,” a deep voice rasped in front of me, scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.

  Just as I opened my mouth to scream thinking that I was the chick in the movie who was about to be stabbed, I looked up at my attacker just in case I survived the stabbing, and the police asked who it was who’d done it. It wasn’t a guy in a weird mask, a guy with a knife or a machete, or anything like that – it was Raoul.

  “You…” I lost the ability to form words and instead threw the sponge at his head, hitting him right in the face. Not once did it occur to me to freak out about the fact I was naked as the day I’d been born, shock will do that to a person, and later on I’d adjust the way I rolled my eyes at the naked chicks in scary movies who did the same. Consider me informed!

  I’ll give him credit, aside from looking at the dermal piercings, he kept his eyes on my face. Then again, the piercings were between my boobs so that counted as him looking at those, but still. And, aside from his shoes and socks, he was still in his uniform and not even slightly bothered by the fact that the sponge had left soap and water on his shirt.

  And now that I knew I wasn’t going to be skewered by a psycho, the fact he was here, I was horny, I was naked, I was wet – granted partly from the shower, but I was ignoring that technicality – and it was Raoul… a different part of my body started to palpitate.


  I’d let myself in because after the call I’d just received from work I wanted to tell her the news myself, so I’d called to warn her I was coming over. When she hadn’t answered, it occurred to me that she already knew and was possibly scared or crying, or that something else had happened, and I’d had to get to her. I wasn’t trying to be a hero, I was trying to make sure my woman was ok, and that’s all I could focus on as I’d let myself in.

  As a policeman, I’d come across a lot of cases where females had been attacked. Women being raped while they were in the shower, murderers leaving the bodies of his victims in the shower to wash off evidence while they ran, women trying to clean themselves after they’d been… so hearing the shower, I’d run in its direction. It did occur to me that she might be having a shower, but the part of me that needed to know she was ok and unhurt took over. That’s why I burst in when I would have normally waited. Seeing that she was just washing herself was a relief like I hadn’t experienced in years, since a little girl went missing and we’d found her unharmed.

  Rose was here, she was ok, she hadn’t been attacked or abused. She. Was. Ok. And I finally got to see what the shiny thing was that had been on my mind for the last five days. Between her tits – ones that I wasn’t going to take advantage of her state and stare at – were three little diamonds. They weren’t coming off with the water flowing over her and she was carefully washing around them with the pink sponge in her hand, so I assumed they were stuck to her. They were unique and beautiful, something I’d never seen before in my life, and they just added to the beauty still to be revealed that was Rose.

  And that’s why I managed to finally choke out the words that I did. “I wondered what they were.”

  Hearing my voice, her head snapped up, and she opened her mouth to scream as she threw the sponge at me. I only just managed to close my eyes before it hit me but I didn’t do anything to catch it, letting it bounce off my chest onto the tiled floor.

  “You…” she snapped and then shook her head.

  I felt like shit that I’d scared her, but I was just so freaking relieved that she was ok. I needed for her to be ok, she was my light. At some point since Garrett had come home, knowing what he’d been through and the darkness that he was going through at night when he struggled to sleep or had nightmares, I’d realized I had the same problem.

  I had a lot of dark in my life because of cases I’d worked, cases I’d come across, seeing the reality of life and how evil people could be, and Rose made the suffocation I hadn’t been aware of ease off. All the darkness was getting easier. Before now, I looked forward to our pranks, I lived for the moment she’d smile at me to piss me off. I loved the way she knew how much flowers pissed me off, I loved that she even knew my weaknesses with needles – she saw me, and she brought light back into my life. I couldn’t give a damn what anyone thought about that, but I gave a lot of damns about Rose Beauregard.

  And I’ll add right now – keeping my eyes on her face, and not looking down while she was standing naked in front of me, was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. But I did it.

  I also apologized, because at no point had I meant to scare her. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I tried calling, and when you didn’t answer, so many things…” now I was the one shaking my head, trying to clear the images that hit me.

  While I did that she found another sponge, or maybe it was the same one, and threw it at my face, hitting me right in the forehead. “You scared the shit out of me, but I’m glad it’s you and not a psycho with a knife… unless you’re gonna pull one out? But if you are, I’ve got a plan of action that I came up with years ago, so I’ll fight back.”

  Regardless of the bubbles running from my forehead to my eyes, I opened them to look at her, confused by what she was saying. “You have a plan for getting attacked by a psycho with a knife while you’re in the shower?”

  Leaning over to pick up a bottle from the shelf on the wall, she squeezed some out and started washing her hair. “Sure do. I’ve got one for every room. Hogan Beauregard didn’t raise no fool.”

  Looking around us for a weapon or even a baseball bat, I frowned when I didn’t see anything. “How the hell are you going to defend yourself with nothing around?”

  Tilting her down out of the spray, she tapped the side of her nose. “I can’t say, you might decide I’ve gone too far one day and try to off me. Girl needs to be prepared.”

  After all the stress and all the worry, I burst out laughing, proving how much light she brought into my lif
e. “Seeing as how you survived fucking with my coffee, baby, I think you’re good on that front.”

  Grinning back at me, she reached for another bottle and repeated the routine on her hair. “I also survived the flowers,” she reminded me. “And you survived wrecking my house, so I’d say we’re good.”

  “We’ll always be good,” I told her seriously, meaning every last one of those four words.

  I was shit at relationships, always had been. My focus had always been on my education or my job, so I’d had little extra to give to girlfriends and women. I wasn’t an asshole, but I was preoccupied, and they’d struggled with that. This was partly due to the fact that I came from a low income family.

  Mom had quit working to look after us so we’d depended on Dad’s salary, which had been fine until the company he worked for went into administration. After that, he’d set up his own, and we’d lived on a tight budget until I was away at college, earning my own money while I studied. I hadn’t taken a penny from them since then, and I never would. Garrett had done the same, joining the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) to get through college, meaning that he also had a job to go straight into. We’d done it this way to lift the financial burden off their shoulders, but also so that Catalina would be able to go to college and focus on her studies instead of working to make ends meet. I was proud of what I’d achieved, but it meant my relationships had definitely suffered, which I’d been ok with, until now.

  Seeing that she was done, I picked up a towel and held it out for her to walk into. When she did, I suddenly realized I was out of my depth – I didn’t know what to do. I was good at casual, in fact I excelled at casual, but this was deep and I just didn’t know what to do. So I did the best I could and wrapped her up like a burrito, tucking it in behind her neck, making her burst out laughing.

  “Really?” she snickered, wiggling her arms around inside it.

  Reaching for another towel, I went to dry her hair like I did with my own. “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I want to do this,” I informed her, dropping it down on top of her head, and making to rub it over the wet strands. Her screech stopped me just as I touched it.

  “If you do it like that, it’ll take me hours to get the knots out. Undo the tortilla you’ve wrapped me in and I’ll do it properly.”

  Lifting it up so I could see her face, I thought about doing what she’d asked me to do. I also considered doing it anyway to get her back for the flowers, but the need inside me to do it for her won. “Tell me what to do.”

  Her face softened when she heard the tone of my voice seeing as how I’m fairly certain the feelings were evident in the tone I’d said the words in. I wasn’t holding any part of me back with this female, ever. “Run it over the top and then squeeze it around the bottom. When that’s done, I normally put it up in a towel turban for a while.”

  I’d started doing the first part as soon as she’d told me what to do, but the last part was going to be problematic. I’d seen Catalina and Mom do it with their hair and I didn’t have the first clue how to do it, but I was going to learn. “How do we do the turban?”

  Not once did I expect her to do something that would have me groaning and thinking of tending to her in a whole different way, but she did it. Slowly, she bent over, the top of her head skimming over my crotch, and then stopped with her head resting right on my cock. “Lay the towel flat over my head and then reach under and twist my hair up with it.”

  Instead, I just stood there, staring down at the wet spot forming on the front of my pants. Sure, most of it was from her hair, but I knew it was joined on the inside by the leaking coming from my cock. I wasn’t going to lie and say that her washing her hair hadn’t turned me on – of course it had, she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my life. But a majority of the current state of my dick was down to the fact that it was Rose, and everything about her made me hard as a rock. And her trusting me to look after her like this? That’s what I could thank for the fact I was leaking into my shorts. Plus, no man’s brain wouldn’t stray when the woman they’d been jonesing for was naked under a towel and bent over with their head on the dude’s crotch.

  But it was Rose, so I wasn’t going to do anything that she wasn’t ready for, and I didn’t know where her mind was at with us. “I think I need to let you do it by yourself.”

  “Why?” she asked, not moving an inch.

  “Because,” I moved my crotch slightly so she could feel my problem, “if I do it, I might try to do something you’re not ready for, baby, and I don’t want to do that. Seeing you like this has several fantasies going through my head, and I’d give a front tooth to act out any one of them with you right now,” I admitted.

  She was silent for a second and then rubbed her head gently across me again, almost making my eyes roll into the back of my head. “What kind of fantasies?”

  How I managed to form words when she tilted her head back and ran her nose across my length I’ll never know, but I did. “Undoing your towel and bending you over in front of the sink,” I growled, licking my lips. “I’d squat down behind you, lick you until you screamed, and then I’d take you from behind and watch your face in the mirror as you came.”

  This time when she spoke, her words were almost a gasp. “What else?”

  “Using the towel to tie your hands behind your back and doing the same thing as I did in the other fantasy, except with you facing me. I’d get to see your tits as I moved inside you, see the little jewels between them – in fact, I want to lick them badly.” I could see it playing out clearly as I described it, but something occurred to me that I didn’t like about it. “No, I wouldn’t tie your hands behind you, I want to feel them in my back and wear your marks for days under my uniform.”

  The feel of her nose skimming up and down my dick changed when she opened her mouth and breathed over the tip, her hot breath reaching it through the fabric. Now that had my eyes rolling into the back of my head, and a loud groan ripping out of me. I was doing everything I could to stop myself from spinning her around and dropping to my knees behind her. It was a struggle.

  And then she said something that ended the war I had going on with myself. “You could always lie me down on the bed, hold my hands over my head, and let them go when you felt me coming around you so I can dig them into your back.”

  “Fuck it,” I snapped, yanking the towels off her and quickly throwing her over my shoulder.

  Her hands moved over my back and ass as I walked in the direction of her bed, yanking my shirt free from my pants and moving them under it. “I don’t want you to behave with me, Raoul. I want you inside me.”

  Skimming my hand between her thighs, I went up until I hit her wet folds, her soaked folds. “I want that, too, sweetheart, but I also want to do this right,” I muttered, stroking my index tip through her wetness, groaning when I felt how ready she was for me already.

  I was so focused on what my finger was doing that I didn’t see how close to the bed I was until my knees knocked against it, and then I was faced with a new dilemma. If I put her down, I’d have to remove my finger, and I really didn’t want to do that right now. But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to taste her, and I really fucking wanted to do that right now.

  I hadn’t realized how close my finger was to her entrance while I was thinking until the tip entered her and I felt how tight she was. At the same time, she dug her nails into the base of my back, and mewled, “Please.”

  With a groan, I removed my finger and gently lowered her onto the mattress. The sight she made lying there with her hair spread out and the little diamonds on her chest glinting was better than anything I’d ever seen in my life. Just as I moved to touch her again, though, she sat up and started tugging on the buttons on my shirt, almost pulling me down on top of her. “Why won’t these undo like normal ones?”

  Having struggled with them on many occasions, I gave the answer we’d all come up with at work one night. “Because they were made by someon
e with a cruel sense of humor?”

  I didn’t want to think of the specifics, but if people imagined the sort of shit we got on us they’d understand the amount of times we’d tried to get the shirts off in a hurry, too. But someone had made the buttonholes small, so that was impossible, meaning the torture was prolonged because you had to undo each one carefully. That said, I’d never been in this precise situation for wanting it off quickly, and I couldn’t decide which was worse.

  Lifting my hand up to my mouth, I sucked on the finger that had been inside her seconds ago, groaning. That was the decision made for me as her taste filled my mouth, and I made a mental note to get the dry cleaner to fix the damage for me the next time I handed my uniforms in - or to just buy a new one - and tugged the fabric harshly.

  Little buttons scattered everywhere as it parted, leaving me bare chested seeing as how I’d taken off my undershirt and Kevlar after work. It had been a long day, and when I’d gotten Ellis’s text to go to his after work, I’d stripped off the grimy shit and had gone in what I had left on – just my uniform shirt. I had a new-found sense of gratitude for that at this moment, especially when it meant she could run her hands over me without me needing to strip off another layer – which is what she was doing at that moment.

  I jumped when her soft fingertips stroked over a sensitive spot, making her smile. “Are you ticklish?”

  “Pretty much from head-to-toe,” I admitted, not giving a shit that I was giving her new ammo to use against me, especially when she leaned in and dragged the tip of her tongue over the area making me do it again.

  Following a line down to the bottom of my abdomen, she changed course and followed the dip from one of the muscles down to where the waistband of my pants was. “I’ve always wondered about these,” she murmured, moving her lips over the area. “I saw them when you were running once and I wondered what they’d be like to touch.”


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