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Captured for Their Use

Page 11

by Ivy Barrett

  Galzar flew around to the side of the bed, grabbing her arms and jerking her forward. She cried out as she sprawled on her stomach, but he was on top of her before she could do more than launch one awkward kick. All she accomplished with the useless maneuver was reigniting the throbbing in her punished ass.

  None too gently, Galzar kneed her legs apart and found her well-lubed hole. He held her motionless with his strong arms and the weight of his body as he drove his entire length back into her ass. “Is this what you really want?” he whispered into her ear. “Do you like it best when you’re pinned beneath me, utterly helpless while I use you?” Holding her firmly, he pumped into her fast and hard.

  Celeste screamed in frustration and defeat, but quickly found it was easier to be overwhelmed than to offer her submission. His cock pounded into her, stealing her breath with its inescapable fullness. She was helpless, powerless, his to do with as he wanted, his to ravish and use.


  The word echoed, and she finally let go, allowing her body to take over. Her nipples rubbed against the bedding as Galzar moved against her back. Each time his pelvis slammed against her sore cheeks, pain ricocheted through her abdomen. Her clit tingled, her pussy fluttered, and she let out a plaintive cry. “I’m going to come. Please, let me come.”

  “Come,” Galzar ordered, but his savage thrusting didn’t slow or gentle.

  She clenched her inner muscles and wiggled against the bed, and the orgasm burst inside her. Sensations blasted in powerful waves and her core pulsed, pulling her back passage even tighter around Galzar’s surging cock.

  He shouted a phrase she didn’t understand and then shuddered violently. His cock bucked, and hot seed painted her inner walls. She cried out again as his cum prolonged her orgasm. The strongest head rush yet sent her sailing right out of her body. She floated and soared, utterly lost in blissful oblivion.

  When she returned to reality, she was on her back, sideways across the bed. Galzar had her legs draped over his shoulders as he tongue-fucked her pussy.

  Ram carefully lowered her head over the side of the bed. Their gazes met briefly, then he rubbed her lips with the wet tip of his cock. “Open, sweet slave. I have need of your mouth.”

  With a dreamy smile, she parted her lips and sucked him deep inside.

  * * *

  The next three days passed in a blur of sexual excess and exhaustion. Bonding fever kept Galzar so aroused he wasn’t able to think about anything but fucking his mate. Ram was no better. They spent the first night in the small cabin, but Ram insisted on moving Celeste into his quarters the following morning. Ram’s cabin was large and more comfortable, so Galzar hadn’t objected.

  They finally dragged themselves out of bed on the second morning, determined to eat one meal like civilized beings. Ram checked in with Moxtel and allowed Galzar to contact his ship, but neither could bear to be separated from Celeste long enough to dress and return to work. Halfway through breakfast, however, they shoved everything off the table and spread Celeste out on her back. Galzar pushed his cock into her mouth, and Ram used her pussy quite vigorously.

  She’d been as insatiable as the males, encouraging both to participate whenever one initiated the next round of fucking. Each time they took her, she became more submissive, gradually surrendering to her new nature. They frequently insisted she use the healing pulses to ensure they weren’t overtaxing her fragile human body.

  Near noon on the third morning, both males woke before Celeste, so Galzar used the opportunity to broach a subject that had bothered him since he agreed to share his mate with Ram. They didn’t want to have breakfast without Celeste, so Ram dispensed mugs of lessit tea for them to enjoy while they waited for their mate to stir.

  “Just spit it out,” Ram grumbled as they lounged in the sitting area. “You clearly have something to say.”

  “I’m concerned about our mate’s other needs.” Galzar chose his words carefully, wanting to problem-solve, not start another brawl. “Bonding fever will not last forever, and Celeste is more than an amazing body.”

  Ram glared at him. “Do you really think I’m so blinded by lust that I have forgotten?”

  Annoyed by his reaction, Galzar shot back, “I’m not sure you ever comprehended the fact. If it weren’t for the Tavorians, she would be your sex slave right now.”

  Rather than lash out in anger, Ram arched his brow, looking almost amused. “Provoking me is not a very good start to a civil conversation. You’re not Yashonty. I don’t expect you to understand our ways.”

  This was not the conversation Galzar wanted to have, so he took a deep breath and tried again. “We continually remind Celeste that we are not human. Well, she is not Yashonty or Ventori, and I don’t think we’re giving that fact enough weight. It’s our job to provide for the needs of her mind as well as her body.”

  Galzar was expecting some smartass remark, so he was pleasantly surprised when Ram said, “I’ve been thinking the same thing, I’m just not sure what to do about it. Bonding fever is making in-depth conversation a little challenging right now. Besides, I know so little about humans. What does our mate need, other than good, hard fucking and discipline?”

  Galzar wasn’t sure how to answer. He had a dossier detailing her education and work history, but it reflected little about her personal and social life. They both knew her sisters were her only family, and that she’d do anything for either of them. “We should probably ask Celeste.”

  As if summoned by their conversation, she strolled out of the bedroom yawning and stretching, her lovely body covered in a knee-length robe. She should have asked before covering herself, but Ram didn’t bring it to her attention. Galzar chose not to either. They had more important things to deal with right now.

  “Did I hear my name?” she asked sleepily.

  “You did,” Ram told her. “Would you like some tea?”

  She made a face as she joined them, choosing one of the backless chairs rather than sitting beside either of them. Her choice prevented her from appearing to favor one over the other and also allowed her to see them both without twisting her neck. “I’d kill for a cup of coffee, but I’ll settle for whatever you’re drinking.”

  Ram nodded and crossed to the beverage dispenser.

  Humans had a religious fixation on coffee. Galzar had sampled it once during a mission on Earth and found it bitter and unimpressive. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did once you two let me sleep.” She rubbed the back of her neck and adjusted the front of her robe. “How long does bonding fever last?”

  “It varies greatly with each couple or group,” Ram piped in from across the room as the dispenser hissed and gurgled. “It’s not usually this intense with my people, but it can last several weeks.”

  “It’s always intense with the Ventori,” Galzar admitted, “but it’s usually manageable within a week.”

  “So if we get the worst of both worlds it could stay this intense for a month?” She closed her eyes and groaned. “I’m not sure I’ll survive.”

  “We’ll do our very best to keep you breathing,” Ram promised as he handed her the tea and returned to his bench.

  “So why were you talking about me? Did I do something wrong?” She looked from one male to the other as she waited for an answer. “Has there been a new development regarding Brianne?”

  Ram shook his head. “Brianne is still with her m—she’s still on Rylar.”

  He’d almost said master, Galzar realized. Luckily, Ram had altered the statement. Galzar brought up the original topic, so he decided to take the lead. “We know that being a homemaker was not the path you had chosen on Earth. All of this is new to us as well. What do you need to be content as our mate?”

  “I’d be much more content if I could see Lorna and at least speak with Brianne.”

  Galzar tensed. He should have realized she wouldn’t let this go with a quick brushoff.

  She met Galzar’s gaze, then glanced at Ram before returning her
gaze to Galzar. “It’s hard to think about what I need when I’m so worried about them.”

  “Is that so?” Ram scowled, but affection warmed his tone. The changes in the Yashonty since bonding with Celeste were subtle but irrefutable. “What do you think, brother? Has our mate been good enough to deserve a quick visit with her sister?”

  “We haven’t needed to spank her for at least a day,” Galzar pointed out with a chuckle. At this point in her training, that was quite an accomplishment.

  “Much to my disappointment.” Ram paused for a moment as he contacted someone telepathically. “Moxtel said Lorna’s behavior has been exemplary. Is a holo-comm acceptable, or will you only be ‘content’ with an in-person visit?”

  “I’d be thrilled with either,” Celeste assured him.

  “Computer, activate holo-comm in the bedroom.”

  With an excited cry, Celeste ran into the bedroom as Lorna’s image appeared near the foot of the bed. Celeste didn’t close the door, so the two males could hear most of what they said. They were each worried about the other more than themselves, and once they were satisfied that they were both happy, they began worrying about Brianne.

  “Moxtel insists that Bri is safe with his uncle,” Lorna said, but her expression revealed her doubt.

  “Then why won’t this alien king give her back?”

  Lorna shrugged. “Maybe she had the same effect on him that we’ve had—”

  “Don’t even consider it,” Celeste snapped. “Brianne is coming home. End of story.”

  Ram chuckled at her stubbornness. “I suspect King Eltor might disagree.”

  “You think he intends to keep her?” Galzar asked quietly, not wanting Celeste to hear.

  Ram dropped his voice as well. “Eltor’s interest generally burns itself out after a few days. He has had Brianne several weeks and is still ignoring all of Moxtel’s attempts to contact him. This is more than a passing fancy. At least for him.”

  Galzar let the subject drop. Until Celeste heard it directly from Brianne, Celeste would never believe that her baby sister was safe much less happy.

  “I offered a quick visit,” Ram cautioned. “Finish up.”

  “I have to go,” Celeste said. “It was really good to see you.”

  “I’ll keep pestering Moxtel until he comms his uncle again. We will get Bri back, I promise,” Lorna responded.

  “I know. I just wish we could have gotten her back before.” Lorna’s only response was a nod, so Celeste said, “Behave.”

  “You too.”

  The projection ended, and Celeste returned to the outer room. “Thank you. That meant a lot.” She sat on the chair she’d occupied before.

  “Now that you’re in a better mood,” Ram prompted, “back to the original question, what else do you need to be content as our mate?”

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I definitely don’t want to have a baby until the war is over, so I need some sort of purpose in the meantime.”

  “All three of us were denied this question, but I’d like to know your answer anyway,” Ram said carefully. “Once the war is over, are children something you hoped for, something you honestly want?”

  She hesitated, and Galzar’s heart began to pound. His dreams of a family could be crushed with her refusal.

  “Yes,” she said firmly. “I’ve always wanted children of my own. Family is very important to me.”

  “We’re aware.” Ram smiled, his eyes intense in his dark face.

  “Do you enjoy your work with the Department of Alien Affairs?” Galzar tried not to influence her with his tone or expression.

  “I enjoy interacting with aliens and learning about other cultures, other planets. It’s exciting and challenging, but I lost faith in the DAA, in most government agencies, when they blew off all the female disappearances.” She took a careful sip of tea before adding, “Brianne was just the latest. The government I work for was aware of hundreds of disappearances and still did little or nothing about any of them.”

  “If they were willing to take action, what would you have suggested?” Ram asked, his expression unreadable, mind carefully shielded. He was hiding from them, clearly uncomfortable with the subject.

  “They could have done what I’m doing right now,” she said bitterly. “They could have sat down and spoken with the person who was taking all those females.”

  “I don’t know about Earth’s governments,” Galzar said, “but the Protectorate had been trying for many weeks to locate Ram. It’s impossible to negotiate with someone you can’t find.”

  Her gaze clashed with Galzar’s, but she said nothing. It hadn’t been wise to defend the entity she’d been criticizing. It put them on opposite sides of the argument.

  “The only female I took from Earth was you,” Ram objected halfheartedly. They all knew why the females had been taken and where they were now.

  “Fine, your hunters took the females.” She set down her mug on the small table beside her chair, gaze boring into Ram’s. She didn’t back down, but she didn’t sling accusations or place blame. “If you make an alliance with the Ventori the chances of ending this war greatly increase, which means you won’t need to continue funding this massive operation and your soldiers can find willing females to give them comfort. I understand why you took all those females, but it might serve you better now to set them free. You told me yourself that life-bringers are allowed to choose their protectors. Very few human females would even consider bonding with a Yashonty male as long as you’re enslaving other human females.”

  “If I order all the comfort-givers back to Earth, I would have a mutiny on my hands,” Ram told her emphatically. “Every male in the rebellion is risking his life in pursuit of the Skarilians. Is it too much to ask that they are allowed physical comfort?”

  Galzar expected her to argue. Instead, she chose a clever redirect. “Once the war with the Skarilians is won, what will happen to the human females on your ships?”

  “What would you like to happen to them, mate?” He lowered his voice, allowing a sensual growl to fill his tone. “And what are you willing to give me in return?”

  “I would like each female to be offered her freedom, or at the very least a way to earn it. What would you expect in exchange for making that happen?”

  Galzar sat back and watched her work. Negotiating with one of her mates provided obvious advantages, but her strategies were sound and her perceptiveness fascinating.

  “This offer would be made only after the war is won. That would be my first stipulation.” Ram narrowed his gaze, his features tense and watchful. Was he actually considering it or was he just teasing her with possibilities?

  Her lips curved into a hesitant smile, and her tone grew playful. “Would you be willing to phase out the program? Maybe start with a promise to stop hunting and releasing twenty-five of the most disruptive females as a show of good faith?”

  Despite her attempt to lighten his mood, Ram’s expression remained stoic. “Earth should let you negotiate all their treaties. You’re good at it.”

  “This isn’t a game for me.” The flirtatiousness vanished, and determination reshaped her expression. “What will it take for you to release your slaves? What do you want to release my sister?”

  “This conversation is premature,” Ram insisted, his tone cold. “Nothing changes until the war is won.”

  Galzar scooted to the edge of his bench. If she didn’t back off now, he’d intervene. But he need not have worried. She accurately read the change in Ram’s mood and fell silent.

  Rather than ending the conversation entirely, Ram turned to Galzar. “Vikrin claims a mega-gate is impossible to form without his participation. Do you know if this is true?”

  “I don’t, but Minister Nomani, the Tavorian representative, would. Shall I contact him?”

  “I’d prefer to speak with him myself. Can you arrange it?”

  “Of course.” Galzar glanced at Celeste. She was staring into her tea. The fall of
her hair concealed her expression, but it was obvious she was upset. Her emotions were also muted. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out how to control the link. There was nothing he could do right now to soothe her that wouldn’t increase her frustration with Ram. It was vital that she not attempt to play one against the other, so Galzar sighed and looked at Ram. “I need to return to my ship for a few hours. The dogs are likely convinced that I’m your prisoner by now.”

  “I thought you spoke with them yesterday.”

  “I did, but they’ll presume I’m being coerced.”

  “You’re my female’s other mate,” Ram stressed. “You may come and go as you please, but Celeste stays with me.”

  She looked at Ram and glared, but didn’t object.

  “Are Vikrin and Pryar in custody?” Galzar asked. Hopefully, with a few hours alone, Ram and Celeste would work this out. “Minister Nomani will ask.”

  “Pryar is,” Ram told him. “Vikrin gated back to Earth right after he gave Celeste the last injection. Moxtel convinced Pryar that it was in his best interest for Vikrin to believe everything was proceeding as planned. As of right now, Vikrin doesn’t know anything is wrong.”

  “That might buy us a day or two, but eventually Vikrin will return to the ship to check on his team,” Galzar mused.

  “Which is why I need to know about the mega-gate. If the other gatekeepers can form one without their duplicitous leader, everything becomes much simpler.”

  Galzar nodded. “I’ll find out for you.”

  Ram’s gaze narrowed, and his expression became inscrutable. “Was the ex-slave-turned-informant a Tavorian named Kezma?”

  Shocked by the accuracy of Ram’s information, Galzar failed to conceal his surprise. “What led you to that conclusion?”

  “Pryar has been surprisingly cooperative now that the damage is done. Apparently, he has lusted after Stagin’s comfort-giver ever since Pryar first saw her.”

  “Who is Stagin, and how does Kezma tie into all of this?” Celeste asked.

  “According to Pryar, Stagin is Kezma’s ex-lover. Stagin is my pilot, so he’s aware of most everything that goes on aboard this ship. We have served together for so many years that I long since stopped worrying about what I say in front of him. I’m actually shocked that he’s involved.”


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