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Captured for Their Use

Page 16

by Ivy Barrett

  Watching her submit so completely fed their primal instincts. They wanted to dominate and possess her, claim her completely. Their dark emotions pulsed through her mind as the wood smacked her bottom and the backs of her thighs.

  And still, her orgasm hovered just out of reach.

  “Please!” she cried suddenly, head thrown back. “Oh, God, Master, please fuck me. I need you both so bad.” She didn’t care that she was begging, only knew she’d lose her mind if she didn’t feel them inside her now.

  Ram tossed the paddle aside and pulled her upward. Turning her head sharply, he kissed her with urgency equal to hers. Galzar sat on the edge of the bed. “Ride him, pet,” Ram directed. “Take his cock deep into your pussy.”

  No order had ever sounded sweeter. She straddled Galzar’s hips and lowered herself onto his long, hard shaft. Galzar kissed her neck and squeezed her breasts because Ram was kissing her again. Ram collared her throat with one hand and covered her mound with the other, his middle finger easily finding her clit.

  “Come on his cock,” Ram whispered the words against her parted lips, his stroking finger ensuring her obedience. “Come hard. Come now.”

  She cried out sharply as her pussy convulsed, squeezing Galzar’s cock in rhythmic ripples. Galzar moaned but held still as she writhed against and around him. Ram kept the spasms going until she trembled, panting harshly. Then he moved his hands and turned her head until she faced Galzar.

  “Now you finally get us both,” Ram told her, his voice a sensual vow.

  She shivered, heart leaping in her chest. Galzar lay back, pulling her over with him. He framed her face and kissed her deeply. She needed the tender reassurance, but he was trying to distract her, and she wanted to savor every sensation of their first complete joining. She relaxed against Galzar and opened her mind, sharing her emotions as freely as she was offering her body.

  Ram parted her tender ass cheeks and smeared warm lubricant around and into her tightest opening. Celeste stilled, forcing her body to remain relaxed and accepting. Galzar continued to kiss her as Ram pushed against her slick pucker with the tip of his cock. Her body stretched, burned, opening slowly as Ram drove steadily inward.

  Breathe, love. You’re holding your breath again, Galzar coaxed, stroking up and down her back as his tongue possessed her mouth.

  She sucked in a breath through her nose and clutched his beefy shoulders. Her bottom stung inside and out. The heat in her cheeks intensified as Ram’s cock stretched her reluctant back passage. She tore her mouth away and cried out, overwhelmed, yet not afraid.

  “Relax, mate. You were made for this.” Ram’s tone was firm yet warm. He pushed affection across their link, soothing her with emotion even as he dominated her body.

  “Wait,” she pleaded. “I’m not ready for...” His pelvis pressed against her cheeks, and she realized his entire length was already inside her. They were both inside her. “Oh, God.” She pressed her face into the curve where Galzar’s neck met his shoulder.

  “I claim you as my mate, Celeste Mortenson of Earth,” Ram said in a clear, authoritative voice. “I offer my protection and all my resources. I will lay down my life if that is what it takes to keep you safe and happy.” He pulled back slowly, then drove his entire length back into her ass. “Do you accept my claim and name me your protector?”

  Lifting her head, she opened her eyes and twisted her torso until she could see Ram. “I accept you as my protector.”

  “You must use my name to make this binding,” Ram told her. “Say ‘I name Ramnyth Dulvet of Yashon—of Nestril as one of my protectors, and I accept him as one of my mates.’”

  The implication cut through the pleasure/pain of their physical joining. “We’re staying here? You’re willing to—”

  He swatted her paddle-reddened ass and ordered, “Focus. We will talk about the details after we fuck you.”

  “I name Ramnyth Dulvet of Nestril as one of my protectors, and gladly accept him as one of my beloved mates.”

  He stilled. “Beloved?”

  She smiled at Ram, then turned and looked at Galzar. “What about you? Are there specific words Ventori need to say?”

  He shook his head. “Usually the words are spoken before the link is anchored, but nothing about our courtship has been usual. At this point, I just need to know that you love me and that you choose me as your other mate.”

  “I choose you, Galzar Ako, as my other mate.” Tears blurred her vision as she added, “And I’ve loved you since I first looked into your eyes.”

  Galzar pulled her back down and kissed her deeply. Ram grasped her hips and resumed his long, steady strokes. Soon Galzar lifted his hips, filling her pussy as Ram filled her ass. They moved as one, sliding in and out with the same unhurried rhythm.

  “Sit up, brother, so I can kiss her too,” Ram said, his tone not quite as autocratic as it was when he directed her.

  Galzar obliged him, releasing her mouth with a smile as he shifted his attention to her breasts.

  She rotated her torso and turned her head. Ram did the rest. He wrapped his arm around her waist and covered her mouth with his. His kiss was more demanding than Galzar’s yet just as emotional. Desire, affection, and hope flowed freely between them as they gradually found a rhythm that pleased all three.

  Without explaining his actions, Galzar guided her legs around his waist then carefully stood up. Ram followed, staying close, ensuring that their bodies remained joined. They supported her weight as they fucked her in earnest. She gave herself over completely to their strength and mutual passion. They surrounded and filled her, surging in and out, filling her completely, body, mind, and spirit. They were joined, forming an unbreakable, eternal unit.

  Ram released her mouth, and his hands pressed into her flesh as his strokes sped up. She felt the change, not only in the urgency of his thrusts but the intensity of his emotions. Galzar kept pace with Ram, and soon they both drove into her hard and deep. She cried out with each penetration, shocked and thrilled that her body had adapted to even this brutal double fuck.

  She arched her back, head resting on Ram’s shoulder as they possessed her completely. Their hands held her firmly, bodies rubbing against and driving into hers. Her mind began to swim, and her eyes drifted shut. The more feral they became, the higher she flew. Ram was right. She was made for this, made for them, and they were made for her.

  Ram came first, shoving his cock deep into her ass and pumping her full of seed. She cried out as his pleasure hit her mind, and again when her body reacted to his cum. Her inner muscles pulsed, drawing even tighter around their cocks. Sensations exploded all over her body, contracting her muscles as lights danced before her eyes.

  Galzar yelled and let his head drop back as his cock bucked inside her pussy. She was still floating in blissful haze from her first orgasm when the gush of Galzar’s cum shattered reality. She was catapulted to a realm of pure sensation, soaring, spinning for endless moments, then floating weightlessly as she drifted back down.

  Reality returned by degrees. The overwhelming fullness was gone, which made her sad. Her mates were no longer inside her. Two strong arms cradled her against a warm chest. A warm, bare chest, so Ram must be holding her. Galzar hadn’t bothered to undress. A habit she would have to deal with eventually.

  “Are you back with us?” Ram whispered, brushing her damp hair back from her face. “Thank the Gods for our link, or that would have scared me to death. Males frequently brag about fucking a female senseless, but I’ve never actually done so before.”

  She smiled. “You had help.” She looked around and found Galzar rushing back toward the bed with a warm washcloth.

  “Are you all right?” He looked as concerned as Ram had sounded.

  “I’m fine. We just might want to do this on a bed from now on. I knew it would be intense like that, but... wow.”

  Galzar gently washed her face, then Ram placed her on the bed so Galzar could wash between her legs. Yeah, that wasn’t humiliat
ing at all. “You didn’t feel the need to bathe me when we fucked before,” she pointed out as his ministrations went on and on.

  “You didn’t pass out before, and you didn’t take both of us.”

  “That’s one advantage of my ship,” Ram said as he joined her on the bed. He’d finally taken off his pants. “A couple of minutes beneath the soothing pulse and she’d be ready to take us again.”

  She laughed. “Greedy, mate?”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “Always with you.”

  She loved seeing him like this, relaxed and almost playful.

  Galzar finally finished washing her and tossed the cloth into the bathroom. He wasn’t wearing boots, but otherwise, he was fully dressed.

  “Would you please get naked?” she suggested as he neared the bed. “I’d like that to be a rule. No clothes in our bed.”

  “So we can still bend you over the bed without undressing? We just can’t get in bed with you unless we’re naked?” The laughter in Ram’s gaze assured her he was teasing.

  Still, she wanted to set a new precedent. They were mates now. She needed intimacy, not just consuming passion. “I know you control things in the bedroom. That’s why I said I’d like it if that were the rule.”

  “New rule,” Ram said with a sexy smile. “No clothes in bed, only totally naked bodies are allowed.”

  She gave a happy cry and rewarded him with a lingering kiss. By the time she turned back to Galzar, he was completely naked.

  “Better?” He stood beside the bed, stroking his rapidly hardening cock. She nodded, gaze fixed on his cock. “Good. Then crawl over here and offer me that sassy mouth.”

  Rolling to her hands and knees, she crawled across the bed, licking her lips as she gazed into his shining copper-colored eyes. She covered his hand with hers and guided his cock to her mouth. Her lips barely closed around Galzar’s tip when Ram slid her legs farther apart. She thought he was going to fuck her again. Instead, he lay down on his back and slid his head between her thighs.

  Chapter Eight

  Galzar volunteered to go search for the auto-destruct device so Ram and Celeste could have a few hours alone together. Now that their link was fully formed, Ram trusted Galzar completely. He had been almost to that point without the link when Galzar disappeared off the Dantexit. Ram knew the incident hadn’t been Galzar’s fault, but Ram was mistrusting of everyone.

  Taking full advantage of his time alone with his new mate, Ram fucked her twice before pausing for breakfast. Much to Ram’s delight and Celeste’s relief, they discovered that the shower in the master bath had been retrofitted by the Ventori. The system took longer than a Yashonty sonic shower, but the healing properties were just as effective.

  Now they sat at the kitchen table sharing a dish Celeste had called an omelet. It took him longer to convince himself to eat the strange substance than it had for her to make it from fresh ingredients she’d taken out of an ancient refrigeration unit. He poked at the odd yellow mound with his fork. It had bits of vegetables and meat scattered through it, making the texture inconsistent. The taste was so unfamiliar that it was barely palatable. But he loved her, so he ate it.

  “Do the Ventori intend to install food replication units?” he asked.

  “Eventually,” she told him as she devoured her half of the dish. “For now, there are large communal units that create supplies rather than individual meals. It was sort of like an automated grocery store. We submitted our order with a datasheet, and the kiosk created the items we ordered. You don’t like the omelet? You’re not eating much.”

  “Open your robe, and I’ll show you what I like to eat.”

  She blushed but ignored the suggestion. “How much of an advantage will it be if Galzar finds the device?”

  He distracted himself from the unappealing meal by explaining in depth what he’d learned from Savator. “So the device is more of a backup for the virus. Either way, we’re optimistic that the Skarilians can finally be stopped.”

  “That’s wonderful news. Then we can finally begin rebuilding.” She wiped her mouth on a cloth napkin as she finished eating. “Has Moxtel made any progress with his uncle? I’m really worried about Brianne.”

  “I know you are, but she is actually safer on Rylar than she would be here or back on Earth until this war is over.”

  She was clearly not happy with the conclusion, but she didn’t argue. “Once the battle is won, can we please push harder for her release?”

  “I know how important this is to you, which means it’s important to me. Once the war is over, I’ll sit down with Moxtel, and we’ll come up with a plan to secure her release. Even if we have to fly to Rylar and steal her back, I’ll make it happen.”

  She rounded the table and sat down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, Ram. I don’t think you realize how much.”

  “I didn’t until last night. I’d felt flashes of your emotions, hints of their true intensity, but all that changed when the link solidified.” He kissed her, a long and tender exchange.

  When he finally pulled away, a wicked smile parted her lips. “Are you ready for dessert? I am.” She unfastened her belt and opened the robe, offering him her naked body.

  They were still in bed when Galzar returned several hours later. He was obviously thrilled with the outcome of his mission, so Ram got out of bed and pulled on his pants. “You found the device?”

  “We found it, but there’s no way to test it. We only have one ship, and it’s crucial to the overall plan.” He threw Ram the top to his uniform as he winked at Celeste. “Savator sent for his mate. She’s human, so he thought you two might enjoy a visit while we lock in the details of the attack.”

  “Sounds great, but can I see Lorna in the meantime?” she asked hopefully.

  Ram nodded, and Celeste cried out happily. She hugged both males then ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower while Galzar showed Ram the device. It wasn’t much to look at, just a nondescript box with an inset control panel. “Everything else Callita told us has proved true,” Ram said as he turned the thing over and over in his hand. “I’m cautiously optimistic about this.”

  “As am I,” Galzar assured him.

  They left the apartment half an hour later and took a shuttle to the Dantexit. Savator’s mate had yet to arrive, so Celeste went to the cabin her sister shared with Moxtel and Belton. This was the first time the sisters had been allowed to be in the same room together—not counting the humiliating exchange in the clinic—and they both burst into tears as they clung to each other.

  “We’re fine,” Celeste assured Ram when he lingered near the door. “Go. I know you have half the Protectorate waiting for you.”

  It wasn’t much of an exaggeration. Several of Savator’s ‘ministers’ and the new leader of the dogs of war had arrived and were waiting for Ram and Galzar in the officers’ dining hall. Rather than joining the Ventori on the far side of the table, Galzar chose the chair next to Ram. The choice pleased him. They were all allies now, but Galzar was family.

  “Before we get started,” the dogs’ new leader said, “the dogs took a vote, and we want our true alpha back. I think it’s obvious to everyone that Galzar’s loyalties never faltered.” He looked at Savator as he added, “I can’t dictate what you do with the Elizian, sir, but the dogs of war have always chosen our own alpha.”

  Everyone around the table clapped, and Galzar grinned, obviously thrilled by the development.

  “Odd that you should mention the Elizian,” Savator said, his dark gaze settling on Galzar. “I had a similar conversation with Teff a short time ago. Your crew wants you back too. Are you still interested in commanding my flagship or has your mate made you soft?”

  “My mate makes me anything but soft,” Galzar said with a laugh. “And I’d be honored to be back where I belong.”

  “Consider it done,” Savator told him. “Shall I reassign the apartment, or would you like to keep that option open?”

Galzar glanced at Ram. If the head of the rebels took up residence in the Ventori’s new colony, it further strengthened the alliance. Besides, their family unit was as mixed as they came, which was the purpose of the Nestril colony.

  “Let’s keep the apartment,” Ram suggested. Having a home other than their ships made sense on many levels. They sure as hells couldn’t raise children on a spaceship.

  “We’d like the option,” Galzar told the chancellor.


  They spent the next four days strategizing every element of the battle and planning for every eventuality they could imagine. Ram summoned his fleet, and Savator told him that the Protectorate was already on the way. The new Prime Gatekeeper assured them that Vikrin would cooperate. Ram thought the disloyal bastard should be executed after the battle but sparing his worthless life had been the only motivation strong enough to gain Vikrin’s agreement.

  By day five, all the ships were positioned and ready to fly through the mega-gate, and everyone had agreed on who would do what. The smaller ships would pass through in clusters, but the procession would still take three or four days. Ram’s fleet and some of the Ventori ships would be protected by camouflage shielding, but the portal itself would be visible. There was no way such a phenomenon would go undetected for several days, so everyone scrambled for a way to conceal the portal.

  The only other species known for transport conduit technology was the Partonese, and they had agreed to cooperate once they found out what the alliance was attempting. They’d given Savator images of various conduit generators but refused to provide schematics. When the alliance council asked how they concealed the portals from their enemies, they reluctantly revealed an illusion system similar to Yashonty camouflage shields.

  Ram’s engineers quickly worked out a way for a group of ships to network their shields, creating an illusion that would make the mega-gate undetectable. Once the simulations were working perfectly, the ships made one of Nestril’s moons disappear, and the council approved the concept.


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