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Cowboy State of Mind (Tarnation, Texas Book 4)

Page 12

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Breathless and stuck in a potent warp of longing, she was consumed by his vigor. He gave her a gentle toss against the mattress, pressing her against the bed with his hard lines while he centered himself above her. Flattening her palms against his smooth skin, she caressed his chest, his flat nipples surrounded by a splattering of crisp hair, down to his flat stomach. She wanted to explore every inch of him all at once, to learn him. Every hard plain, muscular dip and formidable edge.

  “This feels so right,” she moaned the words.

  He brushed his erection against her pubic bone, which only made her hungrier. She slid her nails along the elastic of his boxers. His hands were at the hem of the shirt, threads breaking as he rid her body of the barrier. His palms found her breasts, kneading and molding the mounds through the silk slip of her bra. “I got to get rid of this.” He practically tore the front hook, tearing the slip of material from her, sending it flying over his shoulder. “There. That’s much better.” He lowered his head and suckled her nipples, dragging the pert nubs in and nibbling them. She arched her back, crying for more, needing his hands all over her.

  Grabbing his hand, she moved it to the apex of her thighs, bringing her hips up to meet his palm. He understood her demand because he slipped his hand inside her panties, finding the sensitive part of her that craved a Cowboy. Now. Over and over.

  They groped at each other, tearing at their remaining clothes until they both lay naked on the eight hundred count sheets.

  “No more. I need you,” she whispered. Without another second to spare before she exploded, she wrapped her legs around his hips and said next to his ear, “Now!” she demanded without modesty or shame.

  With a low, mighty growl, he grabbed her bottom and lifted her hips higher, slipping the pillow under her a second before he slammed himself inside her with one commanding thrust. Her body succumbed in complete and sheer appreciation of his virility as they connected in an age-old dance of bodies and souls. They were like two blurred forms uniting, finding each other, a flurry of skin and sensual parts as the passionate crescendo beckoned them.

  “I can’t hold back, sweetheart. I’m a loose cannon,” he admitted in a rush of breath.

  “Then don’t.” She pressed him back against the bed, taking the dominate position, while keeping their bodies attached. She slid up and down on his shaft, taking him deeper and deeper until she felt his tip touch her deep. She rode him, taking him, watching the bittersweet range of sexpressions flitter over his face. His hand clasped her bare breast, gently squeezing, tweaking her sensitive nipple. She placed her hands over his, feeling his strong fingers molding her body to his touch. Rolling her hips, she thirsted to have him come inside her.

  He tensed beneath her.

  His groan split the air.

  Then he spilled his seed into her womb.

  She collapsed on top of him, her cheek pressed against his chest, listening to the heavy beat of his heart. His fingers threaded in her hair in such a loving gesture that tears came to her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Lifting her gaze to look at him, she asked, “For what?”

  “Going at this like it was my first time.” He chuckled and his chest vibrated, causing her sensitive nipples to harden and her inner thighs quiver.

  “I don’t think we could have gone slower if our lives depended on it. No apology needed. There’s always next time. She slid off him and cuddled up next to his side. It felt so good to be there with him. “This is the positive aspect of making a baby. Screwing like rabbits.” She curled closer.

  His laughter made her smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever been given permission to screw like a rabbit. I might like this marriage thing a little too much.”

  Something hitched inside her chest. “We’re married. Wow.”

  His fingers paused in her hair. “Yes, we are.”

  “Any regrets? Doubts?” Did she see something flicker across his expression? Was she imagining what she saw there?

  “Not yet.” He lifted a tendril of her hair and wrapped it around his knuckle then let it unwind back against her cheek. He shifted and slid out of bed, not even a sliver of self-consciousness in the fact that he was completely naked. And why would he? Lord, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him, and he had remarkable muscle tone and strong, powerful arms and legs. This man was her husband and she filled with pride.

  “Meet me in the bathroom in five.” He winked.

  She propped herself up on elbow and watched him stroll across the room. There wasn’t a bit of jiggle in his tight rump, but he did have a few scratches down his back, marks from their lovemaking. Her cheeks warmed.

  Falling back into the mattress, she pulled the sheet over her head and moaned in pure delight. CC could think of far worse ways to wake up than with a beautiful cowboy built like a stallion. Her hand naturally fell to her flat stomach, hoping. Wishful. Wanting to become a mother.

  The faint sound of running water mingled with the birds chirping on a branch just outside the window. Curious, she sat up and listened closer. Was he taking a bath? Grabbing the first thing she came to which happened to be his shirt on the chair, she pulled it over her head and tugged the loose fabric down her sensitive bare breasts and hips. Bringing the soft cotton to her nose, she breathed in his scent…a combination of sandalwood and leather. A lethal blend of masculinity. If she had her way, they’d repeat what they’d shared moments ago a few more times before they had to head back to Tarnation.

  With the unabashed thoughts making her warm and tingly, she climbed from the rumpled bed sheets and padded barefoot to the bathroom entrance and leaned against the doorframe, peering in. He was adjusting the water in the large tub.

  “That looks inviting,” she said.

  He brought his chin up, smiling. “You didn’t wait five minutes.”

  Sashaying her way over to him, she said, “I’m a little impatient when I have a naked cowboy in the next room.” She playfully swatted his behind.

  Laughing, he dragged her into his arms for a long, passionate kiss that left her trembling. Her lips were swollen and warm when he pulled away and lifted her from her feet, then stepped into the tub. They sat down together.

  The water glided around their bodies. His T-shirt she wore floated up and became see-through. “I hope you have another shirt.” She laughed.

  “This’ll never look the same on me.” He tugged at the shirt, roving his gaze down her breasts and to the apex of her thighs. His touch came there and she jerked. “Are you too sore?” he asked.

  “No. I’m painfully sensitive,” she admitted.

  “Then by all means, let me examine this issue.” He wagged his thick brows.

  One thick finger slid inside her and her knees parted.

  “I assure you, this time will last longer than a blink of an eye.” He kissed her neck, following the line to her collar bone, to her chest, then to her breast where he cupped the mound through the wet cotton. He rolled his tongue around the perky nipple and closed his teeth gently around the bud.

  It looked like chance was in her favor and she would have him again…

  And again…

  Chapter 15

  ADAM INHALED CC’S hypnotizing scent before he slowly lowered her to her feet. Since they’d come home from the wedding cabin, they’d been at each other like…well, rabbits. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her and if he wasn’t initiating sex, she was with her flirty smiles and saucy flips of her hair. Problem was, they were still sneaking…into one of the barns where they did a quickie on a bale of hay, in the back of his truck a handful of times, and right now, upstairs in his bedroom minutes before Ash and Lexi were to get hitched.

  In his defense, she’d slid out of the driver’s side of her truck wearing a short dress that showed off her lovely legs, and, remembering how they fit around his hips, he needed to have her then and there. When no one was looking he’d swept her up the stairs, kissing her the entire way, and stopped in his bedroom where he pressed her
against the wall. He hadn’t been able to make it to the bed before he jerked her panties down and took her like a madman.

  Ten minutes later, still wearing red heels, she stepped into her panties and sashayed her hips as she dragged them up those fine, strong legs.

  “Do you think it’s because we haven’t told anyone we’re married that makes this so delicious?” CC said as she pulled the hem of her lace dress down her hips.

  He swiped the sweat off his forehead and smoothed his gaze down her beautiful body. The dress fit her like a second skin, showing off her lush curves. Her hair was pulled up, all but a few wayward strands that caressed her ears. His cock didn’t want to go down, but he couldn’t be late for his own brother’s wedding. Pushing his erection back into his jeans, he slowly zipped them and shifted in semi-pain. “Honestly, I should tell you that I would have never believed I’d want my wife so damn much.” He patted his shirt pocket. “The ring is close to my heart.”

  Although he still wasn’t sold on the idea that he was married, he did enjoy being near his wife.

  “I forgot and wore mine to Laurel Craney’s farm. Good thing she lost her prescription glasses. I would have had a lot of explaining to do.”

  “After today we’ll tell everyone, unless you want to keep sneaking around.” He wagged his brows.

  Several expressions flashed across her face. “Eventually, we have to tell people. There will be a lot of questions when I get pregnant.”

  His throat constricted. “Are you…?”

  “No. At least I don’t think so. I’m not late, but I’m sure you have super sperm and will change that very quickly.” She saddled up close and kissed him fully on the lips.

  Caught up in the fringe benefits of marriage, he’d almost forgotten that they were supposed to be creating a baby. To his surprise, that didn’t damper his libido in the least.

  God help him, he wanted CC like he’d never wanted anything—ANYTHING—in his life. When he left her, he wanted to go back and be with her. He counted down the minutes when he could see her again. While she was at the ranch, he couldn’t keep his gaze from finding her and staying on her like a sick puppy. He was sick. Sick with…what?

  Maybe she was right. Maybe their secret marriage made this all sexier. Or maybe he just liked her. A lot. Everything about her was amazing. Her beauty. Her character. Her laughter. The way her eyes changed colors with her mood. The way she puckered her bottom lip when she was in deep thought. He watched her, knew her expressions, her mannerisms. Damn, what were the chances they could pretend a wedding wasn’t happening downstairs and they could test the springs of the bed?

  She coughed and he narrowed his gaze. That was something else that he could forget—almost. She had a disease, and although she appeared healthy, he’d read upon CKD and it could be silent but deadly. Many times he wanted to reveal that he knew about her disease, but he’d hoped she’d feel comfortable enough with him to tell him. Did she think he’d leave her? Refuse to have a child with her? If anything, knowing she didn’t let her circumstances hold her down only made him want her more.

  “We better get outside.” She smiled and his heart bounced around. “I’ll go first.” She quickly started for the door then turned back. “I’ll save you a seat.” Her eyes twinkled.

  He nodded then turned to watch out the window. A small crowd had gathered in the backyard for the wedding. Only a handful.

  Adam searched the yard but couldn’t find Ash.

  Then Adam saw CC. She stopped to speak to Roe Robins and Stella. Adam’s heart hitched. He was mesmerized by her. Falling in love. He had to stop denying it or second guessing his feelings.

  Her gaze came up as if she knew he watched her. She gave him a smile that held all the secrets of the world. Once she was seated in one of the white chairs they’d borrowed from the church, he adjusted his hat and new western shirt that Lexi had picked out for the brothers and he took the back stairs into the kitchen where caterers worked. Adam gave each of them a friendly greeting then continued out the back door into the lowering sun. The wedding was to start at sunset.

  Focusing his attention on where CC sat, he didn’t see Brennan until he gripped Adam’s arm. He looked around and squinted. “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  “We have a problem.” Brennan motioned for him to step over to a more private area by an ancient tree.

  “What is it?”

  Brennan looked like he had a severe case of food poisoning. “Ash isn’t here. He’s gone. We’ve called him a dozen times, but nothing. Have you heard from him?”

  “What do you mean gone?”

  “As in he ran off.”

  Suddenly Adam felt like a jackass. He’d been so caught up in CC he hadn’t spoken to Ash, or any of his brothers in…how long? He mentally calculated when he’d last seen Ash. “It’s been a few days since I saw him. Hell, maybe longer.”

  “Last I saw him, he seemed preoccupied.”

  Arc joined them, looking as grim as Adam felt. “I just tried calling him again and he won’t answer.”

  “Does Lexi know that he’s not here?” Adam asked.

  “Not sure. Someone will have to tell her eventually if she doesn’t already know.” Arc’s jaw was tight and his hands were pushed into his front pockets.

  “He wouldn’t leave her at the altar, would he?” Brennan asked.

  “Ash is a lot of things, but he wouldn’t hurt her.” Adam scanned the crowd again. “Has something happened to him? Where’s Corbin?” He spotted the baby with CC. She held him close, her face beaming, looking like a natural. She was made to be a mother.

  “Hell if I know what he’s doing. I just can’t imagine he’d skip out on her, or any of us. He knows how important this is to all of us, our future.” Brennan looked agitated, although there was a sliver of concern in his eyes. The men had buried their issues, but they still liked to torment each other on occasion.

  “We should split up and search everywhere that we can think of. Arc, you and I will go and search the ranch and the property. Brennan, you get Baxter and you two go and search Tarnation. I’ll speak to Abriella and CC and ask if they’ll stay with Corbin.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” the men agreed.

  “Arc, I’ll meet you out front.” Adam stormed across the yard toward his wife. When she saw him coming, she smiled but it disappeared when she must have read his expression.

  “What is it?” she asked in a whisper.

  Corbin cooed and suckled his fist. Adam touched the little boy’s cheek. “It’s Ash. We can’t find him, and he won’t respond to our calls.”

  “What? Oh no.” When Corbin whimpered, CC soothed him with a few sweet words that worked. “Would he run away?”

  Adam couldn’t answer that question. Although he knew his brother would never hurt Lexi, not intentionally, he did know that this situation was overwhelming for all of them. “The boys and I are going to go search. Will you and Abriella stay with Corbin?”

  “Yes, sure. Be careful and keep me updated.”

  Like a natural act, he started to lean in and give her a kiss, but luckily, he caught himself.

  “I’ll be back soon.” At least he hoped.

  Arc was already waiting for Adam when he strolled around front. “Baxter and Brennan left with the truck. Let’s take the horses,” Arc told him. “I’ve already asked one of the hands to saddle them up.

  They took the worn path toward the stables. “Man, we’ll be in trouble if Ash doesn’t come back.”

  Arc shook his head. “He wouldn’t have taken off like this unless something serious happened.”

  “What would make him leave Corbin? Ash hasn’t left his boy’s side since he found out about him.”

  “Fuck, who knows. He’s been acting strange for some time. I figured it’s this situation.”

  As promised, the horses were saddled by the time they reached the stables. Once they were on and heading on the north pasture, Adam growled, “This has been some roller coaster ride.”
/>   “Yeah, I’d say it has been. Keeping secrets is hard work,” Arc mumbled.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Adam’s gut twisted.

  “Hell, you know what I’m talking about.” Arc swore under his breath. “You and CC. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Unable to lie, he answered, “We got hitched.”

  “What the fuck? And you didn’t say a damn word?” Arc swiped his hand down his jaw.

  “We didn’t want to upstage Lexi and Ash’s wedding.”

  “But we’re family, man.” Arc blew out a long breath and some of the tension in his jaw disappeared. “Are you happy?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” His cell buzzed in his pocket. He read the message from CC. “Shit. Hell’s breaking loose back at the ranch. Lexi knows that Ash is missing and she’s wondering where in the hell her groom is.”

  Arc sighed. “She’s going to be as mad as a hornet.”

  “When we find him he better have a damn good explanation or he’s dead meat.” Adam stared the distance. “It’ll be dark soon, and it’s going to be like finding a louse on a pig.”

  “Let’s just pray he’s okay.”

  “I put in a call back at Stillwater Ranch. If they see hide or hair of him they’ll let me know immediately.”

  “Good idea.” Arc shifted in the saddle.

  “Has he said anything to you that seemed odd?” Adam asked.

  “No, not a damn thing. I’m so done with this situation. I have a confession. I knew you were married.”


  “I went through your drawers and saw a wedding band. It made sense then.”

  “Okay, mom. Why are you going through my drawers?”

  Arc laughed. “I needed a belt.”

  What the fuck is wrong with your own damn belt?”

  “The leather snapped. I need to get it fixed. But wait…Don’t turn this around on me. Not my fault you were keeping a secret.”


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