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Hit and Run: A Thrilling Novel of Romantic Suspense (Callahan Security series Book 3)

Page 20

by Lori Matthews

  “I’m busy. What do you need?”

  “Dani, this is not something we should discuss through a door. Not sure who’s listening. Let me in.”

  “Fuck. Fuckity, fuck, fuck.” Dani squared her shoulders. “Fine.” She opened the door.

  Gage strode in.

  “What do you want?” Damn if he didn’t look fine in his black collared shirt and blue jeans with his damp hair flopping over his forehead. She cursed silently as she slammed the door. It wasn’t fair.

  Gage turned to face her. “How far along are you on your software? Does it work?”

  She blinked. She wasn’t sure what she thought he was going to ask, but it wasn’t that. “Yes, it works…to a point.” She was loath to admit it, but it eventually broke down and froze. Worse, she had no idea how to fix it. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Why?”

  Gage hesitated. “We’re probably going to have to give it to the kidnappers.”

  “There’s no way—”

  Gage put up his hands. “I know you don’t want to, but they are definitely going to want to test it before they let us have Dottie.”

  Dani’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know? Did they call?”

  Gage’s mouth compressed into a flat line as he nodded.

  “They did? They called? When?” Dani snarled.

  “A little while ago.” Gage ran his hand through his hair and then turned and walked farther into the room.

  Dani put her hands on her hips and followed on Gage’s heels. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Gage dropped into the chair. “We wanted to have some sort of a plan before we said anything.” He gestured to the sofa. “Please sit.”

  “No. I’m not sitting,” she said through clenched teeth. “What is going on? When is the exchange? What exactly did they say? I. Want. Details.”

  Gage remained silent for a second and eyed Dani. “Okay. They called about thirty minutes ago. They demanded the software in exchange for Dottie. They said they’d call back at 6:00 p.m. tonight and tell us where and when.”

  Dani took up pacing.

  After an eternity, Gage asked, “What are you thinking?”

  Dani stayed silent and continued to pace. She needed to think, and Gage talking to her wasn’t helping.


  She whirled around to face him. “What?”

  Gage took a deep breath and rested his palms on top of his thighs. “Dani. Just calm down—”

  “Don’t you dare patronize me! I want to know exactly what’s going on. It’s my fault she’s in this mess.”

  Gage shook his head. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine.”

  She advanced to stand directly in front of him and pointed at his chest. “You’re right. It is your fault!” The air crackled with her accusation. “You were supposed to protect me! You were supposed to keep me safe! Dottie never should’ve been there. You should’ve had a way to get me off the ship and to your brothers safely.”

  She pointed to her own chest. “I should’ve been working on the software the whole trip, not hacking the ships systems. I could’ve had the software totally functional by now.” She pointed at him again. “It’s all your fault!”

  Gage shot out of the chair to stand inches from her. “If you’d told me where you were so I didn’t waste time running around Europe looking for you, you would be safely back in New York!” He glared down at her.

  Anger, anxiety and frustration coursed through her. The heat from his body hit her chest. His scent swirled around her. She couldn’t hold it together any longer. She was either going to burst into tears or... She pushed him backwards. Hard. He let out a curse as his ass hit the cushion. She didn’t give him a chance to recover. She crawled into his lap and planted her lips on his.

  She drove her tongue into his mouth, invading him, tasting everywhere at once. He responded in kind. Their tongues rolled with each other, matching move for move. Hot, wet kisses and tiny bites kept their mouths occupied while she jammed her hands into his hair, locking him in place. His hands cupped her ass and pulled her close but it wasn’t enough.

  She shifted so her knees went deeper into the cushions, getting closer to him. He was so hard she couldn't stop herself from grinding against him. He scooped her up and stood, breaking their kiss. She wrapped both her legs around his waist. He looked toward the bed but her laptop was on it. He took her to the sofa and laid her down. He lowered himself on top of her. He was hard as rock, and it felt so, so good.

  Wanting to feel his skin, she started pulling at his shirt. She needed to feel it, drown herself in him, and forget about Carly and how she was letting the little girl down. Forget that it was her fault Dottie was in trouble. She just wanted to forget period.

  "Gage," she moaned. She desperately tore at his shirt, consumed by the desire to run her tongue over his muscles and feel them flex and ripple under her touch. With a growl low in her throat, she finally pulled hard enough to get the shirt off over his head.

  He trailed kisses and small nips from her ear to the hollow of her neck. He stopped for a brief second as he pulled her sweater over her head. When he saw she was wearing a black lace bra, his grin turned greedy. Groaning, he pushed the lace aside and dropped his lips to her nipple.

  Heat uncoiled from her core. She fisted her hands in his hair and threw her head back, pushing her breasts forward as he took the other bud in his mouth. A shot of desire ripped through her when he tugged on her nipple with his teeth.

  She pulled his head away to reclaim his mouth, her tongue rolling with his in a deep kiss. He reached back and undid her bra and then lifted her slightly so he could pull it off. He let it hit the floor. He pulled away from her mouth and dropped his gaze to her breasts. With a groan, she lifted her hips and ground against him again.

  Catching his eye, she slowly rolled him over so she was on top. She ran her hands up his bare chest before leaning forward and taking his nipple into her mouth.

  "Dani, you are driving me crazy,” he growled.

  She swirled her tongue, then nipped him harder in response to his groan of pleasure. She undid the button of his jeans, and while still kissing his chest, she started to push them and his black boxer briefs down. He lifted his hips to help her. She ran her fingers over his hips and then wrapped her hand around his length.

  He grabbed her head and brought her mouth to his; his scorching kiss made heat coil in her belly. She needed him. This. Now.

  She grasped his shoulders, and shifted her weight so she could get her jeans off. He helped her slide her clothing over her hips, and then off all together. They dropped in a pile on the floor. She wanted to be closer. Needed to feel him. She shifted again, and rubbed against him.

  The sight of her naked stole his breath. She was magnificent. Her lips all plump from their kisses, black eyes roaming over him. She was a goddess.

  Her breasts were high, round, and full, as perfect as her rounded hips. He pulled her down on top of his length. He couldn't help it. And she was ready, hot, wet, and very willing. When he cupped her ass, she arched her back and he plunged into her. He captured her gaze. Her eyes turned coal-black and her mouth opened on a small moan.

  He claimed her mouth at the same time he went deeper into her core. A growl escaped him as he tried to take her slowly. She wouldn't let him. She rolled her hips faster, meeting each stroke. Swearing, he cupped her ass.

  When he pressed into her, she rocked back. "Faster," she demanded, and then she growled. It was the sexiest sound he had ever heard. He drove into her faster and faster until he felt her tightened around him. A cry of raw pleasure ripped from her throat, and with a roar, he fell over the edge with her.

  She flopped across his chest and lay there, straining to take in enough oxygen. She was amazing. They fit together so well; it was like she was created just for him. He started to wrap his arms around her but she pushed away from his chest and stood up.


  “Leave, Gage.”

didn’t even pause in her step or look back at him. She walked across the room and disappeared into the bathroom. Her words cut the joy from his body. Pain filled the crevasses where happiness had just flowed. Here he’d thought they had made up somehow. That the sex had signaled she’d forgiven him. It was clear now he’d been dead wrong.

  She just used him in the moment. It meant nothing to her. Maybe she really was a… No! He refused to believe she didn’t care at all. She was just overwhelmed. When this was all over, when sanity returned, they would talk. He would apologize and… and what? She was never going to change. She was a hacker with a loose moral code, and he just couldn’t stomach that. It went against everything he believed. He rubbed his chest as if he were in physical pain.

  He stood up and got dressed. He gathered her clothes and left them in a pile on the chair. He was done. He didn’t need this, any of this. When this job was over, he was done with Dani. He walked across the room and opened the door. He walked through it, closing it quietly but firmly behind him.

  Dani heard the door close and promptly burst into tears. She’d needed Gage in that moment, but having sex with him again had been a major mistake. She’d given in to her weakness. She should’ve just kicked him out. Now she’d just made it so much harder on herself. She needed to quit Gage like he was a drug—cold turkey. It was the only way she’d survive.

  She took a deep breath, but his scent filled her nose. She quickly turned on the shower and stepped in. She gasped as the cold spray hit her like an ice storm. She gritted her teeth and stood under the water until it gradually warmed up. She took the soap and lathered her whole body. Once. Twice. She needed to wash off all remnants of Gage Callahan.

  When she was finished in the shower, she wrapped herself in the robe again and went out to lay on the king-size bed. She needed a second to regroup and then she would call about Carly and make a plan for the exchange so she could get Dottie back in one piece. She closed her eyes. What if she made a few modifications to the software? It was her last thought as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Gage!” Janet yelped, sounding startled. “Where are you?” There was a muffled sound and then, “I thought you’d be in the air by now. Wait, are you in the air?”

  “Um, no. It’s a bit of a long story, but we haven’t left Vancouver yet.”

  “Oh. Okay. How can I help?” Janet asked, sounding more like her usual efficient self.

  “Ah, well…we need some guns. Our resources are very limited in Vancouver. Time is running out. It will take longer to get them than we have. Can you help?”

  “Guns.” There was silence. “Should I ask what’s going on? I’m sure Mr. Drake will be interested.”

  “Best if you don’t know. Not a good time to explain things. I’ll explain everything to Drake later.” There was more silence. “Janet?”

  “Well, that’s not what I had anticipated.”

  Gage frowned and glanced at his brothers. Logan was tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair and Mitch was lying on the sofa.

  “We ran into an issue up here. It’s a long story and I’ll tell you later, but we kind of need the guns in a hurry.”

  “I’ll check with Mr. Drake, and if he okays it, then I will have someone drop some weapons to you in an hour or a little more. Does that work?”

  He gave his brothers a thumbs up. Logan leaned back in his chair and Mitch grinned. “That’s perfect. You’re amazing, Janet! Thanks.”

  “I’ll call you when they’re ready.” Janet hung up.

  Gage put the cell down on the coffee table. “We’re in business.”

  “Thank you, Janet,” Mitch said.

  Logan smiled slightly. “Now we just have to figure out a game plan for the exchange.”

  Mitch leaned back in his chair. “I’m glad we didn’t have to use the backup plan. I haven’t seen Stinky in a long time, and I’m not sure he’s still in town.”

  “Why am I not surprised you know someone named Stinky?” Logan shook his head.

  “There’s a great story behind the nickname,” Mitch said. “You see—"

  “You two start on it. I’m gonna grab a shower,” Gage said as he walked toward the bathroom. He had no interest in knowing a damn thing about Stinky. His brothers’ eyes bored into his back, but neither one of them said a word. They were both smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

  Gage grabbed a shower. The scalding water was just what he needed. His muscles were tight, and he was running on fumes. It seemed like it had been weeks since he’d felt one hundred percent physically. He finished under the spray and dried himself off. After grabbing clean clothes, he got dressed.

  Mitch and Logan were hovering over a piece of paper, presumably they were talking about various scenarios for the exchange.

  Gage grabbed the cell phone and looked at the screen. Janet had texted. “She has the guns.” His brothers looked up. “I’m texting her now to have her person meet me in the lobby of the hotel.”

  “Sounds good,” Mitch said. Then he went back to looking at the paper.

  Another text came in. “She says to be in the lobby in ten minutes.”

  Logan looked up. “Do you want backup?”

  “Nah. It’ll be fine. I’ll head out now. When I get back, I want to hear your plans for getting us out alive.”

  Both of his brothers grunted.

  Gage went out of the room door, hopped on an elevator to the lobby. The doors slid open and he scanned the area, locating an empty chair by the fireplace. While he waited his mind turned to Dani. She was such a conundrum to him. He shouldn’t be thinking about her at all. She was everything he fought against. Her attitude toward what she did was entirely backward. Did she really not care about the long-term effects of her hacking?

  He ground his teeth. He needed to stop thinking about her all together. The phone vibrated in his hand. The person with the guns was out front but couldn’t find a place to park because of all the construction. Gage hoped the courier brought more than just handguns but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  Gage texted that he would meet the courier. He moved through the lobby and out the door of the hotel. He saw the black sedan idling just beyond the hotel entryway, past the construction equipment. He picked his way through the loose debris over to the car.

  Gage tensed as he approached the car. He wasn’t loving the blacked-out windows.

  The window rolled down, and Janet’s face appeared. She was in the driver’s seat and leaning over toward the passenger side. “Gage. Get in.”

  “Janet? What are you doing here?” he asked. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in town?” He opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

  “I didn’t really have time, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to come myself or not.” Janet pressed the window button, and it rolled up again.

  Gage smiled. “Well, I’m glad to see you. We can really use your help.”

  She hit the lock button and then pulled away from the curb. “I’m glad to see you, too. I admit you made me nervous there for a minute, but it’s all good now.”

  “What are you talking about? Where are we going?” Gage asked. When Janet glanced at him, his gut knotted. Her eyes were cold, and her voice had taken on a weird tone.

  She laughed. “Your request for guns surprised me, I have to say. I expected you to have your own resources up here, but this whole business has been full of surprises.”

  “Since the start, many things have gone sideways because of you and your brothers, not the least of which is the Triads grabbing some old woman instead of Dani.” She smiled coldly. “But then you called and, well, everything is back on track. Now I’m certain your brothers will give us the hacker.”

  Gage tried to hit the unlock button, but he heard a distinct click. “Keep your hands on the dash where I can see them.” He glanced over his shoulder and saw Ponytail from the pier. He was holding a gun.

  Gage was silent for a second. He couldn’t
believe what was happening. He’d been ambushed. It had never occurred to him that Janet was involved. Adrenaline rampaged through his veins.

  “What do you want?” he demanded.

  Janet laughed. “I have what I need for now, and soon I’ll have the software, too.”

  Ice stabbed through his heart. She knew where his brothers were. Worse, she knew where Dani was. Fuck. She knew all about the resources they had in this city as well, or the lack there of. He’d told her himself during the call. He curled his fingers into fists. He needed to distract her. Find out her plan.

  “I know what you’re thinking and, yes, we are aware of your skills, if not your plans exactly, and we are well prepared to handle your brothers at the exchange.”

  The cold smile was back. Gage had to figure something out, or Dani and his brothers would be like lambs led to the slaughter.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Dani’s eyes popped open as she bolted into a sitting position. She whirled around and looked at the clock. 5:45 p.m. “Shit!” She’d fallen asleep. She hopped off the bed and ran to her clothing piled on the chair. She pulled it on as quickly as possible and started out of the room. She ran back, grabbed her room key, and headed out again. She’d forgotten her shoes, but she wasn’t stopping to go back for them.

  She dashed out the door and down the hall. She banged loudly on Gage’s door. It swung open, and she barreled into the room, brushing by Logan. She saw Mitch out of the corner of her eye.

  “I know who the mole is! We’ve been so stupid! I should have realized earlier—”

  “It’s Janet. We know,” Logan said as he went back over and sat down in the chair.

  “Uh, what? How did you figure it out?” Dani asked as she walked over and plopped down on the sofa.


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