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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Page 4

by Joe Dispenza

Like clay, the energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness: your mind. And if all matter is made of energy, it makes sense that consciousness (“mind,” in this case, as Newton and Descartes called it) and energy (“matter,” according to the quantum model) are so intimately related that they are one. Mind and matter are completely entangled. Your consciousness (mind) has effects on energy (matter) because your consciousness is energy and energy has consciousness. You are powerful enough to influence matter because at the most elementary level, you are energy with a consciousness. You are mindful matter.

  In the quantum model, the physical universe is an immaterial, interconnected, unified field of information, potentially every thing but physically no thing. The quantum universe is just waiting for a conscious observer (you or me) to come along and influence energy in the form of potential matter by using the mind and consciousness (which are themselves energy) to make waves of energetic probabilities coalesce into physical matter. Just as the wave of possibility of the electron manifests as a particle within a specific momentary event, we observers cause a particle or groups of particles to manifest physical experiences in the form of events in our lives.

  This is crucial to understanding how you can cause an effect or make a change in your life. When you learn how to sharpen your skills of observation to intentionally affect your destiny, you are well on your way toward living the ideal version of your life by becoming the idealized version of your self.

  We Are Connected to Everything in the Quantum Field

  Like everything else in the universe, we are, in a sense, connected to a sea of information in a dimension beyond physical space and time. We don’t need to be touching or even in close proximity to any physical elements in the quantum field to affect or be affected by them. The physical body is organized patterns of energy and information, which is unified with everything in the quantum field.

  You, like all of us, broadcast a distinct energy pattern or signature. In fact, everything material is always emitting specific patterns of energy. And this energy carries information. Your fluctuating states of mind consciously or unconsciously change that signature on a moment-to-moment basis because you are more than just a physical body; you are a consciousness using a body and a brain to express different levels of mind.

  Another way to look at how we humans and the quantum field are interconnected is through the concept of quantum entanglement, or quantum nonlocal connection. Essentially, once two particles can be initially linked in some way, they will always be bonded together beyond space and time. As a result, anything that is done to one will be done to the other even though they are spatially separated from one another. This means that since we too are made up of particles, we are all implicitly connected beyond space and time. What we do unto others, we do unto ourselves.

  Think about the implications of this. If you can wrap your mind around this concept, then you’d have to agree that the “you” that exists in a probable future is already connected to the “you” in this now, in a dimension beyond this time and space. Stay tuned … by the end of this book, that idea just might seem normal to you!

  Weird Science: Can We Affect the Past?

  Since we’re all interconnected across distance and time, does this suggest that our thoughts and feelings can influence events in our past as well as those we desire in our future?

  In July 2000, Israeli doctor Leonard Leibovici conducted a double-blind, randomized controlled trial involving 3,393 hospital patients, divided into a control group and an “intercession” group. He set out to see whether prayer could have an effect on their condition.2 Prayer experiments are great examples of mind affecting matter at a distance. But stay with me here, because everything is not always what it seems.

  Leibovici selected patients who had suffered sepsis (an infection) while hospitalized. He randomly designated half the patients to have prayers said for them, while the other half were not prayed for. He compared the results in three categories: how long fever lasted, length of hospital stay, and how many died as a result of the infection.

  The prayed-for benefited from an earlier decrease in fever and a shorter hospitalization time; the difference in the number of deaths among the prayed-for and not-prayed-for groups was not statistically significant, although better in the prayed-for group.

  That’s a powerful demonstration of the benefits of prayer and how we can send an intention out into the quantum field through our thoughts and feelings. However, there’s one additional element to this story that you should know about. Did it strike you as slightly odd that in July 2000, a hospital would have more than 3,000 cases of infection at once? Was it a very poorly sterilized place, or was some kind of contagion running rampant?

  Actually, those who were praying weren’t praying for patients who were infected in 2000. Instead, unbeknownst to them, they were praying for lists of people who had been in the hospital from 1990 to 1996—four to ten years prior to the experiment! The prayed-for patients actually got better during the 1990s from the experiment conducted years later. Let me say this another way: the patients who were prayed for in 2000 all showed measurable changes in health, but those changes took effect years before.

  A statistical analysis of this experiment proved that these effects were far beyond coincidence. This demonstrates that our intentions, our thoughts and feelings, and our prayers not only affect our present or future, but they can actually affect our past as well.

  Now, this leads to the question: if you were to pray (or focus on an intention) for a better life for yourself, could it affect your past, present, and future?

  The quantum law says that all potentials exist simultaneously. Our thinking and our feelings affect all aspects of life, beyond both space and time.

  Our State of Being or State of Mind:

  When Mind and Body Are One

  Please note: Throughout this book, I will refer interchangeably to your having and creating a state of being or a state of mind. For example, we could say that how you think and how you feel create a state of being. I want you to understand that when I use the terms state of being and state of mind, your physical body is a part of that state. In fact, as you will see later on, many people exist in a state in which the body has “become” the mind, when they are ruled almost exclusively by the body and how it feels. So when I talk about the observer having an effect, it is not just the brain that is at work influencing matter, but the body as well. It is your state of being (when mind and body are one), as an observer, which has effects on the external world.

  Thoughts + Feelings Produce Test-Tube Results

  We communicate with the quantum field primarily through our thoughts and feelings. Since our thoughts are themselves energy—as you know, the electrical impulses the brain generates can easily be measured by devices such as an EEG—they are one of the primary means by which we send out signals into the field.

  Before I go into greater detail on how this works, I want to share with you a remarkable study that demonstrates how our thoughts and feelings influence matter.

  Cellular biologist Glen Rein, Ph.D., conceived of a series of experiments to test healers’ ability to affect biological systems. Since DNA is more stable than substances such as cells or bacterial cultures, he decided to have healers hold test tubes containing DNA.3

  This study took place at the HeartMath Research Center in California. The folks there have conducted extraordinary research into the physiology of emotions, heart-brain interactions, and much more. Essentially, they and others have documented a specific link between our emotional states and our heart rhythms. When we have negative emotions (such as anger and fear), our heart rhythms become erratic and disorganized. In contrast, positive emotions (love and joy, for instance) produce highly ordered, coherent patterns that HeartMath researchers refer to as heart coherence.

  In Dr. Rein’s experiment, he first studied a group of ten individuals who were well practiced in using techniques that HeartMath teaches to b
uild heart-focused coherence. They applied the techniques to produce strong, elevated feelings such as love and appreciation, then for two minutes, they held vials containing DNA samples suspended in deionized water. When those samples were analyzed, no statistically significant changes had occurred.

  A second group of trained participants did the same thing, but instead of just creating positive emotions (a feeling) of love and appreciation, they simultaneously held an intention (a thought) to either wind or unwind the strands of DNA. This group produced statistically significant changes in the conformation (shape) of the DNA samples. In some cases the DNA was wound or unwound as much as 25 percent!

  A third group of trained subjects held a clear intent to change the DNA, but they were instructed not to enter into a positive emotional state. In other words, they were only using thought (intention) to affect matter. The result? No changes to the DNA samples.

  The positive emotional state that the first group entered did nothing by itself to the DNA. Another group’s clearly held intentional thought, unaccompanied by emotion, also had no impact. Only when subjects held both heightened emotions and clear objectives in alignment were they able to produce the intended effect.

  An intentional thought needs an energizer, a catalyst—and that energy is an elevated emotion. Heart and mind working together. Feelings and thoughts unified into a state of being. If a state of being can wind and unwind strands of DNA in two minutes, what does this say about our ability to create reality?

  What the HeartMath experiment demonstrates is that the quantum field doesn’t respond simply to our wishes—our emotional requests. It doesn’t just respond to our aims—our thoughts. It only responds when those two are aligned or coherent—that is, when they are broadcasting the same signal. When we combine an elevated emotion with an open heart and a conscious intention with clear thought, we signal the field to respond in amazing ways.

  The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.

  Thoughts and Feelings: Broadcasting Our

  Electromagnetic Signal to the Quantum Field

  Since every potential in the universe is a wave of probability that has an electromagnetic field and is energetic in nature, it makes sense that our thoughts and feelings are no exception.

  I find it a useful model to think of thoughts as the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings as the magnetic charge in the field.4 The thoughts we think send an electrical signal out into the field. The feelings we generate magnetically draw events back to us. Together, how we think and how we feel produces a state of being, which generates an electromagnetic signature that influences every atom in our world. This should prompt us to ask, What am I broadcasting (consciously or unconsciously) on a daily basis?

  All potential experiences exist as electromagnetic signatures in the quantum field. There are an infinite number of potential electromagnetic signatures—for genius, for wealth, for freedom, for health—that already exist as a frequency pattern of energy. If you could create a new electromagnetic field by changing your state of being, which matches that potential in the quantum field of information, is it possible that your body would be drawn to that event or that event would find you?

  Figure 1E. All potential experiences exist in the quantum field as a sea of infinite possibilities. When you change your electromagnetic signature to match one that already exists in the field, your body will be drawn to that event, you will move into a new line of time, or the event will find you in your new reality.

  To Experience Change,

  Observe a New Outcome with a New Mind

  Quite simply, our routine, known thoughts and feelings perpetuate the same state of being, which creates the same behaviors, and creates the same reality. So if we want to change some aspect of our reality, we have to think, feel, and act in new ways; we have to “be” different in terms of our responses to experiences. We have to “become” someone else. We have to create a new state of mind … we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind.

  From a quantum standpoint, we have to create a different state of being as an observer and generate a new electromagnetic signature. When we do, we will match a potential reality in the field that exists only as an electromagnetic potential. Once that match exists between who we are being/what we are broadcasting and the electromagnetic potential in the field, we will be pulled toward that potential reality, or it will find us.

  I know that it’s frustrating when life seems to produce an endless succession of minor variations on the same negative outcomes. But as long as you stay the same person, as long as your electromagnetic signature remains the same, you can’t expect a new outcome. To change your life is to change your energy—to make an elemental change in your mind and emotions.

  If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.

  Change Requires Coherence:

  Align Your Thoughts and Feelings

  What do your state of being and a laser have in common? I’ll make this connection to illustrate another thing you need to know if you want to change your life.

  A laser is an example of a very coherent signal. When physicists talk about a coherent signal, they are referring to a signal made up of waves that are “in phase”—their troughs (low points) and crests (high points) are parallel. When those waves are coherent, they are much more powerful.

  Figure 1F. When waves are in phase and rhythmic, they are more powerful than when they are out of phase.

  Waves in a signal are either aligned or unaligned, coherent or incoherent. The same goes for your thoughts and feelings. How many times have you tried to create something, thinking in your mind that the end result was possible but feeling in your heart that it wasn’t? What was the result of that incoherent/out-of-phase signal that you were sending? Why is it that nothing manifested? As you just saw with the HeartMath study, quantum creating only works when your thoughts and feelings are aligned.

  Just as the waves in a signal are much more powerful when they are coherent, the same is true of you when your thoughts and your feelings are aligned. When you hold clear, focused thoughts about your purpose, accompanied by your passionate emotional engagement, you broadcast a stronger electromagnetic signal that pulls you toward a potential reality that matches what you want.

  I frequently talk to my workshop audiences about my grandmother, a woman I adored. She was old-school Italian, as steeped in Catholic guilt as she was in the tradition of making tomato gravy to spoon on pasta. She prayed constantly for things and deliberately thought about a new life, but the guilt that had been instilled in her throughout her upbringing confused the signal she was sending. She only manifested more reasons to feel guilty.

  If your intentions and desires haven’t produced consistent results, you’ve probably been sending an incoherent, mixed message into the field. You may want wealth, you may think “wealthy” thoughts, but if you feel poor, you aren’t going to attract financial abundance to yourself. Why not? Because thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body. You’re thinking one way and feeling another way. And when the mind is in opposition to the body (or vice versa), the field won’t respond in any consistent way.

  Instead, when mind and body are working together, when our thoughts and feelings are aligned, when we are in a new state of being, then we are sending a coherent signal on the airwaves of the invisible.

  Why Quantum Outcomes Should Come as a Surprise

  Now let’s fill in another piece of the puzzle. To change our reality, those outcomes that we attract to ourselves have to surprise, even astonish, us in the way in which they come about. We should never be able to predict how our new creations will manifest; they must catch us off guard. They have to wake us up from the dream of the routine reality that we’ve grown accustomed to. These manifestations should leave us with no doubt that our consciousness made contact with the quantum field of intelligence,
so we are inspired to do this again. That is the joy of the creative process.

  Why should you want a quantum surprise? If you can predict an event, it is nothing new—it’s routine, automatic; and you have experienced it many times before. If you can predict it, the same you produced the same familiar outcome. In fact, if you’re trying to control how an outcome will occur, you just went “Newtonian.” Newtonian (classical) physics was about trying to anticipate and predict events; it was all about cause and effect.

  What does “going Newtonian” mean when applied to your ability to create? It’s when the external environment is controlling your internal environment (thinking/feeling). That’s cause and effect.

  Instead, change your internal environment—the way you think and feel—and then see how the external environment is altered by your efforts. Strive to create an unknown, new future experience. Then when an unforeseen event occurs in your favor, you will be pleasantly surprised. You just became a quantum creator. You just went from “cause and effect” to “causing an effect.”

  Hold a clear intention of what you want, but leave the “how” details to the unpredictable quantum field. Let it orchestrate an event in your life in a way that is just right for you. If you’re going to expect anything, expect the unexpected. Surrender, trust, and let go of how a desired event will unfold.

  This is the biggest hurdle for most to overcome, because we human beings always want to control a future reality by trying to re-create how it occurred in a past reality.

  Quantum Creating:

  Giving Thanks Before Receiving an Outcome

  I’ve just talked about aligning our thoughts and feelings to produce the result we want … yet in the process, letting go of the details surrounding how that event will come about. That’s a leap of faith, and it is necessary if we are to exchange a life of humdrum, predictable outcomes for a joyful life of new experiences and quantum surprises.

  But we’ll need to make yet another leap of faith to bring what we want into reality.


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