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The Age of Knights and Highlanders: A Series Starter Collection

Page 48

by Kathryn Le Veque

  Geoffrey cupped her face and pressed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “You are a treasure, my love. I’ve heard tales of estates going bankrupt with a royal visit. Thanks to your careful management, Kinwick should be fine even after the court blazes a trail through our lands.”

  She glowed at his compliment and then remembered what she had forgotten to share with him. “I must warn you. Though most of the court will stay in luxurious tents in the meadow, Edward has always taken the solar as his own. ’Tis custom on royal visits and Lady Elia was only too willing to make the king happy. We should move our belongings this morning before he arrives.”

  “You can sleep with Mother in our old room. I’ll bed down with others in the great hall.”

  “As you wish.”

  Merryn tried not to show her concern. While it made perfect sense for her to sleep in Elia’s room and Geoffrey to be with various guests and servants in the great hall, she worried about his nightmares and how he mumbled during the night. Merryn realized that Geoffrey had no idea what occurred while he slept. Mayhap she would slip downstairs and watch over him tonight. She pushed those worries away and readied herself for mass and then broke her fast afterward.

  As expected, news came mid-morning. A rider appeared on the horizon, the Plantagenet colors flapping in the breeze as he approached. The messenger informed her that the king and his party would arrive in two hours’ time.

  Merryn turned to Tilda. “Send a rider across Kinwick lands so that our people can gather to pay their respects to the king.”

  Alys tugged on Merryn’s cotehardie. “I drew the king a picture, Mother.”

  Ancel, not wanting to be topped, added, “I’ll draw the king two pictures. And I will fight for him!”

  Merryn patted each twin on the head and sent them off to play. Making a final sweep through the entire keep, she found all to be in order. She huddled with Cook a final time before Tilda told her that her neighbors had arrived and awaited her in the great hall. As she went to greet them, she found all four in conversation with Elia.

  Hugh told her, “We met Lord Hardwin and Lady Johamma as we rode in. All your tenants are gathering, lining the road outside the gates and spilling into the outer bailey. Everyone wears their finest clothes, with smiles on every face.”

  “All you ladies look lovely,” Hardwin added. “Especially Lady Milla. You have quite a glow about you.”

  Milla blushed prettily. “I am with child, my lord. I believe it gives every woman a certain radiance.”

  The earl wrapped an arm around Johamma’s shoulder. “I hope we will soon be blessed in the same manner. Johamma is an only child, but we hope for many sons and daughters.”

  Geoffrey entered, greeting Hugh and Milla warmly. Merryn noted his stiff, formal welcome to Lord Hardwin. Geoffrey did give a kind word to Johamma, whose eyes were large.

  “I’ve never seen a king in person,” she told the group.

  “Neither have I,” Geoffrey shared. “I did meet Edward’s son, the Black Prince, when I fought under him in France.”

  Johamma shuddered. “I hope Hardie never goes to war. I could not stand waiting at Winterbourne for word if he lived or died.”

  “You never know. Sometimes war can come to your very gates without warning.” Geoffrey’s eyes darkened.

  Merryn found her husband’s response odd, but Tilda rushed in at that moment, distracting her.

  “The king’s banner has been spotted, my lady.”

  She slipped her hand through Geoffrey’s arm. “Shall we greet our liege?” She spied her children. “Ancel. Alys. Come along, now. Be sure you behave. It’s not every day you get to meet a king. Remember all we spoke of.”

  They exited the great hall and ventured outside the keep. Their entire party paused to wait at the top of the steps. Within minutes, the inner bailey became a pageantry of color. Hundreds of soldiers and finely dressed noblemen with their ladies arrived in waves.

  Merryn spied Queen Philippa of Hainault and was pleased to see her. She’d been ill and missed the last summer progress that had stopped at Kinwick. Merryn found the queen both kind and compassionate. Despite birthing fourteen children, Philippa remained a regal beauty with a fine figure.

  Merryn leaned into Geoffrey. “The king and queen have a very happy marriage,” she whispered. “He tends to behave well when she is present. I’ve heard the queen does not tolerate his tantrums.”

  “Then I am happy that she is in attendance.”

  Merryn motioned for everyone with her to descend the stairs. They did and arrived at its base as Edward and Philippa rode up. Royal guardsmen helped the pair from their horses.

  Merryn curtseyed and Geoffrey bowed to the couple. Edward commanded them to rise.

  “I am happy you could come, my queen,” Merryn said. “We missed your lovely company on the last royal visit.”

  The queen’s laughter tinkled. “The king insisted I accompany him despite the fact I have a new grandchild to visit. He told me that on this visit, he intends to abscond with your cook.”

  Edward gave his wife a mock look of anger. “You act as regent when I am gone from the country fighting. You accompany me on expeditions to Scotland, Flanders, and France. You give away no state secrets, yet you immediately spill what you know to Lady Merryn before we’ve had time to catch our breath?”

  Philippa grinned at him shamelessly. “I must give Lady Merryn fair warning. I’d hope she would return the same courtesy to me if in my position. A good cook makes for a happy home.”

  Merryn relaxed. Already, the royal visit had started off well. “Sire? I wish to present my husband to you since you have yet to meet him. This is Geoffrey de Montfort, Earl of Kinwick.”

  Pride filled her as her husband took a step forward and bowed again to the royal couple. Geoffrey wore the dark blue gypon and cotehardie from the day they wed. He looked even more handsome today than he did all those years ago.

  “Rise,” Edward commanded. The king studied the man before him. “My son has told me of you, Geoffrey de Montfort.”

  “The Black Prince is a natural leader who inspires loyalty. ’Twas an honor to be under his command, your majesty.”

  “But you came across one who was not so honorable, according to my son. You exposed a traitor if I remember correctly.”

  Merryn looked to Geoffrey, wondering what the king spoke of. She saw her husband wince. In the two weeks before they’d married, he’d spoken little of his time on the battlefield in France and had not mentioned it since his recent return.

  “I see by your wife’s face that you haven’t shared this tale with her.”

  “Nay, Sire. ’Twas of no consequence.”

  The king’s face grew stern. “Weeding out a nobleman who betrayed me is always of utmost importance. Winterbourne’s eldest threatened my very throne when he consorted with the French.”

  Shock numbed Merryn. She’d heard hushed whispers among the servants about Barrett’s death in France, but she had never asked for details. It hadn’t interested her. She’d only seen Berold’s eldest son twice in her life. She had thought the father very arrogant and felt Barrett was cut from the same cloth.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she located Lord Hardwin. A deep red flush covered his entire face. Johamma clung to her betrothed’s arm in fright. She looked as if she wished the ground would open and swallow them whole.

  Edward pushed on, unaware of the drama he caused. “Lady Merryn, your husband exposed one of my subjects for the criminal he was. Lord Geoffrey dueled in the name of the Plantagenets in a trial by battle against this traitor. His victory resulted in the beheading of this fool.”

  The king shrugged. “A pity. Winterbourne never seemed the same after his son’s death.” He clapped Geoffrey on the shoulder. “Enough of the past. My queen and I are here to enjoy our visit to your lovely estate.”

  Merryn had no idea how to smooth over the brewing situation. She now understood Geoffrey’s reluctance in allowing the twins to foster with Lord
Hardwin. The new earl had to be aware of the circumstances regarding his older brother’s death and how Geoffrey had been the one who brought the treasonous behavior to the notice of the Black Prince. It baffled her why Lord Hardwin would want the de Montfort twins fostering under his care.

  Unless it was to show Geoffrey that he was nothing like his traitorous brother. That’s all she could surmise.

  Merryn stepped forward. “Sire.” She indicated Hugh and Milla with a sweeping hand. “May I present my brother, Sir Hugh Mantel, who fought with you in northern Scotland. And my sister-in-law, Lady Milla. You met them on your last visit here, as well as my mother-in-law, Lady Elia.”

  The couple and Elia acknowledged the royals and conversed briefly with them. The queen smiled knowingly at Milla’s rounded belly.

  Then Edward looked over and pointed. “I don’t know you, my lord.”

  Hardwin moved forward. Merryn held her breath as he introduced himself.

  “I am Lord Hardwin, the neighbor to the north of Kinwick—and Earl of Winterbourne.”

  The king’s brows shot up at that news. He glanced from Geoffrey back to Hardwin. “Interesting,” he murmured.

  Merryn reached over and thrust Johamma forward. “This is Lady Johamma, Sire. Lord Hardwin’s betrothed.” Johamma curtseyed and then clung to her betrothed.

  Without warning, the twins rushed up and made their curtsey and bow. Merryn apologized for their eagerness.

  Alys handed some posies she’d gathered to the queen and gave the picture she had drawn to the king without a word. She stepped back and hid in her mother’s skirts.

  Ancel yanked his wooden sword up and declared, “I will fight with my king to the ends of the earth for England’s honor.”

  Edward laughed heartily. “I see you’ll make a fine knight. Just like your father.”

  Merryn said, “I have several entertainments planned for your visit, your majesty. A hunt. Feasts.” She named several of the courses she planned to serve and watched the king’s eyes glow in approval.

  “I also have a request.” Merryn paused, working up her courage in light of what she had learned moments ago. “I had hoped, Sire, that you and the queen would do the honor of attending Lady Johamma’s wedding to Lord Hardwin. They could marry here at Kinwick during your stay and celebrate with their wedding feast in our great hall.”

  Edward rubbed his jaw in thought. “I’ll consider it.”

  Merryn decided to sweeten the pot. “We also would like to hold a small tournament, Sire. Nothing fancy. Just our local knights involved.” She looked to Geoffrey for support.

  “My men-at-arms have been training for weeks in anticipation of your arrival, your majesty. They want to show off their jousting and sword skills to you and Queen Philippa.”

  The queen smiled at Geoffrey. “I do enjoy a good joust.” She gave her husband a pointed look. “And I adore weddings.”

  That decided things for Edward. “So be it. We will hunt tomorrow morning. The day after we shall celebrate a wedding. The following day will be the joust.” He rubbed his hands together. “Now, show me to your great hall, Lady Merryn. I grow faint with hunger.”

  She and Geoffrey led the way as Edward took the queen’s arm and escorted her up the steps.

  On the way, the king told Merryn, “We shall have a walk and talk, my lady. You, too, Lord Geoffrey. I have several questions that need to be answered regarding the state of affairs at Kinwick.”

  Merryn dreaded lying to the king about Geoffrey’s missing years and wondered what her husband would tell Edward.

  It surprised her when Geoffrey smiled easily. “Don’t think to distract me, your majesty. For during our talk, I shall have a guard of ten sworn to protect Cook.”

  Edward dropped his wife’s arm and paused. Merryn thought his look of outrage a bad sign that a tantrum might follow.

  Instead, the king burst into raucous laughter. “I rather like you, Lord Geoffrey. And as a man of your word, I believe you would most certainly protect your cook.” He slapped Geoffrey hard on the back and the two of them continued on their way.

  Merryn breathed a sigh of relief as Queen Philippa linked an arm through hers and they followed their men into the keep.

  Chapter 28

  They dined in the great hall. The king’s jovial mood continued. His appetite remained enormous and Merryn watched him consume vast quantities, especially various flavors of tarts.

  “I declare, these fruit tarts are even better than I remembered,” Edward said.

  “You most certainly would know. You have sampled a good five or more,” Philippa gently scolded.

  “Do you chide me, Wife?” Edward turned to Geoffrey for support. “Surely, my lord, a man should be able to eat a few simple tarts without worry.”

  “I could not agree more, Sire,” Geoffrey responded. Merryn saw her husband hide a grin behind the hand he brought to his mouth.

  “I am stuffed to the gills.” Edward looked at his wife. “Shall we retire to the solar? I am not as young as I once was. I wish to rest after our journey.”

  “I am most agreeable, Husband.” As they withdrew, the queen winked at Merryn. She had a feeling the king had more than rest upon his mind for the afternoon.

  As they rose, Hugh caught her elbow. “Milla and I have decided to return to Wellbury. She needs her rest, as well.”

  Milla nodded. “I seem to tire easily nowadays.”

  “I understand,” Merryn told her. “I was never as weary as when I carried the twins. The larger I got, the less energy I possessed. I swear those two sapped my strength and held it in their greedy little hands.” She looked to her brother. “Will you return for the hunt tomorrow?”

  “Nay, but we plan to attend the earl’s wedding the day after. I may also compete in the joust. I haven’t decided yet.”

  Merryn kissed them both farewell and they departed. Lord Hardwin and Lady Johamma joined her.

  The young woman took her hands. “Thank you, Lady Merryn, for seeing that my wedding takes place in front of the royal couple. You are such a brave woman. I would have quaked with fear and never found my voice to ask the king for that favor.” She cast her eyes down. “Especially after what transpired.”

  “We are happy to have you marry at Kinwick,” Merryn assured her. “I had already prepared some of the arrangements in advance in case the king agreed to the proposal. Our priest will be ready. All I need to do is learn of your favorite foods so they can be serve at your feast.”

  Johamma said, “Nay, please serve what delights our king. We shall be happy to eat whatever is placed before us.”

  Hardwin took Merryn’s elbow and squeezed it with affection. “Thanks to you, my lady, a most awkward situation turned into a cause of celebration. My deepest gratitude goes out to you.” He paused. “If you ever have a favor to ask that is within my power to grant, say the word. I will do everything to make it happen,” he said fervently.

  “Anything?” Geoffrey asked as he came to stand next to Merryn.

  Hardwin nodded. “Anything Lady Merryn asks of me, I would do.” He took her hand and pressed a kiss against her knuckles.

  Merryn sensed a ripple of tension in Geoffrey as she thanked the earl. He and Johamma took their leave.

  She turned to her husband. “I want to know about Barrett.”

  He glanced around the great hall. “Let us find some privacy.”

  Geoffrey led her to the small room which housed the estate’s records. He shut the door and offered her a seat.

  “I prefer to stand.” Merryn waited for him to speak. When he remained silent, she asked, “Why did you hide this from me?”

  Geoffrey ran a hand through his thick hair. “I never meant to.” He wrapped his fingers around hers. “I fought in France for so long, Merryn. When I made my way back to you and Kinwick, all I could think about was how happy I was to be home again. Leaving the horrors of war behind became important to me. I wanted to look to the future—our future—and never think about those
dark times again. If I could, I would forget everything that happened in France.”

  Her heart ached at his words and anguished tone. “You never told me how awful the war was. Nor how deeply it affected you. I’m sorry.” She tightened her fingers around his. “We won’t speak of it again.”

  “Nay. I owe you as much.” A shadow crossed his face. “The memories of losing men that I fought with will always haunt me. But worse than the bloodshed is knowing I was responsible for the death of my neighbor. Even though Barrett proved to be a traitor to his country, I lived. He didn’t.”

  Merryn saw the agony on Geoffrey’s face as he continued. “I had to look Barrett’s father in the eye while Lord Berold blamed me for his heir’s death. And knowing Hardie was so young. He must have looked up to Barrett as any younger brother worships an older one.”

  “I don’t think Lord Hardwin harbors any ill will toward you, Geoffrey, else he would not have asked for the twins to foster at Winterbourne,” Merryn said. “I’m sorry you seem to bear such guilt at turning over a traitor. A man who willingly betrayed his country. You did the right thing for your king and England.”

  But the look on Geoffrey’s face said otherwise.

  The hunt only involved the men. Merryn told Geoffrey she would remain behind to attend Queen Philippa and put the finishing touches on the evening’s feast. Tonight’s entertainment included a troubadour who would sing ballads of Edward’s battle victories and a talented jogelour to perform tricks of skill and magic.

  As the horses were saddled and brought out, Geoffrey mounted Mystery. His gut told him that today the king would address the time Geoffrey spent missing from Kinwick.

  He dreaded the conversation.

  “You shall ride next to me, Geoffrey de Montfort.”

  The words startled him. He looked up to find England’s king in the saddle, their horses side by side.

  “Of course, your highness,” he said, surprised at how confident he sounded. “It’s my pleasure to accompany you during the hunt. Our woods are wide and deep and will challenge you.”


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