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Mr. Cole: A Billionaire Tech Boss Romance (Billionaires' Clique Book 4)

Page 3

by Jess Jolie

  “Careful,” I warned with a forced smile. “Next time, I’ll zap you myself, with a much high voltage.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.”

  “Mostly from my father.”

  He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes. “He’s not due home anytime soon, is he?”

  “No,” I said and cleared my throat. “We’re not together anymore.”

  I am unsure what made me confide in him, but I stepped back and looked at him. “There you go.”

  “Thank you,” he said and looked at his hand. “That feels better.

  “Are you okay, Axel?” Katelyn suddenly asks, standing in the doorway.

  I did not want her to get any ideas in her head or make the wrong assumptions about me and Axel. Of course, I couldn’t exactly tell her the truth either. I couldn’t tell her that Axel wanted to buy her beloved grandfather’s company, which is why he is here.

  “Yeah, I’ll live,” he told her and touched her cheek.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know,” he smiled at her, and she looked at me with stars in her eyes.

  “Are you ready to eat?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” both Axel and Katelyn said at the same time.

  Like two peas in a pod, which was a little unsettling to me.

  At the dinner table, I closely watched Axel and Katelyn interact like they had known each other for years. It was hard for me to believe that the cocky and arrogant man who sent me those nasty emails was the same man sitting at my dinner table, having a spirited discussion with my daughter about robotics and coding. I was surprised at how good he was with her and how quickly she warmed up to him. Ever since her dad left and my father passed away, Katelyn had been having a tough time connecting with people. She spent most of her time in her lab, or front of her computer writing codes, or washing robotic videos online. I felt a little helpless, as I didn’t know how to make things better for her. Or for myself.

  Katelyn would come to me when she was ready to talk, and I wasn’t going to push her to open up about her losses to me when she wasn’t ready.

  “So, what exactly are you doing here tonight, Axel?” Katelyn asked.

  Axel glanced at me before turning his attention back to Katelyn. “I’m just having dinner with you and your mom.”

  “Like a date or something?”

  “Katelyn…” I warned.

  “It’s okay,” he assured me. “Not like a date at all. Just dinner. I just wanted to talk to your mom, and I got to meet you.”

  Katelyn cocked her head at me and raised an apprehensive eyebrow at me. “Really? So you’re not Mom’s new boyfriend or anything?”

  I let out a scoff, and Axel looked at me a little wounded, but I turned to Katelyn before his stare became too confrontational. “No, honey. He’s not my new boyfriend.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Katelyn continued eating, and I let out a slow breath in relief.

  After dinner, Axel excused himself as he took a brief phone call in the living room, and Katelyn returned to her lab in the basement. I was packing the dishwasher when Axel entered the kitchen.

  “I have to get going. There is an emergency at the office,” he said.

  “This time of the night?” I asked.

  “No rest for the wicked, as they say,” he scoffed.

  I walked with him to the front door and opened it for him.

  “Thank you for a great night,” he said to me.

  “I’m the one who has to thank you,” I said, and his brow furrowed. “Not telling Katelyn the real reason why you were here tonight.”

  “It’s not my news to tell, so. And besides, you don’t want to sell it anyway, no matter the price.”

  “That’s right; the company is not for sale to the likes of you…ever!” I said with a smug smile.

  Axel looked at me intently, his warm brown eyes luring me in, and my heart began to pound in my chest. I still felt his hands all over me, and as much as I wanted to act on this moment, I couldn’t.

  I would rather die than date a man like him.

  “Good night, Axel.”

  “Good night, Becky,” he said with a sexy wink that made me feel giddy as he walked to his car parked in front of my house.

  I bit my lower lip as I watched him leave, and as he climbed into his car, I stepped back inside and closed the door. I let out a slow sigh and shook my head.

  What is going on with me?

  Chapter Seven



  The sound of Katelyn’s voice sent me whirling back at the living room, and I looked at her.

  For the past few days, I had been very distracted, with the thoughts of Axel looming around in my head. I still couldn’t get over how good he was with Katelyn. Or maybe it was just an act to soften me up. She even seemed a little more cheerful, but that could also be because it was the preliminary rounds of RoboCon in an hour. She had been working so hard at perfecting her robot, and with the help of Axel, despite zapping him, she finally figured out why it was short-circuiting.

  I looked at her, and a smile formed on my lips. “I am listening, I swear.”

  “Then what did I say?” she retorted.

  “That I don’t need to cheer and take my banner along because that’s just going to embarrass you,” I answered and cocked my head. “See? I was listening.”

  She scowled at me and rolled her eyes just as the doorbell rang.

  “Could you get that, please?” I ask as I pack the dishes in the cabinet.

  “Okay,” Katelyn said as she skipped happily to the front door.

  I close the cabinet and hear her at the door.

  “You! Hey. What are you doing here? And why are you so dressed up?” she asked.

  “Kate? Who’s at the door?” I call out.

  “I think you should come see for yourself,” she called back.

  I sighed before leaving the kitchen, and as I entered the open plan area leading to the front door, I stopped in my tracks.

  “Axel?” I asked. “What are you doing here?” He looked great in a dark suit.

  “I’ve come to take you to dinner,” he said suavely and stepped inside.

  “But we already ate,” Katelyn pointed out, closing the door.

  “Oh, that’s a bummer,” Axel frowned. “Maybe I should have called first.”

  I pursed my lips and nodded.

  “Or you can just go out for dessert,” Katelyn suggested, and she and Axel exchanged glances.

  “Kate, can you give us a second, please?” I asked her.

  “Okay, but we have to go soon,” she reminded me.

  As soon as she was out of earshot, I turned to Axel. “What are you doing here?”

  “I really should have called,” he cringed.

  “Yeah, it’s just that she has to be at the first rounds of RoboCon’s contest for registration and all that,” I told him.

  “So you’re telling me, I got all dressed up, managed to get one of the best babysitters in the city, and we can’t even go get dessert?”

  I blinked and shook my head. “Wait, you got a babysitter? Katelyn’s going to be mortified. You know she’s ten, right?”

  Axel let out a laugh, and I instantly felt my insides turn to mush. What was it about this guy that made me feel this way? Maybe the thoughts of the chill-out room still lingered in my mind and my body. Girl, get those thoughts out!

  “Okay, since you put it that way and went to all that trouble, I guess we can go get dessert, but only after we’re done at RoboCon.”

  “Mom, you and Axel can go.”

  I whirled around, looking at Katelyn standing by the door. “What did I tell you about eavesdropping?”

  “I can’t remember, but it’s fine if you go. You can drop me and the babysitter,” Katelyn said and cringed at the last word, “at the conference hall. It’s going to take a couple of hours, so you can just pick me up after.

  After what?
  “Are you sure that’s okay?” I asked her.

  “Of course. As long as you are both there for the finals,” she told us.

  “Absolutely,” Axel and I answered at the same time.

  “Okay. You better get dressed then, Mom. The clock is ticking.”

  I chuckled as I headed upstairs because I knew there was no use arguing with Katelyn.

  About twenty minutes later, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pretty sure I was a little overdressed, in a black skirt tightly hugging my hips and my mom body, flaring a bit towards the bottom, a black top with fluttering sleeves, and a pair of beige heels I have not worn in a very long time. My hair was curled and parted to the left, and it’s been a while since I wore that outfit.

  I made my way down the stairs, and I heard hushed voices in the living room. Without making a sound, I peered around the bookshelf and saw Axel and Katelyn.

  “You know, when I was a kid, I didn’t have a dad. My mom worked all the time to look after me and give me everything I needed. We didn’t have a lot of money, but the one thing that she gave me an abundance of was love and encouragement. She told me that I could do anything and that the world was mine for the taking. I just had to believe in myself. And I did.”

  “And look where it got you. You’re a successful guy, with lots of money, a nice wardrobe, and a big company.”

  “That’s right. So you don’t have to be nervous about tonight. You’ve got this.”

  “Thanks, Axel,” she said. “You have all this stuff and a company and your accomplishments. But are you happy?”

  A smile formed on my lips as I proudly listened to my beautiful l daughter asking the important questions.

  “Before I met you and your mom, I was a little bit lonely, and I have to admit.”

  “But now you’re not?”

  “Not as much.”

  “Do you like my mom?” she asked.

  “Well, I-”

  Not wanting to know the answer to that question just yet, I stepped out from behind the bookshelf and announced myself. “I’m ready.”

  Both Katelyn and Axel turned, and Katelyn’s jaw dropped.

  “Wow, Mom. You look great.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes. I haven’t seen you look this nice since dad left.”

  I cocked my head and pursed my lips to prevent any kind of emotion from making its way out of my body. “Thank you,” I said hoarsely.

  “The kid’s right. You look amazing,” Axel said.

  “So, I’m guessing that’s a yes to my last question. Right?” Katelyn asked.

  Axel suppressed a smile and stared at me for a few seconds.

  “We should get going,” he said. “I don’t want Sadie to wait too long in the car.”

  Shit, the babysitter. I completely forgot about her.

  Chapter Eight


  After we dropped Sadie and Katelyn off at the conference center hosting RoboCon, I drove to the perfect place to get dessert. As she was seated across the table from me, I couldn’t take my eyes off Rebecca. She looked incredible, and I felt like a teenager again. Yes, even billionaires could feel inadequate when it comes to a beautiful woman.

  “I heard you talking to Katelyn about your mother and how she encouraged you,” she suddenly said, breaking the silence at the table. “That was nice of you.”

  “It’s a story that never gets old, though, but I haven’t told that to a lot of people. I guess I just share my stores with people who are important to me.”

  She smiled with a gentle nod. “She seems to like you a lot. And that’s incredible. She doesn’t like anyone.”

  “Really?” I asked. “Does that have something to do with her dad?”

  I didn’t want to come across as nosy or anything, so my question was gentle.

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “Ever since he left, he’s just been in her little world, not wanting to let me inside.”

  “I’m sure she’s just processing,” I said. “What happened with you and him?”

  She inhaled slowly and looked at me. “He woke up one day and decided that he didn’t want to be a part of our family anymore. He packed his bag, left us a note, and just disappeared.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked in shock.

  She nodded and pursed her lips briefly. “A few months later, he sent me divorce papers to sign. He’d met someone and wanted to get married. I happily signed them. I didn’t want anything to do with him, especially since he not only left me but Katelyn too.”

  “I am so sorry, Rebecca. I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, you didn’t, so you don’t have to be sorry.”

  “You had to deal with all that, and your father passing away, and there I was trying to take his company from you,” I pointed out, feeling guilty and like a complete jerk.

  “You were especially persistent.”

  “And you were impressively unwavering.”

  “Just like your mom told you that you could do anything if you mind to it, my dad told me to protect and preserve what is mine, and that’s what I am doing,” she explained. “I know I may not be the most suited for the job, running my dad’s company that I know very little about, I can’t just let it go. It’s the only thing that I have left of him, Axel.”

  “I get it.”

  “And I also understand that you can give the company so many more opportunities.”

  “But you can’t let it go yet.”

  She looked at me and nodded sadly. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe we can work something out.”

  “Like what?” she asked, her beautiful green eyes sparkling in the light.

  I drop my hand down on the table and lightly caress her arm. “What if we don’t talk shop tonight and just enjoy each other’s company?”

  “I’d like that,” she whispered. “I have to say, and I was shocked to see you at my door tonight. I didn’t think you’d want to see me again.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “How high was the voltage that Katelyn shocked you with?”

  I joined in her amused chuckling and glanced my hand over hers. “I’m serious, Rebecca. Even if we hadn’t met at Harmony, I am still a little pissed off that you just quit, by the way…”

  “I couldn’t go back there after…” My voice trailed. “After what we did. I wouldn’t have been able to look you in the eyes.”

  “Then look somewhere else.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled nervously. “That’s exactly the reason.”

  “Anyway, as I was saying, even if we hadn’t met at Harmony, I still wouldn’t have been able to ignore the attraction we had in my office,” I told her. “You’re a beautiful woman, Rebecca, and even though I’m not the kind of person who would normally say things like this, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “That’s strange,” she pouts and slowly looks at me. “I was just going to say the same thing. I’m a mom, running a company, and I shouldn’t be acting like a teenager, you know.”

  “You’re allowed to have a little fun,” I pointed out.

  She stared at me intently, and the corners of her beautiful mouth curled upwards.

  I’m not sure how exactly we ended up in a dark corner of the parking lot next to my car, but it happened quicker than either of us expected. With the attraction between us being so strong, I doubt that either one of us was surprised. Her body felt amazing against mine, and I had never felt this alive before. She was amazing.

  I pull her towards me and kiss her, deep and long. She doesn’t resist. Her mouth on mine drives me. Her lips were so soft. I can feel my erection grow, stirring in my pants. We’re hungry for each other.

  I drop to my knees. My hand slid between the fabric of her skirt and her skin, and she moaned softly as I licked her incredible pussy. Her back was pressed against the wall of the underground parking area, and the thrill of it pulsated through my veins. Her muffled moans gre
w louder as I slid my finger inside her, but I didn’t stop. The more I kissed and sucked her pussy, the more I wanted to touch her, and the more she responded to my touch, the more I wanted of her. A vicious cycle of the best kind.

  I nibble her ear and neck, placing soft kisses on her smooth skin. “Do you like that?” I whisper. I can’t hide my smile. She’s gorgeous. Her mom’s body is warm, soft, juicy, and curvy, making me weak.

  Rebecca unbuttons my pants. I’m not wearing boxers. She eyes my huge cock that’s now rock hard.

  I slid my hands up her skirt, hiking it up, and frantically pulled down her lacy panties. I dropped to my knees again and kissed her pussy, and sucked her juices. I lift her thigh, bury my head between her legs, and start to fuck her pussy with my tongue. She moans as I lick her, teasing her with my tongue, and she loves it.

  “Stand up! I want you,” she pants as she grips my hair. I feel like I’m going to explode.

  I slid my fingers into her. She lifted her leg and guided my hard cock inside her. A moan came from both our mouths, and I thrust myself inside her, holding the wall for support. Her warm breath in my neck set me ablaze, making me feel things I had never felt before. My thrusts grew more powerful and faster, and she grabbed onto my shirt as she tightened around me.

  I pull down the top of her dress and reach for her amazing breasts and place my mouth on her nipples and suck them. “Are you ready? Because I’m really going to fuck you now,” I ask with a wink. She smiles at me, so sexy. She dragged me over the edge as our combined orgasm ripped through us both, leaving us panting in the darkness.

  She was a mom, sure, but wow. No one has ever made me feel like that before.

  I can’t remember enjoying the company of a woman as much as this.

  Chapter Nine


  Oh god.

  I looked at myself in the rearview mirror, and I wondered what the hell was my problem.

  I had been sitting in my car in front of Axel’s building for almost thirty minutes, trying to gather enough courage to go to him and tell him that I liked him.

  After an incredible night together, although it was only a couple of hours, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I liked him a lot, and even Katelyn liked him. That was a big deal.


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