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Kelos: Spring (Shifter Seasons Book 4)

Page 12

by Harmony Raines

  “It means nothing to me if you are not happy.” He lowered his head and was about to kiss her lips, but she turned her head to the side and his lips grazed her cheek. Surprised, he jerked his head back. “Have I upset you?”

  “No.” She tilted her head to one side. “I’m not upset.”

  “Then what?” he asked. “Because you look upset.”

  “I don’t ever want you to sacrifice what you want, and what makes you happy, for me.” She frowned, her forehead wrinkled as she studied his face. “You might feel this bond between us stronger than me, but I don’t want to live in a one-sided relationship.” She placed her hand on her heart. “If we’re in this relationship, we’re in it as equals.”

  “I understand.” He gave her a lopsided smile.

  “So, you’ll promise me?” Amber asked.

  “Promise…” Kelos shuffled his feet, his jaw flexing as he mulled over his answer.

  “It’s not difficult. If you want me to be happy then you must promise that you won’t ever sacrifice what you want just to make me happy. Okay?” She might live to regret this, but she couldn’t live with someone who put her feelings and emotions above his own.

  “Equals.” He held out his hand for her to shake. They were about to make a deal. One he would stick to even though he would agree to anything to make his mate happy. There was something to be said for the strength of a promise made by a shifter mate.

  “Equals.” She slid her hand into his, closed her fingers around it, and then pulled him toward her.

  Lowering his head, he claimed her mouth, his tongue sliding along her lower lip as he sought access to her mouth. Amber pursed her lips, her teeth parting as she sucked on his tongue. Beneath her sweater, her nipples hardened, and heat spread through her veins until it was as if she were on fire.

  She wanted him. She wanted to tear his clothes from his body and throw him down on his pile of treasure and make love to him. But Margie was home alone with the kids and no matter how many times Kelos reassured her he would get back to the cabin fast if anything happened, she couldn’t relax. And she wanted to be very relaxed with her mate.

  “Shall we go home?” Amber asked as their kiss broke. She shone the flashlight up at her face like kids do when they tell ghost stories in the dead of night. “I love your treasure, but I do not love this cave.”

  “If that’s what you want to do.” He took one last look at the pile of gold and jewels before he led her toward the tunnel. She followed, having lost her bearings, she might wander around in circles for hours before she found her way back out again.

  “Thanks for sharing this with me.” Amber let go of the tension in her body as they exited the tunnel and quickly crossed the cave that led to the entrance back into the clean, clear air.

  “My pleasure.” He stopped before he left the cave and held out his hand for the flashlight. “When we have more time, I’ll teach you how to find the cave alone.”

  “You trust me?” Amber said in surprise.

  “With my life,” he told her, as the cave went dark and he placed the flashlight on a small shelf carved out of the stone. “This bond works both ways.”

  “Only one of us has a hoard of treasure and can sprout wings and fly over the mountains.” She hooked her arm through his as they exited the cave in the dark. Her eyes had become accustomed to the dim light of the flashlight and now it was if she wore a blindfold. She needed Kelos to guide her.

  “True. But you have a heart bigger than the biggest pile of dragon treasure I’ve ever seen.” He helped her as they descended from the cave entrance onto the valley floor.

  “Have you seen many piles of treasure?” Amber asked. “I never thought as to how many other dragons there are in the world. I kind of assumed you were one of a kind.”

  “I am one of a kind.” He grinned and she could just about make out the flash of white as the moon glinted off his teeth.

  “Does that mean you are alone?” How lonely his life must have been if he truly was the last dragon. And what about their children…if they had any? Would their children be the last of their kind? It made her sad to think of dragons dying out. Now that she knew they existed, she wanted there to be more.

  “No. There are other dragons. Some here in Bear Creek.” He couldn’t see her shocked expression, but he must have sensed her reaction. “Although, I have little to do with them. I like to keep myself to myself. The bear shifters and cougars are much more entertaining. Dragons have a dry sense of humor and often lack the ability to have fun. They particularly lack the ability to laugh at themselves.”

  “You are not selling me on the whole dragon shifter thing,” she admitted.

  “There is one dragon shifter I would like you to meet. He is the son of one of the last dragons I knew as a friend. His name is Lorcan.” Kelos stopped walking and turned to face her. They were in the spot where he had landed, and she suspected he was waiting to shift. Another ride on a dragon. She could not wait.

  “So, if we do have children, they won’t be alone.” Amber took comfort in that.

  “If we have children.” He paused, staring at her intently through the darkness. “I thought you said you didn’t want children.”

  “I didn’t,” she admitted. “But now…especially now that I’ve seen all your treasure, I think I might just change my mind.”

  He laughed. A deep belly laugh that reverberated off the high cliffs surrounding them. “I hope you pass your humor on to our children.”

  He encircled her waist and pulled her close, his mouth claiming hers. “I love you a little bit more each moment I am with you.”

  Before she could protest that he could not possibly love her already, he kissed her mouth and robbed her of her words and all coherent thought.

  Chapter Fifteen – Kelos

  They flew down the mountain on silent wings. The moon was high above them, casting his shadow onto the trees, but there were no living creatures around to bear witness to the dragon and his mate as they flew home.

  Kelos’s dragon was elated to have their mate on his back. If he had a choice, he would spend the whole night flying over the high peaks and down into deep valleys, thrilled at being as one with the woman they had waited for their whole life.

  But Amber was concerned about Margie and the kids, and Kelos was wise enough to know their relationship would suffer irreparable damage if anything happened to them while he’d promised to watch over them.

  He dipped his left wing and they banked, the tip of his wing skimming the tip of an old pine tree.

  With a surge of speed, he headed straight for the cabin, his muscles straining with each wingbeat as he flew straight and true. Was he trying to impress his mate with his strength and agility?

  Perhaps. But the dragon knew his time was short. Soon, his mate would return to the human world where there was no place for a dragon. Kelos’s dragon knew that, unlike many other shifters, his time with his mate would be limited to these secret clandestine meetings.

  There would be no frolicking in the waterfall like a bear might with his mate. There would be no lying on the grassy plateau sunning himself as a cougar would. His life and that of their children would depend on keeping his secret safe.

  “Thank you.” As he landed in the clearing in the trees where their night-time adventure had begun, Amber slid from his back and stood leaning against him.

  The dragon closed his eyes, absorbing her warmth, inhaling her scent, as he fought the need to gather her up and take her away from here. He was scared she might get hurt if the people who were after Margie and the kids found them. If he lost her now, his life would have no meaning.

  Let her go, his human said. She needs to check on her family and then sleep.

  The dragon nodded and affectionately puffed smoke in Amber’s face.

  “Thank you,” she repeated, only this time it was said in a sarcastic tone. He puffed one last plume of smoke before he closed his eyes and centered himself. The nearness of his mate affec
ted his senses and he didn’t want to screw up his shift and look like a fool.

  The dragon took a couple of steps back, then stood frozen in time staring at his mate before he let go of the world and allowed his human form to return.

  “You had fun?” Kelos asked as he stepped forward toward his mate.

  “I did.” She shook her head. “Not exactly what I would have expected for a first date. Seeing a pile of treasure is a first.”

  He grinned. “I am not like any other man you will ever meet.”

  “That is true.” She took hold of his hand and looped it around her shoulders. “You certainly are special.”

  “We are special.” He kissed her cheek. “Let’s go inside. I think your sister-in-law and the children are in bed.”

  “Is it that late?” She looked down at her watch. “Wow, I had no idea. Time flies when you are having fun and that dragon ride was fun.”

  “Do you want tea?” Kelos asked as he opened the back door and they went inside. He pushed his senses outward, double-checking that everything was as it should be in the house.

  “Yes, please.” Amber pulled out a chair and sat down. “Are they all right?” She pointed toward the ceiling. “I don’t want to go and check on them in case I wake them.”

  “They are fine,” he assured her as he set the kettle on the stove.

  “Good. They need a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow, I’m going to have to talk to Margie about Fabian. I’m concerned we’ve not heard from him.” She ran her hands across the tabletop.

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to make contact.” Kelos placed the two mugs down on the counter and went to the fridge for the milk.

  “We’re not. But under the circumstances, shouldn’t we at least try to check if he’s all right?” She leaned her elbows on the table and clasped her hands under her chin. Keeping her voice low, she said, “For all we know, something could have happened to him.”

  Kelos nodded. “Of course, if no one is there to check up on him, anything could have happened.”

  “Thanks.” She pressed her lips together. “I thought I was overreacting, but you’ve just confirmed my worst fears.”

  “If you can’t get hold of him, I could fly to wherever he is and take a look for you. Check in on him.” Kelos had to offer even though he didn’t want to be parted from his mate.

  “I can’t ask you to do that,” Amber insisted.

  “You didn’t ask me. I offered.” Kelos poured the tea and came to sit across the table from her. Placing the two cups on the table, he was just about to sit down when he froze and turned his head to the side. His eyes narrowed as he listened to the sounds of the night. Beyond the forest, he could sense something.

  “Kelos.” Amber reached for his hand, her touch jerking him out of his daze. “Is there someone there?”

  He switched his attention to his mate and shook his head. “It was just a shifter passing by.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  “Absolutely.” He slid into his seat and reached for her hand. “I’m sorry I worried you.”

  “No, I’m glad you are alert.” She wiped her hand over her eyes and sniffed loudly. “I just want this to be over. I want Fabian and his family to be safe.”

  Kelos nodded. “If you can’t get hold of him tomorrow, I’ll go and check in on him.” He couldn’t bear to see her afraid. If there was any way he could sort this out for her, he would.

  Whatever it takes, his dragon agreed.

  Whatever it takes. His fist clenched before he forced himself to relax. Fabian was trying to do the right thing. Yet it seemed he was the one being punished. Perhaps it was time for the dragon shifter to step in and break a few bones and burn a few homes.

  But the days when he could sort out problems with blunt force were gone. To help his mate, he would have to use his head.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Amber told him quietly. “I’m glad we met.”

  “Me, too.” His forehead creased as he saw the distress on her face.

  But what had he expected? That he would find his mate and they would have sunshine and rainbows every day of their lives? He’d be a fool if he thought their lives would be easy.

  You mean why would things change now? his dragon asked.

  Yes, life has never been exactly easy, Kelos agreed.

  “We’ll get through this together,” he promised his mate.

  “That’s why I’m so glad you are here,” she said. “Even though I feel bad for dragging you into my family drama. But at least I’m not in this alone.”

  “I’m here for you. Every step of the way.” Perhaps that’s how things would be different for Kelos from now on. He’d faced trials and tribulations all his life. He’d lived as an outcast, never feeling as if he belonged. Yet when he was with Amber, he didn’t feel alone, he didn’t feel like an outcast.

  She was his soul mate.

  “If you go to see Fabian, I’m coming with you.” She looked up and met his eyes and he knew in an instant there was no arguing with her. “Can you find someone to look after Margie and the kids?”

  “Yes.” Kelos nodded. “I have a couple of friends I can ask.”

  “Not Shawn,” Amber added quickly. “I don’t want him getting caught up in this. Not when he has Jane to care for.” She sipped her tea thoughtfully. “I should never have come here. Not really. I was selfish to put Shawn and Jane in danger.”

  “Don’t do that.” Kelos hated seeing his mate beat herself up about something she could not change. “You trusted your gut. You went to Shawn because it felt right.”

  “And I met you.” Amber looked down at her teacup. “What you’re trying to tell me is fate stepped in. If I hadn’t trusted my gut and gone to Shawn, I would never have met you and wound up here. Here where a dragon shifter can protect those I love.”

  “At least you haven’t been waiting around as long as I have.” He’d waited and waited. It was as if there was a hole in his heart that only his mate could heal and while he waited for her, it grew bigger. Or maybe the hole had been in his soul. Wherever it was it had gone, now he was whole, he was complete.

  “Okay.” She straightened her shoulders and looked up at him. “I’m going to trust in you and trust in fate.”

  “Agreed.” He averted his eyes. “I still don’t like the idea of you being in danger. I can go and see Fabian alone.”

  “And I don’t like the idea of you going to see Fabian alone, so I’m coming with you.” She sipped her tea, her eyes wide as she added, “Equals, remember?”

  “Equals,” he agreed. Although, tomorrow, he might try to persuade Margie to ask Amber to stay.

  That is underhanded, his dragon said. But he didn’t disagree. They both wanted to keep their mate safe.

  “We should go to bed.” Amber drained her tea and stood up. Her cheeks glowed from their night-time flight over the mountains. He’d never seen anyone or anything more beautiful than Amber with her tousled hair and bright eyes. Even though the corners of her eyes were pinched with fatigue, she was stunning.

  “We should,” he agreed, his voice husky as he stood up and collected the mugs from the table and placed them in the sink. “It’s been quite a day.”

  “That is an understatement.” Amber came to him and slipped her hands around his waist, before leaning her head on his chest. “It’s not every day you get to ride on a dragon’s back.”

  “You can ride on my back at any time.” He encircled her in his arms and cradled her against him. Breathing in her scent, he lowered his head and kissed her cheek. “I’m at your mercy, Amber. For a beast that has fought in wars and learned to survive by hiding his true self, that is a scary thing to admit. But I know I’m safe in your hands.”

  “Because you are in my heart and always will be.” She tilted her head back and looked into his eyes, “I’m at your mercy, too. I might not be a ferocious dragon, but I have a heart and that heart belongs to you. I can’t explain how or why after only
knowing you a day, but I know it nonetheless.”

  With a sigh of contentment, he lowered his head, his lips seeking hers. Amber nipped his bottom lip before sliding her tongue over the bruised skin, Kelos groaned and tightened his hold on her as their kiss deepened.

  He wanted her. And as she took his hand and led him to the living room, he knew she wanted him, too. The dragon was about to claim his mate.

  Or the dragon was about to be claimed by his mate.

  Either way, his dream was about to come true.

  Chapter Sixteen – Amber

  Amber tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it over his head and casting it aside before she reached out and stroked his bare chest. The tips of her fingers trailed lightly over the smattering of hair that spanned his pecs. Kelos tensed as she touched his nipples, circling them, teasing them before tweaking them between her finger and thumb. He groaned and bit his lower lip, fighting for control.

  “I want you, Kelos. Before we go and find my brother, before this whole thing escalates, I want one night where it’s just you and me.” She leaned forward and kissed his chest, featherlight kisses before she turned her head slightly and sucked his nipple into her mouth.

  He gripped her upper arms with his hands, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough that she knew she was driving him crazy. She liked crazy.

  Grazing her teeth over the hardened buds, she dropped her hands down to his belt buckle and yanked it open. The buttons of his jeans were no match for her eager fingers and the denim pooled at his feet, leaving him naked before her.

  “Not bad for an old man.” She took a step back and admired her handiwork.

  “I might have lived a long life, but I’m not old.” His husky voice filled with emotion and longing made her swallow down her own desire. The fire in his eyes spoke of yearning, a longing that needed to be fulfilled.


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