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Sweet Town Love

Page 39

by Maggie Ryan

  On autopilot with her throat in her stomach, for more reasons than one, she unlocked the door, stepped in, and locked it behind her before she even turned on the light. She didn’t want to be distracted by the feeling of his watchful eyes when she took in the sight of her store all set up. Her breath hitched as she flipped the switch, flooding the small shop with blinding fluorescent lights and gasped aloud as she took in the final result. Racks displayed socks from floor to ceiling on three walls, and scattered baskets overflowed with her favorites. Eventually, she hoped to do sales rack, and a “sock of the day.” For now—all she could do was stare. Her eyes filled with tears. She had been here many times before, setting up, and making sure everything was perfect, but today was different. Today was the day her dreams came to fruition and she could fulfill her vision of helping her community spread cheer, one pair of socks at a time.

  It sounded cheesy even to her, when she said it aloud in her head, but as she stared at the rows of colorful socks, all she could see was comfort. Each sock had been chosen with a possible scenario in mind, with a hope and a smile attached to it. When people came into her store, she wanted them to feel that, and to share their own stories and hopes with her as they made their choices.

  Maybe it was a lot to ask of a 600 square foot storefront. Maybe she was crazy. Maybe Jake was right to worry.

  After fighting with Jake, she had only forty minutes left before she officially opened. She didn’t really need any of them. Still, she flitted around the shop, straightening things that were already perfectly straight, making sure her display was organized exactly how she wanted it, stopping occasionally to run her fingers over a pair that particularly spoke to her. At ten to nine, she kicked off her shoes, and smiled down at her own socks, she had snagged from one of the boxes yesterday. Bright purple covered with multicolored socks. Perfect for the first day of the rest of her life. She picked up her boots, carefully placing them underneath the register, and opened her purse, emptying the bank envelope into the register carefully. Five minutes to go. Every minute felt like an hour as she watched the clock slowly tick away the seconds. At one minute till 9, when she could no longer stand the wait, she walked over to the door, unlocked it, and flipped the open sign.

  Sock it To Me was officially open for business.

  It took a whole five minutes for the place to fill with customers. They straggled in one by one as soon as the sign was flipped, bringing tears to her eyes as each one entered. Their neighbor down the street, Jake’s boss’s wife, two people she recognized from chemo. The high schooler who mowed their lawn once a week, and a few people she vaguely recognized but couldn’t place. Each one greeted her with warm congratulations, and grabbed one of the small shopping bags near the entrance.

  Joey stood frozen in the middle of the store, her heart filled to bursting as she listened to them chatter amongst themselves, oohing and ahhing over her wide inventory. As pleased as the crowd made her, this was not the vision she had.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Ryan?”

  Tony, the high school junior who spent weekends doing yard work to pay for football expenses stood before her looking nervous.

  She smiled up at him. “Yes?”

  “You have a great selection here. It’s kind of overwhelming.”

  “Why don’t you tell me what you have in mind?”

  “It’s my little sister. She’s twelve. She just made honor roll, and the cheerleading squad too, and I thought this would be a fun way to celebrate those things.”

  Joey closed her eyes, picturing the store in her mind’s eye, before opening them and making a beeline for the wall closest to the register.

  Her heart was racing as she strode up to the wall, and selected a pair from halfway down the rack. “What about these?” They were the color of a green chalkboard and decorated with pencils books, and A’s. A little juvenile, but that’s what made them fun. Joey didn’t wait for Tony’s response. She moved to the far left, and grabbed another pair from the very bottom row. These ones were bright pink, and decorated with megaphones and pompoms.

  A wide smile broke out on Tony’s tan face. “These are perfect, Mrs. Ryan. I’d like to do one more pair just for fun. Do you have any ideas?”

  Without hesitation Joey walked across the store and selected a pink pair with olive green polka dots to bring the trio together. Cheerleading and honor roll weren’t exactly the crises she had imagined herself solving, but she knew that her choices would make a twelve-year-old girl smile, and begin her mission to spread joy through funky footwear.

  No sooner had she rung Tony up, then one of the ladies she didn’t remember approached her. “That was like magic to watch. How you knew just what socks, and exactly where to find them. Do you think you could help me like that?

  “Well, I’d certainly like to try.”

  “My best friend is dying.”

  The breath left Jolene in a whoosh. It was exactly the kind of thing she had envisioned hearing, but the reality was much more profound. Instinctively, she grabbed the woman’s hand across the counter, “I’m so sorry. Tell me about her?”

  As the woman spoke, Jolene moved from behind the counter to stand next to her as she listened. Her smile was bright but sad as she spoke of her friend. “We met in chemo five years ago, and we became fast friends. I’m Mary, and she’s Beth. When we’re together our husbands just call us both Mary Beth.”

  “Well, you definitely need matching BFF socks then.” As soon as the idea left her lips, Joey hesitated wondering if Mary, who was on the wrong side of fifty would find the idea too juvenile. She was rewarded when the woman squealed loudly, clapping her hands together.

  “That’s perfect, Jolene. Now I’m really excited. I can’t wait to see what else you come up with.” She wiped a teary eye with one knuckle before continuing, smiling through her tears. “We both went into remission at the same time. A few months ago, her cancer came back. With a vengeance, as they say. It’s not responding to treatment this time. So Beth decided to stop treatment and spend the rest of her days having “grand adventures.”

  Jolene herself was starting to tear up as she listened. “That’s perfect. What kind of grand adventures?”

  “A girls’ weekend in Vegas, a Caribbean cruise with her husband, Disneyland with her grandbabies. She rented a trailer and we drove across five states to see the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Crater Lake, and The Pacific Ocean.” Mary lowered her voice and leaned forward, her cheeks tinging with blush as she whispered. She found a little private strip of beach connected to a nudist colony and made us go! I swear sometimes that woman is lucky I love her so much. I’d do anything for her.”

  Joey’s head was spinning with ideas. And also with memories. As she made a beeline for the back wall, her mind wandered.

  She picked him up from work the Friday before their first anniversary. Her heart was pounding in her chest, because as much as she wanted to do this, Jake rarely appreciated her impulsiveness and her crazy ideas, and there was no doubt how this would end for her. But it didn’t matter. Ever since the day she had gotten the all clear from cancer, she was determined to have adventures at every opportunity and leave nothing unexperienced. Jake both loved and hated it most days.

  “Are you going to tell me where we are going, babe?” Jake peered at her suspiciously from the passenger seat, his expression one of mild amusement mingled with weary nervousness.

  Joey tried to keep her voice teasing as she answered over the lump forming in her throat. These ideas always sounded good in the planning stages. When it came to actually implementing the plan, only then did she ever remember to weigh the pros and cons of her idea. “I can’t tell you, silly. Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  Jake eyed her wearily. “And we’re going to be gone for the weekend?”

  She nodded, having a good idea where this was going.

  “And you packed for me?”

  Again, a nod.

  “Did you remember to pack a paddle? Because if I know y
ou, darling wife, I’m going to need one.”

  She blushed and squirmed in her seat. She had had the same thought, which was exactly why she had conveniently forgotten to pack it. The real truth was that she hadn’t packed much of anything really besides their toothbrushes, and a few other necessities. They wouldn’t need more where they were going.

  Jake gave her a long side eye, reading her like a map the way he always did, and chuckled. “Forgot to pack it huh? No big deal. There’s always my belt. And depending on where we are going, I’m sure we’ll find something else we can put to good use.”

  She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Lucky me, I don’t think they will have anything too scary where we are going. Nice try though. Not that you’ll need it anyway.” The last part was a bold faced lie. Jake was going to be furious when he saw what she had planned. Boy had no sense of humor.

  “I hope I don’t. But it doesn’t matter where we go. There are trees everywhere.”

  Her eyes widened at the implication. Jake had never mentioned using a switch on her before but now that the idea was out there, she had no doubt that he would make good on his threat. The idea of it nearly had her turning the car around and heading home. But that would make him even more suspicious.

  She was just going to have to come to terms with the idea that a switching was probably in her very near future. Something to add to her list of new experiences, although that wasn’t exactly what she had had in mind when she wrote the list.

  Pulling onto their exit, she drove only a mile before they were deep in a forest. Her bottom clenched as she took in the sight of all the trees. Trees for miles. She was going to have to be on her best behavior this weekend that was for sure.

  Her breath was shaky as she pulled up in front of the log cabin that read “office.”

  “You stay here, Jake. I’ll go get us all checked in. I want you to be really surprised.” Anything to delay the investable, but mercifully, Jake agreed.

  She had pre-paid, so the check in process really only consisted of getting their key and cabin assignment. She had paid extra for a cabin on the lake. In hindsight, that probably hadn’t been the best idea. Maybe she could keep him in the cabin for the whole weekend, and he wouldn’t notice that everyone was walking around without clothes. What had she been thinking?

  Jake was in good spirits as they checked out the small log cabin, with its king size bed, and fluffy down bedding, roaring fireplace and full mini kitchen. “This is nice, babe. Perfect for a relaxing anniversary away with the one I love.” He leaned in for a quick kiss, and she blushed at his praise, realizing she would do whatever it took to keep him from finding out the truth. Experiences be damned.

  “I’m glad you like it. And I’ve packed groceries and everything. We don’t even have to leave the cabin.”

  His evening scruff tickled her cheek as he pulled her closer, nuzzling her face against his until she begged for mercy. “I like that idea.”

  Hopeful, she shrieked as he threw her down on the bed, peeling her clothes off as they kissed. She met his every touch with one of her own—their bodies entangled as they celebrated their love.

  When it was over, she had smirked to herself, mentally patting her own back at her cleverness. And Jake, being Jake—always quick to move on to the next thing—hopped up and began pacing around. “Staying in all weekend sounds nice, but I have a feeling the view is amazing.” He peeled back the curtains behind the small dining table, revealing a sliding glass door leading out to a large patio. She could see the clear blue water of the lake from where she lay. She could also see bodies. Lots of them. Everywhere she looked. Lounging on the shore. Playing volleyball in a large court of to the side, couples in kayaks, and on paddleboards, and even a few on jet skis. And not a single one of them wore a stitch of clothing.

  “Jake!” She cried, desperate to stop him from stepping out onto the patio—but it was too late. The door slid open, and he stalked out. She could hear him gasping as he breathed in the cool mountain air. She closed her eyes and waited. And then, a different kind of gasping. His work shoes seemed louder than ever as they clomped along the hard wood floor of the cabin, until she could feel the room darken from his shadow as he towered over her.

  “Jolene Marie Ryan.” There wasn’t a hint of humor in his deep timbre. “You have some explaining to do.”

  She opened one eye and squeaked as his dark foreboding expression came into focus. “I wanted the experience!” she cried, knowing it was a fruitless argument. It was the same one she always used, and it never did her any good.

  “You wanted the experience of dragging your unsuspecting husband to a nudist colony, without his knowledge? Answer me, little girl,” he growled, bending down to hover over her. His minty scent wafted above her, assaulting her nostrils, as he grabbed her by the wrist and hauled her off the bed. She groaned. This was the point where she usually ended up face down across his lap, but not this time.

  “Strip,” he ordered, folding his arms across his still fully clothed chest.

  “Jake…I…” Her mouth was arguing but one stern look had the rest of her racing to obey, and before she knew it she was standing in front of him, naked as the day she was born.

  “This is how you will be all weekend. You want new experiences? I’ll make sure you get plenty. Starting right now.”

  Her brain couldn’t even begin to process what that might mean, but it didn’t matter. Jake had already grabbed her arm again, and was dragging her out to the patio.

  “Sit.” He let go of her arm, and pointed to a rusty old patio chair—the kind with vinyl slats and a metal frame. She sat, cheeks burning at her predicament, as she watched him stalk off the patio and head towards the small grove of trees by the water. Several people stopped to watch him, the only clothed person for miles, as he circled the tree, picking first one switch and then another. He looked straight at her, but didn’t move as he retrieved his pocketknife and began the process of preparing the switches. His eyes never left hers as he swung them through the air, testing their pliability.

  Joey shivered as she watched him, fully aware it wasn’t a bit chilly. She could feel the eyes on her as the attention of the onlookers shifted. She should have thought this through. The oft-uttered phrase tumbled through her brain and she couldn’t help but chuckle at herself. Those words were fast becoming her mantra. Since the day they said she was in remission, she had vowed to grab life by the horns and hang on for the ride. It was a vow that, combined with her impulsive nature, often got her into a pickle, first in life, and then with her husband.

  Just like now, she reflected, gulping as her husband made his way towards her, two freshly cut switches grasped in his fist, and his determination evident in his gait.

  She watched in silence. There was nothing to say once Jake made his mind up, and arguing would only make it worse.

  Darkness engulfed her, blocking the sun, and she looked up to find him standing over her.


  She stood, and he sat in her place, speaking not a word, as he casually pulled her bottoms up across his lap right there on the patio. Evidently, they were going to be putting on a show for a crowd of nosy nudists. Shame tinged her cheeks, as she knew she should be embarrassed. But there was also the bubble of excitement in her tummy she got every time she had a new experience. Jake had never spanked her outside of their bedroom. And certainly not ever in front of anyone.

  He started with his hand. Jake always warmed her up. Sometimes the warm up was worse than the “real spanking,” although she had an inkling that wouldn’t be the case today. His hands were hard and rough—surprising for a nurse, but he said the latex gloves dried them out. She was forever buying him lotions, but he liked having rough man hands.

  The friction of his rough dry skin against her soft skin made the spanking slightly easier to take, she suspected, but she didn’t dare tell him that. He did well enough without any help.

  The loud clap of his hand against her bare backside see
med louder than ever before—and she swore it echoed off the lake. The onlookers, who had, ten minutes earlier, been quite a rowdy bunch, were completely silent. If she didn’t have a perfect view of twenty sets of feet from her current position, she’d have sworn they had scattered.

  Jake’s hand wore a steady rhythm into her backside for what seemed like twenty minutes, but was probably only two. Jake spanked fast. Right, left, right, right, left, left. There was no time to breathe, or even cry out between the swats. Her breaths came out in little gasps as each one landed. She could feel the skin warming as he meted out his displeasure. And then he stopped. Strong arms lifted her into a standing position. What was the meaning of this? Had he changed his mind? Were the unabashed stares of the audience too much for him? She looked at him, eyes wide and hopeful—waiting to hear him usher her inside. No such luck. He only chuckled, turning her around so that she was facing the lake, and the crowd of naked bodies. A slight but firm push across her lower back, and she found herself bent over the railing. And then she understood.

  Jake hunkered over her, his clothed body covering her naked one, as he bent to whisper in her ear. “So, you wanted to experience a nudist colony, huh? Another one for the list? And you decided I was coming along for the ride, whether I liked it or not?”

  “I…uh…sorry?” she squeaked, not entirely sure if she was sorry yet, although she knew she was about to be. Jake’s words echoed her own thoughts.

  “I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be naked in front of a bunch of strangers. I’d be perfectly happy being holed up in the cabin all weekend long.” He paused, his sigh long suffering. “But I know you. You want to experience everything here. You probably already have us signed up for everything they offer.”


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