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Sweet Town Love

Page 46

by Maggie Ryan

  “That one feature was the reason I bought this baby.” He held her hand as she folded herself inside the muscle car, and Tom gave her a wink before shutting the door.

  When he got in the driver’s side, he leaned across Sharon and grasped the seat belt. “Always gotta buckle up.” His breath stirred her hair and made a shiver run down her spine. He brought the belt around her and buckled her in. She watched as he started the engine and put the car in gear. “I’m always tempted to do a peel out, but as chief of police, I don’t want residents to get the wrong idea.” His eyes danced with merriment and the smile he sent shot straight to her heart.

  “Boys and their toys.”

  “That’s right, baby.” He rested his forearm across the top of the steering wheel. “Do you like Cuban food?”

  “Cuban! I don’t think I’ve ever actually eaten it.”

  “There’s a great little place in downtown Raleigh. It looks a bit like a dive but it has the best food you ever ate in your life, Cuban or otherwise.”

  “Sounds exciting. I never knew you were so… well… such a man about town.”

  Tom chuckled. “I’ve been around a bit since high school.”

  Sharon’s heart fluttered. She was actually nervous. This was the first date she’d been on since meeting Jerry. The last two years had been so disheartening, she hadn’t wanted to go out with anyone. Plus, she’d been too busy trying to earn a living and taking care of the kids to think about men. The club scene had never been her thing and online dating did not interest her in the least.

  “When do you start your new job?” Tom startled her out of her thoughts.

  “Next week. I’m looking forward to it. I think I’ll like the hospital. It’s smaller than where I worked in Jacksonville, but I’m ready for a change.” I’m ready for a change on a lot of fronts.

  “I’m glad you agreed to come. I was beginning to think I was going to have to hogtie you to get you alone. Bobby and Megan are great, but I needed some alone time with their mom.”

  Sharon leaned back in the seat and thought about that. I just can’t believe Tom Sydney is interested in a divorcee with two kids when he could get any sweet young thing he wanted. I wonder if there are any skeletons in his closet?

  They arrived in Raleigh and Tom smoothly parallel parked his mustang. Sharon unbuckled her seatbelt and got ready to open the door. “No, no, no,” he said. “You sit right where you are.” He came around the side and opened her door. He took her hand as he helped her out, then wrapped her arm in his.

  A small restaurant on the corner with a bright orange neon light proclaimed Cuba, Cuba. A multicolored rooster hung in the front window. Tom opened the door for her, and Sharon was met with the most delicious smells she had ever encountered.

  The building was old but clean, and filled with a wonderful ambiance. People sat at small tables scattered across the room. Tom led her to a little booth in the corner at the back where they sat down. The hum of conversation and the clink of glasses filled the room. Latin music played in the background.

  Sharon loved the place. “This is certainly different. I love it.”

  “I thought you might.” The waiter came over immediately and brought some water along with the menus.

  Sharon smiled over at Tom. She felt like she was in a dream. His presence filled her senses and a feeling of peace settled around her heart. He was so wonderful to be around. She looked at his long, masculine fingers and the square shape of his hands as he held the menu.

  He must have felt her eyes on him, for at that instant, he looked at her and smiled. “I don’t mean to be overbearing, but if you’ve never eaten Cuban food, I could order for us. I’ll get several of my favorites and we can share.”

  Sharon leaned her elbow on the table and put her chin in her hand. “Please do.” She didn’t even bother to look at her menu. She was too busy looking at him. The waiter took the order and the menus disappeared.

  “How do you like nursing? Are you glad you went into that field?”

  Now here was a safe topic she could warm up to. She took a sip of water. “I really love it. I enjoy working with the patients, but the hours can be a bit of a bear. Now that I’ve got a few years’ experience under my belt, I don’t have to work the night shift if I don’t want to. Central Hospital has offered me a good schedule. I’ll be working days, which really helps with the kids. Mom’s going to meet the school bus for me, and I’ll be home every day by five. I’m really lucky.”

  “I don’t think luck has much to do with it. You finished school, you did the work, and you’ve earned this, Sharon.”

  She looked down at her lap. “I guess I don’t think of things that way, so much.” The food arrived and a tantalizing aroma arrived with it. It looked absolutely wonderful.

  Tom described each dish. “Ropa vieja is the Cuban dish of all Cuban dishes. It’s basically a meat stew, slow-cooked with onions, tomato sauce, veggies, and spices. It’s served with rice, beans, and fried plantains. Arroz Con Pollo is chicken with saffron-infused yellow rice with peas, carrots, and green beans. And it’s not just chicken; there’s a medley of spices and flavors going on there that I can’t even define for you. You’re going to love it I think.” Tom had asked the waiter to bring separate plates and he served her something from each dish, then got some for himself.

  It was every bit as delicious as he’d described. Sharon rolled her eyes. “This is fantastic. I’ve never had anything quite like it.” She looked out the frosty windowpanes of the restaurant, then back at Tom. “The flavors really warm you up. I feel like I’m in the tropics just tasting this.” The earnest, inviting look in Tom’s eyes, made her want to melt like last year’s snowman.

  “Save room for the tres leches cake,” he said. It’s the best Latin American dessert ever made.”

  A few couples had gotten up to fill the small dance floor. Sharon watched with interest. Though it was casual, they all looked like they knew what they were doing. Tom ordered mojitos from the waiter and sat back in his seat. She could feel his eyes on her. The next song was slow and sensual, the couples stood very close together and they swayed and stepped in perfect time to the music. It was so sexy, Sharon had to look away. She glanced at Tom and he gave her a lazy smile.

  “That’s a samba. Would you like to try?”

  “Good heavens, no. I don’t know how to dance at all, much less all that complicated Latin stuff.”

  He reached across the table and took her by the hand. “All you need to do is lean on me. I’ll do the rest.” Sharon swallowed hard. He was far too much of a temptation. She let him lead her out of their booth, across the restaurant, and onto the tiny dance floor. He held her right hand in his and wrapped his left arm around her waist. Pulling her entire body against him, he growled in a low whisper, “Put your arm on my shoulder and just relax.”

  They fit together like two puzzle pieces. “Here’s the pattern.” She felt him pull her as he gave instructions. “Right, step, step, left, step, step. Just keep leaning on me and you’ve got it.”

  Sharon let him lead as she followed his slow movements. Their feet and hips moved as one, and it wasn’t more than a few minutes before they were cruising the dance floor like professionals. She wasn’t even concentrating on the steps anymore as he swayed with her in his arms. Never had she ever felt more secure. He smelled crisp and clean and somehow, masculine and sweet at the same time. She tilted her head up and he looked down into her eyes and smiled. “Fun, isn’t it?” She nodded, wishing the music would go on forever. He gave her a last twirl under his arm as the song came to a close and escorted her back to their table.

  The waiter brought dessert and coffee, and Sharon took a big bite of the yellow cake placed in front of her. The tres leches cake melted in her mouth. It was moist and creamy, sweet, but light as a feather. “Oh my,” she exclaimed. “I’ve never tasted anything like this.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes again.

  Tom chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I know, right?
It is so good.”

  It seemed like the evening had only lasted a few minutes when she looked at her watch. “Oh gosh! Look! It’s already ten o’clock.”

  “What’s wrong? Do you turn into a pumpkin at midnight?”

  Sharon had to laugh. “No, I guess I’m just so used to needing to be home for the kids. I forgot they are spending the night at Mom’s.” She bashfully looked down. “I haven’t been on a date in a long time.”

  “Why not?” Tom pushed his empty dessert plate to the end of the table so the waiter could get to it. He poured some cream into his recently refreshed cup of coffee.

  “Well.” Sharon looked around the room. “This sure is a cute place. I never imagined I’d be dancing the Samba tonight.” She took a sip of coffee and finished off the last of her cake.

  Tom placed both elbows on the table and leaned toward her. “Why not?”

  “You know most of the story. My divorce wasn’t final till just a few months ago. I didn’t think it was right to date until then.”

  “I can respect that, but I think there’s a little more to it than that.”

  Sharon blinked her eyes innocently. Do I really want to get into this on our very first date? No. She shrugged her shoulders as she took another sip of coffee. “It’s been a tough couple of years.”

  They chatted on about Flat Rock and Tom told her lots of stories about his work as an officer. He liked being chief of police. “I think I’ve found my calling. That’s a nice feeling.”

  Sharon smiled and crossed her feet at the ankles. “Me too. I never thought about it before, but I think I’ve found my calling too.”

  They laughed together. “Well, Little Bits, it seems it is getting late. I guess we should be going. We’ve still got a bit of a ride back home.”

  Sharon sighed but agreed. “I had a wonderful time. I can’t thank you enough.” Tom helped her on with her coat and they made their way out the door, down the street, and back to his car. He opened the door for her, and she folded herself in again.

  He went around the driver’s side and got in. She purposely waited for him to put on her seat belt. He raised his eyebrows in question but she just sat there grinning. He obliged by reaching over across her to grasp the belt, and this time, he hesitated when his face came near to hers. He reached up with his hand and caressed her face, running his fingers through her hair. As his lips met hers, he held her face, his thumbs tracing a line along her jaw. He tasted even better than the tres leches cake.

  Slowly, he kissed her, tilting her head to the side to give him better access. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and she felt the kiss all the way down to her toes. He moved his tongue lightly along her lips then expertly dipped inside, teasing, then retreating, then coming back for more. Sharon heard herself moan. Tom leaned away, pulled the seatbelt across her and clicked it shut.

  He stared straight ahead as he revved the engine to life and pulled out onto the street. It was quiet, and he seemed completely comfortable with that. Sharon’s thoughts were racing a mile a minute. That’s the best kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life. She looked over at him as he drove. The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  “So, how come you’re not married or at least in a relationship with someone?”

  Tom raised an eyebrow as he cut his eyes over to her. “Nothing like coming right out and saying it.” He cleared his throat. “I’ve dated. I had a three-year relationship with a woman a few years ago. She moved away and the distance was too hard to overcome. Truth was, even though I liked her very much, I wasn’t serious enough to continue things.” Then he said something that totally shocked her. He reached over and took her hand, intertwining her fingers with his own. “If I’m honest, I never got over you. It may sound silly, and I know we were just in high school, but I think letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life.” Sharon’s intake of breath was audible. Tom continued. “We were right to wait till we were older. We both needed to finish school and grow up a little bit. But when I heard you were engaged, I was devastated. In all the years since, I’ve never been able to get you off my mind.” He lightly squeezed her hand, then let it go.

  She didn’t know what to say. Her heart was pounding at his words. A terrible sinking feeling took hold in her stomach. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The words Jerry had said to her, over and over and over went through her mind. “Nobody will ever want you. You’re a fat, used up old hag with two kids. No other man will ever want you.” He’d used those words for years to keep her from throwing him out.

  It was her turn to look straight ahead. “I’m nothing like I was in high school. I was so full of dreams then, and so in love with you. I was going to conquer the world, but instead it conquered me.” She looked straight at Tom and he glanced over to her then back to the road. “I don’t want you to get in a situation you’re going to regret. I’m a loser, Tom. I’ve got two kids and I’m flat broke. Shoot, I need to lose twenty pounds and…”

  Tom suddenly pulled off the road on a quiet strip of highway. He undid his seat belt then quick as a flash, he reached over and undid hers. Before she knew what had happened, he had dragged her from her seat, and she found herself lying face down across his lap, sprawled completely across the mustang. His hand came down in a sharp smack across her behind.

  “What did you just say, young lady?”

  “Tom! What are you doing?”

  He smacked her again. Right across the seat of her pants.

  “Ow!” she yelled.

  “That’s not what you just said. Did you just call yourself a loser?”


  He spanked her again. Twice! “You are never to say such a thing again.” He spanked her again. Her bottom was really beginning to burn. “In fact, you’re never to think such a thing again.” This time he spanked her in earnest. His huge, thick, hand came down four more times, right in a row.

  Sharon knew him. He wasn’t going to stop till he got what he wanted. “All right!” she relented. “I promise. I will never call myself a loser again.”

  He spanked her one more time. “Or think it!” he yelled.

  “Or think it,” she loudly agreed.

  His hand was now resting on her bottom. He gave her three light pats. “That’s much better.” Slowly he helped her sit back up, nestled her back in the seat and put her seat belt back on. Her hair was falling down over her face but she had managed not to cry. Her behind sure stung.

  He pushed her hair out of her face. She looked him straight in the eye and said, “Good grief.”

  He actually shook his finger at her. “Now you listen to me, Sharon Stanford Blake. You are one beautiful woman. If you lose a single ounce, I’ll paddle your behind myself. No man wants to be with a stick thin, skin and bone skeleton. You’re gorgeous. You’ve got two of the greatest kids I’ve ever met. I’m already in love with them. Stands to reason, since I’ve been in love with their mother for years. You survived a terrible time. You did it. You got out of an abusive relationship, and you took care of your kids to boot. That means you’ve got character and grit. That’s something I admire. Money? Who cares about money? You can always get money. What you can’t easily get is your integrity, and that, my dear, is something you never lost.”

  He pulled back onto the highway. Tears were streaming down Sharon’s face. His words rolled over her heart like sunshine in summer. She felt as if the ice flow that had surrounded her soul was finally breaking up.

  “I love you, Tom Sydney.”

  He squeezed her hand in response. “I love you, Sharon Blake.”

  The End

  Beth Bennett

  Beth Bennett hails from the Southern United States. I have always loved Romantic fiction. I like to call it, "fun fiction." Not everything I write is historical, but everything I write is always romantic! If you like a great escape and "feel good fun," I think you'll enjoy my books.

  I love the outdoors and spend lots of time in our National Parks.
Hiking and camping are some of my favorite things to do. I also volunteer to take groups canoeing whenever possible. On a personal note, I have two grown sons and one grandson. Thanks for your interest and KEEP READING!

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Beth Bennett and Blushing Books!

  Single Titles

  Magnolias at Twilight

  Wedded Captive

  The Cure for Cabin Fever

  Under the Strawberry Moon

  The Whiskey Series

  Virginia Gentleman, Book One

  Southern Comfort, Book Two

  Wild Turkey, Book Three

  Written with Vanessa Brooks:

  His Colonial Rose: Masterful Husbands Prequel


  Sweet Town Love



  Paige Parsons

  Part I

  The Background


  Mrs. Ross was set up to welcome another year of brand new seventh graders to her class. The transition from elementary school to middle school was a tough one and she hoped, like she did every year, that each child would find their niche for a happy and successful school year. She also hoped for no fights, no overbearing parents, and a quiet class (that hated excessive chatter as much as she did). The last one was unlikely, but she held out hope.

  The morning went well and she was thrilled that her only new student, Jacob Martin, was off to lunch with a great group of kids and their gregarious little leader. Beulah Isabelle Grayson was the daughter of a Black, stay at home mom, who was a painter, and a White, physician father. She was smart, funny, friendly, and a force. She was small in stature, but huge in spirit. A bit of a tomboy, Belle (who refused to use her first name) never shied away from a challenge. The last one in class who would turn twelve, she was younger than her peers and a little bit smaller, with a head full of tightly wound curls and huge eyes. She worked as hard on her dribble in PE as she did in her advanced math class. If she were determined to make something happen, nothing could deter her. Mrs. Ross was glad that Belle wanted the handsome boy to be a part of their group.


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