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Sweet Town Love

Page 48

by Maggie Ryan

  Broken Promises

  “No, no! You have to go. Go!”

  “Princess, please. I know this is a shock. I swear to you I didn’t do this to hurt you.”

  “You’re joining the Marine Corp? I can’t even wrap my brain around that. You were never even in ROTC. It doesn’t make sense. What the hell did they offer you? There has to be a way to get out of it.”

  “Please sit down. You’re making me dizzy. Belle, please sit down and calm down. This is exactly why I canceled going out to dinner. I didn’t want a scene.”

  “Well, you sure as hell picked the wrong thing to tell me to avoid that.”

  Jake had brought her down to the pool house and out of hearing range from her parents. Seeing her excitement over their plans had his stomach knotted in guilt, all week. When she asked him to go shopping for dorm room things, he knew he had to put a stop to it. He had to tell her that going to college right away was no longer an option. With his father’s unexpected death at the end of their junior year, mounting bills, and a little sister on his heels, Jake had begun to seriously listen to Gunnery Sergeant Martinez, the local Marine Corp recruiter. He could get his education and earn a solid living. He couldn’t pass that up. The Graysons were wonderful to him and he hated to disappoint them or Belle, but he had to put his family first. They had understood and felt certain that Belle would be fine on her own on the west coast. The one thing they made him promise was that he would tell her on his own. They refused to buffer it for him.

  Matt and May knew how Jake truly felt about their daughter, but when he’d first come asking for permission to date her formally, during the tenth grade, they’d said no, both believing Belle to be too immature for a full-fledge relationship. If it were somehow possible, they thought her to be even more naive than May was when they’d first met. They wanted Belle to finish high school drama and boyfriend free. After that, they would happily endorse the relationship if it were what they still wanted.

  May carried all sorts of guilt for manipulating things in the way her own mother would, but she felt she understood her mother better now that she had a daughter of her own.

  Now, Jake regretted agreeing to the wait. He would never tell her the truth, because Belle would have a hard time forgiving them, and coming between them was the last thing he wanted. She would need them once he was gone and if, God forbid, something happened to him.

  “I just want to spend the little time we have left being with my best friend. We planned to make our senior year unforgettable and that’s exactly what I want to do,” he said.

  Belle doubled over like she’d been punched in the gut. Her screaming cries were frightening and had him on his feet. The pain seemed almost physical. Jake wanted to comfort her, but his approach turned her rabid.

  “Get your hands off of me! I don’t want your comfort, not your hugs or stupid words full of broken promises. You, Jake Martin, are nothing but a liar. I will never forgive you for this. If you didn’t want me, why have you been stringing me along?”

  Was that what he’d done? He hadn’t meant to. Standing at the door, he watched his sweet Belle curled up in a ball, sobbing her soul empty. As time continued to pass he knew she needed comfort, but that she wouldn’t accept it from him. He called up to the main house and silently switched places with the Graysons. May squeezed him extra tight, because although he never uttered a word, his anguish poured from his eyes, soaking his shirt.


  “I want you out of my pool, out of my house, and out of my life!”

  The yelling could be heard from the pool to the house. He couldn’t make out the reason for it, but Jake was beating grass across the back lawn to get to the culprits. He’d only gone inside to use the bathroom and bring out some more burgers for the grill. As he was lowering the lid on the grill, he heard Belle’s voice over the music, their friends, and the sloshing of pool water.

  “You’re nothing but a skank and you’re the worst kind, desperate and willing to be sloppy seconds. You’re pathetic!”

  Kasey leapt for Belle. Limbs and water were flying. Jake let out the loudest whistle he could manage as he came to a running stop at the edge of the pool. Teenagers were in various modes of swim readiness. There was more flesh than fabric seen across the vast lawn, as the Virginia heat and humidity were at a record high. The air was scented with the smell of citronella and coconut oil. One smell designed to play keep away, while the other drew the teens to each other like moths to a flame. All of the laughter and squealing came to a halt at the sound of the whistle.

  “Kasey! Belle! What the hell is going on?” Jake yelled.

  “I just learned some deep, dark truths about my so called best friend. While I thought she had my back and was being so understanding, all she was really doing was making a play for herself.” Belle’s words were being spit out at rapid fire.

  “What does that mean, Belle?”

  “You are being ridiculous. I haven’t done anything and you’re being paranoid. Any problems you have are your own entire selfish fault. You spoiled little brat! You have everything and it isn’t enough. Self sabotage at its finest.” Kasey was screaming just as loud.

  “Spare me the pseudo diagnosis. You only applied to a psychology program. You never got accepted.”

  “Belle! That is enough!”

  Jake’s voice was booming enough to temporarily stop both girls. They looked up at him with murder in their eyes. There was no reason he could think of that they’d both be pissed with him, but he needed to get them to focus on anything other than drowning one another. Belle could go from zero to sixty sometimes, and her words sliced like a knife, but Kasey was her best friend. This didn’t make any sense. Tucker was about as small as the top of the head of a pin. He would’ve heard if something was brewing with them. As far as he’d known this was the first time they’d hung out together in weeks. Whenever he asked either one why, all he got were smart mouth comments and deflection.

  “If I were you, I would not take her side. It will be the last nail in her coffin and yours.”

  “I couldn’t take sides, even if I wanted to, because I have no idea what this is about, Belle. Now, out!”

  His request was met with crossed arms and angry glares from both girls. Belle’s, light brown-blonde highlighted curls were all over her head and each time she tossed them she managed to spray Kasey in the face. She did not look remorseful in the least. Kasey was holding her own, as her own jet-black ponytail swayed to and fro in its own protest.

  “Belle, get out of that pool right now.”

  “I’m not getting out; she is.” Belle was panting. Her arms, folded stiffly across her body, rose and fell in short staccato form.

  “She’s your best friend, and you are making a scene.” Jake leaned in and temporarily dropped his voice. “Look around.”

  “Screw them, screw her, and screw you!” Belle was at a full volume screech and Jake was done being reasonable.

  “Beulah Isabelle Grayson, you get out of that pool or I swear I’m coming in to take you out. One. Two.”

  “I’m not your little sister, Jake, so don’t you count at me.”

  “Oh, believe me I know you’re not. Morgan would’ve come out the first time I told her. Three!”

  Everyone was wondering what would happen next. The guys were poised to cheer him on, if he managed to get her out without her taking him down. Jake was perfectly calm and never uttered a sound after the last number left his mouth. He walked to the pool steps and started wading in. Belle was starting to panic, a little. Jake was looking far too determined. She started backing up toward the center, but she wasn’t quick enough. Jake dove under the water so fast that all Belle could do was spin around looking for him, until she felt herself catching wind. The chill from the air kissed along the back of her body as her front made full contact with Jake’s hard shoulder. His arms were wrapped around her legs and she wasn’t going anywhere without a tremendous amount of effort. Both of her palms tried to push
off his back to give herself some leverage. He gave the outside of her thigh just enough of a pinch to make her reconsider doubling her efforts. Their exit from the pool was almost as calm as his entrance. Being upside down only settling her a little.

  “I don’t know what got into you, but—”

  Axe was moving at a slow jog beside the odd looking duo. Jake’s long stride wouldn’t allow him to keep up otherwise.

  “Dude, I think a couple of these is what got into her, and Kasey for that matter. Hell, looks like you could use one yourself right about now.”

  “Axe, where’d you get the beer from?”

  “Cooler, bro, behind the tree. Left of the pool shed. It’s in exactly the spot described in the text that went out.”

  “Funny, I never got that message.” Pinching her butt let Belle know that he knew he’d been deliberately left out of that particular communication. “Well, ditch ‘em, bro. This party is dry.”

  “Oh, lighten up. It’s fine, Jake. I asked some of the guys on the team to bring it. We just have to get all of the cans off the property, when we’re done,” Belle said.

  “You, stop talking. Axe, the beer goes. I want it and the cooler gone when we get back down there. Now, if you don’t mind, Belle and I need a word in private.”

  Axe was already bored with the exchange. He and Jake were neighbors, teammates, and friends for most of their lives, but he knew the guy could be a little serious and intense. He figured that was why everyone was sneaking around and drinking out of cups. If Jake found out that most of the water bottles held vodka instead, his head would explode.

  “Sit right there and don’t move. Sit, Belle. Your parents trusted us. They opened their home. I can’t believe you would do the one thing your mom was most worried about.”

  Jake was steadily flipping burgers and lecturing at once. There were so many things he needed to say and work out with his stubborn friend. He knew she was frustrated (downright pissed) with him and he had hoped this joint graduation party would give them a chance to have fun together one last time and maybe put some peace back in their relationship. Clearly she had no desire to make it easy.

  He knew she was hurting. They’d argued and she’d cried when he refused to change his mind. Plans they made over the last two years were suddenly scrapped and no amount of explaining made it better. In his heart Jake knew there was no way to really make her feel better, without giving in, but still he tried. He didn’t want to go away with this riff between them. He’d done everything from doting on her to scolding her bratty ways and everything in between, but as she described it to him time and again, none of it was healing her broken heart. So, instead he put some distance between them, hoping that time and space would heal. Jake couldn’t give her what she wanted, so instead he went with what she needed. The only problem with that was he missed her just as much. Silently, he was thrilled that she would even consider having a joint graduation party, but he didn’t want to offer false hope with a quick yes. So, he said no on principle, before finally giving in.

  The Graysons were family. Jake felt a responsibility to them. He didn’t know what else, besides some beer, had gotten into their daughter, but he owed it to them to get to the bottom of it and to nip her reckless behavior in the bud. Taking her hand, he marched her through the French style back porch doors. Cooperation wasn’t on Belle’s priority list though and the stiffness in her body coupled with the way she was dragging her heels made him feel like he was dealing with a petulant four-year-old instead of his seventeen-year-old best friend.

  “Stop pulling away from me.”

  “Then stop dragging me through my own house. Stop it, Jake! I don’t have anything I want talk to you about. I wish I’d never thought of this stupid joint party. You wanted to break our plans and be as far away from me as possible. Well, buddy, you win. I don’t care if I ever see you again.”

  Belle was furious at herself for losing her cool and even more upset at the fact that tears were now streaming down her face at a rapid pace. The hurt, anger, and frustration she was experiencing made her want to shout at the top of her lungs. It was making her eyes burn, her skin tingle, and her heart race. Damn, he was just too close. Shoving him in the chest with both hands, she used all of her strength to create a barely wide enough space to get past him and escape upstairs to her bedroom. Belle had no hopes of Jake not following. He was on her heels, and with a long arm and large hand above her head, he thwarted her very dramatic, planned door slam.

  “You are going to stop running from me.” Jake kicked the door closed and turned her to face him at the same time. “Last chance, Isabelle. What was that about, out there? Talk to me.”

  Shouting directly in his face, Belle’s answer was an emphatic, “go to hell,” as she raised her arm to slap him across the face. Jake was officially done. He didn’t know what started her spiral, but the why was taking a rapid backseat to the solutions. Raising his bent arm completely impeded her motion.

  “You always have to keep pushing. You know what, we’re not going to even bother your parents with any of this. There’s no way I’m going to watch you unravel and ruin your friendship over some perceived wrongdoing. This gets settled right here and right now.”

  Turning her around Jake frog marched the girl he’d been falling in love with the last two years to her bed, and without ceremony, had her over his knee. Damp skin and skimpy swimwear eliminated the need for him to bare her. If Belle were lost for words or unsure about what was coming next, the smacking sound that bounced off her walls and back to her ears confirmed her fear. He couldn’t seriously be doing this, today, and after ending things. Her blood was boiling. He wasn’t stopping. Things were getting out of hand. Smack, after smack, after smack landed on her upturned bottom and the building heat was hard to ignore. His hand was even harder.

  “You are such an ass! I hate you, Jake Martin. I hate you with everything in me and I will never forgive you.”

  “All you had to do was talk to me. But, no you had to sneak around, start a fight, cause a scene, and bring the chances of anyone enjoying the rest of the day to a screeching halt. If, you can’t get yourself under control, I’ll send everyone home and let your parents know exactly what went on here today. Geez, Belle, I haven’t seen you like this in forever and I can’t say I missed it!”

  Her struggling was subsiding a bit and Jake started to lighten his swats a little. He knew she was still angry, but she wasn’t fighting him or screaming at him anymore, so he thought it was a good sign.

  “Belle, please talk to me.” The stinging smacks had morphed into soothing circular rubs that offered comfort, but little relief for what he’d accomplished. It wasn’t the first time he’d swatted her backside over the years. Belle could have a temper, be reckless, and wasn’t above causing a scene to pull focus. Belle, well, she was a princess in every sense of the word and if her parents raised their voices, she was completely devastated. Besides one serious spanking, after her cafeteria break-in, when Jake felt the need, he would find some place private to give her a quick “knock-it-off” hand to rear end reminder. He teased her about being a princess, but he never treated her with kid gloves. They didn’t talk about it and she’d never really balked. She rarely cried. His swats served as a “snap out of it” for her. The worse response he’d gotten was, “overreact much?” This, what she was doing now, was new and disconcerting.

  She did her best to mask it, but for the first time his Belle was crying. Jake didn’t think he had spanked her that hard. Sure, taking her over his knee and having skin to skin contact was new, but it did seem the way to go in the moment. Belle didn’t cry, unless she was furious, but these tears sounded more heartbroken than enraged. It scared him.

  “Sweetie, please say something. You don’t have to hide from me. I can hear you crying.”

  “Well, you just got finished slapping my ass, Jake, I think tears are appropriate!”

  “You’re still pissed.”

  “Gee, what clued you in
? Look, I’ll have the guys get rid of the beer and the party can go on. We’ll just stay out of each other’s way.”

  “Belle, this was supposed to be fun for both of us. I just want to know what changed, in the last thirty minutes.”

  “Me, you’ve been right all along. I can be a bit of a princess and maybe I just wasn’t getting enough attention out there. You know me. I had to stir the pot.”

  “I don’t believe that for one minute.”

  “Believe what you want, Jake. Let me up, please. Sorry, about the scene. I don’t want my parents to know about the alcohol so I’ll be on best behavior the rest of the day. Good enough?”

  “Hell no, that’s not good enough! I wanted an honest conversation with you, not for you to walk around like a programmed droid the rest of the day.”

  Standing next to her door, Belle opened it in gesture for his departure. “Sadly, it looks like none of us will be getting what we want. Now, may I please have some privacy? I’ll be out in bit and I’ll play nice.”

  “I’m still not sure what’s going on, but I love you, Belle, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll send everyone home if you want and I still won’t tell your folks. I promise.”

  She plastered on her fake cheerleader smile and Jake knew the conversation would go no further.

  “Of course not, Jake. Everyone came to celebrate and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Go on back to the grill. I could use a juicy burger right about now.”

  “Sure thing, princess.” He gave her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and was gone. To her credit Belle maintained her cool. The smile stayed in place as she gently connected the door with its frame. She used to love when he teased her and called her princess, now it was just another stinging smack. Only this one was to her heart and not her butt.


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