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Quest for the Arcane Crown

Page 8

by Yajat Sharma

  Matt watched as the vines slowly burned. Soon, there were only ashes left.

  Everyone observed their surroundings.

  The floor in the hall was laden with snow. It was cold. Archer summoned some fire and kept everyone warm.

  They walked across to a barely visible door covered in frost. Archer melted down its ice cover to reveal a metal door.

  The Scavenger kicked it open, and they marched through it to enter into an arena. The stands were full of people. Hundreds of them were jeering at the newcomers. There was a throne and on it sat a warrior with black armour and a masked face. He stood up and said, “I am Krisis, the Lord of the Mountains. I have called you five to entertain my people and -”

  The Scavenger snarled at him. “We have done nothing to hurt you. Leave us.”

  Krisis sighed loudly. “I am afraid, my friend, that I cannot let you escape so easily. I have a suggestion – I will send five of my men to fight the five of you. One warrior from your group will fight. If he is defeated, the next one will go. If you lose, you will be our prisoner forever, and if you win… we will let you go.”

  The Scavenger gritted his teeth in anger. “Fair deal. Let’s begin.”

  Krisis raised his arms and announced, “Come on, my child. Shane!”

  On the other side of the arena, a large gate opened, and a young boy stepped out from it. He couldn’t be more than thirteen, but his stance indicated that he was a seasoned warrior.

  “I am always fair to my enemy,” Krisis announced, pointing to a rack behind, filled with weapons and armour. “You can use these and decide who will fight my champion.”

  As they put on the armour, the Scavenger asked, “Which one of you is willing to go first?”

  Matt volunteered. He chose two swords and strapped a lance to his back.

  Before he walked forward, the Scavenger stopped him. He said, “Remember, don’t use your Elemental Powers. I know you can knock the enemy in one second by using wind, but if Krisis comes to know that you are the prophesied children… Well, we don’t yet know whether he supports the Death Lord or not. Don’t take the risk.”

  Matt nodded and walked up to his opponent.

  Shane pulled a long, whip-like sword – a katana, which he extended forward with both hands – and took a battle stance.

  A bell rang somewhere in the arena, signalling the fight to begin.

  Shane struck at once, his katana cutting quick and fast. Matt remembered the Scavenger’s words when he had trained the children: always keep your eyes on your opponent’s body and his sword. Forget the audience.

  Matt quickly blocked the katana. Shane retaliated with a series of attack patterns. He lunged with his katana, aiming at Matt’s chest. But Matt quickly changed position, lowered his sword and tripped Shane to the ground. He jumped in the air and brought the hilt of his sword down on Shane’s head, knocking him unconscious.

  Silence prevailed. Then the crowd went wild.

  “SILENCE,” Krisis yelled. “That was a good match. I wonder how the boy defeated our champion. Must be luck. Next, I will send Tronus, our cook, who likes to cook people alive. Good luck surviving him.”

  The gates opened once again and a man stepped out. He was dressed in red armour and carried a hefty butcher’s knife. ‘Forget your face’ was written on the knife.

  Matt gulped.

  Tronus took his position opposite him, raised his knife and glared at Matt.

  This time Matt picked up the katana.

  “BEGIN!” Krisis yelled.

  Tronus attacked at once. Swinging his knife, he ran towards Matt and struck. Matt ducked under the blow and slashed his katana at Tronus’s shoulder, breaking his shoulder guard. Tronus grunted.

  Then Matt saw a loose chunk in Tronus’s armour, near his thighs. As fast as lightning, he lunged towards it. His katana went through the armour.

  Tronus roared in pain and his knife fell. He clutched his thighs and groaned weakly.

  With the hilt of his katana, Matt rendered him unconscious too. The fight ended within seconds.

  “UNBELIEVABLE!” Krisis roared.

  Krisis glared at Matt and then sat down on his throne. “This time, you will not win. Big-Muscle will kill you! Mark my words!”

  “That’s a Justin Bieber song,” Matt muttered under his breath.

  A muscled warrior in shirt and jeans stepped out from the other side. He neither wore an armour nor carried any weapon.

  Matt was amused by seeing the confidence of Big-Muscle. As Big-Muscle roared and charged at Matt, he sidestepped, and Big-Muscle plummeted to the ground. Matt immediately kicked Big-Muscle on his head. Within ten seconds, Big-Muscle was lying on the ground like dead meat.

  The crowd was laughing.

  “Gemini, my torturer! Come and get rid of this child! Make sure he doesn’t leave the arena alive!”

  The doors on the other side opened.

  A man in grey armour, carrying two long whips, stepped out.

  Matt quickly took up a battle stance.


  The warrior didn’t attack.

  Matt tried to trick him by pretending to strike, but Gemini stood still.

  Matt attacked abruptly, striking his katana at Gemini’s legs. Gemini jumped, somersaulting through the air and landing behind Matt. He raised one whip and brought it down. Matt rolled away just in time.

  Gemini sliced again, and his whip cut through Matt’s armour, breaking his breastplate.

  Gemini roared and ran headfirst. The crowd yelled as Gemini struck Matt on his shoulder, making him shriek. Matt threw the katana at the whip and its rope sliced away.

  Gemini stared dumbfounded. Immediately, Matt ruined the other whip too and flew in the air, giving Gemini a perfect kick, knocking him cold.


  As the crowd cheered, Krisis stepped inside the arena and pulled out two strange swords, shaped like mountains.

  He lunged at Matt and swiped his sword. Matt blocked the attack, but his katana went flying due to the impact. Krisis jumped and gave a flying kick straight at Matt’s head, which sent Matt soaring in the air. He landed on the ground and groaned.

  Krisis ran like a whirlwind and brought his blade down.

  Suddenly, another sword blocked his attack. Krisis glanced up at the face of the Scavenger.

  “Matt spared all four of your warriors,” the Scavenger said, gritting his teeth. “It’s fair that you spare the four children too. Sparing me or not… that’s your choice!”

  Krisis nodded in agreement, though his face was seething with anger. He withdrew his swords.

  The Scavenger gave a hand to Matt. “You fought amazingly, Matt. I salute you!”

  Matt groaned in reply and fainted. James, Daniel and Archer lifted him away from the arena.

  The Scavenger looked at Krisis. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  Krisis shouted, “I know you are moving towards the Tomb of Death. I will never allow that. Retreat.”

  “That’s not possible. Even fate cannot stop us,” the Scavenger shouted back.

  Krisis waved his swords. “In that case, you leave me no option than to kill you.”

  Krisis lunged at the Scavenger, who had drawn his Lightning Sword by now.

  They both struck at once, and their steels clashed. They fought as men possessed. It was an intense fight. The crowd observed with bated breath.

  No one was admitting defeat. When one attacked, the other blocked. When one dodged, the other regained his breath. It seemed like a never-ending duel.

  The Scavenger had had enough. He decided to use his Lightning Sword. With a punch, the Scavenger threw Krisis to the ground. Krisis rose almost at once, but those few seconds were enough for the Scavenger. He closed his eyes and raised his Lightning Sword.

  The explosion that came next made Krisis fly across the arena. Lightning struck from the sky and hit Krisis. The shock was too much for him to bear.r />
  A growl emanated from Krisis that shook the entire arena. Taking advantage of the fall of Krisis, the children and the Scavenger rushed away from the arena in their chariot.


  Matt had regained consciousness and realized that they all were moving towards the Tomb of Death. The children praised the Scavenger for defeating Krisis.

  The Scavenger shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I just can’t help being awesome.”

  Daniel sat up straight and stretched. “I thought you said after we reach the mountain, it would be just about two hours to reach the Tomb of Death.”

  The Scavenger nodded. “Yes, but the Crostux that chased us forced us to change the route. The route we are taking is long but safe.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes, “Ugh… not another creature!”

  “I think it would take an hour more. I remember this place. A long time ago, the assassins chased Mascae here.”

  Daniel turned to his friends, who were playing Monopoly. “Can I join too?”

  “Of course,” James said.

  They only looked up when the Scavenger brought the chariot to a halt in front of the Tomb of Death.

  The tomb cast a dark shadow over them. Gruesome pictures – of war, of injured soldiers, of dying men, of bodies that had no arms or legs – filled the outer walls.

  They got down from the chariot. The Scavenger murmured a spell and with a puff, the chariot disappeared.

  As they walked, Daniel looked ahead and shrieked.

  Crawling snakes with venom dripping down their fangs were littering the ground a distance away. Snakes were Daniel’s biggest nightmare.

  “Get back!” the Scavenger shouted. “They are poisonous!”

  Daniel quivered with horror.

  “How do we enter the tomb?” Matt asked.

  The Scavenger carefully examined the snakes. “These are rare species. Some are weak on exposure to fire, while some fall prey to water, so…”

  James and Archer stepped forward. “Let us do the honours then.”

  Archer blasted fire, and most of the snakes disappeared into dust, while James put an end to the remaining by splashing them with freezing water.

  Without further surprises, they reached the doors to the Tomb of Death.

  “Here goes nothing,” the Scavenger said, pushing the large door open.

  The walls of the interior of the tomb had the same designs as the outer walls. At the centre of the tomb sat a golden throne, shining brightly. Diamonds adorned it. There was a gold statue of Mascae on it, tranquil and royal.

  The Scavenger and the children walked towards the throne as the door automatically closed behind them.

  Daniel moved his hand over the head of Mascae’s statue. Suddenly, scenes from the past started flashing in his mind.

  Daniel saw two people running through a dense forest. One of them was old. The young man looked exhausted.

  “Come on, Raven!” the old warrior said. “Fast!”

  Raven nodded his head and increased his pace. “I am trying my best, Father!”

  An arrow whistled past Raven’s head. He stopped in shock, but a rough shove from the old man got him going.

  “Don’t stop,” he warned. “Keep running. We have to reach the Kingdom of Bulls anyhow. Just a few more miles to go!”

  Comforted by his words, Raven amplified his speed, trying to catch up with his father.

  “There they are!” came a shout, and arrows shot out from behind. The old man and Raven ducked but Raven tripped and fell, rolling into quicksand. The old man stopped and tried to pull him out, but the mud held Raven fast.

  “Leave me, Father!” Raven shouted. “Save yourself.”

  “Never,” the old man said defiantly. More arrows whistled past, but the old man didn’t move.

  He managed to pull Raven free as two men ran out of the bushes. Raven knew who they were – the Twin Assassins. No one they wanted dead had ever escaped alive.

  The Twin Assassins pulled out half a sword each. They were the halves of the most magnificent sword of all time – the Lightning Sword. The Twin Assassins could not join the two parts as only a pure-hearted man could join the sword.

  As the Twin Assassins moved towards the old man, Raven jumped in front of him. “You will not hurt my father,” he said bravely.

  The Twin Assassins laughed at the boy. “And how do you plan to stop us?”

  “He will not,” a voice spoke from behind Raven. “I will.”

  A figure wearing dark black armour jumped down from the branches and landed beside Raven.

  The Twin Assassins laughed again. “And who are you?”

  The figure straightened up to his full height. “I am the servant of Lord Arcane. They call me the Shadow Warrior.”

  “The Shadow Warrior!” one of the assassins said, his voice cracking in fear. “Why are you here?”

  “I must protect Mascae and his son.”

  Daniel realized the old man was none other than Mascae. Daniel kept his eyes closed and kept watching with concentration.

  “That’s not going to happen,” the other said. “Instead, join us to kill Mascae and you will be well rewarded!”

  “I don’t want any rewards.”

  “We will give you the Lightning Sword!”

  “I don’t want it,” the Shadow Warrior snarled. “Leave my masters alone, or face death!”

  “Let us do our work, warrior!” one of the Twin Assassins said. “Don’t interfere.”

  The Shadow Warrior pulled out a sword and assumed a battle stance. “I won’t let you kill my master.”

  The Twin Assassins had a hurried conversation among themselves. The twins had the power to transmit thoughts through their brains.

  “This man is a devoted man,” the first assassin said in his mind. “No rewards would make him betray his masters.”

  “Then we shall use… delusions!” the twin whispered his plan to his brother’s mind.

  The Shadow Warrior moved forward towards the Twin Assassins. Raven tried to attack from the other side, but the Twin Assassins shot an arc of fire that surrounded him and prevented him from moving.

  The Twin Assassins ran for Mascae, who was lying on the ground, helpless.

  Suddenly, the Shadow Warrior saw a sword lying on the ground. He recognized it. It was the Lightning Sword.

  And it was joined!

  The Shadow Warrior was surprised but knew he had to seize the golden opportunity and use the sword to kill the Twin Assassins.

  The Shadow Warrior picked the Lightning Sword up. As he turned toward the assassins, he froze.

  He saw the Twin Assassins holding half parts of the Lightning Sword. As they brought the half parts over Mascae, Raven screamed and burst through the ring of fire, breaking the concentration of the Twin Assassins. One of them turned and flicked his fingers, and Raven flew through the air, striking a tree. The other conjured up a bigger ring of fire around Raven.

  The Twin Assassins again turned to Mascae.

  The Shadow Warrior aimed and threw the sword straight at the Twin Assassins. The sword passed right through them as if it were an… illusion.

  The Shadow Warrior realized his mistake, but he was too late. The Twin Assassins struck Mascae with the two half-swords.

  Mascae, the great King, was dead.

  As the Twin Assassins disappeared into the woods, the Shadow Warrior realized that the assassins had tricked him.

  “NOOOOOOOO!” Raven cried.

  Daniel kept watching the scenes in his mind.

  The Shadow Warrior looked shattered. He knelt beside Mascae’s lifeless body.

  “I am sorry.” Tears fell from the Shadow Warrior’s eyes as he looked at Mascae lying still. “It is my fault…”

  “TWIN ASSASSINS, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS,” the Shadow Warrior thundered.

  But, by that time, the Twin Assassins had vanished into the deep forest.

  The Scavenger carefully took out two pieces of swords from Mascae’s body and joined them.<
br />
  There was a blinding flash of light as the two halves united to form the Lightning Sword.

  The Shadow Warrior suddenly remembered … Raven.

  Raven had managed to disable the arc of fire the Twin Assassins had thrown around him and was kneeling on the ground beside Mascae with his head bowed.

  “I am sorry. I couldn’t save Mascae,” with brimming eyes, the Shadow Warrior mumbled.

  Raven started yelling at him, “You were my hero once! I thought you were the best warrior! And you were! You were the loyal servant of Lord Arcane!”

  “Calm down, child.”

  “How can I? Lord Arcane trusted you, Mascae trusted you, I trusted you. And you betrayed us all!”

  “What?” The Shadow Warrior exclaimed, flabbergasted. “I betrayed no one!”


  “GREED? How can you say that?” the Shadow Warrior shot back. “I was tricked!”

  “LIAR! I don’t believe you!”

  Raven was paranoid with rage and grief. As he turned to walk into the forest, he raised his finger at the Scavenger and said, “Mark my words, you betrayer! I will avenge my father’s death! I will first kill Pharaoh, and then it will be your turn! I swear to the gods.”

  The Shadow Warrior watched Raven disappearing into the woods. He muttered, “I wish you knew the truth.”

  Daniel jerked back to reality and opened his eyes. As his eyes focused, he saw himself staring at the Scavenger’s sword.

  “What happened?” James asked. “You were paralyzed for almost an hour. We were dead bored waiting for you to come back.”

  Archer asked Daniel, “What happened?”

  Daniel took a deep breath and, occasionally glancing at the Scavenger, narrated his visions.

  When he finished, they turned to look at the Scavenger. “So, you…?” James muttered, “You were… misunderstood?”

  The Scavenger nodded. “I never wanted to take the Lightning Sword. I was tricked by the Twin Assassins. It’s just… it’s just that Raven was too much in distress to understand. He thought I had betrayed Mascae. But I am clear in my heart.”

  “That’s exactly what I saw,” Daniel said. “We believe you.”


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