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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 14

by Mary B. Moore

  He started to list places where he had fucked females, and I walked away shouting locations back at him. I ended up over his shoulder while he stormed up the stairs towards my bedroom and then kicked up his shoulder so that I flew off it and onto the bed. Before I could stop bouncing and catch my breath, he was on me and kissing me hard. After a lengthy make-out session, we made it into the shower, cleaned up, and I packed a bag for two nights. I’d gone to pack for one, but Ren had upped the ante because of my ‘insults,’ he said, and now it was two. This was a bit of an issue for me, as I needed to take all of my work stuff with me too, as well as my work clothes for Monday, but Ren was patient and continued to ‘hunt’ through my ‘shit,’ as he put it, while I did this. We cleaned up the kitchen and locked up before he drove us to his place. I’d wanted to take my car, but he said he’d drive me to and from work on Monday and that it was no problem to him.

  As we drove into the ranch, he turned to look at me. “Do you mind if we stop in and see Mom quickly?” I’d quickly fallen in love with Colette, so this was no problem to me, and I was sure given how fantastic Ren, his mom, and even Cole were that the rest of his family would be just as amazing, so I was looking forward to meeting them.

  We pulled up, and a man who had to be Ren’s dad came out with a huge grin on his face. As we got out of the car, he shouted, “Ren, you been bribing young ladies to get in your car with candy again?”

  “It’s cool, Mr. Townsend; I made him give me the whole bag before I got in,” I quipped, and Ren’s head snapped around at me in shock. What, did he think only he and Cole could be funny? How offensive; I’m fucking hilarious, I thought with a sniff.

  “Maya, you’re gonna fit in here perfectly. Welcome to the family,” Jack said, coming up to me and scooping me up in a bear hug. He had his arms around the top of my arms, so they were stuck close to my body, and all I could do was lift my hand and do an awkward pat on his side because they couldn’t move any further.

  “You’re suffocating her; at least give her your name before you maul her,” Ren grumbled, coming up behind us and trying to pull me away from his dad.

  After I’d been released and was firmly against Ren’s side, still grinning, his dad held his hand out. “Jack, by the way,” he said, before looking at Ren and saying, “Don’t tell your mother.”

  I burst out laughing because he was so much like my own dad. People assumed that because he was a diplomat, and now an ambassador, he was stuffy and only had one personality—ambassador. But my dad was a menace. When I was a kid, we were constantly getting up to mischief together. I had a great picture of him at Madame Tussauds sitting on the queen’s knee. He’d jumped across the partition that clearly said that we weren’t to pass it and had whisper-shouted at me to ‘take the picture.’ We were huge Bad Boys 2 fans, so he’d gone through the different poses like in the movie when Marcus had accidentally swallowed the drug at the mortuary and was sitting next to the Buddha in the captain’s home and telling Mike to take the picture. I had ended up with my legs crossed trying not to pee because I couldn’t stop laughing, and Dad had only just jumped back over the partition when a security guard and a guide with a group of people came around the corner. Jack and my dad were going to get along so well—well, if Ren and I made it that far, which I hoped we did.

  We went into the house with Jack telling me about the ranch and offering to saddle up a horse for me later in the day, which I was all for. Colette was in the kitchen baking, but when she heard the voices, she came out of the kitchen, squealed, and ran towards us. Jack opened his arms, but she ran past him and an also open-armed Ren and hugged me tightly. I was going to have to get used to the fact that they were a very tactile family. My family hugged and we even bear-hugged, but the Townsends were excited huggers; that involved running, swooping, some jumping from time to time, lifting off the floor, and some swinging.

  “Aw, sweetie, it’s great to see you again. Are you staying at Ren’s tonight?” She had a huge grin on her face and was looking between us. I could feel my cheeks going red and waited for Ren to answer her because there was no way in hell that I was. I made the mistake of flicking my eyes to look at Jack and saw he had a massive smile on his face as he winked at me, making me look up at the ceiling.

  Finally, Ren answered after what felt like half an hour of ceiling inspection. “Yeah, Ma.” That’s it? I could have done that!

  “That’s wonderful news. Just as well that I went in and changed your sheets this morning, then, isn’t it?” she said, patting his cheek and turning back to the kitchen. “Oh, and I made up one of the guest beds for Maya to sleep in.” Now that was pretty much the cherry on my mortification sundae.

  “She’s kidding,” Ren whispered in my ear as he pulled me to his side. I buried my face in his top and groaned, forgetting that his dad was right there until he burst out laughing.

  “You should see your face,” Jack laughed, patting my shoulder and walking in the same direction his wife had.

  I pulled my face out of Ren’s top when I was sure that we were alone. “I see where Cole gets it from now,” I said, and then quickly returned my face into Ren’s laughing chest.

  I was beginning to smile a bit while I listened to him, until he said, “You haven’t met the others yet!”

  Ah, crap!


  Mom had called my Gram and Gramps while she was in the kitchen and had invited them over. They had a house on the far side of the property, and arrived roughly twenty minutes after we got there.

  “Oh, you weren’t kidding, Linda, when you said she was a beauty,” Gramps said right after he’d grabbed Maya’s face, turning it left and right.

  Gram walked up to him and smacked his arm before lecturing him about mauling people before introducing himself. I kinda hoped she would just tell him off for mauling my girl full stop, but apparently when you passed seventy-five, it was common decency to introduce yourself first.

  “Hurst,” Gramps said before picking her up in the same way my dad had earlier. My family only did bear hugs. Well, unless you were Mom, Grams, or Layla; they did the jump-up-and-down hugs, or just the big squeeze-and-release hugs.

  Thankfully, Maya took it all well, and we sat down and shot the shit for a while, but I wanted to get my girl in my space. I hadn’t been lying when I’d said that I hadn’t had females, barring family, in my home. It had always felt disrespectful to my family, and that was my personal space, but with Maya it was different; I needed her there.

  Now that I’d found her, I did feel somewhat ashamed about my past. Whenever I tried explaining how special Maya was, I put my foot in my mouth, and I understood how she felt because when she started on about her exes, I saw red. I didn’t want to hear about that shit; as far as I was concerned, she started and ended with me, and the same applied to me. In the car, her phone had gone off and it had been her ex Andy checking in; even that had set me off, and I’d had to stop myself from squeezing the shit out of the steering wheel. There was no reason for him to still be able to contact her, so I’d be making sure that she blocked him. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone after what he’d done? I didn’t know, but the fact that she hadn’t fucked the guy, that gave me a lot of satisfaction. In fact, I’d grinned like an idiot when she’d given that information away without realizing it.

  Cole turned up just after Gram and Gramps and had done the whole ‘hug the shit out of Maya’ thing, narrowly missing a fist to the jaw from me. Now, we were sitting listening to Maya tell us about the places she’d grown up in, and also these funny-as-shit stories about her dad. I could see my own dad’s eyes light up when he realized that his future in-law would be awesome and that they could get up to shit together, just as Mom had done when she told us about her mom.

  Now, though, I wanted Maya time, so I stood up, pulling Maya with me. “Right, y’all, I’m gonna take Maya over to mine and show her around my place…again.”

  I didn’t miss the cocky look on Cole’s face, and gave him a loo
k to let him know that any asshole remarks would have painful repercussions. Dad and Gramps had their arms crossed and were giving me wiseass grins, but they were mature enough not to say anything. Or so I’d thought, until Gramps snorted and then choked. Good, I hope he swallowed his teeth.

  “Okay, sweetie,” Mom said, coming up and giving both of us a hug. “Are you joining us for dinner? Oh, Maya, you’ll get to meet all the ranch hands.”

  Like fuck she would. “Uh, no, Mom, we’ll probably go out for something or make something. I’m not sure yet.”

  I wasn’t sure about food, but what I was sure of was that none of those hound dogs were getting near my girl. I’d seen them out at Jilly’s and Sheeve’s; in fact, some of them had been there the night before eyeballing her when I’d walked in. Maybe in the future, the distant future.

  After saying our goodbyes to everyone, we finally got back in the car and drove to mine. It was only a couple of minutes’ walk, but I had Maya’s shit in the back, so it would just be easier pulling up to the house.

  “This place is so beautiful,” Maya whispered, and I turned to see her looking across the ranch reverently. I was proud of where I’d grown up and my family’s businesses. I was also relieved when my parents had let us choose where we would work, because although I liked doing the odd work here and there on the ranch, I was more of a grease monkey, and the garage was my life.

  We got out and carried her shit inside, dumping her work stuff on the couch while I took her clothes up to my bedroom and then went into my bathroom with Maya following me.

  “Um,” she said just as I pressed the metal tab on the far wall of my bathroom and the walk-in closet opened up. I turned around to her and saw her standing with her mouth open, looking around the space. “How did I miss this?” she asked, still looking shocked and making me chuckle. “I spent three hours tinkering with how to make you a walk-in in your bedroom, and the whole time this was here?” She walked in and looked around taking everything in.

  “That’d be my bad, baby.” I followed behind her and put her stuff on top of the drawer units on the wall to the left. On the far wall there was a rail for my hanging stuff, and on the right there was a rail that took up half the wall, and the rest of the space was shelving for my shoes. I currently filled one and a quarter of those shelves, so I took Maya’s shoes from the bag she’d put them in and put them next to mine.

  I started picturing more and looked at the space, thinking that I needed to get a shoe shelving system put in. Then I could put a tall drawer unit where the shoes currently were for Maya’s bedding and towel addictions. Then again, maybe it would be easier to have that in one of the spare rooms?

  I snapped out of my plans and looked up to see that Maya wasn’t in the closet anymore, and had instead moved out into the bathroom. She had the same look on her face that she’d had the first time she’d walked into it, and I was relieved that she loved it so much.

  Following her out of the bathroom as she moved back into my bedroom, I walked up behind her and pulled her back into my chest.

  “Are you sure you haven’t had anyone in there?” she asked, looking at the bed.

  I looked down into her eyes and could see that this meant something to her like it did to me with her bed, so I answered, still looking down at her so she could see the truth. “Not ever.”

  The next thing I knew, her mouth was on mine and I had her up in my arms with her legs around my waist. Last night with Maya had been mind-blowing. I’d never been bare in someone before; contrary to Cole’s shit, I didn’t make a habit of bare wood, nor was it rotting, but with Maya I’d never settle for anything else. The problem was, now that I’d had her, I wanted her more, constantly. I was addicted.

  Laying her down gently on my bed, I reached down and lifted her top up and over her head, revealing her gorgeous body. I was hugely appreciative of the fact that she also had a sexy underwear addiction. Last night’s had rendered me speechless when I’d first seen it, but she’d agreed to wear it for me again sometime because there hadn’t been much light in the room and neither of us had been waiting around for me to turn the light on and take a look at it. This set was white and lacy and fit her perfectly.

  I bent down and gently trailed my tongue around the edge of the cups of the bra, and when I got to the end of the opposite side, I moved down and sucked hard through the lace. She was moaning and scratching at my scalp with her nails, and I decided I needed skin. I reared back just enough to pop the front fastening of her bra, growling when it gave way, and her beautiful breasts were left bare. I decided after a couple of minutes of playing that I needed even more, and trailed my fingers down her stomach to the buttons on her little black shorts, her stomach muscles clenching as I passed over them. I managed to get them undone one-handed, which was just as well, because I needed my other hand to keep my weight off of her, and soon I had my hand down her panties.

  Using my middle finger, I rubbed her gently and slowly. Somehow, I knew instinctively what would work on Maya and what would push her to the peak, and through the night I’d developed the fine art of slow peak and fast peak; right now it was time for the slow peak.

  Her pelvis had started to move slightly, and I reared back onto my knees so that I could use my free hand to take her shorts and panties off. Once they were gone, I moved my finger down into her slowly and circled her core with the tip of my finger while watching her as she lay moaning with her head tipped back. She was always beautiful, but I wanted to catalog every single one of these moments, because knowing that I was the only one to see her like this, to make her feel like this, made me feel like a fucking king. I felt the zipper of my jeans biting into my cock and had to reach down to undo them, which wasn’t as easy as it seemed with one hand, but eventually I got it done.

  I could feel Maya reaching her peak, so I rubbed the rough spot inside of her that I’d found the other night that had her crashing over immediately.

  Getting up off the bed while she lay there panting, I quickly stripped my clothes off and slowly kissed my way back up; I couldn’t deny myself the smaller things like kissing her body as I made my way back up towards her mouth. As soon we were face to face again, she gently licked into my mouth in the way that only Maya could do, driving me towards madness. Balancing on one hand, I used my other one to line myself up with her entrance, and then I slowly pressed into her. Each time we’d done this, I’d marveled at how her body stretched to fit me. She was so tight that the first time it had felt almost impossible, but we worked. After a couple of withdrawals and thrusts, I bottomed out at the end of her and groaned; nothing had ever felt this good, not one thing, and I would never give it up.

  This time, I wanted to see her, so I held on to her and moved onto my back, taking her with me. She was looking a bit nervous, but with my hands on her hips, I gently moved her up and down until she established a rhythm of her own. Her eyes were looking down into mine. Soon, we both needed it a little harder, so I braced my feet on the bed and started to thrust each time she came down.

  I moved my thumb onto her and rubbed around her clit. She had already started to pulse around me, so I increased the pressure of my thumb, and thankfully seconds later she threw her head back and screamed, taking me over the edge with her.

  It wasn’t until I was lying over her and panting that I remembered that she had been sore and that I’d wanted to be gentle with her, so, pulling back, I looked down at her flushed face and moved the strand of hair that was stuck to her cheek.

  “Shit, baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so rough. Did I hurt you?”

  Seeing her looking up at me with shiny eyes and a smile on her face eased my conscience a bit, but it wasn’t until she laughed, making me groan as she tightened around me, that I relaxed completely.

  “It was perfect,” Maya said, drawing my attention back to her. Then a look of horror passed her face as her eyes darted around my room and she frantically whispered, “Oh my God, do you think anyone heard us?”

  She looked so mortified that I tried to reassure her without laughing.

  “Baby, we all live in different areas of the ranch, and unless Cole was being a dirty perv, there’s no way anyone would have heard us. I also have triple-paned windows because things can get quite noisy on the ranch, so it keeps it quiet.” I leaned down and gave her a kiss, and the tension quickly left her body as she kissed me back, but I had plans, and I picked her up and walked towards the bathroom so she could try out my shower.

  Chapter Eighteen


  T hree weeks later…

  Since our first night together, Ren and I hadn’t spent a night apart. Even when one of us had to work late, we would always end up in the same bed with him wrapped around my back, holding me in place to stop my nighttime ninja moves. I’d contacted my cell provider the Monday after our first weekend together and had blocked Andy’s number, his work number, and his home number from my phone and hadn’t heard from him since. On Sunday, Ren had apologized for not giving me the surprise he’d mentioned that Friday, and gave me a box that had the name of the jewelry line carried in Scarlett’s shop on it. I’d opened it up and found the most beautiful almost Native American-inspired silver bracelet with a big turquoise stone in it, and I loved it and hadn’t taken it off since. He’d also enjoyed my gratitude that day and said that he’d buy me jewelry daily if I promised to keep doing that each time.

  Tony had called me last week, and we’d caught up on each other’s news. His boss was an asshole who had treated Tony like shit after he’d told him to ‘blow his way to a promotion,’ and when Tony had said hell no, he’d threatened him to keep his gay mouth shut and had made his life a living hell since. I had asked him to move to Piersville to work as my PA, as I was still using LeAnne and felt guilty as hell for it, but Tony wasn’t sure about life in the country. I’d filled him in on Ren and work, and since then he’d left three voicemails with the song ‘Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy’ playing in them. After it, I’d FaceTimed with my sister and Amy and had gotten to introduce them to Ren. We hadn’t had a chance to talk again since Amy’s boss was a beast and Lucy was doing shifts as part of her qualification. My workload was out of control too, but I could see in their faces that they’d not only enjoyed the view but had approved of him. Next time, maybe I’d introduce them to Cole. Man, would I love to see their faces when he laughed at normal words that he found dirty.


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