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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 39

by Mary B. Moore

  “I love you!” she panted, but this wasn’t what I wanted to hear so I kept the soft circles around her nub and didn’t add pressure or press where she needed me most.

  I stopped moving my thumb and paused with just my tip resting inside her. “You know what I want to hear.”

  “Montgomery.” I gave her a thrust.

  “Mrs. Montgomery.” She got two hard thrusts.

  “Fucking Isla Montgomery! Just fu…” I thrust harder than before and put my thumb right on the spot that I knew would have her tightening around me in seconds.

  Leaning down to kiss her, I stroked my tongue across hers, kissing her with the same intensity that I was fucking her with and then pressed my thumb down hard and circled quickly. She screamed into my mouth as she tightened, so much that I was struggling to move, and then I was coming with flashes of lights going off in front of my eyes.

  When it was over and I was slowly gliding in and out, she pulled my head back down to her and kissed me with a sweet softness that was purely Isla.

  “I love you to the moon and back,” she whispered against my lips.

  Stopping my movements, I wrapped my arms around her and moved us so that I was on my back with her lying at a slight angle on top of me, my hand on her bump and my cock still inside her. “For infinity, sayang,” I whispered into her hair.

  I felt a movement against my hand and we both chuckled, obviously Thing One and Thing Two didn’t want to be left out of the conversation. God, I hope they couldn’t see what I had just done to their Mom, though.


  It was the next morning that Luke and I ended up having our first major argument as a married couple. We were sitting in bed enjoying some breakfast and coffee that I’d made, when Luke went and asked the one thing that would be guaranteed to piss me off.

  “When are you telling your Dad?”

  Ignoring him, I focused on the article that I was reading on the New York Times app on my iPad until he yanked it out of my hand and put it on his other side; far away from me.

  “Luke,” I snapped. I hated it when he did things like this and he knew that I didn’t want to discuss Geoffrey Banks in any way shape or form.

  “Isla, you need to tell your Dad.”

  I reached over and picked up my iPhone off the nightstand and had been about to press the thumb thing so that I could read the New York Times on the app on it when he’d snatched that and put it behind him too. Asshole!

  He was reaching out towards me as I moved quickly off the bed and walked towards the bathroom to get away from him. Locking the door behind me, I walked over to the shower and turned it on and started to strip. Hopefully by the time I’d finished, he’d have gotten over this temporary moment of complete insanity.

  I’d just started to wash the shampoo out of my hair when two big arms went around my waist, scaring the shit out of me and making me scream.

  “Locks won’t keep me out, sayang,” he rumbled in my ear.

  “Really, Luke.” I spun around to glare at him. “Get the damn hint, asshole; I don't want to speak to him!” I yelled the last part and winced as it reverberated around the huge walk in shower.

  He stood looking at me for long enough that, I’ll admit, I was panicking about what evil genius ideas he was coming up with, and then said, “I’ll take you for Fro-Yo.”

  “No, Luke!” Was he insane?

  “I’ll get you a micro pig.”

  “You want one of those, not me.”




  “For fuck’s sake, Luke, NO!”

  “A llama!”

  I had nothing to say to that so I just stared at him wondering where the hell a llama had come from.

  Then a sly smile came onto his face. “I’ll do that thing with my tongue that you love.”

  I swayed into him because I did love his special tongue thing…

  “Luke, no!”

  And then he did something that I never would have expected or even thought about and dropped to his knees in front of me. “Daddy just wants Mommy to be happy and have the world, babies, and she won’t let me. Tell Mommy not to be mean,” he said, with his lips right on my bump.

  “How will me speaking to him make me happy, Luke?” I had enough non melty brain function left to ask the question.

  “Because it’ll make me happy, and when I’m happy I do my special tongue thing!”

  He said before using that special tongue thing on me and getting me to scream yes which he took as us going to visit my Dad.

  Once I’d come back down again and I looked down at his smug grinning asshole face, I swore that revenge was going to mine.


  I’d hated leaving her, but after our shower, I’d gotten a phone call from the office saying that one of my clients needed a plan changed, and since all of the stuff that I needed was in there, I had to go in. She had plenty of security around her and I knew that they’d keep her safe, but after yesterday and not knowing what was going to happen next, I just couldn’t handle being away from her for long. After I was done with this, I was going to get all of my work shit moved into Layla’s house so that I could work from home with Isla.

  I was texting her as I walked into the building and didn’t see the person walking toward me, until it was too late to avoid him.

  “Son,” Geoffrey Banks said with a smile on his face. I know I was pressuring Isla to talk to this asshole, but what I knew he’d done to Isla made me want to punch him.

  “Geoffrey.” I tried to walk around him, but he moved his body making it clear that he wanted to talk. I could see the features that Isla had got from him, like her hair and her nose, but other than that she must have looked like her Mom Cathy. I vaguely remembered her Mom from the brief period that she was in Piersville before she left them, but it wasn’t details like what she looked like really. Just that she never seemed interested in Isla and that she would always sit there looking…aloof or some shit, like she wanted to be anywhere else but there. I also remember Isla falling and skinning her knee and hand and her Mom just walking past her to her car. She was always going out, and it wasn’t until she left, and I overheard my parents talking, that I found out that she had a variety of younger boyfriends that she’d visit.

  “Luke,” he got my attention back on him. “I know that Isla is… uh… distant…”

  Oh no, he fucking wasn’t. “Distant?” The tone of my voice must have clued him into the fact that he’d said completely the wrong thing to me.

  He looked down at his feet and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’d like it if both of you could come to the old house.”

  “Why?” I’d been asking her to tell her Dad, but this I hadn’t expected and I was automatically on edge wondering what the fuck he was up to.

  “We’d like to congratulate you on the wedding and the baby…”

  “Babies,” I interrupted and his head snapped back round to face me.

  “Babies?” He obviously hadn’t heard that good news yet.

  “Why are you so interested all of a sudden, Geoff?” I crossed my arms and rocked back on my heels while I watched his face looking for any hint of what was going on. “I mean, you’ve not given a shit since she moved back, or even before then. Fuck, you didn’t give a shit when she was little and fucking loved you because you were her Dad. Where was the give a fuck when her car fucking exploded!” I ended on a yell and Dad came walking up to us quickly.

  “Both of you, my office now.” I was about to argue, but he said the one thing that made me see sense. “Isla won’t thank you for spreading her private business, son.”

  I looked around and a majority of people were watching us, with some even hanging out of their office doors. He was right, she wouldn’t, so I followed him to his office, passing Reed who gave me an air fist bump as I passed him. There was no love lost between Isla’s friends and her Dad, this I already knew from the stories I’d heard about what they did when
they saw him. With Reed living here now, he’d had more opportunities than the others and took full advantage of them.

  I walked into Dad’s office and sat in one of the comfy chairs he had in the corner as he closed the door behind Isla’s Dad.

  “Right, what’s going on?” Dad asked, standing while Isla’s dad took a seat in one of the other chairs.

  “I’ve invited Luke and Isla to the house, extended an olive branch so to speak.” Geoffrey said. “We would like to congratulate them on the wedding and the baby… babies,” he corrected, looking at me and seeing how irritated that fuck up made me. Who forgets that their child is carrying more than one baby? Seriously!

  “And my issue is that he’s never given a shit about her before now, so what’s changed? Where was he when her car exploded? He didn’t even know we were having twins, Dad!”

  “No one told me!”

  “Because you never gave a fuck before, so why fucking would they?” I thundered. “If you’d been part of her life, then you would have known, but you never have been because all you care about is you! You and your bitch of a wife and slut of a stepdaughter!”

  “Luke,” Dad said in a warning tone, but I was past done.

  “I’ve been trying to convince her to call you and tell you our news for ages, Geoff, and she didn’t want to. Know why?” I leaned forward in my seat as he shook his head. He’d gone a gray color. “Because she didn’t think that you, her father, would give a flying fuck. And she knew that her stepmother and stepsister would piss all over it. That’s why!”

  “Jodie and Calista love her! They did everything for her when she was little.”

  “So why did she move in with Gram?”

  He sat staring at me and opening and closing his mouth. Either this gimp was totally clueless or he was an even bigger asshole than I thought, unfortunately I was starting to believe that it was the former.

  “Do you genuinely care what happens to Isla, Geoffrey?” Dad asked, watching him closely. He had always been protective of Isla, but it seemed it was even more so now.

  “Of course,” he spluttered, looking at Dad like he was the crazy one. “She’s my daughter.”

  “Never mattered to you before now,” I countered, and it was true.

  He had no answer to that and I could see that he was thinking back over the past and looking for a way to call me a liar and prove that he’d been a father to her, but I knew what he’d find - nothing. I almost felt sorry the bastard when he looked up and it was written all over his face, but I knew too much.

  “Where were you when she got locked out of the house in a tank and shorts with a broken arm? Why didn’t you protect and love her then or during her recovery? And before you even try, it was my parents who looked after her; you didn’t even call!”

  “She locked herself out, she was always disobeying Jodie when she told her to stay in because it was too cold. She broke her wrist slipping!” I could see that he actually believed this shit. Even Dad let out a huff of disbelief hearing that.

  “You don’t see it do you?” I asked, because he really didn’t.


  “She always had an excuse. A broken arm, a bruise on her cheek, a split lip, a broken finger, getting locked outside, sticking her hand in the door…where did the excuses end?” If it was possible, he went even grayer.

  “You want to wish her congratulations on legally becoming a member of the family she was always part of, then fine. Same goes for the babies. But I warn you now, your bitch of a wife and stepdaughter say anything, or do anything, that even upsets her slightly and I will make sure that they suffer.”

  I hated using the c word, but it was true; they were cunts and he knew it because he didn’t even try to defend them after I’d laid it out. He just sat there as I stood up. “We’ll be at your house next Saturday at around at four o’clock,” I said, nodded at Dad, and then went to my office. I needed to find a way to break this to Isla.

  Chapter 17


  I sat on the uncomfortable, ugly couch in what Jodie called the ‘reception room’ of their house, a house I hated and had nothing but bad memories of. I still couldn’t go near the basement door after spending hours down there in the dark.

  “So, congratulations, darling! We’re delighted for you,” Jodie said in a saccharine tone and a fake smile on her face.

  I had nothing to say back to that, so I just smiled back and squeezed Luke’s hand. He’d promised me that he wouldn’t let go.

  “Where were you married,” Calista said, ignoring me completely as she’d done since we arrived and talking directly to Luke.

  “They were married in Bali. as you know, Calista,” Dad said, shocking me that he actually knew a detail to do with my life.

  “Awwww,” she scrunched up her face. “Wait, is that even legal in America?”

  “I think it’s lovely,” Jodie cut in, giving her daughter a glare and putting me on edge. They were up to something. “And the babies…”

  Dad cut in and started talking about the bomb in my car with Luke, so I switched off; I wasn’t comfortable discussing anything personal with any of them so I sat there quietly planning nursery colors and thinking of what I needed for the babies. Christie was in wedding mode and Colette was helping her, but the babies’ stuff was purely mine.

  I finished the glass of water that Dad had brought me when we’d arrived and realized that it had been a mistake when my hazelnut sized bladder started screaming at me. Ugh, I hated this!

  I got up to go to the guest bathroom near the kitchen and almost groaned with relief when I finally sat on the toilet. It felt like I hadn’t peed in forever.

  Opening the door when I was finished, my stomach dropped when I saw Calista and Jodie waiting for me with sneers on their face. Awesome fucking possum!

  “Mmmm, never thought you’d have it in you,” Calista said smirking.

  “You must be feeling proud of yourself landing Luke. I never saw you as someone who’d trap a man, though, I’m impressed,” Jodie said sneering at me. “Always acted like you were better than us when really you’re just a conniving bitch like the rest of us, if not more.” She was obviously drunk because she was slurring and kept sliding on the wall behind her.

  Nothing good ever came from replying to them, so I kept quiet and did everything I could to keep my back straight and not show them that they were getting to me. “Beating you was a pleasure,” Jodie slurred. “I used to love it when you went to your father and he’d ignore you. See, pussy over parenting, you can keep a man with your pussy, but you can lose a man to kids; especially a little bitch like you. Oh we used to laugh hard when he’d ignore you, pathetic bastard.” My head snapped back up. “Didn’t you know?” She burst out laughing and threw her head back, head butting the wall. Jolting forward like she was on a ship in a storm, she veered in my direction. “You think I really love him? Oh, no, no, no, granted he’s not bad with his dick, but he’s even better with his wallet. You were the cherry on top!”

  I was starting to feel nauseous, all that hell and pain for money? I hadn’t had a proper childhood because she was fucking greedy?

  “Nothing to say slut? Does your ‘husband’,” Calista used the air quotes, “know what you’re really like? Does he know that you did this on purpose? Oh yes, I hear he has a lot of money, but I know that he has a big cock.” She was smirking when she finished, knowing that she’d just shattered my entire life. “I remember the day we beat you with Geoffrey’s belt and then you just had to go and fall down the stairs. It would be a real shame if that happened to you now, wouldn't it?”

  “That’s enough,” Dad’s voice literally boomed down the hallway making all three of us jump. It was that loud that you could hear a faint echo in the enclosed area. Both he and Luke looked ready to commit murder.


  “Shut up,” he said in a low voice that made goosebumps come up on my arms.

  “Daddy…” Calista whined.

/>   “I said shut the fuck up!” Dad roared. “You hurt my daughter. You lied to me.”

  Jodie was obviously stupid because she started making her way down the hallway to him, sliding down the wall the whole time. “Now, handsome, would we do that? You know that I tried with her and that I love her like she’s my own, but she’s so like her mother…”

  “Obviously you’re struggling to understand English with the two bottles of gin and

  God knows what else in your system,” I don’t know what expression she pulled, but whatever it was, Dad gave a sinister looking smile back to her. “Oh, I know about it all. The men, the alcohol, the drugs…” He looked behind her at Calista who was watching all of it in horror. “The blackmail, the fake pregnancies, the stealing…My biggest regret in life will always be that I didn’t know what you were doing to my daughter. If I had, I’d have made sure you never tasted freedom again.”

  Luke started walking down towards me, but I held my hand up. “Don’t,” I whispered. It wasn’t that I believed what they were saying deep down, but I was hurting and needed a moment. I also didn’t want to do this in front of the two women who had made my life hell.

  “I know what you’re thinking and she’s lying, Isla. I haven’t touched her,” he said like he was talking to a frightened animal.

  “You know they’re not yours, don't you, Luke,” Calista piped up from beside me. Obviously she definitely was stuck on stupid because that was way the wrong thing to say.

  “Fuck you, you bitter cunt,” Luke growled, and I flinched because I hated the c word. “Those babies are mine and do you know how I know that? Because Isla is mine.” He took a couple more steps towards me before stopping three feet away from me. “I never touched you and you know it. I wouldn’t have ever touched you even if Isla hadn’t existed because you’re a filthy, lying whore.” She looked like she was going to cry when her Mom cut in.

  “You can’t speak to her that,” she slurred again. “She’s a shajillion times better than that ugly little bitch right th…” She didn’t get far because Dad grabbed her arm and started dragging her down the corridor.


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