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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 50

by Mary B. Moore

  “These have gotten bigger,” he said, moving his hands to cup both breasts as he leaned down onto his elbows above me. Unfortunately, I was that big now that my bump almost touched his rock hard flat abs, but he made me forget about it when he leaned down and sucked first one nipple and then licked slowly over to the other.

  “You just noticed that?” I asked breathlessly.

  “No,” he mumbled, continuing his ministrations. I was beginning to worry that this would be all it took to take me over the edge, but then he stopped and kissed over my baby bump. “I think I’ll miss this when they’re here. I like you with a bump.”

  I snorted because it’s true, he really did. He had become obsessed with it from day one and spent a lot of time kissing and talking to it.

  “And I’ll miss being able to take you by surprise here,” he said, giving me a long lick up my center. “Because it blocks what I’m doing from you and keeps you on edge.” He licked again and then sucked my clit hard. If I hadn’t had such a large bump, I’m pretty certain my back would have arched off the bed, but it was impossible when you were carrying two little humans.

  I didn’t get to reply because he chose that moment to lick again, and then inserted his finger slowly while he gave little pulsing sucks to my clit. One perk of being pregnant was that it didn’t take much to take me over the edge and on the next pulsing suck, I crashed and cried out.

  “And I’ll miss that,” he said, getting onto his knees and moving between my legs and lifting them over the crooks of his arms. Given that our heights were so different, it wasn’t actually impossible to have sex like this, but the further into the pregnancy I got, the more difficult it became to find a position that worked, although Luke had spent a lot of time mastering the ones that worked. He changed his mind and put my legs back down so that I had both feet on the bed and my legs were bent to a comfortable angle and crawled back over me.

  Reaching up, I cupped his face in my hands and took in the love that he never hid from me. Pulling him down gently, I kissed him again and felt him reach down between us and placing his cock at my center before running it up and down once and then gently pushing into me. My head dropped back and I groaned.

  “Heaven, every single time it’s heaven,” he growled into my neck, and then kissed up to the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  “Luke,” I was close to begging him to move again because he was just staying still.



  He must have realized how far gone I was because he lifted his head and, keeping eye contact with me the whole time, slowly withdrew and then pushed back into me again just as slowly. This was a new thing for him and had only happened since we’d found out I was pregnant. There were times he lost control, but on the whole he tried to stay at a slow pace. He continued to do this until he had his full length inside me making us both groan at the full feeling.

  “So fucking tight,” he whispered, dropping his forehead gently to mine, and then started to move. I missed his weight on top of me and being able to hold him close, heck even wrapping my legs around him was difficult and uncomfortable, but I refused to basically lie back and think of America, or Bali, or any damn where in the world.

  His pace had started to get a bit faster and my neck arched back when he ground his pelvis into mine. He continued to grind as he kissed down towards my breast and sucked my nipple back into his mouth. As he slowly withdrew, he’d flick the nipple with his tongue and then when he pushed back in again he’d grind and suck hard.

  I could feel myself beginning to tighten around him and he felt it too because he growled and the vibrations on my nipple almost shot me over the edge. Releasing it, he then licked and kissed his way between them and over to the neglected one and started again. It was on his fourth grind and suck that I shattered and felt myself squeezing him tight and breaking his restraint as he sped up his thrusts and increased the force of them.

  I reached up to take hold of the wooden slat that acted as a headboard on the bed, as he thrust into me. Shifting back down onto his elbows, he moved his hands under my ass and lifted me up into his thrusts and that was all it took to shoot me over the edge again taking him with me.

  “Fuck, Isla,” he groaned. I could feel his pulsing inside me and tightened my thighs against his sides to try and hold him where he was for as long as possible.

  After long minutes, he fell to the side taking me with him doing his best to keep us joined with my leg over his hip before reaching up and pulling down one of the spare pillows and pushing it under my bump slowly to give it some support.

  “I love you, Luke.” I reached up to move some of his blonde hair off his forehead.

  “How long for?” He asked, lowering his hand to rub my bump gently.


  “Just for forever?” He sounded worried, as if forever wasn’t long enough.

  I leaned forward as I pulled him towards me and whispered against his mouth, “More than forever,” and kissed him.

  As we pulled apart, his mouth broke into a grin and he said, “Why didn’t you just say so? Honestly, Isla, sometimes it’s like getting blood from a stone getting a compliment from you.”

  Smiling sweetly, I reached above my head and got another one of the spare pillows and then brought it down over his face. His muffled laughter and gasps bugged me even more, that was a heartfelt declaration dammit and he ruined it. Lifting up the pillow, I glared at him until he stopped laughing.

  “Sorry, sayang. I love you to the moon and back.”

  “Well, you’d fucking well better; I’m popping out your giant babies after carrying them around in me for ten years.”

  Chuckling, he pulled me back to him and with his hand on my bump and our foreheads together, we fell asleep.

  Chapter 29


  W e’d been back from our ten-day honeymoon heaven for three days and today was Jodie and Calista’s funerals. The coroner had finally released the bodies while we were away, but neither Dad nor I wanted anything to do with them. I’d struggled with that decision when we’d got the call while we were in Florida, but as Luke said, I really had no reason to attend given how they’d treated me as a child. That, I could put to the side, it was what had come out about them since that I couldn’t. So many people had been used, hurt, and set up by them and that was something I couldn’t ever condone. Dad said he wasn’t going because of what they’d done to me and how much they’d betrayed the community in Piersville and also where they’d been living in Venice. There was no end to the depths of their depravity. Add onto it the bomb that could have killed someone that they had brought into Layla’s house and paying someone to kill me… The bodies had ended up being returned to Jodie’s sister who lived in Arkansas for her to deal with. Apparently, she didn’t have any money and was as twisted as Jodie, but as Dad had already started the proceedings for a divorce the day after he’d found out what she’d done to me and what they’d done afterwards, the lawyer he consulted said he had a good case for not being liable for the funeral costs, so her sister was going to have to do something.

  I had just had a checkup with Dr. Conlan and the babies were definitely behemoth Montgomery’s. Normally at thirty-two weeks, twins tended to be around three pounds fourteen ounces, but these ones she’d guessed were around four and a half pounds. Apparently, things were starting to indicate that my body was getting ready to go into labor, though, so she didn’t think that I’d carry them past thirty-six weeks, which I could handle so long as they were healthy.

  I was looking out the window and thinking about things that I still needed to get for them when I realized that we weren’t going straight back to the Townsend’s. When we took a turn down the road where Luke’s house had been, though, I started to panic. I hadn’t been near here since it happened because I just couldn’t bear to see what was left, seeing the damage to the front of my house was bad enough, and I had had to go and see it because of the insurance claim

  As we pulled up to where his house had been, my mouth dropped open. There was a large and beautiful two story white house with a wraparound porch. The windows had old fashioned wooden shutters painted in a gray color that looked beautiful with the gray shingle roof. It looked familiar to me, too, but I couldn’t figure out why.

  “What’s this?” We’d just pulled into the circular drive in front of it and I had to do a check to make sure that we weren’t somewhere completely different.

  Saying nothing, Luke took my hand and led me to the double wooden front door with a gorgeous black iron handle and opened them. In front of us, a staircase shaped like a C arced around with a wooden railing and to the left was what looked like a family room and to the right was another room with thick couches

  everywhere. It slowly sank in that this was my ideal home, I’d chosen the plan when

  I was sixteen and had stuck photos of what I loved in a scrapbook that I’d left at Grams when I’d moved. Thankfully, my dreams hadn’t changed since then and each and every one of them was right here.

  Luke led me silently to what I’d assumed was the family room and I gasped when I walked in. I’d told Maya that I was going to change the living room into a place for the babies to sleep while I worked, but that it would still be comfortable and a place to relax. There was a light wood sleigh crib in the corner of the room with a matching changing table beside it. In the opposite corner to it was a glass desk with a set of white drawers under it and it had all been baby proofed with the discreet set that I’d found online that didn’t scream ‘paranoid first time mom’. The floor was covered by beach flooring and had a large mushroom colored rug covering it and floor length cream curtains. The couch was a dark brown leather sectional which I’d said would be more functional with babies seeing as they tended to spit up so if I’d had fabric we’d have constantly been having it cleaned. There was a large television mounted on the wall too and it all just looked so perfect.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered looking around. “This was why Maya’s been quizzing me since we got back from Bali!”

  “I wanted to give it to you as a wedding present, and now this house is purely ours,” he replied, watching my face. “Wanna see everywhere else?”

  Nodding my head and wearing a huge grin, I let him lead me from room to room. Maya had done it perfectly, even the kitchen was perfect.

  We went upstairs and Luke showed me the four guest bedrooms which were all neutrally decorated and had ensuites. Apparently, I could work with Maya on how to make them what I wanted, and I had to admit I was excited at the prospect.

  We went down the hallway and he took me to two doors that were on their own.

  Entering the first one I started crying as I took it all in. The walls had been painted a beautiful dark gray color like I’d chosen after seeing a photo of a completed nursery online. There was a wall with two large white tree’s with no leaves painted on it, and underneath each one was a white sleigh crib with gray sheets and white blankets on them. In the corner were two bassinets for the babies to sleep in with rocking frames under them and a rocking chair that I’d fallen in love with when I’d come across it at an online baby store. The curtains again were white and hit the floor. There was also a changing table filled with diapers, A&D cream, wipes, and everything that I’d need for the babies. The carpet was a beautiful mushroom color like the other bedrooms up here and was so thick that my feet sank into it as I walked toward two white doors on the same wall. Opening the first, I saw an ensuite that would be every kid’s dream with a bath that had a baby harness that lowered into the water attached and a moveable changing table with baby stuff on it. The walls were decorated with monkeys and birds and other animals around the trees making it look like a tropical paradise. I started laughing, remembering Johnny’s monkey phobia; this was going to be so much fun.

  Turning to look, I went to give him a kiss, but he moved his head back and grinned. “You haven’t seen it all yet. Hold that thought!” And led me to the door next to the bathroom. Opening it, I walked into a baby haven. There were rows of clothes and another changing unit, and in the far corner were boxes of unopened baby toys, loads of them.

  “How many toys do you think they need?” I asked looking over it all. We had swing chairs, blocks, teddy bears, trucks…

  “There’s more in the unit in their bedroom,” Luke said sounding proud of himself as he looked around.

  “How did you do all of this?” I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t noticed any of this being bought or planned.

  “While you were asleep, I’d order what you’d picked and get it delivered to Mom and Dad’s. Maya paid attention when y’all were in the baby store so she could tell us what furniture you wanted and then when she asked you questions about what you wanted for the babies she’d organize it to be done in here. Once Thing One and Thing Two are born, she’s arranged for someone to make their names in fabric that you can choose from, and they’ll get hung on the trees above their beds.” I stood staring at him with my mouth open making him chuckle. “And there’s a cover for the heater being made in white. It’s taking a bit longer to do, but it should be here on Saturday.”

  Looking around I chanted not to cry in my head, but I couldn’t help it. “You’re amazing,” I sobbed as he pulled me into his chest, still laughing.

  “I take it you approve?” He asked as he kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back.

  “Well, duh!” Leaning back to look up at him, I asked the question that had just hit me. “What about if Thing Two is a girl? We don’t have any girl stuff?”

  The smile immediately fell from Luke’s face and he went a bit pale under his tan. “Can we not have a girl, please?”

  I knew he worried about having a daughter because he felt she would be more vulnerable than if we had sons, plus he’d turn into a raving overprotective psychodad. “Honey, we spoke about this. It’s too late, remember, and we have no control over what they are.”

  “Well, just do your best to make it a boy, okay?”

  I think my husband had lost his mind, and I think he was going to lose it even more because I had the strongest feeling that Thing Two was a girl. So strong that I’d bought some baby girl things that I could exchange if it turned out that my hunch was wrong.

  Deciding to put him out of his misery, I led him out of the room and over to the last door at the very end of the hallway.

  “I take it that this is the master bedroom, Mr. Montgomery?” I opened the door and walked over to the biggest comfiest looking bed that I’d ever seen. “Wanna test the springs with me?”

  “It’s a Tempurpedic,” he mumbled walking toward me.

  “Well then, wanna see what shapes we can make in the foam?” I crawled backwards onto it and holy hell it was the most comfortable bed I’d ever been on in my life.

  “You’re on,” he growled as he crawled over me and leaned down to give me a kiss.

  “By the way, there’s waterproof sheets on just in case your waters break.”

  Holding his head to me so that he didn’t ruin the mood with anymore talk of waterproof sheets or splash guards or whatever else he’d bought, we set about making some interesting shapes in the foam. Thank God Tempurpedic bounced back quickly!

  Chapter 30


  F our weeks later…

  I was now thirty-six weeks pregnant and I was so uncomfortable that sleeping was becoming impossible. We’d moved into the new house last week after Baz had set up the added security measures and the small house in the back garden, that I’d only noticed as we were leaving was finished, for the guards to stay in.

  I’d been a bit emotional lately because of the lack of sleep, and Luke had a meeting that he had to go to today that was two hours away, so he’d dropped me off to spend the day with Maya. She’d bought a birthing DVD and we were sitting watching it in horrified silence.

  “Oh my God, why are we watching this?” I whispered, grabbing her hand and squeezin
g as the woman on the television in front of us screamed and her stomach visibly tightened. There were three women giving birth on the DVD; one with no drugs, one in a small pool in her room, and one with an epidural. The cameras would move from room to room with each new development and listening to her scream, I’d decided that the woman who wasn’t having any drugs was fucking nuts!

  “Why isn’t she taking the drugs?” Maya cried and biting her fist.

  I was just about to answer when Cole walked in and threw himself onto the couch with us.

  “What we watch…oh fucking hell, what the fuck is happening?” He yelled, picking up a pillow and hiding behind it. “Why the shit would you watch this?”

  Neither of us answered as we watched the woman in the pool start panting and bearing down. Maya squeezed my hand harder as the woman made groaning noises and screamed. Just as Cole looked up over the top of the cushion, something floated to the surface of the pool and all of us squinted and moved forward.

  “Is that her…” Maya started and was interrupted by Cole yelling, “Fuck me, is that a shit? Did she take a fucking shit? You didn’t say anything about y’all shitting when you had the babies. That’s disgusting!”

  His Mom had been in the kitchen making us a salad and walked back through with the tray at that moment. “I don’t know what you’re yelling about Cole, when you were born, I went poop at the same time!” Maya and I sniggered at her ‘went poop’ comment and then burst out laughing at Cole’s face.

  Standing up, he put his hands on his hips and walked over to his Mom. “Are you telling me that I was born on a pile of shit?”

  Nodding, she walked past him and passed us each a bowl off the tray and a fork.

  “You were, and you also had issues pooping in a toilet until you were six. The mess that your little boxers were in was just unreal.”


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