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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 76

by Mary B. Moore

  Before she could start grumping at me for ruining yet another pair of panties, I bent down and swiped my tongue up the center of her pussy and groaned at how sweet she was. I gently pushed my middle finger into her and pumped it in and out as I sucked her clit in pulses. It didn’t take much for her to shatter around my finger, and although I wanted to stay where I was, I couldn’t hold off anymore and slowly crawled up her body, kissing various parts along the way. I bent and sucked her nipple into her mouth and positioned myself at her entrance. Just as I pushed into her, I nipped and then sucked furiously on the turgid peak making her convulse around me. I couldn’t take the torture and pushed in quicker than I’d meant to, but fuck me she felt so good. Ebru was as tight as a fist around me and every single time I was inside her, it felt like heaven.

  Pumping slowly back and forth, I licked and kissed across to her other nipple whilst leaning on one arm and using the other hand to pinch the nipple that I’d just left. She thrust her hips up and then moved her legs so far up my back that they were almost wrapped around my shoulder blades, changing the angle that I was going into her at completely. I couldn’t stop myself from speeding up and thrusting harder into her. The angle meant that I was hitting her in a way that I’d never hit her before and all other thoughts left my head as I pumped in and out.

  “Oh fuck me, baby,” I groaned, feeling the sweat dripping down my face. “You feel so…fucking beautiful!”

  “Harder, Cole,” she gasped, and I knew that she was about to come again.

  Reaching down, I sped up even more and rubbed around her clit with my thumb. A couple of strokes later and she was screaming as her pussy squeezed the life out of my cock, but oh fuck me it was the hardest I think I’d ever come in my life. I wasn’t sure if I’d screamed myself, but when I came back to my senses, I was lying on top of her, with my weight on the same arm that I’d been balanced on before and she was panting into my neck.

  “I fucking love you, Cole Townsend,” she sniffled into my neck.

  “Shit, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?” I almost fell off the couch trying to detach myself from her, but she wouldn’t let go of me.

  “No, you dick. I’m just so fucking happy and I can’t believe that I’m having a baby. Your baby.” She grinned up at me, but the reminder of what she was carrying was like a bucket of iced water over my head.

  “Oh shit, the baby. I’ve been poking the poor thing while it’s trying to sleep. Ren used to do that to me and I always wanted to kill him, but Mom made me promise that I wouldn’t off any of my siblings. It’s gonna hate me now!” I had the perfect mental image of all of this going through my head. Even though I knew it was irrational, I couldn’t help panicking and reaching for my cell in my pants pocket to call our OBGYN to ask for help. Was there therapy for babies when this happened?

  Ebru burst out laughing so hard that she shifted her legs and her knee clocked me right in the nuts. The pain and shock took over my body, and I pitched to the side when my arm wouldn’t hold me up anymore and fell off the couch. There was a high pitched squeak and the sound of something running away as fast as it could and I quickly thought of my poor piglet, but the fact that my nuts were travelling faster than the Hogwarts Express toward my brain took priority. At least I’d fathered a child before my balls were used to score the winning goal in the football game of life.

  Chapter 3


  T wo weeks later…

  I was dying. This was the definition of hell. Staring down into the toilet that I was kneeling over getting ready to barf my nuts out of my nose, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for myself. We’d taken Ebru to see the OBGYN that Maya and Isla had used and she’d found it funny when Ebru told her that she felt great in the mornings, but that I was suffering from morning, noon and night sickness. Every morning the world shifted as my stomach tried to kill me, then it would happen at different times during the day. Smells set it off horribly too; in fact work was killing me. The smell of the oil and the stinky bastards that I worked with…that thought broke the fragile hold that I had on this morning’s chunder delight and I threw up.

  “Aw, are you still feeling shitty, honey?” Ebru asked as she walked into the bathroom and put her cup of decaf coffee on the counter. The smell that wafted from it in my direction made my gut rebel again. I heard the tap running and the next moment, she had put a cold, wet cloth on the back of my neck. “I brought your ginger ale and saltines. Let’s get you cleaned up and then you can have them.”

  After I’d cleaned my mouth out, I walked back to the bed and sat down waiting for the two things that helped the nausea. Taking the ginger ale and saltines, I nibbled and sipped as she made her way around the room getting ready for work. The OBGYN had given me some medication to help, but they made me a bit drowsy and I’d had mental images of a car dropping on me at work while I was asleep because of them. I was feeling really shit though, so I might have to give in and take it.

  “Okay, here’s your jeans and a tee to wear. I chose your Harry Potter jockeys to make you feel better,” Ebru explained, placing a pile of clothes beside me.

  Looking over, I saw my favorite pair of work jeans on the top of the pile. “Those don’t fit me anymore.”

  Ebru stopped and looked me up and down. “How come?”

  Lying back down on the bed slowly, I put my arm over my eyes. This was so embarrassing. “Because I’m all bloated. Look.” I lifted up my top to prove it. I moved my arm off my eyes when she didn’t say anything and saw her standing looking at me. “I know, I’m like Shamu. Poor Maya; this is karma for what I said when she was pregnant with Crystal. Or the shit I said to Isla when she was pregnant with the twins.”

  As always, Ebru did something that I wasn’t expecting and shook her head and walked away muttering about the amount of taco’s I’d been eating recently. Fine, I was taking the day off work. I felt like crap, I’d done long hours so that Ren could spend more time with Crystal and Maya and I was suffering from morning sickness. The OBGYN had said that this happens sometimes with fathers; I’m sure mine was worse than any morning sickness that had ever been suffered before though.


  “He has morning sickness?” my friend Lars asked, looking at me like I was full of shit.

  “Legit morning sickness.”

  Shaking his head at me, Lars said no more and went back to looking at the results on the screen in front of him. Looking at my watch, I almost cried with relief that my shift was over. I was constantly exhausted just now and looking after my husband with his morning sickness was draining me even more. Saying goodbye, I went and got my crap and walked out to my car.

  As I drove home, I pictured what the baby would look like. Would it look like me? Would it look like him? Aw fuck, would it have his special brand of nuttiness?

  Pulling up in front of our house, I got out of the car and tried to open the front door with my key, but nothing was happening. What the shit? After four attempts, I walked around to the back and tried the door there, but the same thing happened, so I got my phone out and called Cole as I walked back round to the front.

  “Hey, baby!”

  “I can’t get into the house. Either my key isn’t working or all of the doors are broken.”

  “Ah no,” I could hear him walking and didn’t get the chance to say anything else before the door swung open in front of me. “Hey bub,” he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss as I walked into the house. “I’ve had a busy day, like majorly busy. I kept eating the saltines and drinking the ginger ale like the doctor said, and I feel so much better!”

  I stopped walking when I saw the state of my living room. The entire coffee table and side tables were wrapped in bubble wrap and he’d mounted the television on the wall…near the ceiling. I was going to get a frozen neck trying to watch that. Continuing to look around the place, I took in everything including the fact that the dining table and chairs were all wrapped up too.

  “What did you do?”

bsp; “Do you like it?” he took my hand and walked me toward the kitchen. “I baby proofed the place. Now there’s no ouchies!” He pointed over to the kitchen cupboard doors; I saw white lumps on them.

  “What are they?”

  “They’re magnetic locks.”

  This was when I proved to the world that I was a Saint. In fact, I was beyond a Saint. I’d asked Cole to show me how the locks worked, and he’d gone to get the little magnetic dohickey that you needed to operate the lock inside. Twat face had obviously lost it, possibly even thrown it out, who knows - which meant that I couldn’t get into anything at all.

  Glaring at him, I walked back toward the living room where my cell was and rang through to my favorite Chinese place for a food delivery. Initially, I ordered it for one, but the asshole looked so frustrated that I gave in and rang them back with his order. I wouldn’t be so lenient when I shoved the magnet so far up his ass that it would need an ENT specialist to remove it from his sinuses, though.

  My feet were killing me, so I dropped down onto the couch, hearing the sound of a million bubbles popping under my ass all at once. Standing up again, I lifted the cushion and checked underneath it, and yup the twat wad had put bubble wrap under the cushions too.

  Looking up at him, he shrugged. “The frame has wood and metal. Baby T might hurt itself on it.”

  “In the womb?” Shrugging again he leaned against the door frame, before shooting up and frowning at it. “What are you doing?”

  He quickly walked out of the room and came back with a huge roll of the bastard bubbles and started wrapping it around the door itself. Fuck it, the dog and piglet could enjoy his Chinese food. And I knew a surgeon who would remove the chopsticks from his colon…

  Chapter 4


  T hree weeks later…

  All of the girls were on a weekend away with the babies at a Mommy Baby Spa. It was a new concept that had opened two hours away from us where Mommy and baby could enjoy treatments together, The baby would be looked after close to the mother by a professional so that there was no separation anxiety, but the mother could also enjoy being pampered. I’d wanted to get them a reservation at a Spa and we’d look after the kids, but the ladies wouldn’t hear of it and didn’t want to be away from their babies so we’d found this one.

  Last night, we’d gone to Jilly’s and had played pool while we had a few beers. It was nice to be able to hang out and relax, but all of us had been texting our other halves or talking about them. Gone were the days where we went out to get wrecked and let off steam.

  So far today we’d helped Dad fix the fence and get all of the pregnant heifers in the enclosure. There had been a storm last week that had downed one of the fences and our pregnant cows had mixed in with the non-pregnant ones, so it had been a bit of a mess. Thankfully, they were all due now so it was obvious which ones were which, apart from Clarabel, Maya’s cow. She ate so much she was close to exploding, and damn if she didn’t follow Maya and Crystal around like a puppy. Poor Dash had spotted competition.

  Now, we were all at Ren’s and were sitting watching a game on the TV with a beer in our hands.

  “Anyone want another?” Ren asked, getting up and walking toward the kitchen. We all yelled yeah, not moving our eyes from the TV for a second. As he walked back in, he started handing out bottles to all of us and that’s when I caught sight of the baby bottle in his hand.

  “What’s that for?”

  Shrugging, he sat back in his chair and unscrewed the lid of it before pouring his beer into it. “Crystal doesn’t like a bottle, she prefers Maya’s boob, and I’m trying to figure out what’s so bad about it?”

  Ignoring the yelling from the television, we all watched as he brought the bottle to his mouth and started drinking from it. Now that he’d put the idea in my head…it seemed like everyone had the same idea as me because we all got up and ran to the kitchen, elbowing each other out of the way to get to the bottles.


  I was so damn tired. It seemed that as soon as we got close to a lead on who was organizing the attacks on the Montgomerys and Townsends it disappeared, and it was killing me. Walking into Ren’s house to double check that Brett was okay, I almost fell over my feet when I saw the group of guys sitting with what looked like beer in baby bottles that they were drinking from as they watched a game on the television.

  “Hey man,” Cole said grinning up at me. The fact that this little shit was reproducing was a huge worry for me about the state that the world was going to be in for generations to come. I could only hope that the bat shit crazy would dilute itself quickly.

  “I want to ask what’s going on, but at the same time…” I focused back on the problem at hand.

  “Ren wanted to see why Crystal doesn’t like a bottle,” Brett explained waving his bottle around like it wasn’t the most random shit in the history of mankind. I wonder what Sabine would think of it? She was away at the Spa with the other ladies, though, and I didn’t want to ruin her peace and quiet. God knows she was due some after everything she’d been through recently.

  Nodding, I turned and walked out the way I’d come in and headed toward Colette’s house to see if she had any cookies or cupcakes. Walking in without knocking, which didn’t stand well with me, but she’d had Jack threaten me with letting Hurst go target practicing, so I’d given in, I heard the sound of the blender on in the kitchen.

  Rounding the corner, I saw the bottle of tequila and limes and shit all over the counter and watched as she poured some green slush into a huge glass before pouring the rest into two pitchers.

  “Hey, Mrs. T.”

  “Ah, Coleman. Just in time.” She reached for another glass and poured some of the mixture into it. “It’s Monday night margarita time!”

  Reaching for the glass, I looked at her eyes to see how much she’d had, but she looked more sober than I’d ever seen anyone look.

  “It’s 4PM on a Wednesday, Mrs. T.”

  Her head snapped up as she glared at me and said, “Don’t judge! Have you met my family? Every hour of every day could be Monday night margarita time, so don’t judge me when I actually give into it and drown my sorrows.” I couldn’t blame her, her family really was fucked up. “So,” she smiled sweetly, almost giving me whiplash from how quickly her mood had changed. “Where are my boys?”

  Taking a sip of the margarita in my hand, I wheezed and coughed. Fuck me that was strong. “They’re watching the game with a beer,” I got out through the wheezing. She nodded her head and smiled, looking relieved for some reason. “That they’re drinking out of baby bottles,” I finished.

  I watched as she tipped her glass back and drank the contents of it down in one go. How the crud didn’t she have brain freeze? I’d be on the floor screaming if I’d done that.

  “I caught their father and grandfather doing that a couple of weeks ago,” she explained as she refilled her glass. “Now the fart hogs insist on doing it every single time.” She took a big gulp of the drink. “That wouldn’t have been so bad if Mrs. LeeAnne hadn’t decided to stop by to brag about some bullshit while they were sitting on the deck drinking out of their god damn bottles.”

  Knowing that the local gossip and busybody was Mrs. Rachel LeeAnne, I could just imagine the shit that poor Colette had had to put up with recently after she saw that. Using the alcohol to distract me from the laugh that wanted to burst out, I nodded and watched as she drank the rest of that glass down at once too. This woman was hard as nails, but then I reckon she’d have to be with a family like hers.

  After watching her drink two more margaritas’, I picked up the pitchers and carried them back to Ren’s house. I was off the clock and had handed over to my men hours ago, so I was looking forward to this drink.

  Walking back in, I noticed the guys looked majorly relaxed and comfortable as I walked to the kitchen. Seeing the stack of bottles on the side, I figured if I couldn’t beat them, then I’d join them.


  Waking up the next morning, I groaned at the sledgehammer that was smacking the shit out of my brain. When I tried to swallow, it was like licking sandpaper too. The groans around me made me feel a bit better knowing that the assholes were suffering with me.

  “Oh fuck me,” Brett groaned beside me. “Please, tell me we didn’t Sharpie ourselves again.” We all looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief when we saw clear undecorated faces of the soon to be walking dead.

  “Why does it look like Babies R Us has thrown up on my floor?” Ren asked, looking down at the baby bottles that were scattered all over the floor with varying amounts of different alcoholic beverages inside them. Even looking at it made my gut turn.

  “We need to go and get new ones before the women get home,” Luke grumbled from his nest. I call it a nest because at this precise moment, he was surrounded by the cushions from the couch in Ren’s office and we’d padded him up with comforters that we’d taken out of the laundry room. I was trying to remember why, but it was a blank.

  “At least Mace was sober enough to not tattoo us,” Brett said, looking at the screen of his phone. Pulling my own out, I saw the messages begging him to come back and tattoo a unicorn horn on my forehead. I vaguely remembered him joining us and then leaving a couple of hours later. Lucky fucker probably wasn’t dying like I was right now.

  Ren got up and stumbled toward the toilet, and I was just about to try my luck at standing and walking in a straight line to the kitchen when I heard him yell. Ah shitting hell, what had we done now? We all turned in his direction as the toilet opened and out came Ren wearing a tiny baby diaper that hardly covered everything, but that was stuck to him with silver duct tape. I couldn’t stop my wince at the thought of how painful that was going to be to tear off again.


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