Book Read Free

Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 78

by Mary B. Moore

  Chapter 6


  F our weeks later…

  My hands were sweating so I wiped them down my jeans for the millionth time since we’d gotten here. Ebru looked calm as she lay on the bed, waiting for the sonographer to do the scan that would tell us if we were having a boy or girl. I also wanted them to check yet again that there was only one in there. I’d had a nightmare last night that Ebru had gone into labor and eight babies had popped out; I’d never survive that. In fact, could a woman even give birth to eight babies?

  I was about to go on Google and look it up, but the sonographer walked in with Eb’s OBGYN and after an introduction, the scan started.

  “So, here we have a leg and a tiny little foot…” I tuned out what was being said as I stood staring at the screen in front of me. It was like something out of a horror movie as it looked right at me and screeched. Obviously not audibly, but like in Alien when they find out that she’s pregnant with one of them. Oh shit, it had been joked about for years, but what if my kid was born with a fucking tail? “And now we get to the fun part,” I heard the sonographer say as she paused over an area that just looked like more Alien to me than whatever she was seeing. “Ah, baby isn’t shy and has their legs wide open. And,” there was some clicking and whatever shit she was doing, “You’re having a boy!”

  Ebru started crying as I stared at the screen and saw something on the screen. “Well shit, even I can see that! Hell yeah, son, you take after your Daddy!”

  “That’s the umbilical cord,” the snooty bitch said as she pointed at something weird on the screen. “That’s the baby’s penis there.”

  Tilting my head to the left and right, I tried to find what looked like a dick on the screen, but I was totally lost. Then I remembered what happened to Ren and Maya and glared at the sonographer.

  “Double check it.”

  “I can assure you, Mr. Townsend, it’s a boy.”

  “Double check it.”

  “It’s a boy,” she got out through gritted teeth.

  “Yeah, and that’s what they told my brother when his wife was pregnant. Guess what? Yeah, they had a girl and the pathetic ass twat is still convinced that there are balls and a dick that will drop any second taking his kid from Crystal to Christopher,” she looked at Ebru for confirmation and looked back at me. “So, if you wouldn’t mind, could you please check again.”

  She went back to the screen and moved the little wand thing as the OBGYN looked over her shoulder.

  “It’s a boy,” they both said at the same time.

  Looking between them, I came to a decision. “Get a couple of others in here and we’ll do a consensus.”

  As we waited, I stroked my wife’s hair off her forehead refusing to look down at her and the glare that I knew was pointed in my direction. What she didn’t know was that I’d booked her in for another four scans over the next week in different locations just to make sure. Ren fell asleep on the job, I wasn’t going to. I was going to make sure that my baby was what they said it was going to be and if it turned out to definitely be a boy, then I was gonna rub that shit in Ren’s face so badly that…

  I didn’t realize that I was grinning and looking into space until Ebru flicked her hand to get my attention while the sonographer and OBGYN watched me. I think she meant to get my thigh, but the direct hit to my balls definitely got my attention. As I gasped and dropped to the floor, I saw the smile that took over her beautiful face. Accident my fucking ass…


  ‘Let’s go and get some boy shit’ he’d said. ‘Let’s enjoy preparing for our baby together’ he’d said. Lying sack of shit. I was currently lying waiting for a second opinion on my fourth scan, fourth. Apparently, the three-second opinions that we got during the first one meant jack, or the ones after the second scan and the third scan. I was done!

  “Holy fucking shitting hell, Cole. It’s a fucking boy. It has a dick and balls and is absolutely perfect in every way. No, the umbilical cord isn't its pecker, but yes it has one. Enough now!” I snapped, trying to get off the table as the sonographer sat in the corner of the room watching us. She’d been there since Cole had started his ranting and demanded the second opinion after telling the story of Ren, again.

  “I just want to know for sure,” he sulked, holding me on the table and stopping my escape. “Just this last one, please?” He gave me the special eyes that he thought looked like a pleading puppy dog, but that just made him look like he had issues.

  Sighing, I lay back and went through the whole thing again. Yes, it was a boy and that was its weenis and those were his balls blah blah. Looking over at Cole, I raised an eyebrow, silently asking if he was done now.

  “Okay, I’m convinced,” he said, holding my hand as we walked out of the clinic’s doors. “Oh, I can’t wait to rub this in Ren’s face. I know exactly what I’m gonna do…” he mumbled to himself as we got to the car. I would have worried for his sanity, but I’d given up on that months ago so I followed behind him rubbing my bump and wondering at what age they could test the baby.

  Pulling out my phone, I went on Google to check. He’s not the only one who wants to double check some details.

  Four days later…

  “Where is he?” Ren growled as I put my keys in the front door. I’d just finished work and all I could think about was snuggling up on the couch and never moving again.

  Sighing, I turned to face my fuming brother-in-law. “What’s he done now?”

  Turning the screen of his phone to face me, I saw a picture of the gender scan of our baby’s crotch with an arrow and ‘this is what a baby peen looks like. Thanks for all of the baby boy shit.’ I was kind of disappointed in the fact that he hadn’t been wittier with his mocking. Looking at the room in the picture, I saw that all of the boxes and bags of baby stuff that Ren had bought when he thought that Maya was having a boy were gone; the imprints of them still showing on the carpet. Then he flicked his finger across the screen and there was a photo of our nursery filled with all of the shit. The toys were on shelves, the clothes were hanging in the wardrobe and it looked like a Smurf had vomited all over the room with the amount of blue. What Ren didn’t know was that Maya had helped Cole with the project. She was sick of Ren whining about Crystal’s boy bits not dropping and him sitting in the room staring at all of the boy crap just lying there that she’d helped Cole carry it across and unpack. I’d leave that up to Ren to find out in like thirty years time.

  Opening the door, I was about to say something to Ren when I caught sight of boxes and boxes of baby proofing stuff in the hallway and in the living room. I’d torn down all of the bubble wrap the day after Cole had put it around everything after Hurst accused me of farting when I sat down and wouldn’t listen to me when I said it was his grandson being an asshole that had been the reason for the noise. I was hormonal and tired and had stood up leaving Hurst harping on about ‘garts’, which were apparently girl farts, and had gotten rid of every trace of the fucking stuff from my home. Now, it looked like the paranoid asshole had bought out every store of every safety item that had ever been invented. I was going to kill him.

  “COLE!” I bellowed. Ren harrumphed behind me like I was yelling for what he did to him, yeah dream on buddy. I was already going up the stairs, knowing full well that he was in the nursery still.

  Storming through the door, I yelled, “What the shit is all of that…shit,” shit that was a lot of shits, “downstairs? I told yo…” I stopped as I saw what he’d been doing.

  On the wall behind him, was a collage of photos of my sister, Louise. There were ones of us together, but mainly they were ones of her on her own from birth until just before she died. I started to blink rapidly, taking them in as I walked closer to them. He’d had them made into vinyl wall stickers so that they blended in with the tree that had been painted on the wall too. It had awesome little blue owls on it, but now there were pegs painted too and the photos hung from every branch. Some I recognized, but a lot I

  Looking at my husband who was watching me with his arms crossed over his chest, I burst into tears and threw myself at him. I couldn’t get as close to him as I had previously because of the fact that my bump had appeared and seemed to be growing every time I inhaled oxygen, but I was close enough.

  “Aw fuck, now I can’t bust your balls for being a thieving shit licking dick,” Ren grumbled from the doorway. I’d totally forgotten about him being there and having a grievance with his brother.

  “Don’t hate me because my baby has a weiner, man.” Cole sniggered. “And how cool does all of this boy shit look in my kid’s room?”

  “You’re a dead man,” Ren hissed back and I heard his footsteps walking away from us.

  “You know he’s going to get revenge on you, don’t you?”

  Cole just shrugged and stroked my back. “Meh. At the end of the day, my baby has a dick and his doesn’t. Nothing beats that!”

  He would regret saying that.

  The next day…

  “I’m gonna kill him,” Cole bellowed outside our home. I’d just woken up from a nap and had been about to go and see Maya and Crystal when I heard the sound of his engine and Cole yelling.

  Walking outside, I saw Ren walking toward us with the biggest grin on his face that I’d ever seen, Maya looking amused and Cole storming toward them. I knew he wouldn't do anything seeing as his brother was holding Crystal, but I didn’t doubt that whatever it was, that Cole would have him eating dirt soon enough. I’d never seen him that pissed.

  I passed the car as I followed behind Cole and screeched to a halt as something on the back of it got my attention. Turning in its direction, I stood open mouthed as I took in what had been done to Cole’s beloved car.

  “Oh shit,” Maya gasped behind me and burst out laughing.

  On the trunk, someone had put a massive pink crown sticker that covered the entire thing with massive fake diamonds on the tips of it. They were the size of a tennis ball. On the lip of the trunk, it said Princess Onboard.

  Maya and I looked at each other and then over at where our husband’s were arguing.

  “I drove home with that shit on my car,” Cole roared as Ren stood laughing his ass off and Crystal giggled with him. “That is the fucking Gucci of all Mustangs and you made it into a pussy wagon…and not in a good way!”

  Maya walked up to them quickly and took the still giggling Crystal from her husband’s arms. Ren’s face went pale as his human shield was taken away from him, leaving him open to the wrath of his brother.

  I heard a yelp and the sound of smacking as Maya and I walked toward my house and started discussing Crystal’s latest developments. It was best to leave them to it when they got like this, plus one of the ranch hands was recording it, so no doubt I’d get to watch it on YouTube later. Whoever set up that channel dedicated to their fuckery was a genius…they’d never know that it was me and Maya who had actually done it.


  Thank fuck, my morning sickness was getting better, but now the cravings for weird shit had kicked in and were driving me nuts. At 3AM, I’d be out of bed and downstairs rooting for shit to mix together or I’d be out driving around looking for what I wanted.

  Ebru’s parents had been to visit us over the weekend, just in time for the arrival of the nursery furniture that I’d ordered. It was meant to be here sooner, but there had been a delay in it being shipped from Australia. It was worth the wait when I saw Ebru’s face and spent the day with her Dad building it all. I could have had someone come and do it, but I wanted to be the one who made my son’s bed for him and the other pieces of furniture that I’d ordered. Being able to do it with Ebru’s Dad, Finn, just made it that bit more magical. Her Mom, Enya, was still recovering from her surgery and the treatments that she’d gone through, but she was looking so much better than she had at our wedding. Her and Finn’s faces when they’d seen the collage on the wall almost broke my heart, but then they’d smiled and started talking about how their grandchild would always have the best guardian angel. I couldn’t agree more.

  I’d agreed to hold off baby proofing the house until the baby arrived, but I’d lied. I’d woken up this morning worried about Ebru bumping herself or something hurting her, so I was currently putting it together while she worked. Wait, what if she bumped herself at work? There were people there who might accidentally knock her. And sharp corners everywhere. And the needles and medications, what if she got past the child tamper lock on the bottle?

  Picking up a bunch of the shit I’d ordered, I made my way out to my princess free car and set off for the hospital with my heart in my throat. Why had I never thought about how dangerous her job was? I needed to order more baby safety shit. There was a lot of ground to cover in the hospital.


  “I said I was sorry,” the asshole that I married mumbled beside me as I sat fuming.

  “You put a magnetic lock on the door to the fucking medication room,” I hissed. “You put corner guards on everything. You then put cable ties around the wheels of the gurney in the hallway so that it wouldn’t roll into me. You baby proofed my desk and the nurses’ station…” I could go on, but he knew what he’d done.

  In fact, by now, the whole world knew what he’d done as some fucker had recorded it and had posted it online with ‘did he baby proof his magical unicorn horn too?’.

  The most humiliating part of the day, though, had been when he walked up to my boss and started asking if she’d accept a note excusing me from work until I had the baby. When she hadn’t replied, he’d grabbed the pad off her desk and had scribbled on a piece of paper. After he handed it to her, I watched in horrified fascination as she read it and then looked between the two of us before settling on me and handing over the paper for me to look at.

  Dear Mrs. Wheeler,

  Please excuse Ebru Townsend from work until she has given birth and finished her maternity leave. I will make sure that she does any work that she’ll miss because of her absence at home so that she’s not behind.

  Cole Townsend

  “Do we have a deal?” The ass wank asked my poor boss who just gave a slow nod back to him. “Well now, that’s great. Okay babykins, time to head home and put our feet up. I have a craving for Mac n cheese with pickles in it and maybe chocolate chips.” He finished it off with a groan and started walking faster.

  As it turned out, I didn’t figure out what to say about what he’d done until later that night. In fact, words still escaped me, so I just sat up and held my pillow over his face listening to him mumbling through it before tickling me. I fucking hated being tickled and he knew it, so it was the fastest way to get the pillow off his face. Cheating ass twat dick.

  “What the hell was that for?” he got out through his gasping. Maybe I had held it just a smidgen too long over his face, but he’d sounded okay as he spoke through it. Maybe he should say less?

  On that thought, I figured that words were completely unnecessary, and just crossed my arms over my chest and glared in his direction. He knew what he’d done.

  Sighing, he turned on his side and stroked a finger down my nose. “Would it help if I apologized in my special way?” Shifting slightly, I refused to reply even though I knew exactly what his special apologies consisted of; I’d received enough of them because this was Cole after all. “What do you say, baby?” he leaned over and started softly kissing down my neck. Oh, the asshole was pulling out all of the stops this time. I wouldn’t give in…I wouldn’t give in…

  That all went to shit when he shifted so that he was lying partially on top of me and trailed his tongue from my collar bone to where the top of the lace cup of my nightie was. Reaching up, I threaded my fingers through his hair and moved his head to where I needed it to be at that moment. Sucking my nipple through the lace, he moaned as I let out a loud groan and arched my back to get closer to him. Pregnancy had boosted my sex drive and seeing as how Cole was having his own pregnancy symptoms, he had the same problem
; not that it was actually a problem per se.

  His hands swept slowly down my body until they hit the hem of the nightie high on my thighs and then his head moved down to where his hands were resting. He unhurriedly moved it up my body and followed it with kisses as he revealed more and more skin. Skipping where I needed him the most, he tortured me trailing kisses around my pussy but not going close enough.

  It was when he reached my small bump that I realized why he was taking so much time and care. I’d thought that maybe it was him being a teasing prick like normal, but he stopped and pressed kisses all over the area before whispering, “Daddy loves you, bubby. Now be a good boy and look the other way.”

  I couldn’t stop the bark of laughter that burst out of me at that, but it quickly faded when he sat up abruptly, pulling my nightie up and over my head and throwing it across the room. Just as quickly as he’d done that, he had a hold of my thighs and pulled me down the bed until I was in the right position. I didn’t even have time to get my bearings before I felt his tongue sweep up my center before circling my clit. Grabbing hold of his hair, I lifted my hips and groaned his name.

  “Cole, please!” it was always the same plea when it came to Cole, but he was so good at what he did that I couldn’t help myself.

  Obviously, he was in the same frame of mind, because rather than teasing and drawing it out like normal, he abruptly sucked my clit into his mouth and pushed one of his thick digits inside me. When he crooked it and started rubbing on the spot inside of me that makes me melt each time and gently bit down on my clit, I exploded with a scream as the waves of pleasure took over. I was still coming when he started pushing his way into me and I felt myself contracting around his hard girth. It was heaven.

  “Ah fuck, baby. I can feel you squeezing me and you’re so fucking wet!” He rasped in my ear, amping me up even more. He was so good at the dirty talk. “I want you to come again. You’re so tight, so fucking beautiful.”


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