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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 81

by Mary B. Moore

  I didn’t even think about what I was doing as I reached out and grabbed Davis’ balls and squeezed harder than I had with Cole’s. The only thing that could break my hold was when Maya lay my son down on my chest and I looked down and saw his precious face staring back up at me. At that moment, I felt my heart burst with love. He had Louise’s beautiful eyes and the same nose and chin.

  “Louis Lyall Townsend,” Cole murmured from beside me and it was perfect. “We spell it Louis, and pronounce it Lewis.”

  How do you improve on perfection? I never thought I’d have a life like this after I lost my sister. I never thought I’d smile or love again after my heart had been broken. At this moment though, all of the fractures that were still there healed and I looked at my husband and my son and realized you didn’t improve on perfection. It was impossible!

  “Wait, double check that it has balls and a dick,” Cole shouted, running over to where the paramedic was rubbing Louis down with a blanket as he screamed in protest. “One, two and there it is,” he crowed as he fist pumped the air. “Mine got his junk you punk!” He yelled in Ren’s face.

  The next five minutes were a blur as they cut the cord and helped me get onto the gurney with Louis. As we were loaded into the back of the ambulance, Cole came running up covered in dirt and with a bruise on his cheek. Ren was limping around the corner looking worse than Cole and glaring in a way that made me think that perhaps Cole holding Louis for life would save his soul from the Devil that Ren looked like he’d make a deal against his brother with.

  “I’ll follow in the car,” he panted. He turned and saw Ren walking up to Cole’s car and lean against it tenderly, but with a sinister grin on his face. Stepping into the ambulance, he turned and threw his keys to Coleman who gave him a nod. Any fuckery that Ren had planned was halted by Maya walking to their SUV with Crystal in her car seat and then Colette walking over to where Coleman was getting into Cole’s car with Louis’ car seat and my overnight bag in her hands.

  I watched as Ren shot a look at the ambulance before the doors shut and made a slashing motion across his neck in Cole’s direction. Cole’s reply was to point to his crotch and make a dick dancing wee wee windmill motion and yelled, “Don’t be a wacko just ‘cause yours got a taco!”

  Anything he had coming he deserved after yelling that. Snuggling into my gorgeous perfect son who was blinking and grimacing at the lights and noise, I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to be just him and me at some point in the near future.


  “I want another one,” I said. Looking down at Louis’ perfect face as he slept and his beautiful little pursed pink lips, I desperately wanted another one. Yeah, it was soon, but when you create perfection like this you have to keep going. We’d been given a ton of awesome bodysuits for him to wear, and the one Louis had on just now had the picture of a Stormtrooper on the front, but said Stormpooper under it. There was always an occasion for Star Wars so whoever invented this onesie was a God in my eyes.

  “Six weeks,” Mom murmured as she looked at her new grandson over my shoulder.

  “For what?”

  “For Ebru to recover,” she laughed.

  “Says who?” Why was she still laughing? This wasn’t a laughing matter. Six weeks?

  “Medicine, science and Ebru’s body,” she laughed harder as she tried to take my perfect child away from me.

  “You don’t know my wife then. She’s more awesome than normal women.” I waved my hand at her and turned my back to her so that she couldn’t reach Louis.

  “Cole,” she’d finally stopped laughing and was now sounding like she had throughout my life. It was a mixture of exasperation, irritation and whatever else mother’s with kids like me used. “Be reasonable. It’s the same for all women. Six weeks to heal and recover from squeezing a baby out of a tiny hole.”

  Turning to glare at her, I kept moving Louis out of the way of her baby thieving hands. “I demand that whoever came up with this bullshit comes in here and tells me this to my face. I want to negotiate!”

  “Cole, it’s six weeks, babe,” Ebru’s tired voice distracted me from the evil witch who had just destroyed my plans of another baby in nine months’ time, or maybe even six because my wife was Superwoman, allowing her to snatch my poor single child away from me. Glaring at her, I shook my head to let her know that this wasn’t going to wash with me. No way was it that long until I could get back inside her. No fucking way!

  “You’re lying!”

  Sitting up quicker than I thought she’d be able to, she made an attempt to grab my crotch that I missed by millimeters. “You selfish bastard,” she hissed. “My grandmother used to refer to my hoochie as a blooming flower when she gave me ‘the talk’ about the sex. Well, that blooming flower is no longer ‘blooming’,” she used air quotes as she looked at me with the same devil eyes that she’d had while giving birth. I swallowed nervously and took a discreet step away from her as she continued. “It’s more like a fucking wild brush fire causing huge amounts of damage and leaving behind a fucking mess behind it.”

  “Why do you have to be so graphic?” I was gagging by this point at the mental image. Jesus, who wants that in their brain?

  “So you’ll excuse me if you have to wait six weeks for it to recover.”

  Thinking over it, a plan came to mind. “We’ll see!” I knew I was smirking like Tim Curry’s character in Home Alone 2. I was going to get this myth nixed.


  The next day….

  We were finally going home. It felt strange that only days ago it had just been the two of us and now we were a family of three. I was having the normal first-time mother worries about whether or not I’d be a good Mom, I’d know what Louis wanted when he cried, that I wouldn’t be a wreck. I hadn’t imagined it being this scary taking Louis home. Today he was wearing another one of the awesome onesies that we’d been given for him and it said Batbaby in training with the Bat Signal above it. Apparently, I’d made a reference to the Bat Signal when I’d been in labor. I didn’t remember it, nor did I want to.

  “Why isn’t dick face doing this?” Brett asked as he walked beside the nurse that was pushing me toward the exit.

  “He had something to do he said,” I was too busy still taking in the features of the tiny little being in my arms. I couldn’t believe that he’d actually been inside of me. The nurse snorted though as I’d said this and I had a second of panic that he’d done something and no one had told me, but surely he wouldn’t. I mean, he’d just become a father. Maybe that would flick a switch inside of him and make him normal?

  “Speak of the twat,” Brett mumbled and I looked up to see Cole standing by the main entrance to the hospital. He was leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest, staring down at his feet. As we got closer, I could see the tick of his jaw and groaned.

  “Where have you been?”

  “I went to speak to the head of the OBGYN department,” he mumbled.

  “And? Six weeks, right?” I would throttle him later for not listening when Colette and I had told him the truth to begin with.

  He mumbled something back, but all I caught was “eit”.

  “What was that?”

  Sighing, he looked up and glared at me, Brett and the Nurse. “Eight.”

  “Eight what? Did Parker give you anything to drink?” I was starting to panic that Parker had slipped painkillers in a coffee or something. Cole didn’t get along well with most medications. In fact, it was thanks to them that he got his nickname the unicorn whisperer.

  “Eight weeks,” he ground out.

  “What for? Cole, make sense!” Louis was starting to react to my irritation so I shushed him and stuck his bobo in his mouth.

  “Until we can…you know.”

  “What did you do?” my jaw was clenched that hard that it was almost impossible for me to get the words out sounding like they should have.

  He was just about to answer me when his head snapp
ed in the direction of the elevators and his face went bright red. Following where he was looking, I saw a familiar old lady getting out as she spoke to who I recognized as the head of the OBGYN department that Cole must have spoken to today.

  “Why does she look familiar?” I nodded in the direction of the old lady who was hugging the OBGYN director goodbye.

  “That would be Mrs. Wallace – the lady whose room I went into when I was given the medication for the bites on my back and…” he broke off and looked down at Louis. “My uh nuggets.”

  “Oh my God,” I whispered, remembering it all now. “You sang ‘When you wish upon a horn’ to her and kept offering to grant her wishes with your magical horn.”

  Brett was snorting laughing beside me while the nurse tutted behind me.

  “Turns out she’s the mother of the OBGYN chick,” he glared at the doctor in question who was already glaring at him across the hospital reception area.

  “So, why did she say eight weeks then?” Maybe something was wrong with me? But surely they’d have told me when they discharged me from the hospital.

  “Apparently,” he fumed, still glaring in the doctor’s direction. “Whenever the lovely Mrs. Wallace see’s anything to do with unicorns or leprechauns she freaks out.”

  “And she sleeps with the light on every night because she’s afraid of someone bursting into her bedroom and pointing their pe- “

  “I get the drift. Jesus!” Cole hissed as he interrupted the nurse’s helpful addition to the story.

  Before any of us could say anything, there was a panicked scream behind us and we turned to see the old woman looking in our direction in horror just before she fainted.

  “I’m thinking you just hit twelve weeks,” the Nurse sniggered as she started pushing us out of the door, Brett’s gasps and laughs following us the whole way.

  If I wasn’t holding my beautiful child, I would kill my husband. He had to sleep at some point though and normally when I held a pillow over his face he learnt the lesson that I was trying to teach him. Mentally filing that job away for later, I sighed with relief as we pulled up next to our car and laughing when I saw the sign that said, ‘I just passed my test!’.

  “We figured that no one pays attention to the baby on board ones,” Brett explained. “But this one would freak them the hell out.”

  I had to admit, it was genius!


  My beautiful wife was asleep in our bed and I was still in awe over her giving birth to the most gorgeous boy to ever live, aside from me but he had my DNA so it made sense and I’d allow it. I couldn’t stop looking at his features and his adorable little fingers and toes. It was hard to believe that Ebru and I had made him and that he’d been floating in her stomach like Stalone in Demolition Man when he was frozen.

  Louis was currently out cold in his bassinet and was wearing a onesie that Gramps had given us at the hospital. It had a barcode on it with Made in Vachina under it. He’d also given us one with Proof that my daddy sucks at pulling out on it. That asshole was currently in deep shit with my Gram and Mom for it, but hey it was worth it. Staring down at Louis for a bit longer, I gave in and picked him up. Ebru would kill me if she knew, but he was still asleep and all I wanted was to cuddle him.

  Ren was still glaring at me and looked like he was going to make me some sort of sacrifice for all of the other fathers fooled into believing their kid would have a toodle, but instead came out with a…little girl thingy. Shuddering I looked back down at Louis; I didn’t want to go too far into that analogy. My brother would get over it soon enough.

  The surprise was Brett; he hadn’t left us once and was quick to take Louis when Eb needed help or I wasn’t there and Ebru was being checked by the nurses. I’d gone out to call my little brother and sister and also Eb’s parents. When I’d walked back to the room, Brett was sitting in the corner with Louis in his arms talking to him and rocking him back and forth. Considering he was like a stale fart with the twins and Crystal, it had taken a while to get my head around what I was actually seeing. Fucking weird! Guess he needed to get the experience in though!

  I’d also called Lyall’s to let them know that Louis Lyall had been born and invited them over to meet him the following weekend. I couldn’t wait to ask them if they’d be his godparents, Ebru and I had made the decision as we drove home with our new plus one. It sounded like perfection to me.

  I knew that I should really put my son down in his bassinet, but I couldn’t bear to do it. I had a lot of what ifs and anxiety about something happening to him like Lyall and Louise. Sudden Death Syndrome was real, but I had to believe that he’d be okay; he had the best guardian angels, after all.

  After an hour of rocking back and forth, I went up to our bedroom and put Louis down in his bassinet that was on Eb’s side of the bed, and got in behind her. She was lying so close to the edge of the bed that I pulled the bassinet and its rocking stand as close as they’d get and lay holding onto it with my arm over Ebru’s body. I had my family, my life, my forever.

  About the Author

  I’m a British author who grew up all over the world. My parents were diplomats, so we were posted to all of the corners of the earth and it was a blast. Some wouldn’t seem so awesome if you heard about them, but my parents always made it a fun experience and it molded my brother and I into who we are today.

  I live in Wiltshire in the west country of the UK. At random times of the day, I’ll hear a moo from the fields around me, or get a whiff of that…uhhh…’country air’, and I love it! I might not have grown up in the UK, but I’m a British girl to the bone (regardless of the suspicious whiffs coming in from the fields).

  I’m a single mother with a son who is nearing his teenage phase. Maybe he’s reached it early? Who knows. But he’s awesome and has a personality and sense of humor that I can only attribute to my family. We’re slightly bonkers, we have a wicked sense of humor and we find the positives in every situation. I’m so proud to be his mum and to watch him grow and mature.

  Writing was something that I’d always done. I had a teacher in the third grade who always set us the task of writing a story and making it into a book every weekend. After I left school, I kept this up and wrote as often as I could or just plotted out books. This evolved into me taking the plunge and publishing my first book in 2016 and I’ve been typing ever since.

  I’m proud to be an Indie Author, and I absolutely love writing out my crazy Providence characters and the more complex ones in my other series’. It doesn’t matter if it’s romantic comedy or something with more suspense – so long as it has a HEA I’ll do it!

  I’ve got so many more planned, so the best is yet to come.

  Wanna join in on the crazy unicorn loving tainted romance shenanigans? Come and join my group on Facebook, 50 Shades of Neigh!




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