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Fast Lane

Page 5

by Jennis Slaughter

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison swore as she slammed her foot into the frame of the bed in the back of her RV. “Son of a nutcracker,” she cursed softly, wiggling her toes as she fell back onto the bed in only panties and a small Dupree Motorsports shirt she’d had since she was a kid. When Addison had seen it in her suitcase, she knew she had to wear it to sign her contract.

  But when Addison thought of Sam Dupree, she got butterflies in places that boys had never even thought about asking to touch on her. Was she gay? If she had these feelings for another woman, what did that make her? Mashing down on that thought, she tried to shake the images of the blonde from her head.

  “No, work, work, work, I don’t have time for this.” She mentally berated herself as she grabbed a pair of shredded denim jeans from off the floor of her trailer and wiggled her size six self into them. Slapping her flat abs, Addison knew it was the running that kept her thick, and not so pencil thin.

  Hearing a trailer door slam, the bronze haired driver crawled quickly over her bed and looked out the window. She saw Sam heading her way and tried not to get excited, but couldn’t help herself. “Calm down McCloud. You don’t know if you even want to kiss her, or could handle kissing her.”

  Forgetting entirely to put on a bra, Addison ran down the length of her trailer, shaking out her hair hoping for long loose curls as she opened the door for Sam to see her sitting on a bench. “Hey, come on in,” she tried to keep the tremor out of her voice.

  Sam couldn’t help but notice the shirt and most definitely noted that the young woman was braless. Closing her eyes briefly, she cleared her throat and stepped up into the RV. “Your lawyer will be here in about five minutes. There is going to be some press here also because the contest was somehow leaked. I think that Tatum did it when he thought that he was going to win.”

  The younger woman frowned as she stepped back leaving the trailer door open. Deuce, who was sitting on one of the couches, barely lifted his head to acknowledge Sam’s presence. Addison stared at her dog and then at Sam with renewed respect. “Wow, he never does that. He must trust you already. Weird.” She shook her head and began to bend over trying to tidy up her trailer here and there. “Sorry for the mess, I wasn’t really expecting company.” She ignored the part about Tatum and the press; she would just have to stay out of the limelight for a while, which was never hard.

  “Umm, Addi...we’re friends right?” Sam put the briefcase down on the sofa next to the dog and shoved her hands deep in her jean pockets.

  “Sure we are. I mean....” Addison stood up, shoving the clothes into a nearby closet and trying in vain to shut it with her hip. “I don’t really have that many, ‘cause I’m always on the road, but yeah, I’d consider you one of them.” She walked over to the fridge and bent over looking for a Coke or something to drink.

  “Well...umm...there are going to be some pictures taken of the signing of the contract, and I don’t want you to take this wrong, but umm...” Sam winced as she said this because she knew how the young girl was going to take it. “You might want to put on a sports bra or something under that-shirt...not that you don’t look nice...I didn’t mean that the way that it came out,” Sam stuttered.

  So she does like me, Addison thought as she stood up and leaned against the fridge with a small smile. “Thanks for the compliment...” she said confidently, wishing she really was that confident. Inside, she was a mess, suddenly self-aware and almost humiliated by her oversight. Turning around, she took her cold can of Coke into her bedroom and shut the divider to change clothes.

  Sam stood in the open doorway waiting for the lawyer to arrive and trying not to think about the copper haired girl in the next room taking off her shirt. “La, la, la, la,” the driver screamed inside her own head. “Don’t go there.”

  A man in a light pair of khaki pants and a tucked in polo came around the corner wearing a pair of sunglasses and carrying a briefcase and a water bottle. “Good afternoon, Ms. Dupree. I’m Javier Alexandros.” He awkwardly shuffled the items around in his hand before trying to shake hers.

  “Pleasure sir. I think that we can do the signing out here on the picnic table as I heard that a couple of reporters might be showing up. I have a copy of the contract if you want to look it over before they get here.” Sam reached back inside for her briefcase to snag the contract, handing it to the young man.

  The lawyer happily took the contract and went to sit down at the picnic tables, quietly looking it over. He opened his water bottle and took a long sip before screwing the top back on and returning to his reading. While he did so, several reporters began to set up camera’s a few feet away in preparation for the signing.

  Staying within sight of the attorney, Sam leaned back into the RV and called out. “’s time.”

  The divider had slipped open and Samantha Dupree was treated to Addison in all her biblical glory...well from the back anyway. The girl was oblivious as she walked to the side, out of view, and to put on clothes. A few moments later, the girl reappeared wearing a buttoned down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, jeans and her favorite pair of cowboy boots, but she looked embarrassed from their earlier interaction.

  “I’m sorry about that, forgive me,” she muttered, brushing past Sam and out of the trailer so that their bodies were in contact for an electric few seconds. Addison ignored the feelings coursing through her; this was her boss for Christ’s sake.

  “Ice, Alaska, Mr. Freeze, more ice,” Sam was thinking of anything that might keep her mind off of the sight that she had just glimpsed. Swallowing hard, she turned to greet the press. “Thank you all for coming. It is my pleasure to introduce the world to the newest driver of Dupree Formula 1 Motor Sports: Miss Addison McCloud.” She motioned for the young woman to take a seat at the table.

  Addison slipped on her Aviators and smiled at the press who began to take pictures; flashes always gave her a headache. Instead she focused on ignoring Sam who was next to her, and trying not to think about the way her body tingled when they had touched.

  Javier Alexandros shook her hand and smiled. “Everything seems to be in order; I’ll let your new boss explain the particulars.” He took the cap off a pen and handed it to her. Addison began to read the contract quickly, trying to appear professional.

  Turning back to the press, Sam asked, “Does anyone have any questions?”

  “Two beautiful ladies on one team. I hope this doesn’t turn into a bad stunt, Dupree,” one of the reporters commented while another smirked.

  “I thought we already agreed that Dupree loves ladies on her team,” he added.

  Addison blushed hotly, but said nothing. She did however pose for a few pictures, keeping her mouth shut.

  Sam spoke to the reporters, “I saw the potential in Miss McCloud so I bought out her contract from the Conway Racing Team for ten million dollars and signed her to a two-year contract worth twelve million with a chance of bonuses if she places in the top ten slot in each race. It’s a standard contract and she is free and clear to leave after two years if she wishes.”

  The young driver’s mouth fell open when she heard the mention of so much money. Addison never really looked at her checks, she was just happy to be doing a job she loved. She knew her father would have stopped her if this was a bad idea, so taking a leap of faith; she signed all of the contracts and stood up, handing them to her new boss. “Here you are, Ms. Dupree.”

  Sam took the contracts and signed them with a flourish before handing them to the attorney.

  “Miss McCloud just beat thirty other drivers to earn this spot. If there is nothing else gentlemen, we shall call it a day,” Sam finally stated. She wanted to strangle both men, but wisely kept her emotions under control.

  The reporters took their cue and left, Javier doing the same. Addison watched them go, but then she saw Becca, Sam’s girlfriend headed their way. “Umm...I think your...friend is coming,” she muttered, rubbing her ear.

  Sam walked over to meet th
e redhead. “I thought that you would have headed back to the hotel by now.”

  “And miss out on the chance to meet your cute little new friend? No way.” Becca looked over her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I’d love to get her into bed with us.”

  Sam grabbed the woman around the bicep, and started dragging her away. “Get out of here Becca. This is business, and you know I never mix business with pleasure,” she hissed only loud enough for the woman to hear.

  Becca sighed, rolling her eyes, and yanked her arm back. “Alright, fine. I’ll go back to the hotel, alone. Enjoy playing with your new little friend, Sam. But remember who you come back to every night,” Becca whispered, reaching up to yank Sam’s head down for a rough, possessive kiss. Breaking their union, she smirked before leaving.

  Addison watched the entire exchange from behind her sunglasses. A thousand different thoughts flittered through her mind. Sam had a girlfriend; she had a beautiful super-model girlfriend. There was no way Sam would ever be interested in some kid like herself, some virgin. Disgusted with even thinking that she was in the running made her feel cheap and worthless. Turning away, she coughed into her hand and went into her trailer for a real drink this time.

  Reaching into her pocket, Sam pulled out her cell phone and hit a speed dial, calling her personal assistant who travelled with her wherever she went. “Nick...pack the bitch up and get her ready to leave. She’s signed all the standard contracts right...? Do it discretely. I’ll tell her when I get back to the hotel. Make sure she has no contact with anyone until I get there.” Closing the phone, she sighed as she turned around to find herself alone. Walking over to the RV, she stuck her head in to look for Addi. “Hey...ready for your celebration dinner?”

  The younger driver was leaning against her fridge drinking a cold Budweiser from the bottle. Putting it down, she pulled her glasses off and looked at her boss curiously. She was glad it was hot outside, to cover the blush on her cheeks. “Celebration dinner?” she asked, relieved her voice didn’t crack with her nerves.

  “Yeah, you just signed a multi-million-dollar deal, and placed seventh in a NASCAR race...I think that’s enough reason to celebrate, don’t you?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah I guess you’re right. I had better find something nice to wear, but I don’t know where we’re going. So what should I wear?” Addison asked softly, looking directly at Sam with a set of stormy gray eyes.

  Sam smiled at the girl. “You don’t have to change if you don’t want to. The last time I was here, I found a really neat restaurant that was on a pier and they serve amazing seafood. It’s casual, and I thought that you might like to try it.”

  Addi looked her new boss up and down, her eyes lingering on the white silk shirt and snug blue jeans with what had to be designer heels. Her perfectly manicured nails rested on the frame of her RV and Addi shook her head. Samantha Dupree was more of a woman than she would ever be.

  “It’s kind of hot, so just let me change out of these boots and into more comfortable shirt,” she stated, ducking into the room, not even bothering to shut the divider. Addison pulled off her boots and socks, slipping her feet into a pair of leather flip-flops then replaced her button up shirt with the previously discarded Dupree Motorsports shirt, and she was ready to go. Walking past Sam, she bent down, filling Deuces water dish and refilling his food. “Ready to go.”

  Sam had wisely kept her attention elsewhere as the copper-headed girl changed clothes. She didn’t need any visual reminders of what was underneath the Dupree Racing Shirt. She smiled as Addi bounced out of the RV and headed towards her. “Let’s take the limo. Traffic is gonna be a pain now that the race is over.”

  “A limo huh? What, you don’t have a helicopter on standby?” Addison smiled, putting her phone and wallet into her purse.

  A blonde eyebrow arched as Sam slid a sideways glance at the driver. “I do, but finding a place to land it can be a bitch.” She smiled and winked.

  Addison felt her stomach flip when Sam winked at her; she looked down, blushing. It’s because she’s so famous. Addison filed the thought away for later deliberation. Samantha had a girlfriend, a drop-dead beautiful girlfriend. “So what’s this place you’re taking me to, Sam?”

  “Well, like I said before. It’s a little hole in the wall that I found one year, sitting on the end of a dock that has a terrific view of the ocean and only steps away from the beach. It’s called Crabby Joe’s and I hope that you will love it.” Sam opened the door of the limo for the young woman as she gave the address to the driver.

  After getting inside the vehicle and making herself comfortable, Sam turned to her protégé, “Do you think that you’ll be ready to go tomorrow, or will you need another day to get things in order with your dad?”

  “What do you mean? He’s not going with me?” Addison turned her wide eyes on her boss, having forgotten what had been said the day before. She didn’t want to get her hopes up too high, in case she had heard Sam wrong.

  “No...I thought I was clear. I bought your contract from not only Carl and John, but from your father. I’ve already spoken with Arnie and he will meet us in France in a month, after you’ve gone through some F1 training and we’ll start racing a month or so after that.” Sam looked closer at the young woman. “You do have your own bank and accountant, don’t you? Your dad led me to believe that you didn’t.”

  It took Addison a few moments to recover from the shock of being out from under her father’s thumb. “Y-y-yes I have my own bank account, accountant, and lawyer. It’s how I bought my house last year.”

  Addison took a long look at her boss before leaning back in the seat. “I’ve been hiding money away since I was sixteen, trying to get away from A friend of mine from high school ended up as an accountant, and he was kind enough to teach me how to hide money away for a rainy day. My father thinks the house was a gift from a friend that passed away,” she admitted.

  Nodding her head, Sam smiled. This girl had more going on than she had realized. “Well, your father got a cool million, and he is out of the picture if you want him to be. I know that this will be the first time on your own, but I don’t want you to go crazy. For the next two years, you will be representing Dupree Racing, and since....” She touched her own chest. “I’m your boss, one of us has to get the good press, and that’s you.”

  The younger woman crossed her legs and smiled, and it wasn’t a naive smile at all. “So you want to play good driver, bad driver for the press?” Turbulent gray eyes watched Samantha from under copper eyebrows. She knew how to stay out of trouble; she had experience at it being the oldest of three and the daughter of two church going parents.

  “To an extent, know my reputation. Well, yours is the total opposite, and I think that we can balance each other pretty well.” Looking out the window, Sam smiled. “We’re here.” She didn’t wait for the driver to open the door before she got out and then reached back in to help the young woman disembark.

  Addi was caught a little off guard by the remarks and her boss’s new ideas for how they should play for the media circus, but she took Sam’s hand and let the woman help her out of the car. Looking down the pier, she smiled at the hole-in-the wall-sports bar. “This is cute.” She didn’t know why it bothered her when Samantha let go of her hand.

  As they started walking down the pier, Sam untucked her shirt and ran her fingers through her hair, letting the ocean breeze play and dance with it. “I love the ocean.”

  Her new employee noticed with a grin. “Trying to let your hair down, Ms. Dupree?” she asked as they walked down the pier. Addison herself stared out at the gathering storm clouds just off the coast.

  “It’s here, stateside, that I honestly can, as F1 isn’t quite as well-known as it is overseas.” She stepped inside the open-air restaurant and was pleased to see that it wasn’t that crowded. Sam motioned to Addi. “Where would you like to sit?”

  “Let’s take the side that has the best view.” Addi set her purse
down on the bar and pulled out a stool for Sam before she took one herself as the bartender walked up to take their orders.

  “Samuel Adams Summer Ale for me and for the lady...?” Sam turned to watch Addi check out the beverage choices, and she smiled to herself. She definitely had the best view.

  Addison’s eyes skimmed down the list of beverages. She knew she wasn’t going to be driving anywhere for the rest of the day so she ordered something light, for now. “I’ll just have a Shiner Light please.” She smiled over the top of her menu at the bartender who left to retrieve their drinks.

  “Okay Addi....” Sam raised the bottle of beer that was set before her. “Here’s to the beginning of a great partnership. I’ll teach you everything that I know about F1 racing, and all you have to do is make me look good. Is that good enough for ya Darlin’?”

  The younger woman tried to ignore the butterflies she felt up her spine when Sam called her Darlin’ as they clinked bottles together. “More than good enough.” She smiled, taking a sip.

  The bartender looked at them expectedly, awaiting their food order. Sam glanced at the young girl. “I don’t know about you, but I am starved.” Handing the menu back to the gentleman, she ordered, “Two pounds steamed shrimp, two pounds of crab legs, the Country boil and the Seafood Sampler. Two orders of mixed vegetables. That should hold us for a while.” Looking back at Addison, she grinned. “Hope you don’t mind me ordering for you.”

  Addi smiled bashfully while shrugging. “I’m not a picky eater, really. As long as it doesn’t move too fast for me to catch it, it’s edible,” she replied playing with the label on her beer bottle.

  Reaching out to still the hand, Sam quietly said, “You and I need to become friends because we’re going to be working very closely together, very soon. Tomorrow we will head to France, where you’ll be in school for a month or two while I continue to race. Now, I’ll drop in from time to time to check on you, and will also arrange for you to come to the races when you can. After you’ve gone through the school, the hard work will start. You up for everything?”


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