Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 10

by Jennis Slaughter

  Never taking her eyes of the young woman, Sam nodded her head and took a sip of her drink. Licking the chocolate off her upper lip, she answered, “Yes, or at least I hope that we are.”

  The motion Sam delivered with her tongue had Addison blushing like a tomato before she nervously tucked a wet curl behind her ear. “Do you mind...I it okay if I ask you something personal?”

  Sam shrugged her shoulders. “Go ahead.”

  Addison bit the bullet. “ guess what I’m trying to say or rather ask is, how did you know that you liked...girls?”

  “Umm, well...I think that I always knew that I was different. I...uhh...always had crushes on actresses and girls growing up, so when I was old enough to read about such things, I did. To me, it’s always been natural.” Sam struggled to keep her breathing slow and steady, trying not pass out.

  “I’m sorry was that too personal?” Addison set the hot chocolate on the dresser next to the window so she could sit up. “I’m such a dummy. That was completely out of line...and you’re my boss.” She covered her face, groaning before pushing her hair back and smiling bashfully, a moment later, her nose and cheeks turning a delightful shade of magenta.

  “No, don’t ever think that you’re out of line. You ask me anything that you want.” Sam stayed right where she was, sipping her drink, even while her heart was saying, “Get into bed,” while her head was screaming, “Get the hell out of here.”

  “When I was probably...fourteen, I was helping my parents get ready for a yard sale and I could hear my parents arguing over something in the garage,” Addison explained, a tense few moments later. “And I see this box right?” She closed her eyes, laughing as she covered them with one hand at the thought and how much it had troubled her for the rest of her life. “Later on, when they’d left the garage...I took a peak. Right? You’d look?” Addi asked, twisting her hair with both of her hands, nervously fidgeting.

  “Probably...I’ve always been too curious for my own good.” Sam smiled and placed her cup on the nightstand. She had an idea where this was going, but knew that the young woman needed to admit it to herself first.

  “Long story short, it was a stack of Playboys. Marilyn Monroe herself was on top,” the blocker admitted, leaning back to wrap her arms around her knees and put her head against the wall. She let the continuous flow of the tires hitting the pavement; the bumps they caused almost gave her a sense of security. “I got this feeling, like....” Addison went a solid three shades darker, trying to admit this part. She dropped her voice to a soft whisper. “I wanted to touch them.” Closing her eyes, she squeezed her knees tight. “And boys don’t make me feel that way, I don’t want to touch them and the thought of them touching me makes me sick.”

  Sam couldn’t tear her eyes away from the woman in her bed. She knew that Addison was innocent in the ways of the world, and she also knew that she had a case of hero worship that was clouding her thoughts, but Sam knew that she had to help her. “There is nothing wrong with the way that you are feeling, and accepting that you aren’t like other girls is hard enough, but to have what was going on with your father, probably confused you even more.”

  Addison’s eyes flew open; she looked almost enraged at the idea of her father having anything to do with her on that kind of level. “I will never ever relate me possibly being homosexual to my father beating me,” she sounded absolutely livid, not at Sam, but at her father. “If I want to sleep with women, marry a woman, have children with a woman, so be it. I’m a lesbian, but I refuse to say that it’s because of my father almost putting me into a coma on more than one occasion.”

  Sam crawled into bed, and wrapped her arms around the young woman. “That isn’t what I meant Addi. I meant that dealing with your new feelings and with your father beating you, wasn’t easy to go through, but you did go through it, and you made it. You’re a fine young woman, and I’m proud to call you my friend.”

  “Then how come you don’t want me?” Addison screamed inside her head. Instead, she stared straight back at her boss. That was all they were ever going to be, and it killed her. Sam was always going to be her boss, and she was always going to be just another driver, just another friend, just another employee. Fuck. Addi would have never dared utter that word aloud in Sam’s company, so she settled for a wan smile. “Thanks, I’ll probably have to stop payment on all the checks you’re writing, it seems criminal to take this good advice, your friendship, and your money at the same time,” she tried to joke.

  Staring into gray eyes, Sam came to a decision and asked, “What do you want Addi? What made you go stiff in my arms?”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Addison screamed inside her head. “Abort, run away, make an excuse, you’re going to lose everything Addison!” Instead, she smiled. “Because you’re pretty much amazing, and I have no idea why a woman like you ever saw anything in a scrawny little dirt rat like me,” she said, knowing it sounded petty and ridiculous, but it was all she had.

  Sam couldn’t help herself from reaching up to caressing the cheek of the young woman. “There’s nothing scrawny about you, and you would never qualify as a rat. You are a beautiful woman...and umm...” her voice drifted off as she looked into those eyes.

  “Umm, what Ms. Dupree?” Addison couldn’t help but say. She could feel Sam’s face suddenly coming closer in proximity to hers, suddenly her heart was thundering in her ears, she could literally hear her blood rushing through every vein, every muscle in her body. Addison had never wanted anything as bad as she wanted Sam Dupree to kiss her at that moment. She didn’t care if it cost her job at Dupree Motorsports, her career, or even her chance to come near anything with a motor ever again.

  “I need you to tell me what you want Darlin’...please.” Sam wasn’t going to do what her heart was telling her, she wouldn’t take Addi’s first kiss from her, but she could give the young woman her first kiss if asked.

  “I don’t want to get fired for asking you to kiss me,” Addison stated quietly, her gray eyes looking terrified at the thought of being shut down on the spot.

  “If I promise not to fire you, will you ask me?” Sam whispered. “Because I promise, I won’t.”

  “Kiss me, Samantha Dupree,” the younger woman asked with a tiny smile before she bit her bottom lip. She was going to get what she had been dreaming about for the last two months. When she’d gone out to all those races, Addi had wanted to be those girls Sam got kisses on each cheek from every time she won a trophy. Every magazine cover she stared at for hours on those nights where she could do nothing but cry herself to sleep. Addison had never been more excited or more terrified in her life. If this was her first kiss, who better to give it to her than one of the only friends she had.

  Sam lowered her head until her lips lightly grazed Addi’s, and she closed her eyes at the first touch. They were as soft as she had imagined them, and she wanted more. Raising her head slightly, she looked down at Addi to see if she was handling this okay. “You alright?” she whispered.

  A shaking hand slid up the front of Sam’s sweatshirt, Addison’s hand ran over the material, feeling like every thread of the sweatshirt was going to be burned into her sensory memory. Her eyes fluttered open and she licked her lips before sucking in a breath. “Y-y-yes,” she stuttered, and it wasn’t because she was cold.

  Bending her head once more, Sam ran her tongue over Addi’s bottom lip, barely holding back a moan from the taste; it was so sweet. Applying a little more pressure, she then let her tongue tease the upper lip, silently asking for permission to enter.

  Addi couldn’t stop her hand from sliding around the back of Samantha’s neck, only because she knew this was how it went in the movies. The guy always kissed the girl like that, and in the few lesbian movies she’d downloaded off the internet, this was how it went with them as well. Her mouth opened fully when Sam’s tongue first touched her bottom lip, then when her tongue moved upward, she barely dared to dart her tongue out and tease the underside
of the blonde’s.

  Moaning, Sam carefully deepened the kiss and let her hands slowly move down the muscular back until they were resting on Addison’s hips, holding her in place against her.

  “It was happening,” Addison thought as her brain melted into a puddle inside her skull. She couldn’t think; she could only feel that her body was on fire from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. However, in the middle of the mind numbing moment, she almost laughed aloud. Sam did taste exactly like a Georgia Peach. She wanted more, so she took another chance and sucked the older woman’s bottom lip into her mouth like candy.

  Without thinking, Sam rolled them until Addi was lying on top of her and she was threading her fingers through fiery hair, and staring up into stormy gray eyes. “Addi...let’s slow down just a little, all right?”

  Dazed gray eyes slowly opened and looked down into shimmering green. A second later, she blinked, trying to sit up and roll off her boss. “You’re right; I got a little carried away.” Her face was so red, it almost felt like it was burning.

  “ you didn’t. I want this just as much as you do, Darlin’, but we really need to talk.” She lifted up her head and kissed her driver again.

  Addi was caught completely off guard and she melted in Sam’s arms allowing the woman to kiss her again. When she broke for air, she looked almost punch drunk. “Talk, yep, talking. That’s what we’re going to do, talk.”

  “Yeah, we are gonna talk....” Sam smiled at Addison. “Can you carry on a conversation right now?”

  The copper haired girl shook her head a little and then nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that, but you’re one hell of a kisser. And I can understand that tattoo now.” Addison couldn’t believe she had just said that, her eyes widened considerably.

  Clearing her throat, Sam smiled. “You can explain that later, but right now, we need to talk.” Reaching up, the blonde pushed aside copper hair. “We are going to take this glacially slow, and we will not let the public know about us...right now anyways.”

  “It’s because of the press right?” Addison asked, trying not to sound accusatory. “Wait, there’s an us?” she asked curiously. No one was this lucky; she couldn’t even walk across the street without tripping.

  “Do you want there to be an us Addi?” Sam asked softly.

  “More than I want to drive again,” Addison admitted as her eyes searched Sam’s. If they were going to take things slow, she knew that meant there was less chance of this exploding in their faces. She knew Sam couldn’t afford that. She knew how the woman felt about her company...her father’s company.

  “I don’t want my reputation to hurt you, and it’s gonna be bad enough, the talk, with things as they are, but I really like you, and I want to be with you. So here are the ground rules...right now there will be just kissing, nothing more until you’re more comfortable” Sam smiled up at the woman.

  “I know your reputation, just like my father spent so much time cultivating my reputation to be so wholesome. There were times I wanted to go out partying, to strip clubs, but I guess that’s just never going to be me,” Addison admitted with a large grin. “You are the womanizer my parents warned me about when I was sixteen. Well, not you really, but a person like you, or rather your reputation, but if you don’t kiss me right now, I’m going to seriously throw a fit,” she teased.

  “Another rule, no fit throwing,” Sam joked before bringing Addi’s head down for a kiss. This time, she kept her hand on the back of her soon-to-be lover’s head, deepening the kiss until they both had to break away to breathe.

  “Like I said before and I’ll say it again, I can see the reasoning behind the tattoo,” Addi’s voice had that ‘take me to bed’ kind of tone to it. Her gray eyes opened, staring through the few inches between them, into Sam’s eyes, but her lips were still brushing against the blonde’s as they spoke. “And I’ll try not to throw a fit every time I want your lips on mine,” she conceded. Straddling Sam was beginning to make her wonder what else Sam would do to her in the future. If there was a future for them.

  Holding onto Addi’s hips, the blonde held her still and bit her bottom lip. “Please don’t move,” the Southerner growled.

  Addison swallowed slowly, realizing how they were lying; Sam was flat on her back with her hands on Addison’s hips while Addison was straddling her, bent over. Her eyes closed as she tried to count backwards from one hundred, she now understood what that tight feeling in her body was around her boss. It was arousal, but she didn’t move an inch from her spot on top of Sam as she opened her eyes. “I kind of like it when you order me around Sammie.”

  A golden eyebrow arched at the nickname. “Please don’t use that in public.” The blonde was concentrating on not moving her hips. Sam was very serious about this moving slowly. She didn’t want the young woman to be hurt in the least, and knew that there was a hell of a chance that it would happen. “ need to understand that we cannot let this out. Not for a while.”

  “Is there anything I’m allowed to call you in public besides Ms. Dupree?” Addison asked, sounding a little bit miffed, but it was said with a smile. “I’m good at keeping secrets; I promise I won’t say a thing. You can count on me.”

  “My name is Sam, just like I’ve always asked you to call me. And alright, when we’re alone, we can work on us, but in public; I’m your boss and you’re my driver.” Sam was serious.

  “That, I can handle Sam, and I understand the reasoning behind this, so if at any time you decide to break things off with me as your driver or as your girlfriend or whatever, or...just anything...I’m going to understand.” Addison was proud she kept the tremor out of her voice. “I will try my hardest to be professional with you.”

  “Addi, Darlin’, this is going to be difficult, keeping us separate from work, but if we really want this, we can make it work.” Sam kept her hands on the young woman’s hips. “Work is where we will have to be professional, but times like this...these are our times and we can do or say whatever we want.” Smiling up at her driver, Sam reached up and slid a hand behind Addi head to draw her down for a gentle kiss.

  Addison groaned against Sam’s warm lips as they kissed gently. She still couldn’t believe she was in Sam’s bed, in her arms, kissing her like this. When they broke for air, she opened her eyes slowly with a smile that was full of innocence. “This relationship is going to need a lot of work. I don’t know anything about dating, but I’m hoping you’ll teach me.”

  Reaching up to run one hand through copper hair, Sam whispered, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a real date or had a real relationship. Usually, I’ve just suddenly had someone who wanted to be with me because of what I could give them, and I got to do anything I wanted to do to them. I do not want to wonder why someone is with me. Now I know that most people would think that you are using me, but I don’t think that you are.”

  Before she could stop herself, Addison quipped, “I won’t ever use you for your money. I have my own. As for relationships, I’ve never been allowed to date so you’ll be my first...everything.”

  “That is why we are going slow...if ever you are uncomfortable, you need to let me know and we’ll stop to talk about it.” Sam turned so that they were lying on their sides, facing each other.

  “I promise I will tell you if things move too fast for me...or if I’m uncomfortable with how things are evolving between us.” Addison smiled, tilting her head to the side. “If I was going to give myself to anyone, or at least try to, I’m glad that it’s you Sam,” Addi whispered, kissing her softly on the corner of her mouth.

  “Let’s just take each day as they come, Darlin’. You may find someone else that you would rather be with.” Sam kissed the young woman back.

  “I think we should let me be the judge of that.” Addison almost most pouted, but it was ruined with a yawn. “I’m so tired.” She smiled. “How much longer till we are at least in the air?”

  “We should be at the airport b
y ten in the morning, so you should get some sleep.” Sam stared at the beautiful woman and smiled. “Do you want to stay here or should I radio for us to stop so you can be with Deuce?”

  “Deuce can sleep by himself with Sven,” Addison mumbled with a smile. “Can I stay here and sleep with you?” she asked softly.

  Turning slightly, Sam clicked a switch, and the room plunged into darkness. “Does that answer your question?” She drew Addison into her embrace, kissing her forehead.

  Slowly, almost like it took actual thought, the younger woman relaxed in Sam’s arms, her muscles slowly becoming compliant as her eyes closed. “You’re warm,” she muttered rubbing her face deeper into the blonde’s neck in her pursuit to stay warm. She yawned again covering her mouth with a fist before finally letting the RV’s rocking motion lull her to sleep.

  Sam stayed awake for the longest time, letting her fingers trace idle patterns on Addi’s back, enjoying the feel of the younger woman in her arms.

  Kissing the head that lay on her shoulder, Sam realized that she had just opened a huge can of worms, but she couldn’t stop the wide smile from spreading on her face. Yes, Addison was attractive, but she was smart and independent. She was also naive in so many ways, and that naiveté was something that Sam wanted to protect so badly. She knew that her past -- her womanizing reputation -- was going to be hard to live with, but she hoped that if they kept talking, they could work through anything. Finally, she closed her eyes and sighed in happiness before going to sleep.


  After getting on a plane the following morning, they were off to Singapore a week early. The copper haired blocker was glad she had so many pairs of sunglasses, so she was able to appraise Samantha without being reprimanded, but she was careful about it. Throughout the flight and the drive to the hotel, Addi enjoyed staring at the blonde without any reprimands as long as she was professional at all times. They spent the entire first day holed up in a two-room suite, going over every aspect of the race; from the drivers down to their engines and blockers.


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