Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 11

by Jennis Slaughter

  Sam was sure to keep her opinion out of the matter, as preserving Addison’s own takes of people was important to the company owner. After an intense session of going over the line up and starting positions of Addison’s first race, the copper haired girl finally begged a rest. “Enough, Sam. I have to get out of this hotel room.” She laughed. “I’m going to go down to the gym; I know we have that press conference later.” Addison really wanted to crawl back into bed with her boss and continue enjoying those peach flavored lips.

  “Well, if you feel that you must, go right ahead. I’m just gonna stay here and veg out. Would you like me to order you something to eat so it will be here when you get back?” Sam was sprawled out on the huge sofa.

  “Please feel free. I’m usually starving after leaving the gym.” Addison stretched her arms over her head, the purple plaid shirt she wore rose up a few inches. The younger woman was proud of the fully toned six-pack she sported from constant work. “Can I have a chocolate sundae when I get back?” Addi grinned backing off the couch to go change into workout clothes.

  “You can have almost anything you want Darlin’.” Sam cast an appreciative eye at the expanse of exposed skin. “Anything at all.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Addison smirked in reply, turning around she backed into her bedroom half of the suite and started changing while Sam made the phone call to room service. She pulled on black and red Nike running shorts, a pair of tennis shoes and a white workout-shirt with no sleeves. She pulled her hair into a messy ponytail before going through the fridge and selecting a water bottle she knew probably cost seven dollars.

  Leaning against the door jamb, Sam enjoyed the view of Addison bent over, and smirked. “You have the nicest shaped ass. Keep working that out.”

  Addi tilted her head down and looked at Sam upside down from between her legs. “Glad you think so; I’ve been pushing it extra hard for the last couple of months, hoping you’d notice.” Addison straightened up and slid around Sam with a kiss to her cheek before tucking her room card in her sports bra.

  “You are taking Sven with you, aren’t you?” Sam didn’t want to take the chance that someone would try to do something to the beautiful young woman.

  “I wouldn’t dream of not taking him.” The younger woman smiled, stopping at the door where Sven was waiting outside in a chair, probably reading the paper. “Back in an hour, Sammie.” She blew a kiss before leaving out the door with a soft click.

  “Sammie...usually, I would deck someone for calling me that, but from her, it sounds cute.” Sam shook her head as she went back over to the sofa, and, after plopping down, she pulled over her laptop. Punching a few keys, she started talking with the head accountant of Dupree Racing and Dupree Parts. They went over the yearly figures and the hour flew by.

  Sam was still on the phone when Addison unlocked the door with a sweaty smile. She mouthed hello with a worn out grin before pointing that she was going to shower. Sweat glistened at her temples, her chest, all over her arms and down her toned legs. Strands of copper hair stuck to her neck as she almost fell through the suite door to the bathroom, taking a chug from her water bottle.

  Looking at the clock, Sam was surprised that it was that time. Saying goodbye, she couldn’t stop herself from walking towards the bathroom, calling out. “Did you have a good workout Darlin’?”

  “I should’ve just gone swimming; I forgot how your clothes stick to you after you get all sweaty.” Addi was having difficulty peeling her shorts off. “How much time do we have before the press conference, so I can at least try to look presentable?”

  “We’ve got two hours, so that’s time enough for you for cleanup, eat something, and look beautiful as usual.” Sam stayed out of the bathroom, even though she wanted to check out Addi’s body. There was a knock on the door, so she reluctantly tore herself away and went over to open it. The room service waiter came in and set up the table with fresh fruit, some cheeses, and a hot fudge sundae for Addison.

  Addi showered quickly, trying to smell as good as possible, spending a bit more time washing her hair than normal. She wrapped up her auburn hair in a towel, then pulled on a white terrycloth robe before leaving the bathroom. Seeing the table, she grinned while Sam paid the waiter, and she sat down on the couch, making sure to keep her body covered while she waited. “This looks delicious and I’m starving. Those weight machines really make you ravenous.”

  Fixing a plate of fruit and cheeses, Sam took it over to her driver, handing it to her with a kiss. “Here ya go.” She turned back to fix her own before going back over to sit next to Addi. “Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all, this couch is awfully big for lil’ ole’ me.” Addi grinned, taking a piece of cheese and plopping it in her mouth. Devouring most of the fruit and cheese, Addi chose to save her sundae for after she did her hair so it was easier to drink as a milkshake.

  Sitting up, Addison straddled Sam, kissing her slowly and passionately. “I want a kiss to last me the entire press conference...” she explained, climbing off the blonde and going to change.

  Sam just gazed at her as the younger woman walked away. “Damn, the girl can kiss.”

  Addison dried her long hair straight and then put large curlers in to make her hair have a long luxurious curl to it. Then she put on eyeliner, a smoky eyeshadow and lip gloss before sliding into skin-tight skinny jeans, a white, button-down, long-sleeved shirt, a brown suit vest that was half tweed, half silk, and, finishing it up, she slid into brown, high-heels with pointed toes. She didn’t want Sam to be embarrassed by her appearance, she wasn’t just some NASCAR runt anymore, and she was in F1 now. Addison admired her outfit in the mirror, making sure it looked alright before putting in silver hoop earrings and her badge to let security know who she was.

  Opening her suite door, she walked back out into the living area to see Sam still sitting on the couch. Spying her semi-melted sundae, she bent over picking up the cherry off the top and sliding it into her mouth. “Good, thought you stole my cherry....” She winked, pulling it off the stem and chewing it slowly, and then Addison swallowed and put the stem in her mouth tying it in a knot and leaving it on Sam’s empty plate.

  Sam had been left speechless by Addison’s kiss, and had decided that she should just stay right where she was, instead of standing up and following the young woman into her side of the suite when she went to get dressed.

  She had just gotten her hormones under the barest of control when Addison strode out, looking like a million dollars, and she started teasing Sam with the stealing of her cherry and then the tying of the cherry stem.

  Swallowing hard, Sam stood up and crossed over to the woman. “Just imagine what I can teach you to do with that talented tongue.” Kissing Addi hard enough to leave her breathless, the blonde went to get dressed.

  Addison stared at her flushed reflection in the mirror before she reapplied her pink gloss. She sat down at the desk in the living area and began looking at the layout of the press junket. There were going to be hundreds of reporters there; and deep down, Addi knew someone was going to say something. Sam was already the big target anyway, since her former blocker had quit with no notice in the middle of a race over the mic to her pit boss, and she’d picked up a female blocker in return that she had stolen from NASCAR. An extremely young beautiful woman and the rumors were probably already flying. Addi closed her eyes and prayed for as little camera time as possible.

  Sam spent less time getting ready than Addison; she had perfected getting dressed quickly. Opening her closet where her dry cleaning was, the blonde pulled tight tailored black slacks and a white, short-sleeved shirt. Quickly showering, she left her hair long and straight before dressing, adding a black leather corset vest that seemed to push her breasts up into view. Finishing the outfit with a cross necklace that dangled into her cleavage, Sam located a pair of fire engine red heels and a matching clutch.

  Going out into the living area, she smiled at Addison. “You about ready to face th
e lions?”

  “My boss is the lion tamer. Didn’t you hear?” Addison turned around from the laptop and smiled as she packed up her cell phone, wallet, and other items for her purse.

  Sam waited until the copper haired woman was next to her before saying, “I know that you know how to handle the American press, but these International ones, they don’t hold anything back. Just take a deep breath before you answer any question, and if there is a question that you don’t want to answer, just say that you defer to my judgment.”

  “It’s going to be rough; I’m sure, for the both of us. I’m new to the sport and well, you’re the only other female in it with me, and you’re my boss. Let’s just get through it one question at a time. I promise to spend all night watching any movie you want if we can just get through this,” Addison vowed. Now that she was this close to Sam, her lips ached to be against Sam’s again.

  “We will get through this and will spend the night snuggling on the sofa...if that’s alright with you.” Sam reached up to caress Addison’s cheek.

  Addison leaned into the touch, closing her stormy gray eyes. “As long as I’m with you, I don’t care what we do,” she whispered honestly, before opening her eyes again and sliding a hand through Sam’s belt loop. She looked down at the outfit she wore and shook her head. “I can’t imagine being a reporter and having to stare at you, photograph you, and not be able to touch you,” she whispered before stepping back and opening the door.

  “Right back at ya Darlin’. All I want to do, never mind.” Sam shook her head, and the two women rode down in the elevator with a couple other drivers and blockers. Quickly they made their way to the table where Sam took a seat and Addi stood behind her.

  The press was allowed into the cavernous conference room, and a loud and boisterous bunch they were. Immediately bulbs started flashing and Addison resisted the urge to put on her sunglasses. After all of the reporters, cameramen, and all the other people were in place, a man walked up to the podium. Addison listened to him drone on and on while she shifted from one foot to the other.

  Finally, after an eternity, the questions, started. The first couple thousand weren’t really directed at Sam, but as other, more important issues were talked about and run into the ground, the reporters started in on her. “Ms. Dupree? Jon LeBlanc, French F1 Magazine. I see you’ve brought your new driver with you, she’s a little young for F1 isn’t she?”

  Addison ignored the chuckles and put her hands together behind her back, giving the man a polite smile.

  “Mr. LeBlanc, Ms. McCloud had been driving in NASCAR for the past two years and other venues for twelve years before that. Her experience is the reason I hired her, and you’ll find out the day after tomorrow just how good she is. Thank you,” Sam kept her answer short and simple.

  The reporter backed down, but there was another to take his place. “Ms. Dupree, Enzio Firenze, Italian Car and Driver. Your reputation with women precedes you in this sport. I sure hope your new driver isn’t taking the place of your last supermodel.” The Italian reporter laughed nastily at the look on Addison’s face, which resembled indignation at being compared to a super model.

  “Ms. McCloud takes no one’s place. She is a woman in her own right, but you are right. She is as beautiful as any model on the runway, and can drive to boot,” Sam stated coldly.

  “Then let’s ask Madam McCloud how she enjoys F1 so far? Especially under the mentoring ways of the only other female in the sport. Claude Van Schiver, American Car and Driver.” The man had a brutish face and a swarthy smile, Addison tried not to be goaded into showing her anger so she took a deep breath before answering loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “I find F1 to be a refreshing change of pace from NASCAR, though I did enjoy my time working for Carl Hendricks. It is a delightful environment to test out my abilities at a higher level of skill and broader competitive spectrum, I hope that the other drivers are up to the challenge my addition to the field surely brings.” Addison smoothed one hand nervously down the front of her pressed jeans before staring back at the man.

  Sam nodded her head slightly in agreement, hoping that Addi knew that she was pleased with her answer. She folded her hands waiting for more questions, hoping that they were now finished.

  “So I hear that F1’s only bachelorette is available again. What happened to Becca Fontaine? Trouble in paradise?” a reporter shouted out, without raising his hand. It had been close to the end of the press junket when the reporter had come from left field with the intensely personal question. Addison was being dismissed by the spokesperson for the junket when she heard the question so she waited by the back door, watching Sam with a tiny smile. She had never heard the explanation behind Becca’s boot from Sam’s life.

  “Our split was a difference of opinion on how I should run my business. She wanted to be more involved and I disagreed. Any other questions that anyone wants to throw out? Let’s get all the personal questions out of the way so that we can concentrate on the racing.” Sam leaned back, extending her legs under the table and lacing her fingers behind her head.

  Apparently, the reporters and photographers were done or were just plain put off by Sam’s words, because after that, no one else asked anything quite so personal.

  Addison winked at Sam from across the conference room before leaving down the hallway with Sven. The blonde spent the next two hours being rearranged again and again for photo after photo and then more singular interviews with Forbes and People magazine about her business and if she had any plans to try anything other than racing.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  By the time the last reporter left, it was late in the evening and Sam trudged tiredly towards the elevators. Leaning on the wall next to the button, she sighed as she ran her hand through her hair. The really bad part about being successful was that she had to give interviews, and all of the questions were the same. Not one had been something that she hadn’t been asked at least a hundred times.

  When she finally made it to the room, she barely had enough energy to slide her card key into the door and push it open. The lights in the suite were turned down low. The outside lights of downtown Singapore caused a low glow throughout the enormous rooms. Sam’s suite door was ajar. The copper-haired girl was spread out on her stomach in a big t-shirt and a pair of orange plaid boxers that covered up to mid-thigh. Her hair was down and her face was makeup free except for the smoky eyes and eyeliner. She was eating popcorn and watching Pretty Woman.

  Leaning on the door jamb between their rooms, Sam watched the shopping scene. “Hey! I’m back.” She smiled as Addi turned to face her with a smile.

  “Hey boss lady. Want me to run you a hot bath? Order you some dinner and a bottle of Jack to help you relax?” Addison knew her boss hated press conferences and anything to do with the media, so she hoped she could make her feel better. Sitting up, she put the TV on mute, kneeled, and then pulled her hair into a ponytail.

  “Yes, yes, and yes, but you forgot something.” Sam slipped out of her heels and tossed her clutch onto a nearby sofa, and started unbuttoning her vest.

  Addison gulped at the sight of the blonde unbuttoning her vest; she’d been trying to keep her eyes off that chest the entire press conference by looking over Sam’s shoulder. Climbing to her feet, she walked towards Sam with a smile. “What did I forget Sammie?” she whispered as she picked up the cordless phone in the suite.

  Tugging her shirt from her pants, Sam strode up to the woman. “You didn’t give me my welcome back kiss. It’s the only thing that got me through that circus downstairs. I kept remembering how sweet you taste.”

  The young girl blushed and grinned widely. “Then come and get it boss.” Addison waited, leaning against the door. She tilted her head back and looked up at the blonde with a devilish grin.

  Grabbing handfuls of t-shirt, Sam pulled the shorter woman to her, capturing satiny lips under her own, moaning as Addi’s parted them so that she could slide in her tongue.

p; Addison dropped her hands to slide them under the back of Sam’s shirt as they kissed passionately. The kiss lasted for several minutes before Addison finally pulled back. “You’ll get more of that later after I get you some dinner and a drink,” Addison breathed against the blonde’s lips before leaving the room to order her some food and run her a bath.

  “I am in so much trouble,” Sam thought as she turned and headed towards her bedroom, unbuttoning, and unzipping as she went. Once she was in her bedroom, she disrobed and quickly wrapped herself in the hotel’s plush bathrobe, and went into the bathroom.

  The other driver had run a warm, steamy bubble bath with lavender chips to help soothe her boss’s frazzled nerves. Addison sat on the edge of the tub, talking to the hotel’s room service. “Can I get a rib eye steak, with a baked potato...?” She covered the phone and looked up at Sam. “Do you want chives?”

  “No thank you, just butter, cheese, and bacon and a lot of them all.”

  Addison grinned and nodded, leaving the bathroom to give Sam some privacy while she finished the order. She made sure to order a freshly chilled bottle of black label Jack Daniels while Addison ordered chocolate covered strawberries for herself to enjoy. Finishing the call, she knocked on the bathroom door. “Comfortable?” she asked softly.

  “Come on in...I’m covered...somewhat.” Sam was leaning her head back on a pillow and had her eyes closed, finally relaxing.

  The redhead pushed open the door and held back a gasp. Sam had been right about the almost covered part. The bubbles barely covered full C cup breasts and beautiful honey brown skin. Her blonde hair was piled up on top of her head. Addison felt her breath catch in her throat as butterflies danced around her navel. “Is there...?” her voice cracked a bit and she coughed, trying again. “Is there anything I can get you or do you want to relax in private?”


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