Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 12

by Jennis Slaughter

  “No, you don’t have to leave. In fact, would you mind washing my back? There’s a spot that I just can’t reach.” Leaning forward, she handed Addi a washrag that she had squirted some body wash on.

  Addi took a long slow deep breath before she leaned forward and took the washrag from her boss. “Was it appropriate to call Sam her girlfriend in private? In her mind could she call her that? I mean they made out all the time, slept in the same bed. They hadn’t seen each other naked yet, or moved past a heated make out session, but Addi wanted to call Sam her girlfriend.”

  These were the thoughts that milled in her head as she slowly ran the washrag up and down the blonde’s back with growing confidence, each stroke made her a bit calmer touching the blonde. As her hand slid all the way down Sam’s spine, she saw the peach tattoo glistening with soapsuds and she washed around it gently with a smile.

  Hanging her head, Sam moaned. “Darlin’, that feels so good. I hate interviews. I always feel like they are hoping that I will trip up and say something that will still become the lead story.”

  “I’m pretty sure I was happy you were in headlines the first two months at school, I read everything about you that I could find in print,” Addison admitted bashfully as she soaped up her hands and began to massage Samantha’s back up and down before tracing down to her tattoo slowly. “You know...the comment I made about understanding your tattoo...I’m not the only one who tastes sweet.” The redhead leaned forward, kissing the area of Sam’s shoulder that wasn’t soapy. With growing confidence, she moved her lips up to Sam’s neck, kissing up to her ear a moment later. “You taste just like a peach so far...” she whispered.

  Sam groaned, and her hands gripped the sides of the tub. “Umm, then I take it that you like peaches?” She barely held in a gasp as Addison ran her tongue around the outside of the ear.

  “They’re my favorite fruit,” Addison whispered as she sucked Sam’s earlobe into her mouth with a gentle bite. Just as she was about to become more sure in her actions, there was a knock from the suite door. Most likely from Sven, with the waiter from room service. “Be right back...” she teased, getting up off the edge of the tub and leaving the bathroom.

  Drawing a shaky breath, Sam slowly released the sides of the tub, opened, and closed her hands repeatedly to get the blood circulating again. Bringing them up, she put her face in her palms and tried to get her racing heart under control. After a few moments, she leaned forward to pull the plug of the tub, and let the water begin to drain. Standing up, she reached for a bath sheet and carefully stepped from the tub to dry off.

  After opening the door to the waiter, Addison moved to the side while he set up their dinner. Her eyes looked over her shoulder and they widened at the sight of Sam naked, even for a few seconds. Addison made sure the waiter didn’t turn around to see Sam the way she was. Signing the check, Addison shoved him out of the door.

  “Enjoy.” Addi shut the door slowly and quietly before turning around to fix Sam’s drink. The room service had provided a nice bottle of chilled Coke and black label Jack. She cleared her throat before calling out. “Sammie, do you want Jack straight up or a Jack and Coke?”

  Sam dried off before reaching for a hotel robe. “Straight up if you wouldn’t mind, please.” Tying it around her waist, she brushed her hair and padded out into the living area to find Addison pouring her drink.

  Walking up behind the young woman, she wrapped her arms around Addi and drew her close. “Thank you for scrubbing my back. I hope that you will continue what we started.”

  The redhead almost swooned in Sam’s arms. “That depends...” Addison teased as she slowly filled the glass with Jack Daniels, watching the amber liquid tumble around in the glass.

  Leaning down to run her lips around the redhead’s ear, Sam murmured, “And what exactly does it depend upon?”

  Gray eyes almost rolled back in their sockets as Addison’s body erupted in goose bumps. Shivering in Sam’s arms, she smiled, finishing the prep of the blonde’s drink. “Am I your girlfriend?” She had wanted to ask if Sam was her girlfriend, but she didn’t want to appear like she owned the blonde.

  “Do you want to be?” The blonde didn’t move away; her breath warm upon Addison’s neck.

  “Yes, I’d like to be your girlfriend, and not just another notch on your bedpost,” Addison teased, even though it was pretty truthfully describing how she felt.

  Sam stepped away to come around to stand in front of the shorter woman. “You wanna know a secret? I didn’t sleep with all of those women. Some yes, but not all of them. They were a way to get my name in the papers, and each and every one of them signed a contract that they would keep their mouth shut, or I would take them to the cleaners. Each one of them knew what she was getting into.”

  “I’m not signing anything, and I want to sleep with you. Someday.” Addison blushed looking down and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear before she looked back up, handing Sam her drink.

  “I don’t want you to sign anything...I trust you. I want us to be as honest and truthful as we can. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Yes,” Addison replied curiously before opening up the platter that held hers and Sam’s food. The steak and potato were just like the blonde wanted them, extra bacon and butter on her potato and her steak medium rare. Addison on the other hand had ordered a Chicago hotdog and chips along with a cold beer.

  “Did you enjoy touching me?” Sam stood quietly asking.

  Addison looked up with a blushing smile. “So much that had the waiter not arrived when he did, I’d be in a most compromising position,” she admitted with a wicked grin, before popping a chip into her mouth and sitting down at the table to eat.

  Sitting across from Addi, Sam cut into her steak. “Would you like to continue touching me later?”

  It amused Addi that Samantha could sit here and eat her dinner while talking about their eventual sex life. She smiled, putting her chin in her hand, staring at the blonde, memorizing the lines of her face. In her opinion, Sam could give Charlize Theron a run for her money. “I do want to continue that, on a bed or somewhere else, very comfortable and very horizontal,” she whispered, staring straight at Sam.

  Putting down her knife and fork, the blonde reached over to take Addison’s free hand. “I would like that very much. Maybe after dinner, we could continue.” She gave a small laugh. “I know I said that we would take it slow, but I...really want to be with you. I want to start a relationship with you,” Sam admitted.

  “I’m already in a relationship with you, in case you’d missed that part.” Addison smiled, entangling her fingers with the blonde’s. “I wouldn’t just kiss anyone; I’d like to belong to someone and them to me,” she admitted before playing with a lock of her own hair with her other hand. “I want to touch you, and see what it makes you do, see what you like....”

  “I’d like that very much...I want you to be comfortable. You just let me know what you want to do and I’ll do my best to make things as easy as I can for you.” Sam brought up Addi’s hand to kiss her knuckles.

  “You’re already making it easy on me, Sammie. There’s just something about you that gives me both butterflies and this calm feeling. I can’t explain it.” Addison smiled shyly when Sam kissed her knuckles like some medieval knight in ceremony. She wanted dinner over and done with so she could touch her girlfriend.

  “You give me the same feelings, and would you mind if we skipped dinner and went to find someplace more comfortable?” Sam suggested as she watched already dark eyes get even darker.

  Running a bare foot up the inside of the blonde’s calf, Addi gave a coy smile. “I wouldn’t mind at all,” she whispered, trailing a fingertip down the back of Sam’s hand.

  Putting the linen napkin on the table, Sam stood up, still holding onto Addison’s hand, and led her into her bedroom. Walking in, she turned the lights down low and stopped beside the bed, turning to face the now quiet redhead. “What would you like to do first?”
br />   Addison lifted Samantha’s hand and kissed each fingertip before she ran her hands up the arm. The younger woman smiled up at Sam before leaning into whisper against her lips, “I want you to kiss me.”

  Sam leaned down and let her lips barely touch Addi’s. “Your kisses are very addictive,” she whispered before kissing the woman hungrily. She wanted to crush her body against Addison’s, but refrained. The redhead was in charge and she was going to let her dictate the rules.

  Addi slid her hands up into Sam’s hair, pulling her mouth down against her own, her lips parting to allow Sam’s tongue entrance into her mouth. They kissed slowly, then passionately, for several moments until their kisses turned hungry. Addison knew, somewhere in her mind, instinctively, that Sam needed her touch. It thrilled her that she could have such control over the powerful woman. “Mmm, Sammie...we need to lie down.” She smiled against the blonde’s lips.

  Reaching up to the lapel of the robe, Sam asked. “Do you want me to take this off or do you want to?”

  The redhead swallowed hard before her eyes dropped to the robe that covered Sam’s body. This was going to be her first time fully seeing the blonde naked, but hopefully not the last. Addison bit her lip and dropped her hands to the rope that kept the robe closed. “I want to take it off of you...” she confessed, raising her dark gray eyes to Sam’s with a devilish smile.

  Holding her arms away from her body, with her hands open, Sam gave Addison permission to do whatever she wanted.

  Licking her now dry lips, Addison untied the sash slowly and folded the robe back. “Oh my God...” she whispered as her eyes took in the body of a goddess. Sam’s body was lightly toned, lithe like a lioness; her full C breasts gave way to a flat stomach. As Addison’s eyes dropped down to the blonde’s hips, she moaned softly. Sam was shaven, except for a small blonde strip of hair and Addi ran her hands down the flat stomach. “You are so beautiful...” she whispered.

  It took all of Sam’s concentration to stand there while her body began to tremble. Addi’s touch was tentative and almost as soft as a feather, but it caused goosebumps to erupt in her finger’s wake.

  Trembling fingers slid up Sam’s stomach as each hand made its way to a breast, holding them as if testing their weight. Unintentionally, Addison’s thumbs glided over the blonde’s pink nipples and she watched her girlfriend shudder. Taking that as a good sign, she did it again more firmly. “Does that feel good?” she asked.

  “Yess...” Sam hissed out. “Can we please lie down?” Her hands were now in fists, her nails biting deep into her palms.

  Addison smiled and lowered her hands, letting Sam walk away from her to lie on the bed. She watched in wonder as the blonde crawled onto the bed and lay her head in the pillows. Wiping her now sweaty palms on her boxers, Addison crawled in after her.

  Fisting the sheets, Sam lay there trembling, her breathing shallow, but watching Addison closely. The young woman was licking her bottom lip, and wiping her hands on her boxers as her eyes traveled over Sam’s body.

  The other driver slid up next to Sam, kissing her collarbone softly before making her way with soft kisses up the side of Sam’s neck; one of her hands began to trace around a pink, hardened nipple. She moaned softly in Sam’s ear, sliding her tongue along the outer shell.

  Sam’s breathing quickened and her eyes shut tight, but she could swear that there were fireworks going off behind her eyelids. Forcing her eyes open, she watched as Addi’s already dark eyes, grew even darker. “That feels good Darlin’.”

  Addison stared down at Sam, a confident smile now on her face as she slowly lowered her head to her girlfriend’s chest. Making sure she kept eye contact with the blonde, she wrapped her lips around one of her nipples and began to suck softly, her other hand teasing the other nipple. “Mmm...” Addison moaned around the pink flesh.

  “Good God!” Sam growled out, fisting the sheets even harder, threatening to tear them apart. Her body was feeling things that she never thought possible; her breath was shallow and her mouth was dry, but she wouldn’t trade places with anyone at that moment.

  Pulling back, Addison smiled before kissing Sam hungrily again, though this time when she broke back she had a request. “I’m...not ready for that yet, but...can I watch you...touch yourself?” she asked, turning bright pink.

  Sam’s eyes went wide and her own blush began to match Addi’s, but she nodded her head.

  “Would you keep your hand on my breast while I uh...” Sam asked?

  Addison smiled, biting back her own blush and nodded before she kissed Sam very softly. One of her hands slid down to the blonde’s chest before circling her nipple with a fingertip, watching it harden all over again. “You’re so...soft,” she whispered with another grin.

  Reaching out, Sam took Addison’s other hand and guided it down to the apex of her thighs. “Just keep your hand on top of mine,” she breathed out, starting to touch herself. “Umm...some women like to get inside, but I liked to be teased and touched a little.” She lightly flicked her clit and then began to rub it.

  “Teasing is good...” Addi breathed as her eyes grew to the shade of a thunderhead off the coast of the Caribbean. Her eyes widened a fraction as she watched her hand and Sam’s touching her. Chewing her lip, she added a little pressure to the back of Samantha’s hand and then looked up at her face. “Is this okay?”

  “Yesss...” Sam hissed. “It’s perfect...mmm, after a little bit of ah...umm...teasing...umm, putting your fingers just in the opening and applying a little bit of pressure can be very pleasurable...yes...just like that.”

  The redhead kissed Samantha slowly, but her kisses soon grew to be almost hungry as she continued to help tease the blonde. “You’re wet too....” Addison filed that away for later. Girls were much softer to the touch, but they also made sounds that had Addi’s hair prickle on her scalp. Her fingertips slowly followed Sam’s down to her opening, and when she said yes, Addi added more pressure, helping the older woman’s fingers slide deeper inside. With a gasp, she realized she was inside of Sam as well. Two of the blonde’s fingers and her own middle finger. God, it was so warm and wet, Addison thought as she groaned softly.

  Sam’s free hand fisted the sheet as she tried to resist rolling her hips, but she couldn’t, and she drew their fingers in deeper, and started a slow thrust. Her breathing became shallower and faster, and she had to force her eyes to stay open, wanting to watch Addi’s face. “The uhh...speed of the thrust can umm...just as important as the touch. Faster is good, but the ahh...sometimes, slower is better.”

  Addi gently slid their fingers out slowly, but then slid them right back in, firmly. After a few times of doing this, she withdrew her own finger and slid it up over the blonde’s clit. She circled it slowly as she lowered her mouth to a heaving breast. There was this burning sensation and tightening between her own legs that was driving Addison to do things she had never even thought about doing.

  It took every ounce of Sam willpower not to reach up with her free hand and hold Addi’s head right where it was, but she did, and she was quickly racing for her own release. Moans and sighs slid past her panting lips and she asked, “Please press a little harder on my clit...that...umm, tiny little nub...please.”

  Flicking the small nub, Addison then slid her thumb over Sam’s clit with a little more pressure. Leaning back, she saw the look on the blonde’s face, and very slowly she bit down on Sam’s nipple before sucking it a little bit harder, then she went back to circling her tongue all around while her finger slid over and over Sam’s clit.

  Arching up, Sam pressed more of herself into Addison’s mouth and quickened her thrust. “Addi...yes, you feel so good.” Her body was rapidly reaching the exploding point.

  Addison flicked her tongue before kissing her way up to Sam’s lips and pushing her tongue into her mouth. She kept her thumb over Sam’s clit, but very slowly slid her index finger inside of the blonde along with the woman’s other two fingers keeping pace and never missing a beat
in their rhythm.

  Sam could not stop herself as she let go of the sheet and held the copper head right where it was, kissing the young woman hungrily, letting her tongue match her thrusts, and moaning loudly. Her hips were rolling, drawing in their joined fingers even deeper and her nerves were all firing at once.

  The copper head matched Sam’s moans against her lips as she felt the other woman’s muscles convulse and pull her in deeper. So this is what it was like to touch another woman; Addison was already addicted to it. When Sam’s body slowly stopped quivering, she withdrew her own fingers and leaned back to look down at the blonde.

  Still holding onto Addison’s hand, Sam tried to get her body to calm, but her nerves and senses were on overload and tiny tremors continued to race through her. “Addi...can you kiss me again...? Please,” the blonde all but begged.

  Addison knew in that moment, if Sam ever begged her for anything, she would always give in. Therefore, she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to the blonde’s for a moment before devouring her lips in a passionate, possessive kiss. Her tongue slid around and over Sam’s while her lips parted the blonde’s, never letting her own lips rest at all.

  Moaning into the kiss, Sam brought their hands back to her clit and softly stroked it, keeping her body right near the edge, but not quite going over. When they had to break apart to breathe, she whispered, “Was that how you thought it would be?”

  “It was so much better than I thought it would be,” Addi admitted with a bright grin, this time her hands moved on their own between Sam’s legs, teasing her up and down.

  Sam could not stop the moans and the slight keening as Addison’s touched her on her own. “Ahh...Addi....”

  “I want to touch you on my own...” Addison whispered softly, her eyebrows knitting together in a curious expression. “I want to make you....” She blushed a bright red and then finished her sentence “...have an orgasm.”

  Groaning, Sam put one hand at her side and the other hand on Addison’s thigh. “I...said that you....” She cleared her throat. “Could go at your...own pace.”


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