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Fast Lane

Page 16

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Easy Darlin’....” Sam lifted her head to watch Addison’s face. She had never seen anyone so beautiful.

  “I’m going” Addison ceased being able to talk as her eyes widened, an orgasm rushing through her, gray eyes slowly rolled back for a moment before the redhead fought to stare up at Sam. “Mmm...” she groaned, softly biting her bottom lip, her hips arched softly before falling to the bed.

  “You like that huh?” Sam chuckled as she leaned down to brush her lips against the redhead’s. “Trust me when I say it only gets better.”

  “Oh, I trust you plenty...” Addison gasped as her breath came back in bursts. Her lips shook before she pressed them to Sam’s, still able to taste herself on the blonde’s lips. Pulling back with a smile, she grinned. “Is that what I taste like?”

  “Yes, that is what you taste like. Do you like it?” Sam asked quietly.

  “The only thing that tastes better is you,” Addi whispered back before she ducked her head blushing. “What we just did...that was...really amazing.” She lifted her eyes, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Darlin’, that was just you touching yourself. When we finally make love, it will be a hundred times better,” Sam promised, and then she paused, “Addi, can I ask you something personal?”

  “I think after what we just did, you’re allowed to ask me anything personal, Sammie.” Addison blushed, slowly peeling off her wet panties and dropping them off the edge of the bed, she pulled the sheet up around her body.

  Pulling the sheet over her body also, Sam refrained from positioning her leg between Addison’s. “Did your mother ever talk to you about sex?”

  Addi rested a hand on Samantha’s hip, trailing her fingers around in a circular manner. “I know the basics of sex; girls can get pregnant, and so on. However, because of my...father, I wasn’t allowed to really know anything more than that. Why?”

  Sam drew the young woman against her and attempted to explain, “Did she tell you that the first time that a woman makes love, that there can be a little bit of pain involved?”

  Gray eyes widened slightly. “Pain? How much pain?” she sounded a little bit worried now. If there was pain involved, she didn’t know how much she wanted to lose her virginity anymore.

  Sam took a deep breath and continued, “It’s like a slap, and it’s over pretty quickly, and then you start feeling like how you just did, but only better. I wasn’t sure if you knew, and I didn’t want you to be surprised.”

  “Oh...a slap sounds painful,” Addison sounded a bit nervous now. “But you said it’s over quickly and then it feels good?”

  “It starts feeling very good. I wouldn’t lie to you Addi,” Sam tried to reassure the young woman.

  Chewing on her bottom lip again, Addison looked like she was thinking things over as she looked at Sam. “Then it’s a good thing I want to give myself to you. I know you wouldn’t lie and I know you wouldn’t ever hurt me if you could help it.”

  “I won’t ever hurt you are too important to me,” the blonde promised. Leaning down, she gently pressed her lips against Addison’s. “I promise,” she murmured.

  “I’m gonna hold you to all of these promises,” Addison groaned against the blonde’s lips as they kissed softly. They made out and touched casually for another hour until Sam had to pry the redhead off her. “What? I want to keep doing this all night before tomorrow; don’t you want to keep me relaxed?” she complained.

  “Did you forget about your surprise?” Sam laughed at the look on the redhead’s face.

  “Oh, that’s right, you had something planned for me, didn’t you?” Addison smiled as she twisted a lock of Sam’s hair around her finger before kissing her chin softly.

  Chuckling, Sam pulled away and got out of bed. “I have a lot of things planned for you, but yes, tonight I have something special. Get up and put on something comfortable. We’ll be doing some walking.” The blonde wiggled her eyebrows.

  The redhead sat up in bed and swung her legs over the edge before taking the sheet with her out of the suite to change in her own bedroom where her suitcases and dry cleaning were stored. Dropping the sheet, she pulled on a short sleeve Hurley shirt with a sports bra, black bikini briefs and cut offs, and then pushed her feet into new Converse All Star low tops, finally pulling her hair into a low ponytail. She grabbed her purse before adding a bit of light makeup and calling out to Sam.

  “Is this okay?” she asked, walking out of the bedroom.

  Wearing a pair of worn jeans, a polo shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes, Sam had chosen to leave her hair free and stood there holding a wrapped box. “That is fine Darlin’, if you wanna just take your ID and maybe a credit card, you might just find yourself busy with something else.” She handed the woman the box.

  Eyebrows knitted together, confused, Addison took the box slowly and set down her purse. “What is this?” She smiled. “It’s not fair if you get me things and I don’t have anything to give you back.”

  “I don’t want anything...when I do, then you can get it.” Sam smiled as she sat down on the sofa and extended her legs.

  Addison smiled and as she opened the wrapping paper, her eyes grew wide when she saw that it was a brand new Canon SLR Digital Camera. “Sam, I can’t accept this,” she stuttered, even though she wanted to rip open the box and start taking photos right away. When she was little, before she’d discovered cars and motorcycles, she had wanted to be a wildlife photographer for National Geographic.

  “Yes, you can.” Sam grinned at the woman. “I heard that you loved taking pictures and thought that you might want to try something in your spare time.”

  “Ugh, you’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” Addison heard herself say before she blushed. Opening the box, and carefully pulling out the camera, she knelt next to Sam on the floor, spreading everything out on the coffee table. She had several lenses, plus a camera bag, and a memory card for her new camera. She didn’t want to think about how much this all cost, but Addison knew cost was never an object for the blonde. Sam had the best money could buy. She wondered briefly if she was a part of that, but she shook the thought away looking at Sam. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome, my lo...Darlin’. We’ve got about thirty minutes before we have to leave, so that should give you plenty of time to learn the basics.” Sam mentally slapped herself for her near slip of the tongue.

  “I really like it when you call me Darlin’ Sam.” Addison smiled, already beginning to fiddle with the camera. By the time Nick was knocking on their suite door, Addison had already taken several pictures of Sam. She couldn’t stop smiling or looking at the photo of Sam.

  The assistant escorted Addison and Sam down to the lobby with Sven shadowing them. The ride to the zoo was quiet since Sam wouldn’t tell Addi where they were going. Nick kept shooting Sam covert smiles as he watched Addison playing with her camera. He could see what made Addi so attractive to Sam. She was so innocent; nothing about her was dishonest. Sven sat up front; making sure their driver knew who he was escorting. When they got to the zoo, Addison’s mouth had dropped open in surprise and she had rounded on Sam with an excited look. “The Zoo? At night?” She was even happier when she found out it was all nocturnal animals that they were seeing.

  So far they had seen jaguars, several lions from Africa, dozens of monkeys, hyenas and now they were onto one of Addison’s favorites, saltwater crocodiles or caiman as they had been called. They were enormous predators on several continents including Asia, New Zealand, Australia, South America, all along the Nile and deep into the Congo.

  The redhead had already taken at least a hundred shots. Everything she had gotten so far was amazing, and she couldn’t wait to look at them on her laptop. “I have never seen anything like this Sam, really...I don’t know how you do some of the things you do.”

  Smiling at her driver, Sam shoved her hands in her pockets. “I didn’t do anything. I found out that the zoo offered this, and I though
t that you might find it interesting. We see enough of hotel rooms and racetracks. I take it that you like it.”

  “Remember that hefty charge to my trailer at F1 School? Apparently it costs extra to get the National Geographic Channel and Discovery translated into English and HD,” Addison admitted shyly as she played with her camera. Turning, she brought her camera up to take a photo of Sam. She looked around for Nick curiously. “Mr...Nick?” she asked. “Would you like a picture of yourself with Sam?” she asked.

  “Oh Sweet Cheeks, just call me Nick. And I don’t mind if I do have a picture with the boss lady.” He sidled up to the blonde and pouted at the camera.

  Addi grinned and raised the camera. Making sure everything was set right, she took several pictures before laughing, “Sam, smile. You’re one of the richest women in the world; you have everything you could ever want.” Addison was happy when, a moment later, Sam graced her with a flawless smile.

  They soon moved onto the crocodile exhibit. A large sea of glittering eyes stared up at the couple as they walked the pier over the water. Several zookeepers stood nearby with cases of meat and a pole to hold it out over the water. Addi smiled. “This is amazing!” She brought up her camera as the first of several pieces of meat was held over the water. A second later, an enormous black Caiman shot six feet out of the water and snatched the meat with a loud crack before falling back in.

  Sam involuntarily took a step back at the display of strength, and reached out to place her hand on Addison’s hip. “Wow!” She didn’t want to let the young woman know that she was terrified of the giant creatures.

  Turning to look at her boss, Addison stepped a bit closer. “It’s okay.” She smiled before going towards the railing, but staying away from the pole. Instead, she sat on the seat next to the railing and aimed her camera downward, taking several photos and then video while another large crocodile tore away from the pack snarling and hissing to grab the meat above his head with another loud crack of his jaws. Water flew everywhere and Addison smiled. “Raw power, more than an engine could ever make,” she whispered with a face full of awe.

  “I’ll take your word for it. I’m going to go to the next exhibit, okay?” Sam took a step back and away from the creatures.

  Addison watched Samantha walk away and hurriedly picked up her camera bag before looking at Nick curiously. Shouldering her bag, she had to jog to catch up with Samantha at the next exhibit, which was a herd of elephants. “Sam?” Addison finally caught up to the woman and put a hand on the golden elbow. “Is everything alright?” she asked curiously. She’d never seen Sam unnerved by anything.

  Looking around, Sam saw only Nick, Sven and their guide, so she drew the young woman into a darkened corner, wrapping her arms around her waist and drawing her close. “I need to kiss you,” she murmured before she pressed her lips against Addison’s.

  The younger redhead felt her back pressed against a mock cave wall. She groaned before tangling her hands into blonde hair, perfectly in place. Addison groaned again when Sam’s lips descended onto hers heatedly. The intimate moment was ruined a second later when a blinding flash erupted in the small space. Addison’s eyes flew open and she tore away from Sam, looking for the camera.

  Sven had the photographer around the neck, holding him a foot off the ground by his jacket, and his camera in the other. “I don’t believe you were invited on this tour.” He shook the man hard with a grimace, and Addison ducked behind Sam.

  “Sven, get his memory card,” Sam growled. “Who do you work for?” she asked the photographer, keeping her hand behind her, holding onto Addison’s hand.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” the photographer growled, trying to slap Sven across the face. Sven dropped the man, but he didn’t run. His eyes were glued to the camera in Sven’s hand. The blonde bodyguard smirked, opening up the cartridge for the memory card. Sven took the expensive camera and tossed it behind him back into the crocodile enclosure. It was quickly lost amongst the snarling reptiles.

  “Hey, damn it! That was expensive. Dupree, you’re going to pay for that!” The paparazzi was livid. Sven handed the memory card his boss.

  Pocketing the card, Sam narrowed her eyes. “What is it worth to you to keep quiet about what you saw? I’ll give you an exclusive when we decide to take the relationship public, if you’ll keep quiet now?” the blonde offered. She knew that she was grasping at straws, but she had to try.

  The man stopped griping and stared at Sam. “I’ll take that deal, Dupree. When are you planning to take it public? That’s a pretty big relationship to hide. Sleeping with your employees.” He chuckled softly. The guide for their tour lurked nearby, listening silently.

  Addison buried her face in Sam’s shoulder, trying to pretend this wasn’t happening to them. They had only been together less than a week; she wanted more time.

  “We weren’t planning on taking it public for a while, but when we do, you get all the pics. In fact, I’ll set you up with my PR firm, and maybe they can send more work your way. Just give us a couple of months, that’s all I’m asking.” Sam held Addison close and rubbed her back.

  Nick stood behind Sven, furiously texting Sam’s publicist and image consultant while Sven calmly stared at the back of the slimy photographer’s head. The man considered his options for a moment. “And you’ll replace the camera?”

  “Yes, but if you let it leak, all deals are off, and I’ll make your life a living hell,” Sam promised.

  “I know better than to mess with a Dupree,” the photographer complained. He opened his jacket and handed Nick a card, before leaving with no more fuss. Addison sighed and kept her face buried in blonde hair until the man was gone.

  “I hate the press,” Addison whispered, feeling violated since the man had invaded their privacy.

  Sam turned to the young woman, kissing the head beneath her chin. “It’s okay, I took care of it. He said that he wouldn’t say anything and I believe him. He’s tangled with me before and he’s always been good to his word.” She ducked her head to look into gray eyes. “Do you want to continue?”

  “Yeah. I don’t want to let that kind of person ruin a perfectly good date with you,” Addi whispered, staring up at Sam, her hands playing with the worn polo shirt’s collar. “But only a little bit longer, ‘cause I want to be alone with you now,” she whispered again.

  “Whenever you are ready to leave, you just let me know.” Sam kept her arm around the young woman’s waist as they headed once more towards the elephants.

  After the rest of the tour, Sam swept Addison into their limo. Nick dutifully stayed quiet, or tried to, on his phone call with the blonde’s publicist. Addison had her head on Sam’s shoulder the whole way back to the hotel. In a matter of minutes, she was upstairs, in the suite, alone with Sam who had told her assistant and Sven they needed to be alone for the night. Nick glared, but left and Sven just smiled before settling down outside the door. Addison set the camera down and disappeared into the bathroom to run them a hot bubble bath.

  Drawing the memory card out of her pocket, Sam went over to the laptop and opened the files.

  There weren’t just photos of the couple kissing at the zoo; there were photos of Sam staring at Addi across the rooftop terrace from the viewpoint of another roof nearby. Another was of Sam rubbing the sunscreen into Addison’s shoulders and leaning down to whisper in her ear. There was one final one of Addison pulling herself out of the pool that even had Sam’s mouthwatering.

  She sent the pics to her home email account and then deleted them from the card. Removing the card from the computer, she snapped it in half and tossed it into the fireplace where she watched it melt before she headed towards the bathroom.

  Knocking softly on the door, she called out. “Addi...are you okay?”

  “Yeah...” came the muffled voice from inside the bathroom, along with a splash of water. “I ran us a bath,” she called out again.

  Pushing open the door, Sam leaned against the door jamb, enjoying th
e view of the redhead, with her hair piled high upon her head, surrounded by white bubbles in the roman-sized tub. “Now, don’t you look good enough to eat?” The blonde quickly slapped a hand over her mouth, and apologized, “I am so sorry.”

  Addison laughed softly before moving to lean against the side of the tub resting her chin on her folded forearms. “You are always putting your foot in your mouth, Sammie.” She smiled blowing a bubble at the blonde. “Are you going to get in with me?” she asked with an innocent smile.

  Lowering her hand, Sam stuck them in her back pockets. “Do you think that we should?” She wanted nothing more than to be skin to skin with the woman, but honestly didn’t know if she could resist touching her.

  “Not really caring at the moment. After what happened, I just want to be in your arms kissing you. I know I can stop us if things go too far, or at least I think so,” Addison stated honestly, with a frown. “Would you rather me just bathe though and meet you in bed with champagne or something?”

  San pulled the polo shirt over her head, tossing it aside and removed her bra before unfastening her jeans to slide both them and her panties off, then slid in behind the redhead. “Was that fast enough for you?”

  “You do get things done quick and efficiently Sammie, or has Nick taught you that?” Addi grinned, sliding her body back into Sam’s arms with a quiet moan of pleasure.

  Groaning at the contact, Sam replied. “Let’s just say that I was inspired, and leave it at that.”

  Addison turned in Sam’s arms and drew her down for a passionate kiss. “Consider this what you should have had at the zoo,” Addi whispered, kissing her boss feverishly.


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