Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 24

by Jennis Slaughter

  Catching the young woman’s discomfort, Sam whispered, “I’m sorry. I won’t bring him up again.” She wanted nothing more than to take Addison into her arms and just hold her, telling her that everything was going to be alright, but she didn’t.

  “It’’s just not something I’m comfortable facing yet, Sammie,” Addison admitted, turning to look at Sam. “The quicker the divorce is finalized the better, for myself and my family. They can’t wait to meet you by the way.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I imagine that your brother wants to watch us make out,” Sam joked.

  “Yeah, he was all about that.” Addison shivered with disgust. “I think he just wants to meet you, because you’re Samantha Dupree. International superstar.” Addi shrugged. Finishing her lunch, she looked around. “So what’s next?”

  “Well, I need to ride the fences to see if there are any more places that need mending, but I have to do it on horseback, because there are just some places that the truck can’t get to. You are welcome to tag along if ya want.” Sam stood up and brushed off the back of her pants.

  “I did some riding when I was younger and I heard it’s much akin to a bicycle, so I hopefully won’t embarrass myself. Do I take my pick of horses and gear?” Addison asked taking a drink from her water bottle.

  A golden eyebrow arched as Sam replied, “Knock yourself out, Sunshine. Let’s see what you remember.” She walked over to saddle up her stallion, Turbo. Pulling out a carrot from a special box, she offered it to the animal, speaking only so he could hear.

  Gray eyes narrowed, but Addison kept her smart retort to herself before walking away from Sam, down the rows of horses, hoping to find an animal that wouldn’t toss her the first chance it got. Stall after stall was full of some of the most expensive horses Addison had ever seen. She finally came to a large stall where a quiet mare was munching on a bit of hay. “Well, hey there beautiful...” Addison spoke softly, carefully opening the stall door.

  The mare nickered softly, walking her way. Addi stretching out a small hand, running it up over the horse’s nose. The animal was tall, but muscular with a beautiful buckskin coat. Its mane and tail were a deep black as were the socks that ran halfway up its legs. Looking down at the nameplate, she smiled before taking the horse out by the halter and leading it to some crossties. She fetched a saddle and a bridle. Whistling, it took her a while to get the horse’s coat clean and then she saddled her up quietly. “I like the name Sunny.” She smiled to herself, unhooking the horse and leading her from the barn.

  Bringing over her horse, Sam grinned. “Looks like you did a pretty good job. You ready to go riding?”

  “She’s perfect.” Addison rubbed the mare’s nose lovingly with a fond smile. Patting the animal’s neck softly, she put her foot in a stirrup, and then swung herself into the saddle. “I’m ready.”

  So was Sam as she watched Addi settle into the saddle. Gulping a deep breath, she turned and swung herself up on Turbo, making sure that her sunglasses and hat were on. “Hang on a second.”

  She trotted the animal over to a corner wall and pulled off a brand new cowboy hat before trotting back over to hand it to the young woman. “Can’t have you getting too much sun.”

  Taking the hat, Addison secured it on her head and then her sunglasses before she smiled briefly. “I agree; we redheads have to watch the level of sun. Even though I’m the rare kind, that’s capable of a tan.”

  Biting her bottom lip, Sam turned the horse and headed out. For the next few hours, they rode the fence line through the woods, pastures and around the lakes. There was even a time that Sam almost took Addison’s head off when she tossed her a fence post and Addison barely caught it on time. “Damn those sultry green eyes, long blonde hair, kissable lips and damn those long legs,” thought Addison.

  When they made it back to the barn at sunset, Addison was happy for a reprieve of being alone with her boss. If they spent another second close to each other, the redhead didn’t know what she would do.

  Removing the tack from Turbo, Sam placed the saddle over a nearby rail before she went over to get the water hose. Turning it on, she waited until it was a good temperature before she used it on her horse. Taking her time, she whistled while she moved it over the animal.

  Sunny was relaxed as she walked languidly down enormous hallway in the main stable, Addison’s hand on the reins. She had left on the saddle, and the stirrups were drawn up on each side of the saddle making it easier for the redhead to quickly strip Sunny of her tack.

  Addison laid the tack over horse’s stall door, but she hesitated, watching Sam bathe the horse. Everything about Sam was sensual to Addi, and the younger girl was trying hard to ignore it. She felt horrible. Sam was much more than she seemed, and Addison felt like a fool for not realizing it. Sam was damaged too.

  Shaking her head free of any thoughts, Addison removed the bridle, trusting the relaxed mare not to bolt until she got a halter and a lead rope on her, tying her to the side of the stall.

  Tossing the hose to the ground, Sam walked over to grab the scrapper and a bottle of beer from the fridge. Popping the top, she took a swig out of it before she held it up to the horse. “Do you think that you’ve earned this?”

  The stallion nodded his head, splashing water all around.

  “Okay fine.” She held it up to the animal and chuckled as the horse grabbed the bottle and upturned it.

  “Sam!” Addison raised her voice. “Is that alright for a horse to do?” She looked appalled that a human being would let an animal drink alcohol. Deuce had stolen her drinks a few times, but she had always thought it was just because of the lack of water in his bowl. Making sure Sunny was secure, she came over to steal the hose and maybe a water bottle from the fridge.

  Leaning down, Sam grabbed the hose and turned to offer it to the younger woman, instead she sprayed the front of the shirt, soaking it, making it see-through. Sam’s mouth dropped open, and she stammered, “I am so sorry.” However, even as she was saying that, she was admiring the perfect breasts that were clearly outlined against the fabric. “Aw hell!” Sam dropped the hose even as she was striding forward to pull Addi into her embrace and kissing her hungrily.

  “Sam it’s okay, don’t wo...” anything Addi was trying to say in defense of Sam’s clumsy hands was cut off by the hungry, possessive kiss. The young woman felt herself shoved up against the fridge and pinned by the hips against hers, Addison’s work gloves clenched fistfuls of blonde hair, pulling Sam’s head aggressively down to meet her lips.

  Sliding her leg between Addison’s thighs, Sam growled as she felt the roll of Addi hips against it. Reluctantly, she dragged her lips away from Addi’s, moving against the redhead’s jaw line then her throat.

  Gray eyes opened, rolling back in Addison’s skull as her hands left Sam’s hair, dropping down to rip her gloves off so she could feel the blonde in her hands. Once her hands were free, she slid them up under the front of the shirt, teasing the already arousal-hardened nipples. “Sammie...” she moaned.

  “Tell me why I can’t resist you,” Sam hissed. She brought her own hands up to cup Addi’s breasts, drawing an earlobe into her mouth.

  “Because you love need me, like I need you. Like I love you,” Addison whispered, turning her head and letting Sam have the entire side of her neck and head to ravish. Her chest once again arched of its own accord into Sam’s hair. “Do you want to make love to me in the hayloft?” she teased.

  “Yes...but not now...not your first time.” Sam pulled away, breathing heavily. With her lips lightly bruised, hair all mussed, and her pupils dilated, Addison had never looked more beautiful to Sam.

  “Mmm, then maybe after my first time....” Addi smiled wickedly, giving Sam’s breasts a firm squeeze before pulling her hands back and trying to fix Sam’s shirt. “I’d love to fulfill that fantasy and any others you have.”

  Taking a step back, Sam tugged at her shirt, and coughed. “I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have don
e that. I...uh...I said that we would take it slow.” Then she paused. “ that one of your fantasies?”

  Addison frowned, suddenly feeling horrible about what she had done. Backing away from Sam as she adjusted her clothing, Addi picked up the hose and tugged it towards Sunny. “I thought it was one of yours?”

  “’t turn away.” Sam unbuttoned her shirt and took it off, leaving her in her undershirt. “Put this on. I don’t want anyone else to see you like that.”

  Putting the hose in a bucket so she could give Sunny fresh water to drink, Addi turned and took the shirt from Sam before tugging it on. “Thanks...” she mumbled. Fixing her hair, she set her work gloves on top of the saddle on the stall door and began to hose down Sunny.

  Walking around so that she could look the woman in the face, Sam reached out to touch her arm. “Addison...look at me please.”

  Conflicted gray eyes lifted up to look at Sam, Addison didn’t know what the blonde really expected of her. One minute she thought she was cheating on her, the next she was shoving her up against a refrigerator making out with her, then they were back to this stalemate.

  Taking a step closer, Sam smiled at the woman. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I did. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. Not yet. I want you to get to know the real me, just like I want to get to know you better. And yes, the hay loft has always been a fantasy, but I want to learn yours too.”

  Addison bit her bottom lip and nodded without saying anything for a few minutes. “I’ll get back to you on that fantasy part.” She smiled for a moment. “Now if you’ll excuse me, my boss will be rather upset with me if I don’t wash her horse and put her up for the night.”

  Sam nodded her head as she turned back to Turbo, and she started scraping him down, taking her time. She watched Addison out of the corner of her eye, enjoying the sight.

  Finishing up, she untied the lead to take Turbo back to his stall. Putting him in, she placed fresh oats in his trough and closed the door. Picking up her dropped gloves, she stuffed them in her back pocket and leaned against the wall. “What are you doing Sam? You said that you were going to take it slow. That you didn’t want to get hurt or hurt Addison.” She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Whistling softly to herself while she rinsed Sunny off, Addison let the horse air dry for a few minutes while she returned the tack to the tack room. She then returned and unhooked Sunny from the cross ties and led the mare to her stall, releasing her into it for the night. Making sure she had enough hay to eat, the redhead smiled at Sam as she walked by. “Thanks for the gloves and the hat by the way.” She hung her hat on a peg by her horse’s stall, and tucked her gloves into her back pocket, much like Sam.

  “You’re welcome. You can keep ‘em both if ya want.” Sam pushed away from the wall. “Come on, dinner is in about an hour and Neely gets upset if anyone’s late. I’ll show you to your room.” She smiled and led the way towards the main house, stomping the mud off her boots. She cleaned them with the boot brush outside the door, before opening it.

  Addison eyed Sam’s boots and decided just to leave hers at the back door before following Sam. She didn’t want Neely yelling at her for tracking the mud into the house.

  “Samantha Jayne! You had better not be tracking mud through my clean kitchen,” Neely’s voice rang out from the living room where she was watching Jeopardy.

  “I brushed them off!” Sam shouted back, even as she looked back over her shoulder to make sure that she wasn’t.

  Eyes widened and Addison quickly got a paper towel dropping to her knees and wiping up any traces of mud on the tile floor.

  “Addison stop...don’t do that. We always say the same thing. She gives me a hard time, and I give her one back.” Sam leaned down to touch the redhead’s shoulder.

  “Oh, I didn’t want to get yelled at,” Addison mumbled, standing up and throwing away the paper towel. “Um, can I shower before dinner?”

  “If she yells at ya, she likes you. And yeah, come on.” Sam led down a short hallway. She opened a pair of double doors, and stood aside. “I hope that you will be comfortable here.”

  “Sam...I can sleep in the guesthouse in a small bedroom. I’m sure you need this room for friends that visit...” Addison trailed off as she walked into the room with dark purple walls and a lush bed with several bookcases covered in novels, candles and pictures. The windows easily showcased the massive horse farm and the setting sun over the trees.

  “Darlin’, I’ve got more bedrooms than I know what to do with and I don’t expect any more guests. If you don’t like this one, please make your choice.” She smiled and waved down the hall.

  “This is fine,” Addison blurted out running hand over the soft bed and smiling. “I’m just gonna go....” She looked around and saw her suitcase on the far wall. “...Take a hot shower and work out some clenched muscles.” Addison smiled at Sam over her shoulder.

  “Would you like a massage? I can give you one without it going any further.” Sam hoped that she would take her offer, but was afraid that she would.

  After setting out some clothes on the bed, Addison turned around to walk up to Sam with a devilish smirk on her face. “After dinner. I don’t want to have to think about your hands on me while I’m eating with other people.” She ran her index finger down Sam’s chest to her navel with a gleam in her eye. She then turned on a dime and walked into the bathroom.

  “After dinner....” Sam slowly turned around and looked at the room. Now she had to get through dinner with the thought of putting her hands on Addison. Slowly she headed towards her bedroom, walking in and shutting the door.

  Stripping off her clothes, she tossed them into the dirty hamper and headed into the bathroom. Turning on the cold water, she stepped under the spray and stayed there for as long as she could stand it, before she turned on the hot water and began to clean her body.

  Addison showered quickly and let her hair air dry into long, bountiful curls as she slipped into a pair of running shorts and a white spaghetti strapped shirt that left her tan shoulders bare. Looking out into the hallway and seeing Sam’s closed doors, she decided to wait for her boss in the kitchen.

  “Come on in child...grab those plates and set the table.” Neely caught sight of the woman peeking around the corner.

  “Yes ma’am.” Addi smiled sheepishly, taking the plates off the marble countertop and beginning to set the table for herself, Sven, Nick, Sam, Neely and whoever else was eating with them.

  After getting out of the shower, the blonde put on a pair of worn jeans and a button down shirt and, as she brushed her hair, she talked to her reflection. “Samantha, you keep your thoughts on the meal and not on Addi. You said that you were going to take things slow, and I know that you can do it. You are a Formula 1 racer, for Pete’s sake. Just get through dinner, and then all we have to worry about is getting through the massage.”

  She groaned and hung her head. “You had to offer a massage. You are truly living up to the blonde image.” She hit herself on the back of the head as she tossed down the brush before she headed to the kitchen.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The redhead was taking instructions from Neely who had her taking bowls of food and putting them on the table. Addison easily balanced several cups as well as a pitcher full of sweet tea. Sven was taking a glass of tea from Addison while Nick was quietly ending a business call with Sam’s PR firm.

  As she was about to walk into the kitchen, Sam caught sight of Addison, and skidded to a stop. Her hair was down around her shoulders, looking as soft as silk and the running shorts did nothing to hide her toned butt. “God, please give me strength,” she prayed.

  Neely turned around and caught Sam staring at Addison’s legs, and she clucked her tongue. “Young lady, you better get your ass in here and start helping,” she scolded at the blonde’s lagging behind.

  Addison turned around and smiled at Sam, offering her a glass of tea. “Here, you look thirsty.” She smiled again be
fore taking her seat next to Sven and piling mashed potatoes on her plate next to a large ribeye steak.

  “Did ya work up an appetite there, Addi?” Sam smiled as she sipped her sweet tea. Taking her seat, she started in on her salad as the rest took their seats.

  “Hey Boss...told the Jenks Mister that you were going to be out of the loop for a couple of weeks. He raised a little stink, but I told him that you sign the check so for him to shut it.” Nick said as he reached for some biscuits.

  “Thanks, he needs to be reminded of that sometimes,” Sam replied.

  “So Addison....” Neely reached for the green beans. “Where does your family come from?”

  “I was born in Arkansas, Hot Springs family relocated to Houston when the Dupree’s opened up a large warehouse there that my father ran for a while,” Addison’s voice cracked when she mentioned her father, but she covered it with a perfectly-timed cough. “But when I started racing, he left the company to manage me.”

  The redhead smiled and took a sip of tea. “But we moved back to Arkansas after I started NASCAR. I bought my mother’s house, and I have my own house up there as well, near Lake Ouachita.”

  “So you were visitin’ your momma when all this hit the fan? How did she take it?” the older woman asked curiously. She figured that everything should be brought out into the open in front of God and everyone, so there would not be any secrets.

  “The magazines?” Addison asked turning a bit pink. “She took it quite well; I had traveled home intending to inform her of my sexual orientation.”

  “Ah, and if I may ask? Are you a virgin?” Neely smiled, as Sam choked on her sip of tea while Nick paused with his fork halfway towards his open mouth. Sven was eating right along.

  Addison raised her chin in a defiant way, determined not to be looked down upon for her inexperience. “Yes, I am.”


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