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Fast Lane

Page 40

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Drop the sheet Addi and let me see you,” Sam’s voice lowered a bit and her eyes went a shade darker. “I miss having you next to me.”

  The redhead swallowed hard and with shaky hands did as Sam asked, letting the white silk sheets fall from her naked body and pool at her waist. She smiled shyly, pushing a piece of hair back from her eyes. “I love you Sam....”

  Addi watched as Sam swallowed hard. “I love you too, Darlin’, and God, you are beautiful.”

  Addison dragged the hand that sported her engagement ring over her collarbone. “I miss how you kiss me when I wake up....” She smiled a bit. “Waking up alone is horrible, it reminds me of all those times I was at driving school and you were on the road. And I only had my fantasies to entertain me.” Chewing on her lip, she thought about those days long gone.

  “Well, I hope that I make all of your fantasies come true.” Sam’s eyes followed the younger woman’s hand trail over her collarbone. “If you have any more, please let me know.”

  “Oh there are quite a few...the hayloft back home in Georgia, that swimming pool. Your RV, my RV, your car, my car...the list goes on, Sam,” Addi husked as the hand trailed around a breast. She knew she had plenty of time before Nick started banging on her door.

  Licking her lips, the blonde brought her own iPad closer so that she could watch what her fiancée was doing. “Uhh, do you wanna describe what you would like for me to do? Or maybe even show me with your hands?” She knew that she was pushing Addi probably to her comfort limits, but the girl had started it.

  Strong hands slid up Addison’s stomach to cup young, pert breasts, thumbs circling her nipples as the young woman let her head fall back. “I want you to touch me, tease me...” she whispered.

  “Good Lord!” Sam husked. “Babe, I can tease you all day...keeping you on edge...never letting you cum until you plead with me.” One of the blonde’s hands dipped beneath the sheet to touch herself.

  “And I know we talked about toys in the bedroom....” Addison laid herself back on the bed as her hands began to drift a bit lower. She let her fingertips tease around her hips and up her thighs, making herself shiver in arousal.

  “Do you want me to use a toy on you Addi?” Sam asked before she slipped two fingers into her own warmth.

  “Mmm, yes...” Addison groaned as she let one of her fingers tease up and down her own wet slit. She whimpered as her hips bucked upwards. Touching herself was a poor substitute for Sam’s warm, wandering hands.

  “Would you want to use one on me? Just imagine being above me and using your hips to press it deeply within me, and me writhing beneath you. Would you like that?” Sam bit her bottom lip as her thumb massaged her clit.

  The image flashed into Addison’s mind and before she could hold herself back, she slid two fingers into her warmth. The picture of Sam beneath her, endless legs wrapped around Addison’s waist, while she, the girl from nowhere, pleasured Maxim’s Hottest Woman three years running. “Sam...” she whimpered again.

  “Just imagine my legs locked around your waist, screaming out your name and telling you not to stop.” The blonde started moving her hand faster.

  Fingers left the damp sex to circle a throbbing nub as Addison twisted her head staring into Sam’s eyes on the IPad screen. “I need you so badly Sam....” The image just stayed implanted in her mind. “I need to love you...” she whispered with need.

  “I need you too, Darlin’. More than you will ever know.” Sam brought her hand up to her lips and sucked her juices from her fingers.

  As Addison’s body came down from her high she watched Sam with a smile that could only be described as both satisfied and longing. “I guess I had better get up then?” She sighed.

  “Well, you do have to race, and as good as you are, I don’t think you can do it from there.” Sam smiled. “Now get up and eat a good breakfast. I’ll talk with you again before you head for the track.”

  “I am rather hungry....” Addison grinned cheekily before sliding out of bed naked to shower and order some room service. She kissed Sam’s image goodbye on the iPad before going through her morning duties. When she was just finishing up her breakfast, she heard Sam’s voice over her shoulder. “Hey Darlin....”

  “Hey baby....” Addi turned around and lifted the iPad.

  The tablet now showed Sam sitting in the study where she could watch the race. “Your mom and Clint are going to watch the race with me, but I just wanted to tell you to outdrive the rain.”

  Addison walked into her hotel room while talking on the iPad and began to pack her bag to go to the track. “It does look like rain...?” The redhead smiled at her fiancée’s image.

  “Just do your best, babe, and know that I love you and am so very proud of you.” Sam leaned forward and placed a kiss on her tablet.

  Looking a bit sad that she would be stepping out without her lover, Addison nodded. “I will try, babe. I miss you a lot. If I win, I’ll wave that American Flag hard for you,” she whispered softly, her fingertips tracing over Sam’s features on the small screen.

  “Drive safe, Addi. Keep talking to Dennis...I know that you two make a good team. I have faith in you, Darlin’. Just do your best and that’s all I ask for.” It was tearing Sam apart not to be there and she swore to herself that the next race she would be, no matter what she had to do.

  The blocker nodded and wished for the hundredth time Sam was at least there to kiss her good luck. She missed those soft lips, those emerald eyes. “I won’t let you down.” She put on a brave face and an impish smile. “If I win...I’ll show you more tonight....”

  “Right now, you just concentrate on driving...later on you can think about that. I love you, Addison.” Sam grinned back.

  “Sorry, but now you’ve put all these images in my head....” Addison let Sam see her gray eyes rake down the blonde’s body hungrily. “But I’ll behave. I love you too.” She waved bye before signing off the iPad and meeting Nick at the door.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  For the next four and a half hours, Sam and her family yelled, swore and screamed at the television as they watched Addi and Dennis maneuver through the track to finally end the race in second and third place. Sam pumped her fist and hugged Charlotte as they watched Clint dance around the room.

  “Yes!” Clint threw up a fist in the air. He had thought his sister was going to come in first, but he was happy with second after he’d watched the Italians out-maneuver her and Dennis enough times. Maddie was of the same opinion. They high fived before leaving the room to get ice-cream.

  Sam waited impatiently for Addi to call, but could see her up on the victory stand in the second position. Sam thought that her lover never looked more beautiful. Addi was smiling and laughing at something that Dennis had said.

  As the trophy girls brought Addison her hard-won second place trophy, she waved off their kisses and accepted the trophy alone. She shook hands with plenty of reporters and smiled for photos and interviews. Struggling back to her trailer, she showered and listened to her iPod. On the way back to her hotel, she texted Sam, “I don’t like coming in second.”

  “You are first in my heart,” was on her phone within seconds.

  “I love you, Casanova. Our wedding day and honeymoon can’t come quick enough,” she typed back, adding in an “I love you” at the end. Sending the text, she listened to Nick prattle on about a press junket the next day.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sam was grumbling as she hobbled around the house trying to come up with an idea of what to get Maddie for her upcoming birthday. She had never had to buy anything for a little girl before and she wanted to make sure that the youngest member of her new family had something special to call her own. She didn’t want to ask Charlotte because the older woman would just say get her a doll or something.

  It had been eight and a half weeks since she had seen Addison, and the time apart was driving the blonde up the wall. It’s not that they didn’t talk; they talked on the phone, texted, and video
conferenced so much that Sam was considering going into the cellular business.

  Finally taking a seat in one of the lounge chairs by the pool, she sighed as she looked out over the Pacific and wondered what her fiancée was doing.

  “Why so down, Sugar?” Nick slid into a chair next to her, iPad ever-present in his grip. He was scrolling through Addison’s schedule and was about to confirm a few days in Australia with her fiancée.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, the Southerner huffed. “I have no idea what to get Maddie for her birthday, Clint is skateboarding all the time now and I’m worried that he’s hanging out with the wrong crowd, Charlotte and Sven are getting very close and I’m worried what will happen if James gets wind of that relationship and I haven’t spoken to Addi in over twenty-eight hours. She had to go meet the perfume people about their ad and she hasn’t returned any of my calls. Other than that, everything is peachy. How are you?”

  “Trying to decide if I should tell you that Addison will be home this weekend.” He leaned forward and gently squeezed her arm. “Whatever you decide in getting Maddie, she’ll love. She idolizes you just as much as she does Addi. And Clint’s young, he’ll learn soon enough. Plus, Charlotte and Sven are adults.”

  “I know that they are adults, Nick, but James is still at large and I don’t want to take that chance that he will hurt someone.” She ran a hand through her hair. “Wait...did you say that Addi will be home this week-end? I thought that she was heading to Canada next?”

  “She is, but she’s over-due for a bit of a stop in. She said she misses her family, but most of all she misses you. I won’t repeat the other colorful things she misses that you do.” Nick blushed and ran a hand through Sam’s hair fixing it. “You’re this close...” he made a tiny space with his fingers. “ walking without a cast on.”

  “And as soon as this cast comes off, I’m gonna start training to get back into a car. I can’t believe how much I miss driving.” Sam moved her head away from her assistant’s hand. “Nicky...I’m fine. Why don’t you go see if Neely has your lunch ready? I hear that she has perfected that recipe you wanted her to try.” She wasn’t in the mood for being fawned over.

  The man understood when Sam wanted to be alone so he left her out by the pool with her iPad as he headed into the kitchen. A few minutes later the device made a tinkling noise that indicated Sam had an email. It was from Addison. It simply stated. “I miss you. A lot. But we’ll see each other soon, I promise. Love you Samantha. XoXo Addi.”

  Sam emailed her lover back. “I miss you too. Call me when you can. I can’t wait. Kisses. Your Sammie.” Putting the tablet down, she went back to staring at the ocean.

  Sam’s iPhone started to vibrate in her sweat pants pocket. Incubus’s “I miss You,” was the tone Addi had programed into the phone before she had left, and the redhead’s picture was flashing across the small screen.

  Smiling as she answered, Sam purred, “Hi there, Darlin’. Didn’t think that you would call this quickly.”

  “And miss hearing that sexy voice of yours? Hardly,” Addi husked back as she lay in her hotel room, twirling a necklace around a fingertip.

  “How did the meeting go? Do you think that they have a good product and are willing to work with you on your schedule?” Sam leaned her head back and closed her eyes, imaging that she was with the younger woman.

  “I like the way the perfume smells; it’s something I could put my name on. We had a meeting about the scheduling, and they asked if you would make a cameo in some of the commercials. I said I would talk to you about that when I came home for a few days.” The young blocker thought about how if she was there, the last thing they would be doing is talking.

  “I don’t know, Addi. I want this to be something that is all yours. I think that putting me in it might hurt sales and we want to keep them happy.” Sam was being honest as she understood how the business world worked.

  “Alright, it was just a thought. I can use someone else that looks like you, and they’ll be happy with that.” Addi sighed into the phone. The sketch board showed her in a racing tracksuit, at a fundraiser, a press conference then finally in an evening gown meeting Sam in front of a crowd of photographers. But Addi seriously doubted she could find a model as beautiful as Sam. Ever.

  “Did they ever make up their minds on what they are going to call this stuff? Please don’t tell me it’s something like ‘Chase’ or anything to do with cars.” The blonde wouldn’t put it past the advertising idiots to try and pair it with racing.

  “They decided on ‘Ambition’. Apparently my struggle in a male dominated world is a big deal to them.” Addi shrugged with a yawn, knowing she had to pack soon. She was more than willing to sacrifice a few days of sitting in a hotel to be with Sam.

  Nodding her head in appreciation, Sam agreed. “That makes sense. I know that this will be a great stepping stone for you, Darlin’, and if you really want me to, I will be in the commercial, but only if they can’t find someone else,” the blonde gave in.

  “Well, let’s talk about it when I get there in a few days....” Addi smiled, knowing that Sam would be surprised to see her so soon. “You only play a little part at the end where I’m in an evening gown at a movie premiere with you.”

  “I’d rather you were out of the evening gown and in our bed, but that will have to do,” Sam husked.

  Sam heard a soft moan followed by a whispered, “Sam....” before she heard Addison clear her throat. “God, I miss you so much Sammie,” she huffed, ready to be on a plane headed towards her fiancée’s arms now.

  “I miss you too, very much.” The blonde wiped at her face as the tears started to form. She mentally cursed herself for being so weak.

  “, I’ll be home soon I promise. And we’ll be together back on the road in no time. Besides, we haven’t broken it to anyone but the family that we are engaged. Think about the wedding or us eloping...?” Addi tried to make her future wife smile over the phone.

  “You deserve a big wedding, Addi. I don’t care as long as we are together. We could have it in a pasture on the farm and that would be fine by me.” Sam struggled to get to her feet and head inside. The sun was heating things up pretty well.

  “Sam, forget the big wedding. We could elope. And I would love it. I just want to marry you,” Addison whispered into the phone as she saw her email light up on her iPad with a message from Nick. He had scheduled her flight for that weekend. Addi ground her teeth and quickly contacted the airlines, changing it to the next day. She could have used the private jet, but she was still getting used to all the trapping of being Sam’s fiancée, and besides, she was still going first class.

  “If that’s what you want, Darlin’, you’ve got it. Just tell me the time and the place and I’ll bring the Justice of the Peace.” She slowly walked into her bedroom through the open sliding doors.

  “Then let me look into the perfect place. Even though I’d love to see you in an all-white pants suit.” Addison sighed whimsically. “Alright, beautiful, I have to pack if I’m coming in a few days. I love you.”

  “I love you too, and if you want me in a white suit, then that is what you will have. Sleep sweet baby, and dream of us.” Sam sat down on the bed and stared at a picture of Addi that Charlotte had given her of the younger woman leaning against her first car.

  After Addi hung up the phone she rushed around the room throwing everything in a bag that she wasn’t essentially going to need for bed that night so that she could wake up to hop straight on a plane. Three suitcases later, one of which she had to sit on to close, the redhead was exhausted, but she knew she needed to take Deuce out.

  Once her bodyguard detail had assembled downstairs, she walked the dog and then turned in for the night to shower and go to bed. She couldn’t wait to see Sam’s face tomorrow night. She was in Chile this week so she knew how far from the Land Down Under she was. As her eyes closed that evening, her hand rested on the picture of Sam that she drove with
every day; the young woman dreamed of the only person she would ever feel safe with.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The next morning, Sam got out of bed, went through her morning routine and headed into the kitchen. Once there, she found Charlotte and Sven talking over coffee. “Mornin’ is every one today?” She fixed herself a plate of breakfast.

  “Good, how are you feeling, Sam?” Charlotte asked. She’d long since given up on mothering Sam. It wasn’t that the blonde didn’t like it, more so that she was just plain stubborn. She poured her future daughter-in-law a cup of hot coffee with a smile as Maddie ran in the room without Clint. The latter was sleeping in after going out late the night before.

  “Morning, Miss are you doing?” Sam scooped up the little girl and hugged her close.

  The little girl immediately squeezed Sam around the shoulders tight and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. “Morning, Sam,” Maddie chirped. “I’m ready to go get decorations! I want it to be a Princess party! But with cars, because real Princesses drive cars. Addi said that, she said she was a princess and you were her Prince Charming.”

  Chuckling, Sam shook her head. “I’m no one’s Prince Charming, Kiddo, but your sister is a Princess. And if you want a Princess party, then you shall have one. Would you like to ride a white pony?”

  “A white pony?” Maddie gasped, the very idea making the child excited. “Yes, yes, yes! But only if you wear a dress.”

  Sam froze. “Why do I have to wear a dress if you ride a white pony?” The blonde hadn’t been in a dress for quite a long time.

  “Because it’s a Princess party so we all have to dress like one.” The little girl made it sound like the easiest logic in the world.

  “Uhh, then maybe this one time I will be a Prince Charming,” Sam muttered. “We’ll see okay?” She carefully put the little girl down and took another bite of her breakfast. Turning to Charlotte, she threw out an idea. “What do you think about me going to the Doctor’s to see if I can get this anchor that’s around my leg taken off?”


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