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Fast Lane

Page 42

by Jennis Slaughter

  Addison knew words wouldn’t be enough so she lowered her head so she could kiss Sam slowly as she filled her again. This time her movements were sure and with a certain rhythm that would have Sam tumbling over the edge sooner or later. Her fingertips teased over that spot deep in the blonde’s warmth, over and over again.

  “Yes...” Sam hissed as she wrapped her good leg around Addi’s waist. Reaching up, she held her head in place and kissed the younger woman hungrily, letting their tongues spar for dominance.

  “God...I can feel in the way you squeeze me just how much you missed me,” Addi growled against Sam’s lips. In no other part of her life did she feel dominant, in control and sure of herself, outside of the track and in bed with Sam. Her hips slid behind her hand, adding more pressure to her movements.

  “I am yours, with me what you want,” Sam pleaded. She wanted whatever her fiancée would do to her.

  “Be the mother of our children someday, love me forever, and promise me you’ll never break my heart,” Addison whispered as her thumb slid up over Sam’s clit in a circular motion.

  “I will love you until the end of time and will never hurt you,” Sam murmured back as her body arched up against Addison’s fingers.

  “Cum for me Sam...” Addi husked as she curled her fingers in and out of the blonde’s warmth.

  Screaming Addison’s name, Sam held the woman against her with one hand and fisted the sheets with the other.

  The redhead kept her fingers firmly engulfed in Sam’s throbbing sex until she was sure it was safe to remove them. Sucking her fingers softly in front of the blonde’s closed eyes she grinned. “I love you.”

  Reaching up to pull Addi’s lips down to her so that she could taste herself, Sam moaned as she let her tongue explore the woman’s mouth. Pulling away when she needed to breathe, she murmured, “I love you.”

  Addi smiled widely against Sam’s lips. “You rev me up like a drag car.” She grinned with a blush. “When I see you, I just have to have you. Naked, sweaty, and moaning for me. I don’t know why.”

  “I don’t think that I’ve ever been compared to a car before, but...I think it fits.” Sam chuckled. “Now I’m gonna have to see if I can get you the same way.”

  “If I am really going to compare you to a car, you’d be a limited production vehicle or a concept car only produced once. You are far too unique for something too simple.” Addison smiled as gray eyes twinkled in the low light. She slid a pale hand up the outside of Sam’s leg, marveling at the texture of her skin. Her other hand lightly rested on Sam’s injured leg. “You give me the same thrill though...the rush; that giddy feeling’s indescribable how you really make me feel.”

  “You make me feel the exact same way. Sometimes when you walk into a room, and when you see me for the first time, it’s like you touch me,” Sam murmured.

  Addi lifted her hand to cup Sam’s cheek and bring her own head down for a soft kiss. “I’ll never be able to thank God for how much he’s given me, to us.” The young blocker had been raised in church and didn’t think it was ridiculous to be gay and a Christian. “You mean so much to me, Samantha Dupree. I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you.”

  Gently brushing her lips against Addi’s, Sam asked, “How soon would you like to get married? If you want, we can get married at home underneath the oak trees. I personally like the thought of not having to go far for our honeymoon.”

  “That idea suits me just fine. We can see the world anytime, how often do we get to be alone with no cameras, no fans, no media, no assistants...very rarely. Let’s get you walking again without the use of a cane or crutches. I’d like for you to be able to enjoy our wedding day.” The young woman smiled as she sat up astride Sam’s waist, the sheets slipping down her naked body. “I think I’m going to call for something to eat, you’ve made me ravenous.”

  Sam placed her hands on Addi’s hips and rolled her own slightly. “I did suggest that earlier. I can call the butler and have him send up whatever you want. Have any ideas?”

  “Mmm...” Addison moaned as her own hands fell to slide up Sam’s chest cupping her breasts, her thumbs circling them as they moved together. “Something I can eat quick and then come back to if I want it....”

  “Ahh...umm, maybe a sandwich, a salad, fruit...” Sam was hard pressed to keep a thought in her head whenever Addi moved against her like that.

  With a mischievous grin, Addison pressed her hips down just a bit harder with a soft moan. “I’ll leave you to it then while I run us a warm bath. Since you are allowed to take one now....” With that, she dismounted her fiancée’s hips like she was a prized race horse and walked slowly, naked into the bathroom.

  Sighing, Sam laid there for a few moments catching her breath before sitting up and reaching for the phone. Seeing a discretely placed card, she punched in the number for Thomas. “Yes hello...if you wouldn’t mind, we would like a couple of club sandwiches with extra bacon, a platter of fresh fruit and cheeses and a couple of pitchers of orange juice and ice water.”

  “Will there by anything else, ma’am?” the man’s deep voice vibrated through the phone.

  “No, and if you wouldn’t mind, bring it up in about fifteen minutes?” Sam asked. Hanging up the phone, she pushed herself up, groaning but loving the way that she felt as she headed cautiously towards the bathroom, balancing most of her weight on her good leg.

  Her fiancée was wrapped in a white silk robe that only reached to mid-thigh and was tied around the middle as she waited at the base of the tub. The tub itself was set into the floor and could easily hold four people; it was quickly filling with rose-scented bubbles while Addison was winding up her hair on the top of her head. She turned and smiled at Sam over her shoulder. “Hey, baby, ready to relax?”

  Letting her eyes travel over Addison’s body, Sam’s tongue peeked out to lick her bottom lip. “And you’re asking me this while you’re looking like that?”

  “Like this?” Addison responded innocently as her hands toyed with the bow tie of a knot that kept her robe together. “It’s just a robe, Sam.” She grinned as she bent over running a hand through the water testing it before she cut it off.

  “You might wanna straighten up, Darlin’, because if you stay in that position, I’m gonna take you right here.” Sam took a step forward and let her eyes slide over the perfect ass.

  “Maybe that was the idea...” Addison all but moaned as she slowly stood up and turned around untying her robe to let it pool at her feet, she then stepped into the tub settling down into the bubbles. “Care to join me?”

  Carefully walking forward, Sam stopped beside the tub. “Where do you want me? In front or behind you?”

  “Wherever it is you want to be. I know you well enough that you can use any angle and still reach your goal,” the redhead teased as she sat up, waist deep in the water one hand extended for Sam.

  Taking Addi’s hand, Sam gingerly stepped down and positioned herself behind the redhead. “The only thing that I have ever truly wanted I am about to wrap my arms around. Nothing and no one else ever meant more to me.”

  Addison settled back into Sam’s arms with a well-stifled moan. Being in the blonde’s embrace brought up so many emotions, want, desire, need, lust, but also love, compassion, understanding and most of all, protection. “I love you, Sam.” Addi closed her eyes and relaxed into her lover’s arms.

  “And I love you, Addison,” Sam murmured, her lips close to the redhead’s ear.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The couple made love most of the night and well into the early morning. Addison had to beg for a break. Sam had missed her so much that when dawn broke, it found the blonde curled up around Addi; the redhead snoring softly in her arms. Sam’s eyes roamed over the redhead’s beautiful face, and she let her hand slide down to hold the hand that wore her mother’s engagement ring.

  It wasn’t until almost noon that Addi stirred slowly. “Mmm, Sam...” she whispered into the dark hotel r
oom; they’d pulled the curtains so it still felt like midnight to her.

  “Yes, Darlin’?” The blonde leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Addi’s cheek.

  “I’ve only been this sore three times in my life. Once when I was seven and flipped my dirt bike, when I was sixteen and did lunges for the first time...and then when you....” She blushed in the darkness as her hand brought Sam’s between her legs. “...took my virginity...” she breathed.

  “Did I hurt you?” Sam rose up to look down at her lover, stilling her hand as it was just about to slide into silky warmth.

  “No...quite the opposite. I’ve never felt better....” Addison slid a hand up behind Sam’s head and brought her mouth down to her own, plundering her mouth with passionate kisses.

  Moaning into the kiss, Sam pulled Addi closer and she settled the younger woman between her legs. Sliding one hand down the redhead’s back, the older woman placed it over the swell of her shapely ass.

  Addi was thankful they’d gone to bed naked, as she now had nothing stopping her from taking Sam any way she wanted to. Flipping them over slowly, albeit carefully, mindful of her lover’s freshly freed leg, the redhead dragged her mouth down her chin.

  Reaching up to thread her fingers in silky hair, Sam murmured, “I love waking up to you and I want to do it from now on. What do you think about getting married tomorrow? I read about a place that I think you would like.”

  Gray eyes twinkled with happiness as Addison leaned down kissing Sam slowly, her own hands inching up the blonde’s sides. “I think I would like that very much. Tell me about the place...?”

  “Nope...gonna surprise ya.” Sam wiggled her eyebrows. “I figure that maybe we can have a couple days to ourselves and maybe then send for the family.”

  Berry-colored lips pursed in mock annoyance but turned into a smile a moment later. “Fine, I love your surprises. They always end perfectly. Anything we do is fine with me, so long as it’s you, me and minimal clothing.”

  Leaning forward to brush her lips against Addi’s pouting lips, Sam murmured, “We won’t even take any luggage. We’ll buy what we need when we get there.”

  Addi couldn’t hold herself back when she heard Sam’s voice drop an octave, crushing their lips together in a hungry kiss. It was several minutes before they broke for air, both of them gasping, the redhead still kissing her lover every few moments. “From this moment on, you can’t have me till we’re married....” She grinned.

  Sam chuckled. “If you say so...I guess that leaves out the mile-high club.” She carefully slid from underneath her fiancée and went in search of her cell phone. Finding it among her clothes on the floor, she made a few calls and arranged for their adventure.

  The younger driver saved her retort for a later time as she dropped her sheet and left the warmth of the bed to shower.

  Still carrying the phone, Sam stuck her head into the bathroom. “Would you like something to eat? We kinda missed breakfast, but I’m sure that Thomas can arrange anything that you want.”

  Addison leaned her head back to rinse the shampoo from her hair as she thought about what she was hungry for. “Can I have blueberry muffins, bacon, and eggs? With some Italian espresso?” she asked bringing her head up to look at Sam.

  “Sure....” The blonde went over to the suite’s phone and gave the butler their order and also informed him that they would be leaving within a couple of hours so he could arrange for their bodyguard to be ready.

  Once she was finished with her few chores, Sam went to lie back down on the bed and pulled a sheet over her body. She had called Nick to let him know that they were going to be away for a few days and for him to tell Addi’s family. She knew that they might be upset that they were doing this, but she hoped that they would be forgiving once they had a ceremony for the family and friends at home.

  After a quick shower, Addison dried off and pulled on a pair of lounge pants and a cami top the hotel provided. Walking to the door way she watched Sam lying in bed naked, covered only by a sheet as she flipped through the morning paper. “Now that’s sexy....”

  “What?” putting down the paper, Sam folded her arms over her chest and asked. “I’m not doing anything at all.”

  “Exactly....” Addison took a few short steps crossing the suite quickly before climbing onto the bed and into Sam’s arms. A few kisses later, she explained herself, “You don’t have to do anything to be sexy. I’ve realized that over the last few months. Maxim, FHM...and I’m sure Playboy is dying to be the third...they do a great job, but you right’m refraining from paying the amazing praise your body and heart deserve. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Samantha...and because of you, I’ve seen a lot recently.” She smiled widely.

  Sam held the younger woman close for a few moments before asking, “Have you received requests to pose for them?” She held her breath as she awaited the answer.

  “They hinted at it when I ran into Hugh at an event, but he’s more interested in you. We all know how much he loves blonde’s.” Addison grinned honestly. There was no way in hell Sam would ever let her pose and she didn’t want to sully herself in Sam’s eyes that way either, but the idea of Sam posing made her blood boil. In a really primitive and carnal way, something she hadn’t felt before.

  “Hugh...are you on first name basis with Hugh Hefner now?” Sam pulled away so that she could see the redhead’s face.

  “No, that’s what they call him in the tabloids or newspapers. I guess I just felt cool to say it.” Gray eyes searched the blonde’s face for some sign that her fiancée was angry with her.

  Whatever Sam was about to say was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. She carefully moved away from Addison so that she could scoot into the bathroom. “Would you mind getting that?”

  Addison rolled off the bed and onto her feet before she checked the peephole out of habit. Making sure it was just Thomas and Drew, she opened the door for the butler and bodyguard. While they set up breakfast, Addi made quick work of the hotel room, straightening it up so that they could leave soon. Once Thomas and Drew left, she opened up the plates of food, setting up their breakfast. Thank God Sam had the foresight to order because now she was ravenous.

  Taking a quick shower while she was in there, Sam hummed as she washed her hair and went over what she had read about the place that they were going to. She hoped that Addi would like it. The driver had called and talked with the management a week or so earlier about the facility as it had recently come up on the market for sale. This was going to be a chance to really check things out.

  “Sammie?” Addison called out from the living area before she walked into the bathroom staring anywhere but at Sam’s naked body. “Ready to eat?”

  “Yeah...I’ll be there in just a minute.” The blonde turned off the water as she reached out with her other hand to snag a bath sheet. Drying off quickly, she put on her clothes from the night before and headed out into the living area barefoot except for her boot.

  The redhead met Addison at the table before she pulled out the taller woman’s chair. “Ladies first...” she explained with a small wink before helping her fiancée scoot into the table. She then poured her a glass of orange juice, and herself a cup of coffee before sitting down across from her. “So tell me about what Maddie is planning for her birthday week after next?”

  “She wants to be a Princess...not really sure what that means, so any help that you can give me will be greatly appreciated,” Sam replied before she took a sip of juice.

  In a moment, the perfect party came to mind in Addison’s eyes. A beautiful midnight ball just like the one from Cinderella. Maddie’s favorite movie would be the perfect backdrop for the child’s birthday. She thought of all of the ball gowns and lights, the starry night. Then the image of Sam, dressed in a ruffled shirt, fitted slacks, high heeled boots, the dashing Prince Charming and her heart stopped. Sam was her Prince Charming in all her dreams. “I have a few ideas of my own that I’m sure could

  “Then I will leave it to your more than capable and talented hands.” Sam grinned before she took a bite out of her bagel with cream cheese and thinly-sliced salmon.

  “They are talented, aren’t they?” Addi admired her hands, particularly her engagement ring. It filled her heart with warmth every time she looked at it.

  “Mmm, they are, but so are your lips, your mouth and my God, your tongue...” Sam moaned and closed her eyes while she fanned her face. She was getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it.

  Addi became a bit hot under the collar as she watched Sam lose her cool a bit over her sexual talents. Swallowing hard on her muffin, she made a soft moan herself. “You really...feel that way about what...I do to you?” she asked a bit mystified. Sam was her first everything.

  “Darlin’ yeah. Hell yeah, but it’s not just the way that you touch me. You love me and that makes everything that you do to me all the more special. No one has ever touched me the way that you do.” Sam reached over to take one of Addi’s hands in hers.

  Blushing to the roots of her burnished hair, the young woman smiled brightly, squeezing Sam’s hand back. “And no one ever will, or they won’t be able to touch anyone else ever again.” Addi laughed a bit, kissing Sam’s knuckles; her life was like a dream at this point. “What time are we leaving?”

  “As soon as we finish eating. You have your passport with you, don’t you?” The blonde took a sip of her juice with her other hand. She wasn’t going to let Addi go anytime soon.

  “I carry it with me always, along with a picture of you and one of my family. After the wedding I can have a picture of us all.” When Sam gave her a questioning look, Addison stood up and walked over to her purse, opening up her clutch and showing Sam the picture that she carried. It was a picture of them together, kissing before going to the zoo, the fateful night before she was almost outed to the media.

  “That was a good night before the reporter showed up.” Sam smiled at the picture before she pulled her lover close. “I would like to go back and sightsee one day.”


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