Bullied by the Baseball Captain: An Academy Reverse Harem Bully Romance (The Bullies of Strathmore Reform Book 1)

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Bullied by the Baseball Captain: An Academy Reverse Harem Bully Romance (The Bullies of Strathmore Reform Book 1) Page 19

by Jenni Sloane

  Cole approached and took my arm. My stomach fluttered at the contact. He rolled up my sleeve gently and inspected the damage. “That’s not good,” he said. “Come up to my dorm. I’ll get you patched up.”

  “Does that line work on all the ladies?” I joked lamely.

  “This isn’t a joke.” Cole’s gray eyes flashed. “You’re hurt.”

  “I could just as easily get the first aid kit in my office,” Bennett said, voice tight.

  I could practically hear Cole growl at him. “She can come to my room.”

  I felt like a wishbone being tugged. “Enough,” I said. “I’ll come to your room, Cole.” Cole smiled smugly. “Under one condition.” The smile dropped off slowly. I turned my head toward Bennett, not even exactly sure what I was craving. What I was asking for. “He comes too.”

  Chapter Twenty

  So the three of us ended up in Cole’s room. Cole patched me up to the best of his ability, while Bennett stood awkwardly by the small wardrobe, looking like he wanted to correct everything Cole was doing.

  “There.” Cole snipped off the end of the gauze. “Good as new.”

  “I look like a mummy,” I said, waving my arms a little.

  He laughed. “You look beautiful.”

  Then he tilted his head down and kissed me.

  It was a possessive kiss—not harsh, but clearly designed to send a message to Bennett: I don’t share.

  Bennett snorted derisively.

  Cole lingered a bit longer with his lips on mine. Then a smile slowly spread across his face. He tipped his head toward Bennett, not quite looking at him. “Got a problem?” he asked.

  Bennett didn’t reply.

  I looked back and forth between the two. The air was crackling with something I didn’t quite understand. Sure, I wanted them. Both of them. And yes, I knew the two of them were probably about to have a dick measuring contest. But the tension right now was something beyond that. It was seductive, a little dangerous. Like all three of us were holding onto our control by a thread.

  Cole’s voice hardened. “I asked if you had a problem.”

  To my surprise, Bennett lowered his head. “No,” he muttered.

  A jolt went through me. I thought of the day Cole had ordered Bennett to crawl to me like a dog. Heat infused my skin, and I swallowed. If he did it again, I had a crazy feeling that this time, I’d enjoy it.

  “Come here,” Cole ordered Bennett. The back of my neck prickled, and I felt a tautness between my legs.

  Bennett looked up, startled. “Why?”

  Cole straightened and sauntered over to him. Bennett didn’t flinch, but I could see how tense he was. I’d been on the receiving end of Cole Heller’s predatory gaze—steel and fire and longing…


  I went still, realization dawning.

  “You’ve been watching me, Mr. Big Shot,” Cole’s voice was low and rough, almost hoarse. “Mr. Fucking Genius. Like you know how to do everything better.”

  I saw Bennett swallow.

  “Yeah, well, you’re bandaging her up like you’re TP-ing a tree.”

  Cole stood toe to toe with him, staring. “You like her?” he asked softly.

  “He does,” I surprised myself by saying. “He can’t get enough of me.”

  Cole turned to me and grinned. Then looked back at Bennett. “Is that so?”

  He trailed a finger up Bennett’s chest. Let it rest in the hollow of his throat. Bennett swallowed again. “Of course I like her.”

  “He wants to fuck me,” I said. “He can’t stop thinking about it.”

  Cole looked at me. “Is that what you want, Challenge?”

  Challenge? I liked the new nickname. It could have felt like a taunt. But the way he said it, I knew it was a compliment.

  “I do,” I said.

  Cole turned back to Bennett, his voice a whisper. “Be a good boy, Benny. And get in there and fuck her exactly the way she wants to be fucked.”

  The breath stole from my lungs as I watched Bennett’s reaction. He didn’t move. His breathing was soft and shaky, each swallow making Cole’s finger press harder against the vulnerable little dip in his throat.

  “If you don’t please her,” Cole said, “you answer to me.”

  “Yes,” I breathed. Where was the girl I’d been? Who was this woman who was saying yes, yes to getting fucked exactly how I wanted to be fucked? Yes to the idea of having two men worshipping at my feet?

  To my shock, Bennett growled and hurled himself at Cole. Cole was caught off guard, and Bennett nearly bowled him over. But he recovered and slammed Bennett backward, grabbing his arm and twisting.

  Bennett arched, choking on a cry. His knees buckled, and he might have gone to the floor if not for Cole’s powerful grip.

  I watched the whole thing, getting more and more turned on.

  Bring him to his knees. Make him fight for me.

  “You motherfucker.” Bennett spat in Cole’s face.

  Cole grabbed his hair, and I thought for sure he was gonna snap Bennett’s neck. Instead, he shoved him up against the wardrobe…

  And kissed him.

  As deep and furious a kiss as he’d given me the other day. Just watching them sent heat snaking between my legs. I saw Cole thrust his tongue into Bennett’s panting mouth, heard Bennett’s moan—rage, colored by the beginnings of surrender. Cole released his hair and slammed the flat of his hand onto the wardrobe beside Bennett’s head. Bennett turned his face away, eyes closed, breath coming in ragged gasps.

  Maybe I should have been shocked. Confused. Maybe I should have wondered if their attraction to each other changed anything about their attraction to me. But I didn’t wonder.

  I knew they were both mine. Knew if I wanted, they’d put on a show for me.

  My panties were soaked just thinking about it.

  “Get over here,” I commanded. Bennett shivered in response. “I want you to make me come.”

  Cole pushed Bennett down on his knees. Bennett sank without a fight, head bowed. Cole grabbed his hair again. “What did she just say?”

  Bennett gave an exhale almost like a sob. And to my surprise, Cole sank to his knees too, stroking Bennett’s hair before yanking it again. Bennett whimpered softly, but didn’t resist.

  “Look at me.” Cole grabbed Bennett’s chin roughly. Bennett forced open eyes that were still hazy and dilated. Cole ran a thumb over Bennett’s stubbled cheek, then shoved Bennett’s chin in my direction. He laughed. “You’re so desperate, you’d probably suck my dick if I told you to.”

  “I’m not gay.”

  “Yeah?” Cole stared at him with his eyes like blades. Then leaned closer, his lips brushing Bennett’s jaw as he tipped his head down toward Bennett’s neck. He bared his teeth, then let them graze the throbbing vein in Bennett’s throat. Bennett stopped panting and swallowed hard, his arms at his sides, palms up as though in supplication. “Me either.” Cole’s tongue flicked out and the tip pressed against Bennett’s jumping pulse. Bennett rolled his eyes slowly heavenward, then down to stare at Cole’s bowed head. Then he caught my eye.

  He looked desperate, helpless.

  “Please,” he whispered, though I wasn’t sure which one of us he was pleading with. He tensed, back arching as Cole’s tongue drifted along his jaw.

  “I could hurt you,” Cole whispered, tilting his head back and moving his hand up to Bennett’s throat. He squeezed lightly, then slid his hand further up to cup Bennett’s face. “Or…” he traced Bennett’s full lips with his thumb. Bennett moaned, and Cole pressed his thumb hard against Bennett’s Cupid’s bow. He inclined his head toward me. “She decides.”

  I stood up and went to them.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, standing over Bennett. “I told you to get over here.” I grabbed his tie and pulled him to his feet, feeling like I was leading a tiger on a leash designed for a chihuahua. Bennett could break me with the flick of his wrist. But he followed me like a good dog, Cole pantin
g on the floor behind us. I tugged him up onto the bed. Then he pounced. He yanked his tie from my grasp and kissed me fiercely, pulling both my wrists up and over my head and slamming them down against the pillow. I gave a half-laugh, half-moan, and arched my hips up to rub against the smooth fabric of his expensive slacks.

  “Make her come,” Cole said getting to his feet. “Or else.”

  He walked over to stand beside me. The mattress creaked under me as he cupped my cheek and kissed me swiftly. He twined his other hand in Bennett’s hair and shoved his face between my legs. Bennett’s breath burst out in a hot rush against the front of my skirt, and I gasped. Cole held him there while Bennett struggled to breathe.

  Bennett’s weight made the thin mattress depress. The wooden frame creaked. I spread my legs, wondering for a frantic moment if I should undress myself.

  No. Let him do it.

  Cole let him go, and he reached slowly for the waistband of my skirt. Paused. “This okay?” he asked, looking up at me.

  I nodded.

  He peeled the skirt smoothly down my legs, leaving me in my—notably damp—white cotton underwear. He slid them off, slowly enough that my core clenched at each sweep of the fabric against my legs. Cole started unbuttoning my sweater, then the white blouse underneath. He helped me slip them off, until all that remained was my bra.

  I sighed in pleasure, even as a coil of shame wound through me. Was I really about to sleep with two guys at once?

  I wanted to. And I was going to.

  Bennett ran his hands slowly up my thighs—almost reverently. I shivered. “Undress,” I ordered him softly.

  He knelt up, removing his shirt, then undoing his pants and slipping out of them, one leg at a time. His chest was as broad and defined as I’d imagined it would be, and tapered down to a surprisingly trim waist. His hands hesitated at the waistband of his dark blue boxers.

  “Everything,” I whispered.

  He obliged, a flush covering him from chest to cheeks. He was already hard. “Good boy.” I smiled slowly, watching the flush darken.

  “He is, isn’t he?” Cole’s voice was almost a purr behind me.

  Bennett dropped his head. Clear fluid beaded at the head of his cock, the sight of it making me even wetter.

  “What did I tell you to do?” I asked, loving this feeling. The feeling of having him at my feet. Of Cole behind me, helping me bring Bennett to heel. Bennett crawled forward again, muscular thighs flexing as he lowered himself to his belly between my legs. He slowly dipped his head. I trembled with anticipation, gasping softly as Cole’s finger traced my bare shoulders. He lifted my hair, then dropped a soft kiss on my nape, just as Bennett licked a gentle trail up my inner thigh.

  I tipped my head toward Cole, who kissed me on the lips, his tongue teasing my mouth open. Meanwhile, Bennet’s tongue pressed between my legs. My thighs tensed, and I involuntarily put a hand out, resting it on Bennett’s silky curls. He moaned softly and tasted me again, lapping at me. He traced every fold with his tongue, then pressed it gently against my opening. My hand tightened to a fist in his hair. Cole bit my lower lip—softly, but with just a hint of the savagery I was accustomed to from him. Soon I was whimpering. Shifting my hips back and forth, trying to get Bennet to find all the perfect spots. His tongue slipped inside me, and my whole spine arched. Cole took a seat on the edge of the bed beside me and stroked my hair as I stared down, panting, at Bennett’s head between my legs.

  Cole laughed softly. “Good, Challenge?”

  All I could do was gasp as Bennett moved his tongue within me. I felt my orgasm building, and had to resist the urge to clamp my thighs around Bennett’s head.

  Then he withdrew, and I almost cried out in protest… until his tongue flicked against my clit.

  “Bennett!” His name came out a strangled gasp. But he circled my clit again and again, running his fingers back and forth along my pussy, teasing my entrance.

  Cole’s lips brushed the side of my neck, and then I was whimpering incoherently at the dual sensations. Cole’s teeth grazed my throat. Bennett’s tongue lapped my sweet spot. My hands sought both of them, wanting to feel them. I swept my palm across Bennett’s back, loving every ridge of muscle, every shiver of his skin.

  Then I was over the edge, pleasure shooting through every vein, my thighs quivering as the orgasm rocked me. I cried out, clamping my legs around Bennett, grabbing Cole’s wrist to steady myself. But they didn’t stop. Bennett licked me to a second orgasm, while Cole traced a line down my body with his fingers, pushing Bennett’s head away to give me a third orgasm with his two fingers rubbing my slick, swollen clit.

  I’d never known anything like this before. I thought I might hyperventilate from the panting. But they were both there to catch me, kissing me softly all over, worshipping my body. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want to disappear. I wanted to be right where I was. I wanted to be seen.

  My men.

  My two glittering prizes.

  I sank back against the pillows and let them care for me.

  I don’t know how long we slept afterward. Cole and I were pressed together on the narrow twin mattress. Bennett was still on his knees on the floor, his upper torso resting on the bed. It couldn’t be comfortable—but apparently he was too exhausted to care.

  I stirred. He lifted his head, blinking sleepily at me. I smiled, and he answered with one of his own. Cole was still snoring beside me. I extricated my arm from under his body and sat up. Checked my phone. Eight-thirty. “I’m missing detention,” I whispered, surprised by how little I cared.

  “I’ll tell Callahan you needed extra tutoring,” he replied.

  I laughed shyly, and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  Bennett moved to hand me my clothes. “Not that I want you to cover up,” he murmured. “But you look cold.”

  I tried not to wake Cole as I dressed, but he opened his eyes and stretched lazily. Watched me dress with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “What?” I asked suspiciously.

  He shook his head. “You’re incredible, Challenge.” He glanced at Bennett. “Isn’t she?”

  Bennett nodded, not quite looking at me. Cole scared him. Scared and fascinated and aroused him. I was familiar with that particular jumble of feelings. “She is.”

  I reached out on an impulse and stroked his cheek. He looked up at me. Took my hand and kissed it.

  Cole looked on. “Just stay here, Challenge,” he told me. “You already missed your detention. What’s the rush?”

  I shook my head. “I have to talk to Ainslie.”

  “Talk?” Cole grumbled. “Or put her head through a wall?”

  “Talk,” I said firmly—tempting as the second option was. But somehow standing up turned into kissing Cole, while Bennett’s hands slid up my thighs and under my skirt.

  We left Cole’s dorm one at a time, but somehow ended up walking the corridor together. It was mostly empty, and so I was surprised when a voice cried out, “There they are!”


  And Callahan.

  “Ainslie?” I said, confused.

  “Ask her!” Ainslie crowed to Callahan. “Ask her about her serum!”

  She held up a tiny vial. And my stomach clenched.

  “I had a look around your room while you were…away.” She glanced meaningfully at Cole and Bennett. “And lookie what I found!” She tipped the vial back and forth. “This is what you and your little friend were talking about the other day, isn’t it?”

  “My friend…” I trailed off faintly.

  Kayle. Kayle and I had talked about it at lunch. Ainslie must have been the student standing behind me.

  I was going to be sick.

  “Ainslie,’ Callahan said sharply. “Explain what’s going on. Why have I been dragged out here?”

  “It’s a potion!” Ainslie announced proudly to thee group. “Her friend made it. It makes people tell the truth.”

  “That’s absolutely preposter—” Callahan

  Then she saw my face.

  “Is this true, Miss Reiter?”

  “I—” I couldn’t lie. But my horror at having my secret revealed in front of a crowd was overwhelming. “It’s not a potion!” I said. “And it’s not some kind of magical—truth serum or whatever. It lowers people’s inhibitions.’

  I could feel how rigid Cole was beside me.

  “See!” Ainslie said gleefully. “She did it to Cole and to Bennett. Because she thought they were in love with her. She was going to do it to Ian too!”

  “Miss Reiter.” Callahan’s voice was soft but deadly. “Do you mean to tell me that you have been drugging students at this school?”

  What could I say? No, just the ones who deserved it?

  Cole stepped in front of me and towered over me. “You drugged me?” he demanded.

  This couldn’t be happening. Everything I’d gained in these last two weeks…gone, in an instant. Because of Ainslie. “I—I only gave it to you because you wouldn’t stop bullying me. I thought if I could prove you liked me…”

  It sounded so stupid now. There was no denying that they’d done far worse to me than I’d done to them. But why had I stooped to their level? For those few orgasms?

  No. For what I had when Cole held me that night.

  For what I see in Bennett’s eyes when he looks at me.

  Cole stared at me with such contempt, I thought I might melt into the floor. “Well then,” he snarled. “That makes it all okay.”

  He spun on his heel and stalked off down the hall. “Oh come on!” Bennett called after him. “Like you didn’t deserve it.”

  Cole turned back. “What did you say?”

  “You heard me. After all you did to her…”

  “Both of you, enough!” Callahan barked.

  But it was too late. Cole strode back. Bennett put his hands out in defense, trying to hold him back as Cole shoved him. He staggered slightly, and while he was off balance, Cole shoved him again, into the line of lockers. “You think you’re earning brownie points? Sniffing up her skirt like a good dog? Huh? Whimpering for a fucking milk-bone?”

  “Mr. Heller!” Callahan thundered.


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