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DEAN (Noir MC Book 3)

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by Celia Crown


  NOIR MC Series - BOOK 3

  Celia Crown

  Copyright © 2019 by Celia Crown

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are from the author's imagination or folklore, legends, and general myths.

  The book or any portion of the book may not be reproduced or used under any circumstances, except with the written permission from the author. Public names, movies, televisions, and locales, or any references are used for atmospheric purposes. Any similarities and resemblances to alive or dead people, events, brands, and locales are all complete coincidences.

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  Cover credit: magicdesignx




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


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  About the Author


  Noir MC – Book 3

  by Celia Crown

  “I walked through hell once, I’d do it again for you.”

  Dean fell in love with her across the courtroom, Laura fell in love with his growly temper, but circumstances beyond their control tore them apart.

  Two years later, and he still doesn’t remember.

  Doesn’t remember the man he put into a coma, doesn’t remember the trial, and can’t fucking remember why the teary look on her face breaks him or who she is.

  He does remember vividly how he much he wants to touch her on the hospital bed with beeping vitals from his heart.

  “I’m sorry, I mistook you for someone else.” she had said and then she was gone like the wind.

  Dean doesn’t know how he feels when he sees her again; he wants to be angry at her for making him feel a roller coaster of emotions, wants to know why she means so much to him without knowing her.

  He wants to love her, and he does, since the beginning and he never stopped.


  To the girl that sits in front of me watching Supernatural in Statistics, I applaud your multitasking skills. But please, Dean Winchester is very distracting.

  Chapter One


  “I can’t promise I won’t ever hurt you, I can’t promise I’ll always be the man you trust because I get angry and I do things I don’t mean. But, I will always love you.”

  “I’ll hold you to that promise because you’re worth it.”

  The sheets pool on his naked waist as he struggles to breathe, his wide chest expands to accommodate the air that fills his lungs. Rigid muscles shake in echoing words as a wave of icy agitation wraps its grip on his heart that plummets a heavy feeling in his stomach.

  He’s been having this reoccurring dream for months and it’s not even considered a dream since it’s just a snippet of blankness in his eyes. Those words are the same in every dream and it leaves him fuming for answers when he wakes up. Answers that he doesn’t know how to get or where to start.

  It’s always the same voices, but no faces. His and a woman’s soft and gentle voice. It’s a voice he will never forget the face of.

  Soft light brown hair, glassy amber eyes, and a shaky smile that makes his heart burn with the need to kiss the pain away.

  He had only seen her once, it was at the hospital when he woke up two years ago.

  A gaping hole of memories for the past five years was gone when he opened his eyes with an earful of beeping machines. Pale walls and a needle in his vein, he wracked his brain to wonder why he was in the hospital.

  Hurried footsteps and a wild girl burst into his room, a sight of relief filled her delicate features. She was beautiful, it’s the type of beauty that warm his cold body. His heart calmly beats with the machine as he stared at her, committing her stormy emotions that flickered on her face like thousands of fireflies.

  Tears clung onto her lashes as she swallowed hesitantly before she ran to him. Her arms around his shoulders as she cried heavily in his neck. He didn’t know what to do with his hands as they laid uselessly on the bed, her tears slid on his skin when she continued to cry.

  Having her body pressed to his felt comforting, her sweet scent blocked out the disinfectants as he regretted the nagging whispers in his head.

  “Who’re you?”

  Her smaller body stilled with a shuddering breath that turned into a whimper as it jolted her frame. The pain from her nails that dug into his neck and the broken sobs that tumbles out shakily doesn’t help his blank memories.

  She pulled back as if he had shocked her and his body chased after her touch. Pretty amber eyes hazed over with split seconds of emotions that he was surprised he even caught them.

  Confusion, distress, and denial.

  A gut-wrenching sob with tremors taking over her body. He willed his hands to move and wipe the tears off her face and hold her, so he could look her in the eyes and tell her that he was okay.

  He wanted to kiss the quivers off her lips.

  Dean knew the moment he looked at her, she was someone important to him. So important that the beating monitor skyrocketed, his head took over with a ringing that pierced through his concentration.

  “I’m sorry, I mistook you for someone else.”

  She hadn’t. No one could have this devastating look on their face and pretend they’re strangers when she had enough time to know if he was the right person.

  He was, he wanted to tell her that.

  Dean didn’t know what he believed she was looking for, but he knew deep in his gut that he was who she looked for.

  He couldn’t tell her because she was out the door with brown hair tussling behind her and a pair of hauntingly beautiful eyes that stole his heart on the way out of his life. He wanted to chase after her, the urge was there so he acted while deliberately ignoring the pain that shot up his spine. The doctors rushed in when they heard his frantic vitals, he knew he was strong, and it was easy to forcibly remove the staffs off of him.

  The needle in his vein was stuck on the back of his hand as he searched the halls, but she had already slipped away.

  Since that day, he hasn’t forgotten her face or her voice. Whether he is at the six bottles of beer or seeing red with blood on his hands, he often thinks about her. There’s a sense of serenity that comes with her face, it calms him in ways that have never happened before.

  The lawyer assigned to his case two years ago refreshed his memory after he was discharged from the hospital. He said Dean put a man in a coma, still unclear about the motive and he was sentenced to prison before a group of alpha males trying to establish their dominance over newcomers.

  He has been around the block too many times, he’s not a stranger to jails or prisons. He knows about the hierarchy in the system, and he’s not afraid to defend himself by giving more injuries than the offender wanted to inflict on him.

  His lawyer said he was taken by surprise by the group of men and he was hospitalized soon after. The lawyer mentioned his brothers made bail at the beginning of the trial, so he was able to stay out of jail until then, but he wasn’t interested in any of that. Dean wanted to know who the woman was, he had a general description but no name.

  His lawyer was useless because he didn’t know the woman’s name and hadn’t won the court case that put him in prison for two years.

  Running a hand down his face, he groans and falls back on
the bed with a flop. The sunlight is peeking through the curtains, illuminating his room with clothes that are tossed on the floor. A tired sigh tumbles out of his lips as he glances up to the ceiling.

  Winter lasts longer than any seasons in Nevada, and he hates it. Slush clinging to the bottom of his boots and flinging the moisture to his pants when he walks. Mountains of snow piling up obnoxiously high that makes the natural daylight even brighter, it blinds him whenever he walks outside.

  “Open up!”

  A shout comes from his front door. By the pitch of the tone, he recognizes it’s one of the newer members that would not leave him alone. Bone tends to hover around him, waiting for him to get angry and shed the blood of his enemies. Dean knows he has a temper and it’s not easily controlled, and it’s even easier to bring out the thirst of a monster under his skin. Police have records for all of his brushes with the law, the court has his files documenting all his violent tendencies that serve him more good than damages.

  One arrest gives him unwanted street credits and another strike on his record, but it also serves as a benefit as the rival outlaws and police officers don’t provoke him because they know he will cripple them with his brutal strength.

  He has nothing to lose, so prison time doesn’t scare him.

  “Come on, I’m freezing here!”

  He yanks the cover away and tugs on the pair of pants that’s thrown on the floor from last night. Bare feet stomping out of his room and to the door as the banging got louder with a shrill of whines coming out of Bone’s big ass mouth.

  “What.” he barks, yanking the door open.

  His large body blocks the entrance to the doorway, Bone sputters and shudders in the cold. The cold air nips his chest as he glares down at Bone who stood on his doorsteps.

  “Damn, what crawled up your ass and died?” Bone curls his lips.

  Dean narrows his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as he firmly blocks the entrance.

  “Just let me in.” the younger man whines, his teeth clattering with shivers rolling down his body.


  Dean moves to close the door; Bone’s hand shoots out and clamps it tight on the piece of wood.

  “Wait, wait. Vlad’s asking everyone to help out.”

  “I’ll be there.” Dean slams the door shut in Bone’s face, ignoring the wails and a muffled sentence of Dean being ungrateful of him for walking all the way to his house in the cold.

  Brenda’s wedding to his former president is taking a hit around town as people are too scared to cause an uproar, but they are stubbornly opposing the marriage. Dean understands the stakes that are at risk here through the eyes of outsiders.

  The woman’s daughters are not to be underestimated. Honey is a well-known neurosurgeon that many people see as a role model, Mavis is a biochemist with rich politicians supporting her, and the mysterious daughter that’s a brilliant lawyer who hasn’t lost one case.

  Three influential women becoming a part of the Noir family is unsettling, especially when intelligence create insanity. Rumor has it that once Brenda and Nate’s marriage solidifies, his brothers can even get away with murder.

  Everyone fears they’re getting too powerful. They have been making a name for themselves in the town before the two girls came, and it has kicked up a notch of whispers and rumors of how the town is going to burn in flames once the girls got together with two of his brothers.

  If Nate says the girls are off limits, then everyone is expected to protect them no matter if they’re Kane and Vlad’s women.

  Dean freshened up in the bathroom with a shower and some new clothes, the bathroom steamed with hot air and a clean soap smell.

  It’s been awhile since he had woken up after the dream feeling refreshed and excited. It’s a feeling he can’t shake, it’s as if some supernatural force is giving him cues on something big is going to happen.

  It could be a good or bad thing, he can’t distinguish them.

  Just like how he always remembers the woman, he doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or not. On one hand, he feels like he knows her, but on the other hand, he can’t remember anything.

  He tried to reason with himself; if she was important to him, she would have stayed and explained to him who she was and what they were. On the argumentative side, if things ended badly between them, she might think that if he doesn’t know her then it’s the best course of action.

  A flare of anger ignites in his stomach.

  That’s for him to decide.

  Dean could never be angry at her, thinking of her gives him nothing but warmth and emptiness. He’s missing a woman who has no existence in his memories, but the yearning in his heart throbs dully.

  It drives him mad that he can’t figure out who she was or where she is because even though it’s a small town, there’s no one going by that description and his lawyer drove out of Nevada the same week he was sentenced.

  As unprofessional as that was, he also said that having Dean as his client frightens him more than other criminals he represented because he’s a ticking timebomb that can easily go off at one wrong word.

  “I hope you find her.”

  That was what the lawyer’s last words before he ran out of the courthouse. Dean hears his double meaning behind his tone, the lawyer thinks he was going to hurt the woman. There shouldn’t be a reason for Dean to be close enough to someone when he’s so unapproachable and dangerous that everyone around him isn’t as safe as they think they are.

  His lawyer thought if he focuses on finding her then he’ll not come after him for losing his case. Dean had scoffed at the idea, he’s not that petty to get revenge for something he can’t control.

  I’ll always love you, Dean echoes in his head.

  He’s never been in love and isn’t the type to love. He’s too temperamental and brash to let anyone close to form a relationship. The beautiful angel from the hospital is the one he said those words to because he knows her voice.

  He can’t deny that it hurts to think about her; his heart squeezes in misery while his anger boils under his eyes. He resents himself for having feelings that he can’t describe, for his inadequacy for not being able to wipe her tears because she had cried for him.

  Most of all, he knows his old self loves her. It’s just the matter of Dean understanding himself right now.

  It sounds ludicrous, but maybe he’s in love with a woman who disappeared from his memories.

  Chapter Two


  She admires her sisters.

  Beauty and brains, they’re still learning and taking on the world by a storm. They can comprehend complex texts from books and read scientific data results with deep understandings. Laura has never met anyone who had taken their work as seriously as her sisters, they go above and beyond to help others and better the world with their selflessness.

  Overall, they’re respected and treasured by the world. Everyone sees the perfection that’s crafted by their public relations team, but Laura knows better.

  Her sisters are unsophisticated morons.

  “You can’t have this neat of a handwriting!”

  “What are you talking about?” Honey stops her pen on the piece of paper.

  They sat at one of the tables that’s no overtaken by the decorations of inflated balloons and ribbons.

  “It makes no sense!” Mavis said, a look of bewilderment on her face.

  Honey groans, a whine flying out of her mouth. “I’m busy here!”

  “You’re a doctor!” Mavis exclaims.

  Honey counters back, “You’re one too!”

  “You shouldn’t have neat handwriting,” Mavis mumbles, a frown settling on her face.

  “Breaking stereotypes.”

  The bar is packed with people moving in and out to furnish the bar for the wedding tomorrow night. Honey is tasked with calligraphy, and even though there’s the joke of doctors having unreadable handwritings, she has one of the most beautiful letterings. Mavis gets u
p from her seat to head towards the bar to utilize her chemistry background to help the bartender mix drinks that’ll have the same content of regular drinks but without the alcohol.

  It’s for the pregnant Honey, she can’t have alcohol, and Mavis wants her to have a good time with endorphins filling her mind.

  Laura couldn’t believe it when Honey told her she was pregnant, she swore her little sister is an adrenaline junkie that won’t settle down, and the next thing she knows is that she’s living with a man for months and is already pregnant. Laura had never seen a man as protective as Kane, he won’t even let her lift a manila folder that contains wedding ideas.

  What shocks her the most is Mavis. The woman will not allow herself to be touched, she says it makes her skin crawl with phantom insect legs. What an odd way to describe feelings, but Laura can understand. Now, she won’t stop touching her boyfriend. Vlad doesn’t mind it as he welcomes her touch with his own that’s always on the nape of her neck.

  The changes in her sisters makes her swell with pride. They better themselves through love and support, finding their fated ones through a series of coincidences and chances.

  Either it’s a giant coincidence or fate that brought everyone together to the same small town. Her flight-risk sister—Honey—settling down with an apathetic man named Kane, her germophobic sister—Mavis—loving the keen Vlad, and her mom—Brenda—marrying the former Noir biker gang’s president.

  All three men are brothers of Noir, all three women are in a relationship with them, and Laura’s former lover, Dean is also in that group.

  She’s been in town for a couple of hours; everyone’s is welcoming even if meeting them was intense and nerve-wracking, the men in the gang are unnaturally symmetrical. A part of her thinks if they hadn’t come bikers, they would have gotten modeling gigs. That aside, they are legally criminals and she’s a lawyer, so theoretically, they’re mortal enemies. By far, they are the nicest outlaws she’s ever met, and she’s come across some very interesting characters in courtrooms.


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