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This is Love

Page 26

by Foster, Melissa

  She opened the door, and they found Ben, with his arms crossed and an annoyed look in his dark eyes. “Are you shitting me?”

  “Mason was just helping me—”

  “Don’t even try to cover it up, Remi.” He scowled at Mason. “The look in your eyes tells me everything I need to know.”

  Mason stepped forward and said, “Ben, it’s not what you think. I love Remi. This isn’t a meaningless hookup.”

  “But you can’t tell Aiden,” Remi said anxiously. “We’re going to tell him next Sunday when he gets back.”

  Ben scoffed. “Remi, come on. I’m not going to lie to your brother. I don’t work that way, and you know it.”

  “Benjamin Dalton!” Roxie strode down the hall, pointing up at her son as she said, “First of all, we don’t tattle on family, and Remi is family. And second, you lied to yourself for years about your feelings for Aurelia. I think you can bite your tongue for one week.”

  “Seriously, Mom? Aiden’s my business partner.” Ben ground out a curse.

  “Watch your language and go take care of your lovely soon-to-be wife and adorable daughter, and leave these two lovebirds alone. They have enough stress keeping Remi safe.” Roxie nudged Ben down the hall, winking at Mason and Remi.

  Mason said, “I love that woman.”

  As he pulled Remi into his arms, Aurelia came rushing down the hall toward them, eyes wide. “You two are a couple and I have to find out from Ben grumbling about not telling Aiden? What the heck, Remi? I share my grandmother with you!”

  “I’m sorry!” Remi pleaded. “But I’ve got a crazy stalker threatening me and Mason. The last thing I wanted was for Ben to find out and tell Aiden!”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. Roxie and I will make sure he keeps his mouth shut.” She wrapped her arms around both Remi and Mason, earning the cutest confused expression from Mason as she said, “I’m so happy for you guys!”

  “Aurelia?” Ben appeared at the end of the hall. “Oh, hell no. This is not happening. Jesus, Mason, you’ve got your own woman.” He hauled Aurelia down the hall, all of them laughing as he looked over his shoulder and said, “Seven days, Aldridge. That’s all you get before I come clean to Aiden!”

  “That’s all I need,” Remi called after him. Then she grabbed the front of Mason’s shirt, tugging him down to her height, and said, “But I need a lot more than that with you . . .”


  “I CAN’T BELIEVE how fast this last week has flown by,” Remi said as she and Mason took one last look around her trailer to make sure they hadn’t left anything behind. She’d already packed up her belongings and Porter had taken them back to the house, but as with everything else, Mason was being thorough, giving the place a last once-over.

  Filming had wrapped on schedule, and thankfully, there had been no more threats from the stalker. They’d both hoped the stalker would be caught by now, and Mason had worried that the stalker might get bolder as filming wound down. He said he might see it as his last chance to get to her, which not only scared Remi for her own safety, but for Mason’s.

  She watched Mason checking beneath cushions, muscles strewn tight, expression serious, and wished she could take the weight of their world from his shoulders. She knew Mason was frustrated. It wasn’t his fault all the leads had led to dead ends, but she knew he took it as such. Earlier that morning, he’d met with his team to go over instructions one last time before they left for the cabin. Porter and Merrick were set to follow them out of town and stay nearby.

  “Hey, you.” She put her arms around him from behind, pressing a kiss to his back, and felt him relax a little. “I think we’ve checked and rechecked enough times.”

  He turned, and his gaze softened in the way it did only when he looked at her.

  “Come here.” She took his hand and led him to the couch. When he sat down, she straddled his lap in her shorts and long-sleeve shirt, earning a heated look and the cocky grin she loved. She put her arms around his neck, bringing their faces closer. “This wasn’t where we had our first kiss, but it’s where we had our first best kiss.”

  His big hands slid up her back and his fingers threaded into her hair. “I’ll never forget either of those kisses.” He pressed his warm lips to her neck, and then he opened his mouth, sucking just hard enough to make her hot all over.

  “You always drive me crazy,” she said breathlessly.

  He tugged her mouth down to his and shifted her onto her back on the cushions as he had the very first time, moving his hard body over her. His hands tangled in her hair, holding her as his willing captive for him to devour. She craved this closeness, the feel of his weight bearing down on her, his love consuming her. She’d waited her whole life for their love, their kisses. Their love wasn’t just passionate. It was safe and empowering, mind-numbing and demanding. It was all-consuming and possessed a dreamy intimacy so luxurious, she wanted to crawl inside it and burrow down for the winter.

  A greedy noise rumbled up his chest and she rocked beneath him. She couldn’t get enough of him, and she knew she never would. She tugged up on the back of his shirt, pushing her hands beneath, feeling his glorious muscles flex, drawing hungry moans from both of them. A knock at the door startled her, and she jerked beneath him, but Mason didn’t relent. He held her tighter, kissing her harder, and she surrendered to him as he took and gave in equal measure.

  Another knock sounded, and Mason reluctantly drew back, biting out, “I hate coming up for air.”

  She was right there with him as he kissed her softly and they both got up. “The quicker we get out of here, the faster we can leave town and be alone.”

  He answered the door. “Hey, Raz. What’s up?”

  Remi peered around Mason at Raz, wearing his favorite hoodie and jeans. He looked more like the boy next door than a movie star. “Hi, Raz. We were just getting ready to leave. Are we all set, Mason?”

  “Yeah. We’re good to go.” Mason followed her out of the trailer, standing protectively beside her, his keen eyes taking in their surroundings.

  There was a flurry of activity as tents and canopies were disassembled, equipment was moved and secured for transport. People rushed from one location to the next, moving in and out of trailers, gathering in small groups, talking animatedly as the weight of filming lifted. Fans lined up along the sidewalk with cell phones, taking pictures and videos, calling out to the actors as they passed by. Remi had become adept at tuning them out.

  “I just wanted to say goodbye,” Raz said. “It was a lot of fun filming together again.”

  “Where are you going?” Remi waved to Carl and Tillie, who were heading their way.

  “Home to Peaceful Harbor to see my family. You know I always need a good dose of normalcy after filming.”

  “I hear ya. I’m escaping, too, heading to my cabin,” she said as Carl and Tillie joined them. “Thanks for everything, you guys. You make my life so much easier.”

  “Are you coming to the wrap party tonight?” Tillie asked.

  “I’m heading out,” Raz said.

  “Me too. Sorry I’ll miss it, though,” Remi said.

  Tillie grinned and said, “We’ll have a good enough time for both of you.”

  “Safe travels,” Carl said, and they walked off.

  “Any news on the asshole who’s harassing you?” Raz asked.

  “Not yet,” Remi said.

  “You know if you ever need a place to hide out, you’re always welcome to hang with me.” He hugged Remi.

  “Thanks, Raz. I appreciate it, but I’m in good hands.”

  “Mason, it was nice to meet you.” Raz shook Mason’s hand. “I hope you catch the guy before our promotional events start, but if not, then I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

  Mason nodded. “We’re doing our best to nail him. Have a safe trip home.”

  Remi and Mason made the rounds of the lot, saying goodbye to the cast and crew, before heading home.

  As they drove off the l
ot, Remi realized this would be the last time she’d be leaving a film set for a very long time. She reached for Mason’s hand, looking forward to discovering another side of herself, one she’d happily spend years exploring.

  Remington Aldridge, girlfriend.

  By late afternoon, Operation Identity Swap, as Remi had deemed it, was underway. Remi and Mason were dressed identically to Piper and Harley, and hopefully, they would soon slip out of town unnoticed. Remi looked hot in tight faded jeans, work boots, a gray T-shirt that had LET’S GET HAMMERED written across the chest, and a red-and-gray flannel shirt with the sleeves folded up to just below her elbows.

  “How do I look as a blonde?” Remi patted her straight blond wig, fluttering her lashes.

  “Princess, you could have blue hair—or no hair at all—and you’d still be the hottest woman on the planet.” Mason hauled her against him and pressed his lips to hers. “But for the record, I prefer you au naturel.”

  “Okay, guys,” Piper said. “Can you leave now? Seriously, all this mushy shit is making me a little sick.”

  “I’ll break her of that by the time you get back.” Harley smirked as he picked up the cardboard box containing Remi’s and Mason’s belongings for the trip. He was a grizzly of a man, solid and thick, with brown hair and deep-set blue eyes that had been looking hungrily at Piper since they’d arrived. He and Mason were dressed in navy Henleys, dark jeans, and black leather boots. Harley’s hair was a little longer than Mason’s, but before they left, Harley would give Mason his Dutch’s Pub hat. With that on, Mason would look close enough to pass for Harley.

  “In your dreams, Dutch, especially now that you’ve shaved that beard. That took you down a notch on the hotness meter.” Piper tapped the box and said, “Get that thing outside so they can get out of here.”

  Harley rubbed his clean-shaven chin and said, “I’ll grow that puppy back in a few days. Trust me, you’ll enjoy the scratch of scruff on your thighs.”

  Piper rolled her eyes.

  Mason reached for the box. “I’ll take that out.”

  “Nah, I’ve got it,” Harley said as he headed for the door. “This is the last time I’ll get outside until Sunday night.”

  Mason had covered all their bases. He’d given Piper and Harley a rundown on the security system and the control room. They were armed with phone numbers for each of Mason’s guys who were remaining in the area, as well as Porter, Merrick, and Mason’s IT specialist in case they had trouble with the security system.

  “I can’t believe we packed in a cardboard box,” Remi said. “But honestly, I’d go without bringing a single scrap of clothing. It’ll be great to get away from the place where most of the stalker stuff has gone down.”

  “I doubt you’ll need more than a scrap of clothing.” Piper chuckled and said, “I do think the box is genius, though. If that creepy freak is watching, it would look weird for anyone to carry a suitcase out. But a cardboard box? That’s about as normal as life gets.”

  When Harley came back inside, he relinquished his hat and keys to Mason, swung an arm around Piper’s shoulder, and said, “Have fun, kids.”

  Piper shrugged him off. “Mason, you set up the cage in the basement, right?”

  Harley waggled his brows. “Cool. Didn’t realize you were into kink.”

  “Oh my gosh.” Remi blushed. “I can see you two are going to have an interesting time.” She hugged Piper. “I can’t thank you enough. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to a few days without worrying about every move we make.”

  “If I were you, I’d never leave the cabin.” Piper handed Remi an oversized bag she’d carried in with her. “I got you a few things for your road trip.”

  “Aw, thank you,” Remi said, digging through the goodies. “M&M’s, Skittles, protein bars. All our favorites.” She pulled out a strip of condoms, eyes wide. “Um . . . ?”

  They all laughed.

  Remi handed the condoms to Harley and said, “Good luck with that.”

  “He’ll need more than luck,” Piper said.

  Remi hugged Harley, looking tiny in his arms, and said, “Thank you. We owe you both big-time.”

  “After what you’ve been through, it’s payback enough knowing you’ll finally get a few days of peace,” Harley said.

  Piper gave Remi and Mason a playful shove toward the door and said, “Now, get out of here so we can raid your cupboards and make good use of that media room.”

  “Don’t forget to lock the doors,” Mason said as he put on Harley’s hat. “And call if you notice anything out of the ordinary.”

  Remi and Mason headed out to Harley’s shiny red dual-cab truck. As Mason drove down the long driveway, he squeezed Remi’s hand and said, “Like this ride better than my overkill SUV?”

  “I like any vehicle if you and I are in it.”

  “Me too, Princess. Here’s to our clandestine escape.”

  Mason drove through the gate, waiting in the road as it closed. “Hey, Princess . . .” His eyes caught on movement out the tinted window, in the woods. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he leaned forward to get a better look.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Remi turned to look out her window at the same second the silhouette of a man came into focus. She gasped as the man turned and ran deeper into the woods.

  Mason slammed the truck into park, threw his door open, and yelled, “Call Porter!”

  He bolted into the woods, running over fallen logs and dodging trees, his lungs burning as he closed in on the guy. The asshole jerked to the left, sprinting toward the road. Mason’s lungs burned and the forest blurred as he lunged, grabbing the man by the shoulder and throwing him to the ground. Mason was on him instantly, twisting his arm up behind his back.

  “Stop! Fuck, man! I was just out bird-watching!”

  “Bird-watching my ass.” Mason used his free hand to search the guy for a weapon.

  “Dude, seriously. I’m going to sue your ass.”

  “You do that.” Mason dragged him to his feet, recognizing the fucker as the fan who had grabbed Remi. He shoved him back against a tree, and a piece of paper fell from the pocket of the guy’s hoodie.

  “I was taking a walk!” The man sneered. “You’re fucking dead.”

  Mason grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shoved him down with him as he bent to retrieve the folded paper. He glowered as he shook open the paper, roiling at the familiar slanted handwriting. Remi’s name stood out like a neon light in the twisted love letter. Hatred seared through Mason’s veins as he slammed the asshole against a tree. The guy was shaking like a leaf, eyes wide and terrified. Good.

  “You’re a sick fuck,” Mason snarled as sirens broke through his rage. It took all of his control not to smash his head in. He got right in the bastard’s face, seething through gritted teeth, “I should snap your neck for fucking with Remi.”

  “I’m going to have her,” the guy choked out. “We’re meant to be together!”

  The scent of fear seeped out of the fucker’s pores as Mason leaned into him, crushing him against the tree, and seethed, “Over my dead body, motherfucker.” He glowered, his hand shaking with the need to throttle the dirtbag’s neck. “The only thing you’re going to have is a long hard look at the world from behind bars.”


  REMI FELT LIKE she was in a trance as she and Mason thanked the police and Mason’s team. She couldn’t believe it was finally over. Almost two hours after catching Ken Kantes, they had enough evidence to file charges and had verified that he had been in Los Angeles at the time of the break-in, which meant he could face charges there, too. Mason’s team had already gotten the rundown on him. He was a basement dweller from the city, a computer genius and gamer working as an IT consultant from home, with a history of obsessive behavior. He’d woven an intricate and elaborate web of false identities and proxy servers, skillfully evading detection. He’d been arrested nine years ago for stalking and threate
ning an ex-girlfriend. Apparently he had seen Remi arrive at a premiere earlier in the year, and when she’d waved to the fans and said, Thank you! I love you! he’d twisted it in his mind to mean she was talking directly to him.

  With the police and his team gone, Mason pulled Remi into his arms. “You’re safe now, Princess. He’ll go in front of a judge soon. He might get bail, but with his history, I doubt it.”

  “I can’t believe it’s over,” Remi said.

  “No shit,” Piper said, finally coming to a halt. She’d been pacing the floor like a caged tiger. She was so protective, she’d insisted on staying until the police left, which meant Harley had stayed, too, since he’d driven them both.

  “Hopefully they’ll lock him away for many years,” Harley said.

  “I have to call Aiden and let him know it’s over,” Remi said. “I hate to say this, but I feel guilty. If I hadn’t said I love my fans, maybe none of this would have happened.”

  Piper scowled. “Are you fucking kidding me? Do not even try to go there. That guy is so messed up in the head, all you had to do was look in his direction and he’d probably go psycho.”

  Harley put his hat on and said, “I think I’d better get Piper out of here before she wears a path in your floor.” He embraced Remi. “I’m glad you’re safe, darlin’.”

  “Thanks. Sorry you and Piper didn’t get to be locked in the fortress together.”

  “One day she’ll step off that high horse of hers and realize everything she needs is right here.” Harley slapped his broad chest with both hands.

  Piper shook her head. “Why do you insist on egging him on?”

  “Because I like Harley and I like you,” Remi said. “And he might be the only man on earth who can handle a strong woman like you.”

  They walked Piper and Harley out, and as Mason grabbed the box of their belongings from Harley’s truck, Piper said, “Are you still going to your cabin?”

  “God, yes,” Remi said. “Once the media gets wind of the arrest, they’ll be swarming me again.”


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