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A New Threat

Page 28

by Aaron DeMott

  Hssthen – The founder of the Mer-ahsh clan of Meskka

  Khaal – A walled city made up of dens for individual families of Meskka. A typical khaal consists of an area surrounded by a wall of trees that are tended to grow into an inter-twined "fence." Inside the compound, there are several engineered trees or rock dens for living quarters, a garden area, and pastures for containing food stock animals. At the center of the khaal (or sometimes in the center of the units in the dwelling quarters) is a large tree that has been hollowed out and added onto that makes up the clan leader’s residence. This structure also serves as a meeting place and courtroom, as well as a building for other political events that require gatherings of large numbers.

  Mind Speak – The Meskka, in addition to their spoken language, communicate telepathically. They refer to this telepathic communication as mind-speak, and usually only use it for long-distance communication, or when stealth and/or privacy is needed.

  Mer-ahsh – The oldest clan of Meskka on the planet Alkask. It was founded in the first half of the 74th age by Hssthen, who gathered his extended family to help him establish territory in the largely unexplored Great Forest.

  Meskka - A race of large cat-like sentient beings from the planet Alkask. They are, on average, three meters long, and generally friendly. They were fist discovered by humans in 3674. Meskka have opposable thumbs and have vocal apparatus capable of learning some human languages. They are also native telepaths. The Meskka have fairly advanced technology but design it so that it blends into the natural environment.

  MHD – An acronym for Main Holographic Display. The MHD typically covers the front of the bridge and can display 2D or 3D information. Usually it shows status information on the ship or current mission but is also used for communication, or viewing large images, although it can display any data source from the ship's computer.

  Note-block – A Meskka writing tablet. It resembles a blank block of wood that the user can scratch notes into. When the block is full, the page "scrolls" up to a fresh sheet. The contents of the block can be "scrolled" through for later reading.

  NTO - An acronym for Neuro-Telepathic Overdriver. It's a device that enhances a Psygen’s abilities and also amplifies their power through a small fusion reactor. The device is worn like a backpack.

  Ruoo – A small flower, approximately three centimeters in height, that grows wild on the northern continent in the eastern hemisphere on Alkask. The flower blooms in late spring and early summer. The blossom is a light purple in color. The flowers are a primary food source for thomp. They are also grown around the tree homes of the Meskka, both for decoration, and to attract thomp.

  SeQish – A race of amphibious life forms. They resemble a mix between squid and tuna and live mainly in the water, but can come on land for short periods, or use a water mask over their gills for extended stays on land. Terrans made first contact with them in 3619. The SeQish homeworld is also called SeQish, and 90% of the planet’s surface is covered with water. There is only one large continent, and several hundred small to medium-sized islands.

  Smelly Fish – The name Jake Fisher gave his cargo ship.

  Stars' View Resort of Antar – The Stars' View Resort of Antar is a space station in orbit of Terra II. The resort was opened in 3673 and caters to visitors from Earth, and its colonies, who wish to vacation in space. The resort is known for its luxury and availability of any kind of amusement, along with an excellent view from every room.

  Thomp – A rodent native to Alkask. It vaguely resembles a rather large rabbit. Native to almost all of the continents on Alkask, and imported and raised on the others, thomp is one of the primary food animals for Meskka.

  UGAL – Acronym for United Galactic ALliance, a political and trade alliance that currently consists of Earth and its colonies and SeQish.

  Xernock – A race of silicon-based life forms that want nothing to do with outsiders. They were discovered in 3653 but were not found to be sentient until three years later. Travel to the Xernock system is forbidden.

  Character List

  Bast – Member of the Mer-ahsh clan from the planet Alkask.

  She journeys to Earth to learn about Earth culture to report back to her people.

  Jake Fisher – smuggler/spy friend of Tomed's, age 40. Met Tomed and helped him on a mission when Jake was nineteen.

  Gail – The artificial intelligence that runs the Psygens' computer system. The software is still in prototype. Gail is also an acronym for General Artificial Intelligence Link.

  Kclntc – SeQish ambassador to Earth

  Richard Kiskia - United Earth Senator, he is on the Senate's UGAL representatives committee

  Max Loker – Mercenary for hire. Works for the top bidder, generally follows his own rules, and sometimes refuses or takes jobs for reasons known only to himself.

  Karn McTarkin – The "Accidental Hero"

  Gale Evelyn Mills – A freshman college student who works as an assistant to the Psygens

  Jean Mills – Evelyn's mom.

  Ed Mills – Evelyn's Dad

  Brian Mills – Evelyn's brother, youngest in the family

  Melissa Mills – Evelyn's sister

  Jokim Smarthe – Administrative assistant for the Paradise Colony government. He is also one of the people working with John Vincent to take over the colony.

  Andrea Vincent – Jonathan Vincent's wife

  Fred Vincent – Jonathan Vincent's second son.

  Jonathan Vincent II – Senior Vice President of Research for Anaheim Q-tronics

  Jonathan Vincent III – Jonathan Vincent's first son


  Ara Sor – Psygen doctor

  Nilre Nor – Another Pysgen, excellent telepath

  Senoj Nor – Ara's boyfriend, defensive Psygen

  Thims Nor – Psygen, computer specialist

  Tomed Nor – A member of the Psygen association

  Crew of the Goddard

  Captain Mark Trenton –The captain of the ship

  Commander Neil Dennings – First Officer

  Lt. Chris Roshen – A member of the bridge crew. He sits at the damage assessment station.

  Lt. Kora Strouse – Communications officer

  Ensign Rebbecca Materton – Bridge crew, mans the navigation console

  Ensign Leshan Smith – Bridge crew, helm

  Lt. Commander Kyle Pattersen - Chief Engineer

  Lt. Commander Greg Vinson – xenobiologist

  Larry Thompsen – civilian geologist

  Major Daniel Hood – In charge of the Goddard's marine complement

  Ensign Mosby – works in engineering

  Dr. Zoet – Chief Medical Officer


  Meer – Queen of the Mer-ahsh clan

  Rrrark – a scout of the Mer-ahsh clan

  SarrOw – Scout Master of the Mer-ahsh clan

  Arrawl – King of the Naral clan

  Hrrarr – Ranger of the Council

  Crew of the Heim

  Captain Dave Radik

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Before you go...




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