The Skipping Rope
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Chapter 9
Zena was running through the fields, she had killed two people, she had bare feet, and she had just been stung by a wasp.
Voices in her head told her to do it, and she could not stop them talking to her now. She had thrown away her antidepressants years ago, as she did not need them anyway.
She knew that she had to go to the police and give herself up, but she had never been to a police station before, she could not decide whether to go to the one in Robinsville, or go to one in London, and look at her favourite landmarks for the last time, as she was probably going to go to prison.
Eventually she found herself on a train to London, there was a lady sitting opposite her in a navy trench coat, she had dark brown hair and big red glasses. She looked out of the window at the disappearing scenery and there were tears streaming down her face. Robinsvilles’ hills looked blurred and distorted.
The train pulled into London and Zena walked out into the crowd of people, and disappeared anonymously.