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Collecting Allure (Stand-Alone Tales Book 9)

Page 4

by Viola Grace

  “There are morality tales, tales of adventure, and romance. Histories of ancient worlds, whatever you like, I have it.” He was smug.

  “So, you have everything?”

  “It’s a very big castle.” He chuckled.

  She thought of a thousand rude comments that she had learned while on missions and instead laughed. “Right. Yes, it is.” The last thing she wanted to do was get into size references with him. She just wasn’t equipped.

  Chapter Five

  Allura went through the library with him, getting him to translate titles and selecting a few that interested her. The problem was that the one chair that would fit him was positioned near a fireplace.

  He crouched and lit a fire before settling in the chair.

  Allura looked around, grabbed cushions from a window seat, and set them next to the fireplace. Facing him.

  He cocked his head. “Which should I start with?”

  She shrugged. “Whichever you like. They will all be new to me.”

  He nodded and started reading. “Once in ancient times, there was a temple made of sugar, deep in the forest...”

  Allura smiled and closed her eyes, letting his voice wash over her, painting the images in her mind. She rested her chin on her knees and listened to Banor read her stories that were so familiar and yet completely alien.

  She didn’t notice when she nodded off.

  * * * *

  Banor looked at his little guest, a small smile on her lips. She had nodded off, her mind full of the people and places in the books. He was struck by the beauty that she exhibited while awake and the charm she had while asleep. She was far different from the cold and calculating woman he had been led to expect. The observers were correct in her adaptability but should never have hit her with a priming charge without authorization. It should have killed her. There was no reason that she should be curled up at his feet with a silly smile on her lips, but fate had a sense of humour.

  He had had to move fast to put everything in place after the Others confessed their error in judgement. Finding her father had been easy, but convincing the defenders that her tests were fatal was tricky. He had managed both, but it was a challenge and more interference with the human world than he enjoyed.

  Now that she was here, with him, he understood the importance of her. She was the first case of a human simply absorbing Other energy in the form of a primer charge, so if she could absorb the primer, what would she do if she was exposed to unlimited energy? That was why she was here. He wanted to see what she would do.

  He chuckled to himself, and she was fun to watch. He could watch her for centuries.

  * * * *

  Allura sat up and grunted, stretching out the kink in her neck. She looked up, and Banor was sitting and casually flipping pages. From this angle, she could see that he was nearly human-level solid now. He was wearing black trousers, black boots, and nothing else.

  She gave him a dark look and yawned before asking, “Did you just manifest pants?”

  He looked at her over the edge of the book. “I did. Public nudity is only socially acceptable on three worlds in this quadrant, and this is not one of them.”

  He closed the book and said, “Now, why don’t you go by your given name of Bella?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “It was rather pretentious. And, people made fun of me for having a name that meant beauty. Allure is far less annoying than beauty.”

  “But, your family still calls you Bella.”

  “Correct, and to them, I will be Bella until I die.” She smiled.

  “You are smiling and mentioning death in the same sentence?”

  She chuckled and slowly pushed herself to a standing position. Her butt was numb. “I do. Death shows up whether you are ready or not.” She looked him in the eye. “Well, maybe not for you.”

  He cocked his head. “My kind can be destroyed. It just takes more effort than your people can exert.”

  Allura was surprised that he would say it. “There are entire facilities devoted to trying.”

  He shrugged. “They can try. We are something that they don’t understand, so they will continue to fight us. We don’t mind. We will be around long after the humans have turned to dust.”

  She swallowed. “Well, that is cheery. Okay, I am going to waddle my numb butt to the dining room.”

  He raised a brow. “You have an injury?”

  She held her hands out defensively. “No. Not an injury. Just a slight blood-flow issue from sitting in one position for too long. I will be fine.”

  “Are you sure? I could assist.” He smiled slowly.

  She felt her skin heat to near-boiling. “No, thank you. I am sure that there is a clock running in that brain of yours to tell me how late I am for lunch.”

  He set the book aside and got to his feet. “Only ninety minutes. Add that to the fifty-three and we almost have enough time accumulated for a project I want to try.”

  She blinked. “Ninety minutes?”

  “One hundred and forty-three now. It should be sufficient for my purposes.” His smile was slow.

  “You already have a project in mind?”

  “I do. I have many that you can participate in, but it depends on your willingness to cooperate. Some are unconventional.”

  She reached down and massaged her backside to try and get some sensation in it.

  Banor sighed and reached out for her, lifting her up and cupping her ass in both hands, massaging gently. Sensation returned in a rush, and she clutched at him as she let out a soft squeak. His skin was solid under her hands.

  She looked up at him, and he smiled. “Ninety-one.”

  She flailed and kicked out, sprinting out of the library and running for the dining room.

  The hall stretched forever until she was standing in the door to the dining room, her chest heaving, and her host was positioned at the head of the table as if nothing had gone on. “Ninety-four minutes. Well done.”

  Her meal was set out on the table, and she sighed. “Thank you.”

  His tendrils held the chair for her, and she took her seat.

  “So, are you deliberately letting me owe you time?”

  He shrugged. “I am giving it a chance and seeing how it goes. If the time gets me through my projects, I am more than willing to lure you into owing me.”

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Why don’t you just ask?”

  He tilted his head. “Ask?”

  She snorted and set up her meal from the assorted plates. “Yes, ask. We are alone here, you don’t seem the type to gossip, and I need to kill some time. Ask me for any special favours, and I will let you know whether using a penalty is necessary.”

  “You would do that?”

  “I don’t know. What do you want to spend my time on?” She ate the cold food and drank water. When she finished, he cleared the leftovers, and then, she got up to make her curtsy.

  He cocked his head. “Pose for a portrait.”

  It wasn’t a question, but it was what he was asking for.

  “You want me to pose for a portrait.”

  “Yes. In the clothing of my choosing.”

  She shrugged. “Yes. When?”

  “Now. Come with me.”


  “Yes. If I am not to be restricted by time, I will be able to create a better likeness. So, now.”

  He got to his feet and offered her his hand. “Come with me.”

  She frowned and took his hand. “Okay.”

  “Don’t worry. This won’t damage anything other than your dignity.”

  With that promise, they walked past the libraries and into a darkened wing of the castle.

  “It is still under construction, so the power isn’t stable. It will add a challenge to the portrait, but the light will be softer.”

  Allura frowned. “Why do you want a portrait?”

  “Because you have lovely skin, and I want to com
memorate your arrival.” He chuckled.

  The studio that he led her to was huge with stone walls. Torches flared to life around them, bringing light to the darkness.

  “The clothing is in the box on the table. The chaise is for you to support yourself on. I will arrange your pose.”

  She looked at the wide wooden box and walked up to the platform. The box was old or made to look old. She opened the catch, and the hinged lid lifted. It looked like blood. The pool of crimson silk felt cold to her touch. There were two pieces. A robe, and a gown made of delicate strands. It wouldn’t hide a thing. It was decorative confinement, not clothing.

  “This?” She turned to look at Banor. He was readying paints.

  “Put the chemise on first and then slide the robe over top.”

  “Chemise? It is a doily.” She held up the handful of string.

  He shrugged. “You agreed.”

  She winced, kicked off her shoes, and yanked her dress up and over her head. She worked her way into the silken net and then folded her gown. Once her dress was taken care of, she slipped the robe on and held it closed as she turned toward Banor. “Now, where do you want me?”

  He looked at her from behind his canvas, and he smiled. “Oh, that is an awkward question, but if you relax, I will position you in the situation I have in mind.”

  She gave him a slight nod, and in the most frightening move since she had arrived, a surge of gaseous energy tentacles grabbed her and lifted her in a careful grip. She was turned so that her back was to Banor, her left leg was extended, and her right flexed. Her left arm was draped over the rolled edge of the chaise. Once her body was positioned, her head was tilted toward her left leg. Her hair was being fussed with by other tendrils, and her robe was slowly slid down her shoulder until her back was almost completely exposed to the hips. Her sleeve kept her breasts covered, and her palm rested on top of her thigh.

  He moved the silk around until he was satisfied, lifted her chin slightly, and then he said, “Now, hold still.”

  “This is a deceptively uncomfortable position.”

  He chuckled. “This is the position I need for the portrait. Channel your inner will and hold still.”

  She made a face and then focused on remaining calm. She concentrated on the snug fit of the webbing. As her skin warmed the silk, it seemed to tighten.

  Allura breathed slowly, closed her eyes, and turned her consciousness inward. She was going to be sore later. Holding one position for hours was not for the faint of heart. Well, it wasn’t like she had anything better to do. The books were remarkably patient. They would wait for her. It was what they did.

  Chapter Six

  “You can change now, Allura. Thank you.” Banor’s voice was calm, and it jolted her out of her fixed state.

  She carefully shifted her hips and sat up, waiting until her feet stopped tingling.

  “Do you require help?”

  “No, thank you, Banor Lemian. I just have to let my body have its way.”

  He tsked. “You solids have such a difficult time of it.”

  “Yes, we do.” She leaned forward and stood, using the chaise as a cane. She shuffled forward slowly and sat to ease herself from the dais. When her feet were on the floor, she stood and removed the robe, peeling the webbing off her skin before putting her gown on. She had to sit to get her shoes on, and a surprised Banor was staring at her.

  She smiled. “I thought that you had already seen it all. No reason for shyness, right?”

  He blinked. “The webbed dress has left impressions on your skin.”

  She looked into her neckline. “Oh, so it has. It is also cold and hot at the same time.”

  He nodded slowly, surprise in his expression. “Yes, it would be. It is a type of tether.”

  “A what?”

  “We use them for fun and games to trap ourselves in one form. Consider it a kink.”

  She gathered the clothing over one arm and stood. “Can I see the picture?”

  He looked at the canvas and shook his head. “Not today. I still need to finetune a few details, but the evening is nearly upon us.”

  She looked at him. “May I skip dinner?”

  He shook his head. “It is part of the bargain. You must take meals with me.”

  She nodded, exhausted. “Fine. I will start walking; you can tell me how large a penalty when I arrive.”

  He paused and picked her up. “In light of your indulgence today, I will assist you.”

  He walked with her through the halls, blocking her view of the image as he left the studio. The torches went out as they exited.

  “Um, what am I supposed to do with this clothing?”

  He smiled. “Save it for your next portrait? I am attempting to gain an understanding of the human condition by examining the limits of the body and the venous system beneath your skin.”

  She sighed. “I will say something pithy tomorrow. Tonight I am exhausted. Lactic acid has built up in my muscles, and every part of me hurts.”

  “I can help with that.”

  She glanced up at him wryly. “Does it involve your tongue?”

  He shrugged. “It might, but most of it will have to do with my hands. I am just offering you a standard massage before you sleep tonight.”

  “A massage? Nothing funny?”

  He shook his head. “I solemnly swear not to be amused.”

  “Fine. It is either going to be that or soaking in a hot tub until I pass out. You are by far the more dangerous of the two options, but you can also find pressure points.”

  He smiled, and soon, they were in the dining room with her food set out in front of her. She ate mechanically, and when she was full, she swallowed the water, and everything disappeared when she was done.

  Banor gathered her up and carried her past her quarters to the master suite.

  “Why are we in your room rather than mine?”

  He turned, and there was a massage table standing, waiting. “My room has one of these.”

  She looked at the table and snickered. “Why?”

  He set her down on the sheet-covered surface. “For moments like this. Now disrobe and get under the sheet. I believe that is protocol.”

  Allura looked at him. “You are serious.”

  “I am. Depending on how the portrait turns out, I may want to try painting you again. For that, I would need to help your sore muscles. I cannot cause injury without repairing it.”

  She made a face and disrobed, getting into the space between the sheets, the lower one pulled up to the middle of her back. Her body protested the motion of getting herself into position, and she realized that he may be more right about her needing help than she was willing to admit.

  “So, how many massages have you given?”

  He chuckled. “None, but I have researched the procedure. It seems straightforward as long as I pay attention to what is under my hands.”

  It was a trust exercise when he rubbed something warm and slick across her back. It warmed as he slowly started to rub and squeeze at her shoulders with deliberate care. The first sounds out of her were grunts as he worked at the sore joints, but then, moans took over once the pain eased, and the warmth soaked into her tissue.

  He leaned in close to her as he worked on her shoulder blades. “Based on research, it sounds like you have been the recipient of foreplay.”

  She shivered as he moved down her back and slipped the sheet away from her hips. She grunted when he found the tense muscle that had been pressed against the chaise. “Foreplay only exists when there is an intent to continue with sex being the end game. Otherwise, it’s just a massage.”

  He chuckled and worked on her butt until the knotted muscle had relaxed. “There are such interesting nuances to the human social structure.”

  He moved down her legs and rubbed his knuckles into her thighs, or at least she hoped that it was his knuckles. She was limp, aching, and floppy when he put his arms under
her and eased her to her back.

  She shivered as he focused on the front of her shoulders, digging his thumbs in and easing the joint. Her nipples were tight, and there was rough skin across her torso as her body reacted to the friction despite her brain saying that things were inappropriate.

  She looked at his expression of concentration and did a quick social analysis. If she did engage in sex with him, what would change? He had mentioned his people had a treatment. Would he offer it or withhold it based on a sexual experience? Did she want to risk it? Did she just want to enjoy the time she had left? It definitely seemed like he would not rush through things and pay attention to the nuances. If done right, sex could even be more fun than an unlimited library, at least for a while.

  The bigger question was, would this member of the Others be interested in sex with her? She wasn’t everyone’s ideal female.

  He paused and got some more of whatever it was that he was rubbing on her, and he massaged her breasts lightly and carefully before moving downward.

  She twisted slightly with his hands nearly spanning her waist. “Where did you learn this?”

  “Books. Vids. Open coms. There are a number of things that males recommended for easing muscle tension and seducing females. An appearance of a platonic massage was one of them.” His attention was on his hands as he gripped her hips. “This is inefficient, but it seems to be stimulating your system.”

  “Well, there is that. What would you have done differently?” There was a bright blush on her face, she could feel the heat.

  He smiled and met her gaze. “I would have used all of me.”

  She remembered the roiling shadows with the same glowing red eyes that she had seen on her first day. “Oh. Let’s call that the third time.”

  He laughed, still fondling her hips before running his knuckles down her thighs and removing most of the residual tension. He continued until her entire body had been worked on from scalp to her toes. When he was done, he covered her in the sheet and went to look out the window.

  She wrapped it around herself and slowly sat up. “Thanks for that. I feel a lot better. Certainly more mobile. I am going to be some fun colours in the morning, though.”


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